Margaret thatcher died

She'd kick a lot of butts if she were in office today. Too many politically-correct wimpnums currently, except for the idiots who are throwing their swagger around.
Which is why in three general elections, she won all three. :thup:

The British never voted her out of office.
Challenges to leadership and resignation
See also: Conservative Party (UK) leadership election, 1990
Thatcher was challenged for the leadership of the Conservative Party by the little-known backbench MP Sir Anthony Meyer in the 1989 leadership election.[174] Of the 374 Conservative MPs eligible to vote 314 voted for Thatcher and 33 for Meyer.[174] Her supporters in the party viewed the result as a success, and rejected suggestions that there was discontent within the party.[174]
During her premiership Thatcher had the second-lowest average approval rating, at 40 percent, of any post-war Prime Minister. Polls consistently showed that she was less popular than her party.[175] A self-described conviction politician, Thatcher always insisted that she did not care about her poll ratings, pointing instead to her unbeaten election record.[176]

Thatcher in 1990
Opinion polls in September 1990 reported that Labour had established a 14% lead over the Conservatives,[177] and by November the Conservatives had been trailing Labour for 18 months.[175] These ratings, together with Thatcher's combative personality and willingness to override colleagues' opinions, contributed to discontent within the Conservative party.[178]
On 1 November 1990 Geoffrey Howe, the last remaining member of Thatcher's original 1979 cabinet, resigned from his position as Deputy Prime Minister over her refusal to agree to a timetable for Britain to join the European Exchange Rate Mechanism.[177][179] In his resignation speech on 13 November, Howe commented on Thatcher's European stance: "It is rather like sending your opening batsmen to the crease only for them to find the moment that the first balls are bowled that their bats have been broken before the game by the team captain."[180] His resignation was fatal to Thatcher's premiership.[181]
The next day, Michael Heseltine mounted a challenge for the leadership of the Conservative Party.[182] Opinion polls had indicated that he would give the Conservatives a national lead over Labour.[183] Although Thatcher won the first ballot, Heseltine attracted sufficient support (152 votes) to force a second ballot.[184] Thatcher initially stated that she intended to "fight on and fight to win" the second ballot, but consultation with her Cabinet persuaded her to withdraw.[178][185] After seeing the Queen, calling other world leaders, and making one final Commons speech, she left Downing Street in tears. She regarded her ousting as a betrayal.[186]
Thatcher was replaced as Prime Minister and party leader by her Chancellor John Major, who oversaw an upturn in Conservative support in the 17 months leading up to the 1992 general election and led the Conservatives to their fourth successive victory on 9 April 1992.[187] Thatcher favoured Major over Heseltine in the leadership contest, but her support for him weakened in later years.[188]
Margaret Thatcher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was standing outside Westminster when Thatcher drove by after resigning.

She stood for election three times nationally and won every time. She was the longest continuous serving PM during the century up until she left office.

So the idea that Maggie was hated by the British is garbage.

The fact is that she was hated by a sizable portion of Great Britain, when you count Scotland and Ireland. Just like Reagan, Clinton, W., Obama were/are hated by a sizable portion of Americans.

My argument is that she was not nearly as popular in GB as she was in the American Right.
Why would anyone bother defending Thatcher's record. Her record is history and is available to anyone interested. There is precious little to argue about. It speaks for itself.

Are you referring to the 10% unemployment that she earned while trying to get inflation down to 5%?

Funny how Maggie's 10% is just fine and dandy, but Obama's 7.2 is simply atrocious.

And Maggie didn't come in during a total financial collapse. :)

No, just dead bodies piling up and squares of trash everywhere.

That's the legacy of the British left before Blair.
Wasn't the trash the result of a strike?
Its funny reading these revisionist leftists crow about how awful Maggie was. They're the same ones gloating over the GOP predicting victory in 2012.

