Maricopa County Presidential Election Fraud Confirmed. It's a Disgrace!

and the pipeline closed down had ZERO to do with oil produced in our nation.

So, using this logic someone that happens to live in Beaufort SC is an expert on all things Marine Corps... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure, the pipeline has nothing to do with oil produced in the USA, other than shutting down the oil pipeline is part of the democrats policy of killing the oil industry and everything involved.

And let's not forget the democrats make it impossible for us to build new refineries that can process this type of oil.
Sure, the pipeline has nothing to do with oil produced in the USA, other than shutting down the oil pipeline is part of the democrats policy of killing the oil industry and everything involved.

And let's not forget the democrats make it impossible for us to build new refineries that can process this type of oil.

yet somehow oil production is higher now than when Biden took office....werid.

Proof.....but naw, we're not going do anything.

Lol there was yet again no proof the audit found more votes for Biden and less for trump. You dumb mother fuckers are hilarious
Lol there was yet again no proof the audit found more votes for Biden and less for trump. You dumb mother fuckers are hilarious
The audit team did not count votes, they did find tens of thousands of significant discrepancies, data deleted, anonymous logins. Shared user accounts, dozens upon dozens of connections to the internet.
The audit team did not count votes, they did find tens of thousands of significant discrepancies, data deleted, anonymous logins. Shared user accounts, dozens upon dozens of connections to the internet.
Bull shit. It was a fucking dud we all saw the report. Yes they did count votes dumbfuck. An audit that does not count how fucking stupid are you. Fucking tin hat freak
Bull shit. It was a fucking dud we all saw the report. Yes they did count votes dumbfuck. An audit that does not count how fucking stupid are you. Fucking tin hat freak
I listened to the hearing. I don't see the report posted here? Did I miss it. Pretty hard to find on Google as well.

Far from a dud, just the multiple ballot aspect is enough to turn the election. Vote twice, you should be prosecuted and your vote should not count.

But either way, the 1st few pages of a Google search does not result in a link to the report.

I seriously doubt you read the report. Had you your comments would contain intellect and not dimwitted barbs.
I listened to the hearing. I don't see the report posted here? Did I miss it. Pretty hard to find on Google as well.

Far from a dud, just the multiple ballot aspect is enough to turn the election. Vote twice, you should be prosecuted and your vote should not count.

But either way, the 1st few pages of a Google search does not result in a link to the report.

I seriously doubt you read the report. Had you your comments would contain intellect and not dimwitted barbs.
Corrupted IT specialists manually remove this information. Another example. Trump spoke in Georgia a couple of days ago, and a number of channels banned his speech. It's the same is going on here.
Lol there was yet again no proof the audit found more votes for Biden and less for trump. You dumb mother fuckers are hilarious
If you don't want to recognize the problems, Game On. Let's see who can stuff those ballot boxes the best in 2022, 2024, and beyond.
I don't think you really watched the presentation, or looked past the count of paper ballots. There are some very serious questions that need to be answered, not the least of which the chain of custody of the paper ballots between the election and February 2nd. Why were so many boxes in such disarray? They counted less than 2% of them in the counties fake "audit".
You're first 3 words of your first sentence says it all. The bottom line conclusion was that this bogus "audit" could NOT prove fraud on any level....the best they could come up with was ways to IMPROVE the system. The questions you regurgitate were asked and just don't like the answers. TFB. Once again, a bunch of Trump chumps get scammed into paying some clowns to come to the conclusions already known.
That would be a violation of the protocol specified by law.

False. They sure did subpoena the logs.

This doesn't have shit to do with the orange man. You just keep bringing him up because you and your ilk have developed a "Falsism" to try to invoke emotional response by bringing him up. He seems to be your favorite icon, based on all the posts I see.
1. Really? State or Federal? Official link please!
2. Really? Official link of proof, please!
3. WTF is the matter with you MAGA people? Cheeto Jeezus was on the bully pulpit BEFORE THE ELECTION WAS HELD rambling that if he didn't win, the race was fixed. Immediately after he lost, he consistently repeated this claim on the net, in the press and at rallies. Hell, he egged on the Jan. 6th attempted insurrection by telling the crowd that if they didn't do something, their country would be stolen from them. These are matters of facts and history that no level of denial or revisionist clap trap from the likes of you can change. Carry on.
Obama was the worst thing that happened to Ambassador Christopher Steven's. Mudered in Libya.

Fake news, how was the story put, they got mad over a video? A video they never saw nor heard about.

ISIS, Syria. $150 billion given to Iran. England insulted. Banning oil drilling. Extremely high gas prices. Food prices rising.

Obama stuttered more than a model t car.

Bush, Clinton, Obama, Carter, they all sucked. One world order.

Only two man looked out for the people, Trump and Reagan
Then you lived in ignorance
Your first claim was proven wrong, so now you just create another one. Like your orange pated god, you just can't admit you're wrong even when the facts are against you. So now your regurgitate Benghazi as if the prior administration and the GOP controlled Senate's REFUSAL to increase security funding to that facility didn't exist. Your GOP gods wasted the taxpayer's money for MONTHS and COULDN'T PROVE THEIR CASE EVEN WITH A HOUSE & SENATE MAJORITY. But willfully ignorant flunkies never say die. Pathetic.

I don't know WTF you're babbling about "fake news" and a video, as I didn't bring up such.

Restricting oil drilling is not banning, genius. If you can prove so other than your mental flatulence, please do. And gas prices are based on WALL ST. SPECULATION in conjunction with the oil industry reports, not dictates from the White House. Get educated ,man!

