Maricopa County Officials Admit Under Oath that They Deleted 2020 Election Data


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Decertify the election. That is destroying evidence and against federal law. What was there they wanted no one to see? Someone belongs in jail.

Decertify the election. That is destroying evidence and against federal law. What was there they wanted no one to see? Someone belongs in jail.

Just more crimes by the seditious, evil left. We have an unelected imposter in the WH while our REAL PRESIDENT sits in Florida.

The mountain of evidence that these scum stole a presidential election is undeniable.

The new radicalized democrat party is a far greater threat to our country than NK, Iran, the Taliban, Russia and China COMBINED. And what do subversives do when stealing power? They immediately start trying to accuse those whom would expose them as committing the very crimes they have committed!

We have been infiltrated by communists. McCarthy was right all along. America is badly in need of a major enema.
Deletion of data was just ONE example of the election malfeasance that occurred in Arizona. But nothing will happen because no one in any position of authority is going to make a stand for election integrity. The country is screwed.

YOU DON'T DELETE DATA unless you're trying to cover your tracks. Shades of Hillary Clinton all over.

Can you imagine if Trump won and they found deleted data? There would be a five year senate investigation!
Same source as OP:

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform will hold a hearing Thursday in Washington, D.C. on the election audit in Maricopa County that was commissioned by the Arizona State Senate. According to a news release, the full committee hearing is being called “to assess the election ‘audit’ in Maricopa County, Arizona, conducted by Cyber Ninjas, Inc., and how this and similar audits undermine public confidence in elections and threaten our democracy.”

That is fucked up. It threatens our democracy when elections cannot be challenged. This ass backwards thinking is somehow patriotic? It is despotic.
Decertify the election. That is destroying evidence and against federal law. What was there they wanted no one to see? Someone belongs in jail. there is an unbiased news source if there ever was one

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: there is an unbiased news source if there ever was one

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


Bias can't change what was said. They broke the law, purposely. there is an unbiased news source if there ever was one

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah, but the words "they hid election data from the auditors" came out of their mouth. Biden didn't say it for them, neither did Kamala Harris. They said it. Go ahead and watch the video on that website if you didn't already or watch it again if you need to refresh your memory.
Yeah, but the words "they hid election data from the auditors" came out of their mouth. Biden didn't say it for them, neither did Kamala Harris. They said it. Go ahead and watch the video on that website if you didn't already or watch it again if you need to refresh your memory.

when they post the whole video let me know, not just their cuts of it.

I mean come If they said the sun came up I would look outside to make sure they were telling the truth.
when they post the whole video let me know, not just their cuts of it.

-___- I realize I don't have a very big IQ here but,.. how the fuck is that going to change anything!? It still came out of the guy's mouth and it wouldn't magically disappear even if they posted the whole entire video like they tried to make the election data disappear. :rolleyes:

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