Marie Yovanovitch: Exactly why Would Trump fire her?

Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?

Comrade, didn't she testify that she knew all about the kickback scheme run through Burisma and was Coached by Obama on how to cover it up?

She's corrupt, which is a feature of democrats and has no place with Republicans.

Corruption was the general policy of the State Dept for a number of years. No interest whatsoever in looking at the employment of a Vice President's Cokehead son for a gas firm, for millions of dollars a year. This was standard operating procedure under Obama and the Kerry/Clinton State Department.

There was no clear evidence that the Biden did anything wrong. Except what came up from the conspiracy theory created by John Solomon.
Then you have Guilliani doing the investigation of this conspiracy crap working with corrupted Ukrainian people like Shokin.

Why is Guilliani a Trump personal lawyer doing the investigation?

Hunter Biden was paid $80k a month I think....
So where and how’d you came up with millions $ a year?

You ever been hired by a company that you have zero experience in the industry for 80K a month?
80k for two people a be board members. Hunter's business partner was on Burisma's board of directors first, and then asked Hunter to be on the board of Directors later.

And yes, Burisma wanted to use their and other known people on their board to make it look good, like they were cleaning up their act....imo.... as MANY corporations do.... not breaking a law with doing that.... just swampy.


What a fucking joke you are.
...The bitch is a political whore


I think that Ms. Yovanovitch is just offended about being kept out of the loop along with many of the other Foreign Service Deep Staters. She feels that they, the permanent civil service class, is responsible for declaring foreign policy, not the People through their elected representative Donald J. Trump
She had valid stuff to say. She outlined how the same men who were strong arming Zelensky were also targeting her in a pack of lies that finally led to her being recalled. It wasn't a pretty story. Why is Trump on the side of the corrupt oligarchs here?

Yeah, the way Trump had Don Jr. put on the board of Burisma to funnel kickbacks of $83,000 a month as a means of embezzling foreign aid.

Utterly shameful. Doncha think Comrade?
Embezzled aid to where?

"I told em' I have a billion dollars of American tax payer money, but you ain't gettin it unless you pony some up, kick it back to me. and SON OF A BITCH, they started paying my son $83,000 a month"

You approve of Hillary's state department, which is little more than a money laundering scheme for embezzling hundreds of millions from US Taxpayers, doncha?
...The bitch is a political whore

More than that, part of the Obama/Clinton embezzlement scheme.

Hillary turned the state department into a giant money laundering scheme (Modeled on the Clinton foundation) where American foreign aid is "laundered" through companies like Burisma, then flows back into the pockets of people like Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and other well connected crooks.

THIS is why the democrats hate Trump so much, he blew the lid off of their corruption. Even if they could escape justice, they believe they are ENTITLED to steal hundreds of millions from taxpayers - we OWE it to them.
President Trump is not concerned with corruption in any country, if he was then he would not be buddy buddy with the corrupt murdering Saudi Prince, or with Erdogan, or with Putin or with Kim Jong Un etc etc etc and do nothing about or say nothing about the corrupt atrocities of theirs... imo....

Or with ALL OF THE CORRUPTION that has taken place with his own administration.... how many have had to quit after being caught in their own corruption, a dozen or so?

And with Giuliani getting paid $500 MILLION by Igor and Lev.... what the heck for? Then the President sends these three to dig up corruption dirt? That's laughable! Seriously!!!

$500 MILLION? Did you mean THOUSAND?

I looked it up, WP reporting Juliani was paid $500,000 by a company Igor founded.
She had valid stuff to say. She outlined how the same men who were strong arming Zelensky were also targeting her in a pack of lies that finally led to her being recalled. It wasn't a pretty story. Why is Trump on the side of the corrupt oligarchs here?

Yeah, the way Trump had Don Jr. put on the board of Burisma to funnel kickbacks of $83,000 a month as a means of embezzling foreign aid.

Utterly shameful. Doncha think Comrade?
A mere pittance to the $500 MILLION Giuliani was paid by these 2 goons, Igor and Lev...the ones just arrested, that he was digging up dirt on the Bidens in the Ukraine with.... What's THAT all about?

Say comrade; what was this?

The History of the 'Steele Dossier' Begins in April 2007

Oh, but that's different - it's only wrong if Republicans do it...

AND of course it's all a straw man, because opposition research is a FAR CRY from embezzlement - which is what Biden was caught doing.
President Trump is not concerned with corruption in any country, if he was then he would not be buddy buddy with the corrupt murdering Saudi Prince, or with Erdogan, or with Putin or with Kim Jong Un etc etc etc and do nothing about or say nothing about the corrupt atrocities of theirs... imo....