Please document where Obama gave such money sums to ISIS and Iran and Syria. Valid documentation, please....not more of your mental flatulence.

Food prices go up and down for various attention to the part in your paper when they talk about droughts, intense winters, etc. Now I know you MAGA folk don't like facts, but since Obama didn't personally control the weather and crop growth, you might want to give it a shot.

Like you MAGA minions give a damn about insulting allies....Cheeto Jeezus surely didn't, nor did the Shrub with his bogus invasion of Iraq.

spare us all the one world order clap trap....tea party, oathers, threepers, new conservatives, libertarians and al right wonks just throw that out when they can't logically or facutally defend their drivel.

Cheeto Jeezus and Ronnie Raygun?!!?? :laughing0301:

oh wait, your serious? So you like the results of 20 years of reaganomics (gee job creators, where are the good jobs of old?) ? Or maybe you like Cheeto Jeezus taking credit for the economic trend started by Obama before he pushed for more tax breaks for the wealthy?

GMAFB junior. The idiots followed Cheeto Jeezus in Maricopa and proved the opposite of his bull horn...and you don't like it. TFB! Grow up and deal.
Your first claim was proven wrong, so now you just create another one. Like your orange pated god, you just can't admit you're wrong even when the facts are against you. So now your regurgitate Benghazi as if the prior administration and the GOP controlled Senate's REFUSAL to increase security funding to that facility didn't exist. Your GOP gods wasted the taxpayer's money for MONTHS and COULDN'T PROVE THEIR CASE EVEN WITH A HOUSE & SENATE MAJORITY. But willfully ignorant flunkies never say die. Pathetic.

I don't know WTF you're babbling about "fake news" and a video, as I didn't bring up such.

Restricting oil drilling is not banning, genius. If you can prove so other than your mental flatulence, please do. And gas prices are based on WALL ST. SPECULATION in conjunction with the oil industry reports, not dictates from the White House. Get educated ,man!

Please document where Obama gave such money sums to ISIS and Iran and Syria. Valid documentation, please....not more of your mental flatulence.

Food prices go up and down for various attention to the part in your paper when they talk about droughts, intense winters, etc. Now I know you MAGA folk don't like facts, but since Obama didn't personally control the weather and crop growth, you might want to give it a shot.

Like you MAGA minions give a damn about insulting allies....Cheeto Jeezus surely didn't, nor did the Shrub with his bogus invasion of Iraq.

spare us all the one world order clap trap....tea party, oathers, threepers, new conservatives, libertarians and al right wonks just throw that out when they can't logically or facutally defend their drivel.

Cheeto Jeezus and Ronnie Raygun?!!?? :laughing0301:

oh wait, your serious? So you like the results of 20 years of reaganomics (gee job creators, where are the good jobs of old?) ? Or maybe you like Cheeto Jeezus taking credit for the economic trend started by Obama before he pushed for more tax breaks for the wealthy?

GMAFB junior. The idiots followed Cheeto Jeezus in Maricopa and proved the opposite of his bull horn...and you don't like it. TFB! Grow up and deal.
Ha,ha,ha somebody said I was wrong, big deal. Not you or anybody else has presented one fact, all you do is repeat what you hear on CNN.

Benghazi, I like how you present Benghazi, "there was not enough security so Obama went to the senate who told Obama to pound sand". I hope you don't get offended that I paraphrased you.

So prior to our Ambassador to libya being murdered on the anniversary of 9/11 Obama knew they did not have enough security.

Obama, despite knowing the security situation was grave, left our Ambassador in Libya which then resulted in our Ambassador being murdered.

That sums it up, with the facts you stated.

Obama knew he could not protect the Ambassador and thus let him die. That sound just like our current Afghanistan policy.
I don't know WTF you're babbling about "fake news" and a video, as I didn't bring up such.
You are making claims about benghazi and you know nothing about the video?

If the video puzzles you, you don't know the first thing about
And that there was 17,000 people who multi-voted and that there were a shitload of GHOST VOTES (votes with real person attached to them.) Election was a fraud.
Don’t see that anywhere. It’s up to those making the case to prove those supposed votes haven’t been accounted for.
Ha,ha,ha somebody said I was wrong, big deal. Not you or anybody else has presented one fact, all you do is repeat what you hear on CNN.

Benghazi, I like how you present Benghazi, "there was not enough security so Obama went to the senate who told Obama to pound sand". I hope you don't get offended that I paraphrased you.

You are wrong so repeal you lying dismissal of others not producing evidence. Here's the evidence you should have checked before to blow off your mouth.

So prior to our Ambassador to libya being murdered on the anniversary of 9/11 Obama knew they did not have enough security.

Of course he did. Republicans cut the budget as you could gave checked. He was right tg also.

Obama, despite knowing the security situation was grave, left our Ambassador in Libya which then resulted in our Ambassador being murdered.

Leaving him there did not result him being murdered. He lacked security because repubmicans cut the budget.
Do some research idiot. Republicans killed him.

That sums it up, with the facts you stated.

Obama knew he could not protect the Ambassador and thus let him die. That sound just like our current Afghanistan policy.

Obama did not KNOW they would die. You're as ignorant as a stump.

You pinged me for not linking yet here you are minutes later you g the same. Oh the irony.
Colin Norris? How about commenting correctly so we can see what in the hell you are saying? It is a pretty stupid user who can not post correctly. So how about putting a bit more brain behind your post.

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