Marco Rubio's Water-Gate VS Bill Clinton's "Lewinsky's Soda-Gate".

This thread is indicative of how liberals like to divert attention from things that count to things that are meaningless. The man took a drink of water on national fuckin' what?

From small minded people comes small minded conversation. You libs need to grow up and stop parroting every silly thing Chris Matthews coughs up.

The drink of water was the icing on top.

The speech was hilarious!

This thread is indicative of how liberals like to divert attention from things that count to things that are meaningless. The man took a drink of water on national fuckin' what?

From small minded people comes small minded conversation. You libs need to grow up and stop parroting every silly thing Chris Matthews coughs up.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a Conservative and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The Democrat Party sees Marco Rubio as a serious GOP candidate. They are so frightened of a Hispanic Conservative that the smear machine is starting 2 years earlier than ever before
This thread is indicative of how liberals like to divert attention from things that count to things that are meaningless. The man took a drink of water on national fuckin' what?

From small minded people comes small minded conversation. You libs need to grow up and stop parroting every silly thing Chris Matthews coughs up.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a Conservative and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The Democrat Party sees Marco Rubio as a serious GOP candidate. They are so frightened of a Hispanic Conservative that the smear machine is starting 2 years earlier than ever before

No they absolutely do not.

Rubio will never be President. But it would be hilarious if he ran.
Can anyone picture Doomberg in the 2016 debates? checking up to see what the other 7 candidates are drinking or snacking on? and making sure none of them have a 32oz super-gulp?
This thread is indicative of how liberals like to divert attention from things that count to things that are meaningless. The man took a drink of water on national fuckin' what?

From small minded people comes small minded conversation. You libs need to grow up and stop parroting every silly thing Chris Matthews coughs up.

The drink of water was the icing on top.

The speech was hilarious!


It was the only thing interesting he did during the speach
This thread is indicative of how liberals like to divert attention from things that count to things that are meaningless. The man took a drink of water on national fuckin' what?

From small minded people comes small minded conversation. You libs need to grow up and stop parroting every silly thing Chris Matthews coughs up.

The drink of water was the icing on top.

The speech was hilarious!


It was the only thing interesting he did during the speach

Naw..the interesting part was that after he aped Romney's stump speech about "big government" he started telling everyone how much big government helped him and his family.

The hilarity never ends with these folks.

Why hasn't Rush or Hannity brought up the comparison yet? They have been using other Dem's drinking water on live TV as shot to the left for bashing Rubio for having drymouth.
That would make for a great GOP commercial, show clips of leftist commentators take down Rubio for sipping water, then show Clinton drinking his various cans of soda during his unforgettable grilling of the Monica Sex Scandal. Now, aren't Reid and Pelosi alcoholics?

Bill Clinton is a former two term President who is popular enough to be elected. Rubio is a wannabe. What is your point?
This thread is indicative of how liberals like to divert attention from things that count to things that are meaningless. The man took a drink of water on national fuckin' what?

From small minded people comes small minded conversation. You libs need to grow up and stop parroting every silly thing Chris Matthews coughs up.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a Conservative and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The Democrat Party sees Marco Rubio as a serious GOP candidate. They are so frightened of a Hispanic Conservative that the smear machine is starting 2 years earlier than ever before

No they absolutely do not.

Rubio will never be President. But it would be hilarious if he ran.

You may be surprised, but he sure as hell has the DNC in a panic if they're trying to marginalize his this early.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a Conservative and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The Democrat Party sees Marco Rubio as a serious GOP candidate. They are so frightened of a Hispanic Conservative that the smear machine is starting 2 years earlier than ever before

No they absolutely do not.

Rubio will never be President. But it would be hilarious if he ran.

You may be surprised, but he sure as hell has the DNC in a panic if they're trying to marginalize his this early.

It's not "marginalize", it's respond.

Rubio has no shot because he has no appeal outside the Tea party base.

None.. a real "threat". For exactly the opposite reason.
all Rubio has to do is campaign in Spanish, especially in Colorado/Nevada/New Mexico/Florida, and spewing the lies about the Democrat party and how Dem's&Libs see Latino's as the dumbest race in America and using them for pawns. They will catch on when they realize they cannot get "Free Health Care". Like it was promised to them !!! especially in Cally where doctors are moving their practices to red states.
I had no idea what this Rubio water thing was about. But then, a whole bunch of threads popped up. At first, I thought it would be some retarded, irrelevant shit. Then I googled it and it appears I was right.

Get a life, leftards.
all Rubio has to do is campaign in Spanish, especially in Colorado/Nevada/New Mexico/Florida, and spewing the lies about the Democrat party and how Dem's&Libs see Latino's as the dumbest race in America and using them for pawns. They will catch on when they realize they cannot get "Free Health Care". Like it was promised to them !!! especially in Cally where doctors are moving their practices to red states.

Please, please, please..

Offer your services as his campaign manager.

Better yet..introduce him!
I had no idea what this Rubio water thing was about. But then, a whole bunch of threads popped up. At first, I thought it would be some retarded, irrelevant shit. Then I googled it and it appears I was right.

Get a life, leftards.

Did you listen to the speech?

"I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a Conservative and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The Democrat Party sees Marco Rubio as a serious GOP candidate. They are so frightened of a Hispanic Conservative that the smear machine is starting 2 years earlier than ever before

No they absolutely do not.

Rubio will never be President. But it would be hilarious if he ran.

You may be surprised, but he sure as hell has the DNC in a panic if they're trying to marginalize his this early.

Rubio was marginalized before he stepped on the podium. He's a conservative Cuban American. Hardly mainstream Latino. A key to Republican blindness when it comes to anything non-white - they actually think Latinos will vote for him because he has a Latino heritage. A wetback's a wetback. A ****'s a ****. Stupid Republicans.

I hope they do put him out there. I hope he get's the nomination. I want to see him up against Hillary.
I had no idea what this Rubio water thing was about. But then, a whole bunch of threads popped up. At first, I thought it would be some retarded, irrelevant shit. Then I googled it and it appears I was right.

Get a life, leftards.

Did you listen to the speech?


No. I've watched maybe one or two of these things since I moved here. They're boring.

He did poorly, I read. He had dry mouth and reached for a water bottle.

Did you watch Clinton's speech to the 1988 Democrat convention. BOOOOOOORRRRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!!!!

So who cares?

Just more irrelevant form over substance shit. Typical of American politics.
yah, its OK for Moochelle to sip on her bottle of Grape Soda as she tells the nation that She was never proud of her country. Oh wait, liberals hate America.
It didn't look like Mama and Papa Rubio's anchor baby drank the whole bottle.

Maybe he used the rest to wash his national career down the drain?
yah, its OK for Moochelle to sip on her bottle of Grape Soda as she tells the nation that She was never proud of her country. Oh wait, liberals hate America.

No, the hatred is reserved for specific Americans. I think you know who you are.

If you don't, one of the clues is in grape soda.

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