Well, a similar thing happened in the 1992 UK election, the first one after Maggie stepped down. The polls had Labour winning, and I watched the BBC predict an election victory for Labour leader Neil Kinnock based on exit polling. But as results rolled in, it turned out that the Conservatives were going to win a fourth consecutive victory under John Major. The BBC later concluded that the British thought Labour so not ready to govern, many fibbed at the exit polls, saying they voted for Labour when they in fact voted for the Tories.

Yeah, Maggie was so bad, according to the leftist hacks, that not only did she win three elections in a row, the Tories won yet again after Maggie left at record lows at the polls.
Her record:

A look back at Margaret Thatcher?s economic record
THE GUARDIAN is nothing but a rag equal to huffington post in USA .
i was born in London lived there until 1977 and moved here because of the economic mess in the UK during that time ,
Margaret Thatcher snatched Britain from the jaws of socialism , gave us back our pride defended the folklands from a bullying foriegn power who thought we were weak ,bought a corrupt union to its knees .
when she left public office the unemployment rate was 5.5 %
She was the first lady prime minister the country ever had ,served the longest and was the greatest .
may she rest in peace .

Margaret Thatcher WAS a Socialist.
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She keeps rambling about Bill Clinton and how we will act. Apparently she lives 8n the multiverse where she can see all things at all times.

I for one will show respect when ANY of our former leaders die. That's what makes me an American rather than a petulant hack

Past is prologue.

Rain at Kennedy Funeral: Tears or something else?

The good thing about Mr Kennedy's death

Feel the love. :cuckoo:
Yeah, like Thatcher drunkenly drove off a bridge (highly suspect story, seeing as though women around the Kennedy klan seem to end up dead for nefarious reasons, or raped), and then ran away like a coward, leaving a woman to drown.

Bottom line, Thatcher was a great lady and leader, Fat Teddy Kennedy was a drunken, cowardly scumbag.

Funny how you libs pick your heroes.
In 1976, before Maggie was elected, the IMF had to bail out the UK.

The Cabinet Papers | IMF crisis

That is exactly why we needed Maggie.
The bloody idiot socialists were falling over themselves to waste as much cash as they could and bankrupted Britain with their stupidity.
The unions called a strike every time they fancied a longer lunch break or, and this is true, when "workers" were sacked for building hidden rooms and sleeping through the night shift.

The Glasgow Herald - Google News Archive Search

Told you it was true.

The unions were all powerful

Archive : Sabotage, Say Leyland Chiefs - AROnline

Octane | History: British Leyland

With British Leyland, Tony Benn introduced his treasured plan of ‘industrial democracy’ to the shopfloor. That meant union shop stewards virtually controlled the factories and, simultaneously, product quality nosedived. The ‘British disease’ spread like a virus and for British Leyland it was death by a thousand cuts as multiple small strikes sapped its lifeblood.

Tony Benn, for those who don't know, was an especially rich and equally stupid communist.

In that same year, the company lost 5m man hours to strike action, doubling to 10m in 1971.

The bloody daft unions had to go but we had to wait for Maggie to hammer the bastards into the ground.
Maggie saved us from the idiot left and we should be eternally thankful for her dirty great big brass balls.
Just to prove my point.

Margaret Thatcher death parties: The Left's sick 'celebration' on Brixton's streets | Mail Online

Left's sick 'celebration' of Baroness Thatcher's death
Two women arrested for burglary after being found inside a shop
Barnardos shop front had been smashed in Brixton
Crowds were seen throwing missiles at officers
Six police officers were injured during in Bristol during street party
One policeman seriously injured after being pelted with bottles and cans
Glasgow: More than 300 people attended impromptu street party

Lefty drunks attacking police and smashing charity shop windows.
These are the sort of idiots we're trying to keep under their rocks.


and this lot think they know how to run a country.

"RUN", fuck off; they missed the "I" after the "U".
Are you referring to the 10% unemployment that she earned while trying to get inflation down to 5%?

Funny how Maggie's 10% is just fine and dandy, but Obama's 7.2 is simply atrocious.

