Margaret thatcher died

In other news: The UK throws mass celebrations.

You don't know how much they hate her.

Which is why in three general elections, she won all three. :thup:

The British never voted her out of office.
Challenges to leadership and resignation
See also: Conservative Party (UK) leadership election, 1990
Thatcher was challenged for the leadership of the Conservative Party by the little-known backbench MP Sir Anthony Meyer in the 1989 leadership election.[174] Of the 374 Conservative MPs eligible to vote 314 voted for Thatcher and 33 for Meyer.[174] Her supporters in the party viewed the result as a success, and rejected suggestions that there was discontent within the party.[174]
During her premiership Thatcher had the second-lowest average approval rating, at 40 percent, of any post-war Prime Minister. Polls consistently showed that she was less popular than her party.[175] A self-described conviction politician, Thatcher always insisted that she did not care about her poll ratings, pointing instead to her unbeaten election record.[176]

Thatcher in 1990
Opinion polls in September 1990 reported that Labour had established a 14% lead over the Conservatives,[177] and by November the Conservatives had been trailing Labour for 18 months.[175] These ratings, together with Thatcher's combative personality and willingness to override colleagues' opinions, contributed to discontent within the Conservative party.[178]
On 1 November 1990 Geoffrey Howe, the last remaining member of Thatcher's original 1979 cabinet, resigned from his position as Deputy Prime Minister over her refusal to agree to a timetable for Britain to join the European Exchange Rate Mechanism.[177][179] In his resignation speech on 13 November, Howe commented on Thatcher's European stance: "It is rather like sending your opening batsmen to the crease only for them to find the moment that the first balls are bowled that their bats have been broken before the game by the team captain."[180] His resignation was fatal to Thatcher's premiership.[181]
The next day, Michael Heseltine mounted a challenge for the leadership of the Conservative Party.[182] Opinion polls had indicated that he would give the Conservatives a national lead over Labour.[183] Although Thatcher won the first ballot, Heseltine attracted sufficient support (152 votes) to force a second ballot.[184] Thatcher initially stated that she intended to "fight on and fight to win" the second ballot, but consultation with her Cabinet persuaded her to withdraw.[178][185] After seeing the Queen, calling other world leaders, and making one final Commons speech, she left Downing Street in tears. She regarded her ousting as a betrayal.[186]
Thatcher was replaced as Prime Minister and party leader by her Chancellor John Major, who oversaw an upturn in Conservative support in the 17 months leading up to the 1992 general election and led the Conservatives to their fourth successive victory on 9 April 1992.[187] Thatcher favoured Major over Heseltine in the leadership contest, but her support for him weakened in later years.[188]
Margaret Thatcher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Remember what Thatcher called Nelson Mandela a terrorist? :lol:

Cameron: We were wrong to call Mandela a terrorist - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

David Cameron has made another decisive break with the Conservative Party's past by admitting that Margaret Thatcher had been wrong to brand Nelson Mandela's African National Congress (ANC) "terrorists" during the struggle against apartheid.

that is not a cite of her saying it, just someone else claiming she did.

do you have an actual cite and quote?
In other news: The UK throws mass celebrations.

You don't know how much they hate her.

Which is why in three general elections, she won all three. :thup:

The British never voted her out of office.
Challenges to leadership and resignation
See also: Conservative Party (UK) leadership election, 1990
Thatcher was challenged for the leadership of the Conservative Party by the little-known backbench MP Sir Anthony Meyer in the 1989 leadership election.[174] Of the 374 Conservative MPs eligible to vote 314 voted for Thatcher and 33 for Meyer.[174] Her supporters in the party viewed the result as a success, and rejected suggestions that there was discontent within the party.[174]
During her premiership Thatcher had the second-lowest average approval rating, at 40 percent, of any post-war Prime Minister. Polls consistently showed that she was less popular than her party.[175] A self-described conviction politician, Thatcher always insisted that she did not care about her poll ratings, pointing instead to her unbeaten election record.[176]