Or with ALL OF THE CORRUPTION that has taken place with his own administration.... how many have had to quit after being caught in their own corruption, a dozen or so?

And with Giuliani getting paid $500 MILLION by Igor and Lev.... what the heck for? Then the President sends these three to dig up corruption dirt? That's laughable! Seriously!!!

$500 MILLION? Did you mean THOUSAND?

I looked it up, WP reporting Juliani was paid $500,000 by a company Lev and Igor were working for.

Give Care4all a break, it's hard to keep facts straight when you're lying through your fucking teeth the way she does. Actually, that's something you are intimately familiar with.
President Trump is not concerned with corruption in any country, if he was then he would not be buddy buddy with the corrupt murdering Saudi Prince, or with Erdogan, or with Putin or with Kim Jong Un etc etc etc and do nothing about or say nothing about the corrupt atrocities of theirs... imo....

Or with ALL OF THE CORRUPTION that has taken place with his own administration.... how many have had to quit after being caught in their own corruption, a dozen or so?

And with Giuliani getting paid $500 MILLION by Igor and Lev.... what the heck for? Then the President sends these three to dig up corruption dirt? That's laughable! Seriously!!!

$500 MILLION? Did you mean THOUSAND?

I looked it up, WP reporting Juliani was paid $500,000 by a company Igor founded.
Oh Crap, really? Then I totally read it wrong! :eek: So SORRY!
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?

So far according to the testimony we have heard it is because of a smear campaign started by a corrupt Ukraine prosecutor, and embraced by Giuliani and Sean Hannity.

Trump believed Giuliani and Hannity instead of the State Department and the Intelligence community
Fact: Ukraine’s prior regime went out of their way to support HRC and publicly decry Trump.

Fact: Masha stood idly by and did nothing about that.

Fact: Masha knew about Burisma and it didn’t bother her it seems that Biden got his kid a job there.

Fact: President has the right to replace Ambassadors.

Fact: Obama replaced many when he gained office and that was his right.

Fact: NOTHING you just said excuses slimy drug deal Trump was conducting in Ukraine.

The only thing Ukraine did in 2016 was release ledger of Manafort getting paid millions by the Russian-backed regime. Because guess what - an undeclared foreign agent running a presidential campaign is something American authorities and public should know.
You’re kidding right?

Fact: Ukraine’s prior regime went out of their way to support HRC and publicly decry Trump.
No they did not! A handful were really concerned when Trump hired Manafort, who was on the side of Russia and Russian Ukrainians and against Ukrainians.

Then when it was announced that the RNC Platform for the convention was mysteriously changed from supporting the Ukrainians to not supporting the Ukrainians over Russia, the handful became FRIGHTENED, and began leaking what they had on Manafort's corruption with the Russian sympathizers.

It was NOT a systematic concerted effort directed by their President to support Hillary... they were not in love with or working with Hillary as President Putin directed all of his intelligence agencies to interfere in our election, for Trump.

Fact: Masha stood idly by and did nothing about that.

Fact: Masha knew about Burisma and it didn’t bother her it seems that Biden got his kid a job there.
Biden did not get his kid a job there... sheesh. Hunter's partner was already a Board member of Burisma before Biden became a board member, when his Business partner asked him to be.... And yes, Burisma was obviously trying to clean up their act or put on a good front for it, and worm their way in to the US again... Sadly, ALL of that swamp like behavior by corporations hiring people with good names on their boards among many other swampy things, is NOT illegal.

Fact: President has the right to replace Ambassadors.
The President does have the right to fire her and replace her in a professional manner, but he doesn't have the right as her employer, to harass her in puplic and have his son harass her, and have his personal campaign lawer Giuliani harass her, and his personal newsman Hannity to harass her,, and John Solomon harass her and his two thugs...Igor and Lev harass her and disparage her and demean her and lie about her... all for him.

Fact: Obama replaced many when he gained office and that was his right.
yes, it was his right.... How many of them did Obama attack in the public and have his goons harass them in public before and after he fired them?
Here is your proof
I watched the whole proceeding yesterday. The republicans looked like scheming rats, whereas the ex ambassador and schiff were a class act. In the meantime this piece of shit in the white house was badmouthing her via twitter or whatever that thing is that he communicates his ignorance and stupidity with.

Did you notice that the Yovanovitch broad admitted that President Trump committed no crimes whatsoever?

No she didn't, what the heck?
DId you not know that Trumpers just flat out LIE?
How is this on topic? Herr Lesh, show proof that I lied. I ll Wait patiently.
President Trump is not concerned with corruption in any country, if he was then he would not be buddy buddy with the corrupt murdering Saudi Prince, or with Erdogan, or with Putin or with Kim Jong Un etc etc etc and do nothing about or say nothing about the corrupt atrocities of theirs... imo....

