Marie Yovanovitch: Exactly why Would Trump fire her?

How is this on topic? Herr Lesh, show proof that I lied. I ll Wait patiently.

I was referring to "polishprince" but being a can be assumed that you are also lying

As you being a Stalinist, we can assume you are embezzling foreign aid, just like Biden and the Hillary crafted state dept.

Right leach?

Where's all your buddies whining about name calling shitferbrains?
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.
So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?

I guess you missed her statement on Friday when she referred to someone else who was let go for not carrying out the Administration's policies then saying that she would expect that she wouldn't either. Offhand, I'd say that's a good reason to be let go.

Isn't that the whole point to getting a letter of reference from an employer? I mean, what is the point in asking or sitting there listening to someone tell you how good a job they did? If this hearing had any legitimacy, they would have some senior administrator overseeing these ambassadors give THEIR opinion on Yovanovitch! FWIW. Oh wait. They already did that. Trump was her boss. He gave her an E.
She worked for the State Dept, Pompeo was her Boss and we all would love to have Pompeo on the stand...under oath.... please please please!!!!
Just going to short cut this and point out the obvious.

a) The Trumpettes are all attacking Yovanovitch because their Orange Messiah has blown his attack dog whistle on her.
b) There is absolutely no evidence that Yovanovitch did anything wrong but since Trump has signaled to smear her- that is what his cult followers do.
c) Trump has the absolute right to fire any ambassador. He just happened to fire this ambassador because of a smear job by his private attorney and a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor.
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.
So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?

I guess you missed her statement on Friday when she referred to someone else who was let go for not carrying out the Administration's policies then saying that she would expect that she wouldn't either. Offhand, I'd say that's a good reason to be let go.

Isn't that the whole point to getting a letter of reference from an employer? I mean, what is the point in asking or sitting there listening to someone tell you how good a job they did? If this hearing had any legitimacy, they would have some senior administrator overseeing these ambassadors give THEIR opinion on Yovanovitch! FWIW. Oh wait. They already did that. Trump was her boss. He gave her an E.
She worked for the State Dept, Pompeo was her Boss and we all would love to have Pompeo on the stand...under oath.... please please please!!!!

Yep- for all of the complaining about second hand testimony- why does Trump block all testimony from the people like Giuliani and Pompeo that would certainly show he did nothing wrong?
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?
She wasn't terminated. She was transferred. Still has the same pay and benefits.
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?
She didn’t have to do anything wrong, so it’s kinda dumb for you to ask.
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?
She didn’t have to do anything wrong, so it’s kinda dumb for you to ask.
Opinion | Mike Pompeo: Last in His Class at West Point in Integrity
She might as well been up there teary eyed about losing an election. Ambassadors get replaced routinely, people lose elections.
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?

Yovanovitch was fired for giving the previous prosecutor Lushenko a "do not prosecute" list that included a George Soros backed Ukrainian NGO - among several others. She also requested the US state department to "watch" a certain number of conservative US journalists - but they refused to do it.
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?

All of the specific reasons are listed in this article: Impeachment surprise: How Adam Schiff validated my reporting on Ukraine | John Solomon Reports
hey Donald, i've got my sights set on you, brother! you stole the presidency from Hillary, and in 2020 the White House comes back to the Clintons FOR AN ETERNITY!
President Trump is not concerned with corruption in any country, if he was then he would not be buddy buddy with the corrupt murdering Saudi Prince, or with Erdogan, or with Putin or with Kim Jong Un etc etc etc and do nothing about or say nothing about the corrupt atrocities of theirs... imo....

Or with ALL OF THE CORRUPTION that has taken place with his own administration.... how many have had to quit after being caught in their own corruption, a dozen or so?

And with Giuliani getting paid $500 MILLION by Igor and Lev.... what the heck for? Then the President sends these three to dig up corruption dirt? That's laughable! Seriously!!!

I'm sorry but it wasn't 500 million they paid guiliani. They paid him 500 thousand dollars.

Trump lawyer Giuliani was paid $500,000 to consult on indicted associate's firm
President Trump is not concerned with corruption in any country, if he was then he would not be buddy buddy with the corrupt murdering Saudi Prince, or with Erdogan, or with Putin or with Kim Jong Un etc etc etc and do nothing about or say nothing about the corrupt atrocities of theirs... imo....