And Maggie didn't come in during a total financial collapse. :)

No, just dead bodies piling up and squares of trash everywhere.

That's the legacy of the British left before Blair.
Wasn't the trash the result of a strike?

Yes. That was the labour movement that controlled the Labour Party. The power of the unions is a big reason why the British people kept electing Thatcher.
In the 1970s, before Thatcher, electricity blackouts were common.

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Your 1970s: Strikes and blackouts

I was there.
The unions had Britain by the balls and they squeezed hard.
Thatcher saved us from their reckless stupidity and greed.

One of the problems on this thread is, no one is looking at what Thatcher was up against.
Arthur Scargill, corrupt and very rich commie, had a Jaguar car and a very nice house in the country village of Worsbrough, just outside Barnsley.


Not bad for a true communist brother of the working man.

Commie Scargill tried to hide his true politics but we all knew he was an ultra left arsehole.


Do you guys realise the unions tried to stop the press publishing the 'wrong' stories?
The Sun - Tabloid Lies: November 2009


The Sun is a low life rag of a paper but that's for the readers to decide, not commie union leaders.

Just to top his communist ideals off nicely, he tried to sue his own union to force them to keep him in a free London house, just in case he needed it for the odd weekend.

Arthur Scargill loses court battle to have costs of his London flat paid for rest of his life by union | Mail Online

The former miners’ leader Arthur Scargill has lost his fight to have the National Union of Mineworkers pay the rent on his London flat for the rest of his life.
Mr Scargill, 74, had argued that he signed a contract which entitled him to a property throughout his retirement.
But the union disputed the claim and took the decision all the way to the High Court.
And today Mr Justice Underhill ruled in the National Union of Mineworkers' (NUM) favour stating that no such agreement had been made.

The loony left tend not to mention what grabbing bastards their leaders are.

This man is the sort of low life filth Maggie was fighting and, I for one am seriously happy she came along and sorted these idiots out.
THE GUARDIAN is nothing but a rag equal to huffington post in USA .
i was born in London lived there until 1977 and moved here because of the economic mess in the UK during that time ,
Margaret Thatcher snatched Britain from the jaws of socialism , gave us back our pride defended the folklands from a bullying foriegn power who thought we were weak ,bought a corrupt union to its knees .
when she left public office the unemployment rate was 5.5 %
She was the first lady prime minister the country ever had ,served the longest and was the greatest .
may she rest in peace .

Margaret Thatcher WAS a Socialist.
Thatcher believed in evolution and that climate change is caused my man...gasp.
Wow. They took what was, the last time I checked, a "Far Well Margaret Thatcher" thread started by Swagger that was respectful, and merged it with this swill.

Well done.
Exactly HJ. Which is why I HATE merging threads for that very reason. It negates a thread meant to honor a person or a concept and destroys it with the most hateful (and generally dishonest) rantings of those who are only capable of hate of anybody who sees things differently from themselves.

Of course Margaret Thatcher didn't always get it right. Of course she could not create a Utopia any more than any other person is capable of creating a Utopia on Earth. But she accomplished some great things for her country and served it selflessly. And she resigned her position voluntarily rather than have disputes be about her--she was not 'thrown out' as some want us to believe.

But shame on the haters who gotta hate rather than allow other members to honor and pay tribute to a great lady who served her country well.

I was never a fan, but I'm glad for her it was quick and she didn't suffer. Got to see her in person back in the '80s.

By way of respect, she did deliver this line fairly well....

[ame=]Margaret Thatcher does the Dead Parrot Sketch - YouTube[/ame]
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Margaret Thatcher, staunch Pinochet supporter and friend, dies

The ‘Iron Lady’ maintained a close relationship with the Chilean dictator following his 17-year reign.

Margaret Thatcher, the “Iron Lady” of Britain who adamantly defended and praised her friend, former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet for “bringing democracy to Chile,” died following a stroke on Monday. She was 87.

And she was right. Chile is the most vibrant and stable economy in South America. Due to Pinochet.

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