Or with ALL OF THE CORRUPTION that has taken place with his own administration.... how many have had to quit after being caught in their own corruption, a dozen or so?

And with Giuliani getting paid $500 MILLION by Igor and Lev.... what the heck for? Then the President sends these three to dig up corruption dirt? That's laughable! Seriously!!!

$500 MILLION? Did you mean THOUSAND?

I looked it up, WP reporting Juliani was paid $500,000 by a company Igor founded.
Oh Crap, really? Then I totally read it wrong! :eek: So SORRY!

The amount it irrelevant. That you Stalinists are trying to Kavanaugh Guilliani is the real issue. You seek to intimidate anyone who would dare investigate you by Kavanaughing them.
President Trump is not concerned with corruption in any country, if he was then he would not be buddy buddy with the corrupt murdering Saudi Prince, or with Erdogan, or with Putin or with Kim Jong Un etc etc etc and do nothing about or say nothing about the corrupt atrocities of theirs... imo....

Or with ALL OF THE CORRUPTION that has taken place with his own administration.... how many have had to quit after being caught in their own corruption, a dozen or so?

And with Giuliani getting paid $500 MILLION by Igor and Lev.... what the heck for? Then the President sends these three to dig up corruption dirt? That's laughable! Seriously!!!

$500 MILLION? Did you mean THOUSAND?

I looked it up, WP reporting Juliani was paid $500,000 by a company Igor founded.
Ok, so glad you pointed that said before, it was a huge mistake!

But it made me search up Lev and Igor and Giuliani and this Uke Oligarch guy named Firtash that was allegedly funding them, and I found this article that sheds a whole new light on Giuliani, Victoria T and Joe DiGenova and how they are involved with digging up dirt on Biden and with Firtash....Mr Moneybags, and where all the millions being spent on everything including Giuliani, is actually coming from... this Firtash Oligarch awaiting extradition to the USA for his crimes....

Long story, read it all if you can, it connects the dots:

Oligarch Firtash linked to Giuliani pals' gas deals and Biden research
Bernie/Elizabeth/Mayor Pete/Uncle Joe — I think we’ve just met our next Secretary of State in Mary Y! January, 2021! What say you?! Let’s all imagine what our better future will look like — but it’s a future that will only appear if every single one of us works hard between now and next November. It’s worth it. She’s worth it. We’re worth it
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.

So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?
According to her she did nothing wrong.”

According to the new president of ukraine she was was loyal to the old president and hostile to the new president

That alone makes her damaged goods

But trump does not have to explain why he fired her
No, Trump doesn't have to explain anything. And the people don't have to explain why he is going to lose the election next year in historic numbers.

All 3 markets closed record highs today
Rasmussen has the daily tracker up this week
You'll die a bitter old women before you ever see a Democrat President again.
Looks like markets are loving this impeachment.

I hope that as a human being you are not that stupid.
Markets love stability
They see stability in the fact that they have nothing on President Trump.
The markets hate people like Warren and will work against her being elected, for sure.
If she was somehow President they wouldn't want to see her impeached either though.
Impeachment is instability, markets hate instability.
But it made me search up Lev and Igor and Giuliani and this Uke Oligarch guy named Firtash that was allegedly funding them, and I found this article that sheds a whole new light on Giuliani, Victoria T and Joe DiGenova and how they are involved with digging up dirt on Biden and with Firtash....Mr Moneybags, and where all the millions being spent on everything including Giuliani, is actually coming from... this Firtash Oligarch awaiting extradition to the USA for his crimes....

Long story, read it all if you can, it connects the dots:

Oligarch Firtash linked to Giuliani pals' gas deals and Biden research

Exactly. It's all tied together and it's all corrupt
Watching Marie Yovanovitch testimony I'm troubled as to why Trump would want her terminated?
According to her she did nothing wrong. Didn't any conflicts with Trump's foreign agenda.
She was pursuing ways to help insure USA tax dollars spent wisely in Ukraine.
Sounds all honest and straight forward.
So what exactly did she do wrong that caused her termination?

I guess you missed her statement on Friday when she referred to someone else who was let go for not carrying out the Administration's policies then saying that she would expect that she wouldn't either. Offhand, I'd say that's a good reason to be let go.

Isn't that the whole point to getting a letter of reference from an employer? I mean, what is the point in asking or sitting there listening to someone tell you how good a job they did? If this hearing had any legitimacy, they would have some senior administrator overseeing these ambassadors give THEIR opinion on Yovanovitch! FWIW. Oh wait. They already did that. Trump was her boss. He gave her an E.

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