Or with ALL OF THE CORRUPTION that has taken place with his own administration.... how many have had to quit after being caught in their own corruption, a dozen or so?

And with Giuliani getting paid $500 MILLION by Igor and Lev.... what the heck for? Then the President sends these three to dig up corruption dirt? That's laughable! Seriously!!!

I'm sorry but it wasn't 500 million they paid guiliani. They paid him 500 thousand dollars.

Trump lawyer Giuliani was paid $500,000 to consult on indicted associate's firm

Meh, you Communists lie about everything, so no one paid any attention to Care, we expect her, and you to lie. :dunno:
President Trump is not concerned with corruption in any country, if he was then he would not be buddy buddy with the corrupt murdering Saudi Prince, or with Erdogan, or with Putin or with Kim Jong Un etc etc etc and do nothing about or say nothing about the corrupt atrocities of theirs... imo....

Or with ALL OF THE CORRUPTION that has taken place with his own administration.... how many have had to quit after being caught in their own corruption, a dozen or so?

And with Giuliani getting paid $500 MILLION by Igor and Lev.... what the heck for? Then the President sends these three to dig up corruption dirt? That's laughable! Seriously!!!

$500 MILLION? Did you mean THOUSAND?

I looked it up, WP reporting Juliani was paid $500,000 by a company Igor founded.
Ok, so glad you pointed that said before, it was a huge mistake!

But it made me search up Lev and Igor and Giuliani and this Uke Oligarch guy named Firtash that was allegedly funding them, and I found this article that sheds a whole new light on Giuliani, Victoria T and Joe DiGenova and how they are involved with digging up dirt on Biden and with Firtash....Mr Moneybags, and where all the millions being spent on everything including Giuliani, is actually coming from... this Firtash Oligarch awaiting extradition to the USA for his crimes....

Long story, read it all if you can, it connects the dots:

Oligarch Firtash linked to Giuliani pals' gas deals and Biden research

If my memory serves me correct, that guy has ties to the russian natural gas company. That company used to sell natural gas to Ukraine. Something like 90% of the natural gas that Ukraine used was from that russian gas company. Until the last president who was nothing but a putin puppet, was driven out of office.

Now Ukraine buys ZERO gas from that russian company.

That firtash guy is up to his ears in the russian mob and crime. He is wanted here for paying 18.5 billion in bribes to get a titanium extraction permit in India. He was arrested in Austria and has been fighting extradition to America ever since.

The guy is total slime. You know, your typical trump person.
You're kidding, right? Her testimony makes it clear that she did not support Trump's policies. And why didn't you guys care when Obama fired nearly all of Bush's appointed diplomats?
You're kidding, right? Her testimony makes it clear that she did not support Trump's policies. And why didn't you guys care when Obama fired nearly all of Bush's appointed diplomats?

Are you kidding mike??
There are two types of Ambassadors - political appointees and career foreign service members. Both are presidential appointments but Obama only fired the former (as most presidents do).

The political appointees typically have no foreign service experience, they are appointed as part of the political game in DC. They could be a used car dealer who donated to the campaign or a high-school friend of the president or a political ally like a state representative or mayor. They typically have little or no diplomatic experience and usually they have a strong DCOM assigned under them to compensate for this lack of experience. These are almost always let go with a new administration, even with one from the same party. GHW Bush for example even fired many of Reagan's political appointees.

The second type are people who enlist in the foreign service and work their way up. They are professional diplomats and they are not typically let go with each new administration.
You're kidding, right? Her testimony makes it clear that she did not support Trump's policies. And why didn't you guys care when Obama fired nearly all of Bush's appointed diplomats?

Are you kidding mike??
There are two types of Ambassadors - political appointees and career foreign service members. Both are presidential appointments but Obama only fired the former (as most presidents do).

The political appointees typically have no foreign service experience, they are appointed as part of the political game in DC. They could be a used car dealer who donated to the campaign or a high-school friend of the president or a political ally like a state representative or mayor. They typically have little or no diplomatic experience and usually they have a strong DCOM assigned under them to compensate for this lack of experience. These are almost always let go with a new administration, even with one from the same party. GHW Bush for example even fired many of Reagan's political appointees.

The second type are people who enlist in the foreign service and work their way up. They are professional diplomats and they are not typically let go with each new administration.

So, the deep state is untouchable?

Doesn't work that way, Comrade.

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