Maricopa County Presidential Election Fraud Confirmed. It's a Disgrace!

Here is a classic, great watch for anyone not informed on the subject.

Yeah, the nation was overwhelming sick of the incompetence of his foul ups in Iraq. The opinion polls showed it, and the exit polls showed it. It was corruption through and through.

Everyone back then KNEW that Die-bold was rigging the shit out of our elections, it was a running joke. Just like folks know Dominion is rigging them now. Only a fool, or a blind hyper partisan that is in denial won't look at that fact.

A lot of the capital and human resources after they broke up Die-bold went into creating the current crop of computerized voting companies we have now. . . like that will make us feel better. Like changing the name from Black Water to Academi changes the fact that they are blood thirsty mercenaries with little regard for non-American life.


UNCOUNTED is an explosive new documentary that shows how the election fraud that changed the outcome of the 2004 election led to even greater fraud in 2006 - and now looms as an unbridled threat to the outcome of the 2008 election. This controversial feature length film by Emmy award-winning director David Earnhardt examines in factual, logical, and yet startling terms how easy it is to change election outcomes and undermine election integrity across the U.S. Noted computer programmers, statisticians, journalists, and experienced election officials provide the irrefutable proof.

Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (Full Length)​

Whistleblower Hero is Threatened with Prison for Exposing Diebold​

All the Biden worshippers on here expose their hypocrisy same as the Demonrat politicians. In 2019 the Dems were angry raising hell about dominion voting machines stealing votes from them,now that it is workimg FOR THEM,they are all of a sudden quiet about those machines.Trolls like Penelope will not address their hypocrisy with their warped logic they have that somehow the machines got it right this past election but incredibly were wrong the year before when the dems were yelling about the machines stealing their votes,they evade that point,they will not address it because they know it exposes what hypocrites they are.

AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By!

On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.

As much was revealed by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an expert in pattern recognition and classification of diverse signals and signatures who has four degrees from M.I.T.

The Arizona Republicans conducting the audit enlisted Ayyadurai and his team of experts to aid in the audit by investigating mail-in ballot envelopes used in the election.

The team reported it found 17,322 duplicate ballots in the election.

Double Duplicates : 16,934;
Triple duplicates : 376;
Quadruple duplicates : 12

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View attachment 543681


On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.
As noted by Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake on Twitter, Maricopa County itself had reported no duplicate ballots.
“Maricopa reported ZERO duplicate ballots. Real total is 17,322,” Lake wrote on Twitter.

“This is more than enough to change the election result.”

Sources: AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By

GMAFB! A bunch of right wing jokers TOTALLY OUT OF THEIR FIELD OF EXPERTISE, do yet another hack job for Cheeto Jeezus acolytes. Pathetic

Bottom line: parasites living off the $$ paid for MAGA minions with deep pockets. Seems P.t. Barnum was right.
GMAFB! A bunch of right wing jokers TOTALLY OUT OF THEIR FIELD OF EXPERTISE, do yet another hack job for Cheeto Jeezus acolytes. Pathetic

Bottom line: parasites living off the $$ paid for MAGA minions with deep pockets. Seems P.t. Barnum was right.
Another sockpuppet shill from Langley. :rofl: :laughing0301:
Auditor still say Trump lost and offers no proof that Trump won. Also indicating that the same process used when Trump won was used when he lost.

The guy was talking about early voting and duplicate ballots.

Duplicate ballots do not mean that the vote was counted twice. It just means that the original ballot had errors and they were able to cure it or correct it in time meaning the voter was able to submit a second ballot and that 2nd ballot was the one counted as the original ballot could not be counted due to errors. T

All the guy says there were duplicate ballots. It is interesting that he does not say that both ballots were actually counted.

Its not proof of voter fraud it just keeping the dream alive.