Thatcher in 1990
Opinion polls in September 1990 reported that Labour had established a 14% lead over the Conservatives,[177] and by November the Conservatives had been trailing Labour for 18 months.[175] These ratings, together with Thatcher's combative personality and willingness to override colleagues' opinions, contributed to discontent within the Conservative party.[178]
On 1 November 1990 Geoffrey Howe, the last remaining member of Thatcher's original 1979 cabinet, resigned from his position as Deputy Prime Minister over her refusal to agree to a timetable for Britain to join the European Exchange Rate Mechanism.[177][179] In his resignation speech on 13 November, Howe commented on Thatcher's European stance: "It is rather like sending your opening batsmen to the crease only for them to find the moment that the first balls are bowled that their bats have been broken before the game by the team captain."[180] His resignation was fatal to Thatcher's premiership.[181]
The next day, Michael Heseltine mounted a challenge for the leadership of the Conservative Party.[182] Opinion polls had indicated that he would give the Conservatives a national lead over Labour.[183] Although Thatcher won the first ballot, Heseltine attracted sufficient support (152 votes) to force a second ballot.[184] Thatcher initially stated that she intended to "fight on and fight to win" the second ballot, but consultation with her Cabinet persuaded her to withdraw.[178][185] After seeing the Queen, calling other world leaders, and making one final Commons speech, she left Downing Street in tears. She regarded her ousting as a betrayal.[186]
Thatcher was replaced as Prime Minister and party leader by her Chancellor John Major, who oversaw an upturn in Conservative support in the 17 months leading up to the 1992 general election and led the Conservatives to their fourth successive victory on 9 April 1992.[187] Thatcher favoured Major over Heseltine in the leadership contest, but her support for him weakened in later years.[188]
Margaret Thatcher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was standing outside Westminster when Thatcher drove by after resigning.

She stood for election three times nationally and won every time. She was the longest continuous serving PM during the century up until she left office.

So the idea that Maggie was hated by the British is garbage.
You call it spam. I call it repeated attempts to get anyone from the Right to defend Thatcher's record.
Why would anyone bother defending Thatcher's record. Her record is history and is available to anyone interested. There is precious little to argue about. It speaks for itself.

Are you referring to the 10% unemployment that she earned while trying to get inflation down to 5%?

Funny how Maggie's 10% is just fine and dandy, but Obama's 7.2 is simply atrocious.

And Maggie didn't come in during a total financial collapse. :)

No, just dead bodies piling up and squares of trash everywhere.

That's the legacy of the British left before Blair.
Its funny reading these revisionist leftists crow about how awful Maggie was. They're the same ones gloating over the GOP predicting victory in 2012.

Well, a similar thing happened in the 1992 UK election, the first one after Maggie stepped down. The polls had Labour winning, and I watched the BBC predict an election victory for Labour leader Neil Kinnock based on exit polling. But as results rolled in, it turned out that the Conservatives were going to win a fourth consecutive victory under John Major. The BBC later concluded that the British thought Labour so not ready to govern, many fibbed at the exit polls, saying they voted for Labour when they in fact voted for the Tories.

Yeah, Maggie was so bad, according to the leftist hacks, that not only did she win three elections in a row, the Tories won yet again after Maggie left at record lows at the polls.
Yes we all know how bad Pinochet was.

Pinochet’s team of US-educated economists, known as “the Chicago Boys,” advocated lower taxes, the selling off of state-run businesses and encouraging foreign investment. These reforms led to a sustained growth, prompting the phrase “The Miracle of Chile.

No wonder the left hates him too. They would rather the evil marxist Allende stayed in power.
Yes we all know how bad Pinochet was.

Pinochet’s team of US-educated economists, known as “the Chicago Boys,” advocated lower taxes, the selling off of state-run businesses and encouraging foreign investment. These reforms led to a sustained growth, prompting the phrase “The Miracle of Chile.

No wonder the left hates him too. They would rather the evil marxist Allende stayed in power.
Allende was elected, something cons have trouble understanding.
Pinochet took over in a coup, aided by the CIA.
THE GUARDIAN is nothing but a rag equal to huffington post in USA .
i was born in London lived there until 1977 and moved here because of the economic mess in the UK during that time ,
Margaret Thatcher snatched Britain from the jaws of socialism , gave us back our pride defended the folklands from a bullying foriegn power who thought we were weak ,bought a corrupt union to its knees .
when she left public office the unemployment rate was 5.5 %
She was the first lady prime minister the country ever had ,served the longest and was the greatest .
may she rest in peace .
Remember what Thatcher called Nelson Mandela a terrorist? :lol:

Not Nelson. Winnie. And Winnie was horrid.

Don't you remember how Winnie would "necklace" all of her opponents. Can you imagine the horror of having a tire put around your neck and set on fire?

I can't imagine the agony of death by necklacing.

Oh and for those that don't know what necklacing is and yes this was Winnie Mandela in all her glory....

Winnie did that to that poor man?!??!

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