Marco Rubio's Water-Gate VS Bill Clinton's "Lewinsky's Soda-Gate".

Feb 1, 2013

Why hasn't Rush or Hannity brought up the comparison yet? They have been using other Dem's drinking water on live TV as shot to the left for bashing Rubio for having drymouth.
That would make for a great GOP commercial, show clips of leftist commentators take down Rubio for sipping water, then show Clinton drinking his various cans of soda during his unforgettable grilling of the Monica Sex Scandal. Now, aren't Reid and Pelosi alcoholics?
Rubio's water...yeah, sure, what else is the LMSM going to talk about, how Bob Menendez (D-NJ) likes to fuck 16 year old girls?
I am taking a drink of water as I post this liberals.
It's FUNNY- not character assassination like RWers major people listen to nonstop bitching and moaning so long, you're nuts lol.
This thread is indicative of how liberals like to divert attention from things that count to things that are meaningless. The man took a drink of water on national fuckin' what?

From small minded people comes small minded conversation. You libs need to grow up and stop parroting every silly thing Chris Matthews coughs up.
I would love to see Nancy Pelosi sipping from a rocks/cocktail glass, maybe a Kamakazi or Long Island Ice Tea during any of her press conferences where she takes questions.
so do you think Rubio is going to save your party from the robmoney ideas which the american people rejected in the last election?

heres a clue why everyone hit on the water bottle scramble as the most interesting thing Rubio did.

Its becuase it was the ONLY thing of note Rubio did in the speach.

everything else was just rewarmed clap trap right out of the losing candidates robmoneys mouth.

when will you face you and your historically failed ideas LOST the last election soundly?
Latinos will vote for Rubio for the same reason "The Stupid Vote For The Stupid", that's why Dem's fear Rubio.

Why hasn't Rush or Hannity brought up the comparison yet? They have been using other Dem's drinking water on live TV as shot to the left for bashing Rubio for having drymouth.
That would make for a great GOP commercial, show clips of leftist commentators take down Rubio for sipping water, then show Clinton drinking his various cans of soda during his unforgettable grilling of the Monica Sex Scandal. Now, aren't Reid and Pelosi alcoholics?

First, the only scandal is that we spent 70 million dollars on a panty-sniffing raid. That's what I'd like to be able to forget.

Second, Rubio looked nervous, he was sweating, and the gulp of water was just gratitous. Now, frankly, I think the bigger scandal is that he's spewing the same boring, proven not to work Plutocratic bullshit Romney did in a new package.
it will be interesting to see Rubio and Christie next to each other on the debate stage in 2016. I wonder what they will be drinking?
I can just picture Chris Christie keeping a large burrito and a shake in his podium during the debates.
Do you know how Clinton wet his cigars before smoking them? Maybe you don't want to know.
Do you know how Clinton wet his cigars before smoking them? Maybe you don't want to know.

No, I really don't obsess over that sort of thing.

What I remember about the Clinton years is we all had good jobs and made good money and our property and stocks have value and we were at peace.

And if the worst thing we had to worry about him doing was putting a cigar in Monica's Hooha, life was pretty good.

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