Yet there are 2 ballot envelopes but only one is counted.

cured signatures is a way to correct errors when a voter makes a mistake and is given time to correct it before the deadline

This is how the system works

When trump won, they never mentioned voter fraud. Only when he loses. How coincidental.
Technically, you are wrong. South Africa has zero impact on our price. Presidents, thee most powerful man in the world, can, as Trump did, sit down with the leaders of opec and negotiate more production resulting in a lower price for fuel. Yes there are many factors. A president that is powerful is thee number one factor.
Do you think that the President is the most powerful person in the world? Trump was not even considered the leader of the Western world as all US Presidents are.
As always you prove to the entire world what a dumbass you are,you paid trolls are so pathetic with your lies,that is an msm media source so thst moron is lying saying that is a credible media source,the msm media is a tool fir the government,they are controlled by the CIA dumbshit idiot4all,look up operation mockingbird moron. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Tell us, oh wise one, what news sources would you prefer, and accept? Who are your trust worthy sources?
How would wanting the correct figures exposed be anti American?
Under your assumption, half the population hate America. The she country they live in and fought and died etc for it but yet they hate it.

Ignorant big mouth hate filled fools like you should have been sprayed on the sheets. You're a good candidate for retrospective abortion also.

Go away dickhead.
yo, dick sucker, you are nothing but a anti-AMERICA piece of shit....did your parents have any kids that lived?
do society a favor, and down that arsenic today
yo, dick sucker, you are nothing but a anti-AMERICA piece of shit....did your parents have any kids that lived?
do society a favor, and down that arsenic today

Rant all you like dickhead. Biden will not be forced to stand down. Trump will return to the WH ever again.
And if you were a half decent human being you would apologise for all the lies you told about the election being stolen.

You're just another hate filled brain dead Republican. Good luck with that.
It looks like the Capital protesters had a very legitimate cause.
We have lost our democracy.
Rant all you like dickhead. Biden will not be forced to stand down. Trump will return to the WH ever again.
And if you were a half decent human being you would apologise for all the lies you told about the election being stolen.

You're just another hate filled brain dead Republican. Good luck with that.
You're just another hate filled brain dead, scum demonRAT..... Good luck with that.
why do you like playing w/dickheads?.....because thats all you can do
you should stop trying to bring people to your low mentality....nobody wants to be scum, just you and yours
and it is very obvious your parents didn't have any kids that deflected
Tell us, oh wise one, what news sources would you prefer, and accept? Who are your trust worthy sources?
Mel k,Scott McKay,Charlie ward,Juan o Savin,Simon parkes,American free press,the gateway pundit,no more fake news,100% fed up, project veritas,for starters,they all do something YOU and that joke source he used,REFUSE to do,look at the evidence and facts that trump is not part of the corrupt two party system,our first real president sense kennedy to serve the people instead of the bankers,they don’t ignore the facts that you America haters do thst the most massive vote fraud in American history took place this past election or ignore the group of over 10/000 doctors and 1000 lawyers around the world that have proved it is the vaccine that is dangerous,not the virus unless it is the elderly.they don’t blantantly ignore those facts you America haters do.

Trump is a humanitarian gay homo Barry .Obama was involved up to his ears in child trafficking.Under Obama,there was only a little over a 1000 children rescued from child trafficking,Under Trump,over 9/000 were saved.
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Now that they found the fraud, good luck getting our crooked justice system to do anything about it.
:thankusmile: Best damn post on this thread,the trolls that put a thumbs down on your post wamose are so obviously paid shills for the dnc committe the fact that they do not recognize common knowledge we got the most corrupt court system in the world,thst it serves the establishment and not the people,has now fir decades.
You're just another hate filled brain dead, scum demonRAT..... Good luck with that.
why do you like playing w/dickheads?.....because thats all you can do
you should stop trying to bring people to your low mentality....nobody wants to be scum, just you and yours
and it is very obvious your parents didn't have any kids that deflected

You're getting a little upset about getting pinged.
If you you had a defence you wouldn't attack me personally.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Keep going.
You're getting a little upset about getting pinged.
If you you had a defence you wouldn't attack me personally.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Keep going.
Sounded to me like he attacked all Democrats. Guilty conscience?

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