Marco Rubio's Water-Gate VS Bill Clinton's "Lewinsky's Soda-Gate".

When Reid and Pelosi speak to an audience, you have to wonder if they forgot to take their "Wacky Pill" that morning.
I had no idea what this Rubio water thing was about. But then, a whole bunch of threads popped up. At first, I thought it would be some retarded, irrelevant shit. Then I googled it and it appears I was right.

Get a life, leftards.

and where was the MSM when Obama's Teleprompter stopped working and the time it crashed to the floor? "Deer In Headlights In Chief".
Ridiculing Rubios drinking problem comes with the territory

Republicans need to stop being whiny little bitches
This thread is indicative of how liberals like to divert attention from things that count to things that are meaningless. The man took a drink of water on national fuckin' what?

From small minded people comes small minded conversation. You libs need to grow up and stop parroting every silly thing Chris Matthews coughs up.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a Conservative and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The Democrat Party sees Marco Rubio as a serious GOP candidate. They are so frightened of a Hispanic Conservative that the smear machine is starting 2 years earlier than ever before

Isn't that what you all said about Palin before you realized she was retarded?
and to think Wolfman Blitzer is having a field day with Rubio drinking water while Russia is under attack by Meteorites.
so do you think Rubio is going to save your party from the robmoney ideas which the american people rejected in the last election?

heres a clue why everyone hit on the water bottle scramble as the most interesting thing Rubio did.

Its becuase it was the ONLY thing of note Rubio did in the speach.

everything else was just rewarmed clap trap right out of the losing candidates robmoneys mouth.

when will you face you and your historically failed ideas LOST the last election soundly?

Of course the dull Castro like speech given by Oblamer in the SOTU was like watching grass grow in the mojavi. Then again, just how many cans of soda did Bubba Clinton have explaining how he "didn't have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky."
If they ever grill Chris Christie, I think he will be taking sips from a 2 litre bottle of diet pepsi.
when they interrogated Bawny Fwank he was sipping on a "Sloppy Orgasm". (I forgot the ingrediants to that cock-tail).

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