Marijuana abuse doubles in last 11 years

What do you believe ARE the risks of pot?
Anxiety disorder and depression. Both of which are crippling and can be life sentences.
Is everyone susceptible to these disorders by way of marijuana?

Marijuana exacerbates some folks with anxiety. And it soothes others. It really depends on the person.
Does the totality of such incidents legitimize the reputation of marijuana as a danger? Are risks from smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol just as acute?
Oh, yeah! But it runs contrary to the agenda of the pot heads and the Marxist mentality that dominates the left these days. And, of course, the left dominates media which drives the message.
As for smoking and alcohol, they each have their inherent dangers all of which are addressed regularly and clearly labeled on packaging. Pot's dangers are largely dismissed, as demonstrated by the abject ignorance of that reality on this forum.
Are the perceived dangers of pot politically driven, or is there actual science? Could it be accurately said that the percentages of people who are susceptible to the mental and emotional problems with pot comparable to those who suffer real problems stemmed from alcohol?
Anxiety disorder and depression. Both of which are crippling and can be life sentences.
Is everyone susceptible to these disorders by way of marijuana?

Marijuana exacerbates some folks with anxiety. And it soothes others. It really depends on the person.
Does the totality of such incidents legitimize the reputation of marijuana as a danger? Are risks from smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol just as acute?
Oh, yeah! But it runs contrary to the agenda of the pot heads and the Marxist mentality that dominates the left these days. And, of course, the left dominates media which drives the message.
As for smoking and alcohol, they each have their inherent dangers all of which are addressed regularly and clearly labeled on packaging. Pot's dangers are largely dismissed, as demonstrated by the abject ignorance of that reality on this forum.
Are the perceived dangers of pot politically driven, or is there actual science? Could it be accurately said that the percentages of people who are susceptible to the mental and emotional problems with pot comparable to those who suffer real problems stemmed from alcohol?

It would have to be exceed the real problems stemming from alcohol in order to be criminalized by any rational standard.
It's hard to say. Young people who smoke frequently are definitely at greater risk. And the result can be lifelong. Unfortunately, it's young people who perceive the 'OK' from the grown-ups when legalization and propaganda of the dismissal of harm is prevalent.
You're quite right about marijuana being potentially harmful to the adolescent (immature) brain, so there is no question that adolescents should be intelligently discouraged from using it. More specifically, tell them the truth about marijuana rather than bombarding them with Reefer Madness lies and nonsense. Because when they discover they've been lied to they won't believe anything you tell them about any recreational drug. And just about everything the Reefer Madness faction tells them are lies or deliberate distortions of fact.

Marijuana is by no means the only thing that adolescents should be discouraged from using. But just because some adolescents break the rules is no reason to deprive the adult world of something.

You should know that one of the effects of marijuana decriminalization in the Netherlands has been a significant reduction in use by adolescents. It is believed by all concerned authorities that the reason for the reduction is removal of the lure of the illicit. When it was no long forbidden the kids lost interest in it.
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As for smoking and alcohol, they each have their inherent dangers all of which are addressed regularly and clearly labeled on packaging. Pot's dangers are largely dismissed, as demonstrated by the abject ignorance of that reality on this forum.
You should know the most harmful elements in illegal (bootleg) marijuana are the carcinogenic pesticides and growth-inducing hormones which are sprayed on the plants by growers. The Reefer Madness propagandists, such as NIDA, carefully avoid mentioning this when publishing their misleading anti-pot "information."

Legalization and government regulation will eliminate this problem.

As for smoking and alcohol, they each have their inherent dangers all of which are addressed regularly and clearly labeled on packaging. Pot's dangers are largely dismissed, as demonstrated by the abject ignorance of that reality on this forum.
You should know the most harmful elements in illegal (bootleg) marijuana are the carcinogenic pesticides and growth-inducing hormones which are sprayed on the plants by growers. The Reefer Madness propagandists, such as NIDA, carefully avoid mentioning this when publishing their misleading anti-pot "information."

Legalization and government regulation will eliminate this problem.

There's also the social costs of criminalization. The empowerment of criminal organizations through a funding stream. The monetary costs of enforcement and incarceration. The personal cost in broken families during incarceration. The lost tax revenue and economic activity of a person turned from a productive member of society into a ward of the state.

All for a drug less harmful than tobacco. Its a little nutty.
Nixon was already out of office before pot began manifesting its dangerous effects on me, et al.

Geez, get out of the past! Progress a little already!
Because you happen to be among the extremely small percentage of those who are biologically or psychologically incompatible with or allergic to cannabis' chemistry you want to deprive those who have no such problems of its benefits and pleasures.
As we have observed for many years now, once you start down the road of Alcohol legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in the United States we've had legal Alcohol for many years, and now add to that it is legal to brew your own for recreational use, and you smell the drunks everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "Alcohol isn't as bad as other drugs because it is legal" drumbeat.

Pot is a dangerous drug for some people. Pointing to the risks associated with other substances does nothing to alleviate the potential danger in pot. Can't tell that to potheads. They just keep rationalizing their addiction like all other addicts do.

Alcohol is a dangerous drug for some people. Pointing out that there is lesser risks with Marijuana does nothing to alleviate the bigger danger of Alcohol. Can't tell that to the drunks. They keep rationalizing their addiction like all addicts do.
Ignoring the devastating risks of pot is completely avoided by the pot-addict lobby. That hurts children and that is disgusting.
Hurts kids? Not if they stay away from it....
Several things here................first, some are saying that the effect on young people would be horrendous if they were able to get marijuana because it affects the nervous system. That is true, because the brain and the nervous system aren't fully developed until a person reaches 18 to 20 years old. But, at the same time, alcohol is far more damaging and far easier to get. Face it, kids are going to figure out a way to get some things they shouldn't. The education shouldn't be about how bad something is for them and using scare tactics, but rather tell them their bodies and brains won't be fully developed until they are 18, and they should plan accordingly if they want to be a healthy person.

Second, there is no evidence at all for a physical addiction to cannabis. It does not affect the body in that manner, and there are no withdrawl problems if you suddenly quit. There are with alcohol, because if a heavy drinker suddenly stops drinking, the body having been used to the constant barrage of alcohol has become physically dependent upon it. That's why when alcoholics are put in detox, they are watched very closely for the DT's and tremors, some of which can lead to death.

Third, there has been a LOT of research done over the past 15 or so years, ever since they started to look into the medical aspect of it. Guess what? Instead of destroying brain cells, cannabis can be used to help people with Alzheimers as well as those who suffer from seizures. Both of which are brain diseases, and both of which have been helped by the THC and CBD in cannabis. If doctors are using it to help with brain diseases, how is that "destroying brain cells"? That particular line is used for anything that someone doesn't like. Shoot, I believe that watching reality television can destroy brain cells.

For the people who have had a bad reaction and became paranoid or nervous? Maybe it wasn't the cannabis itself, maybe it was the variety that was smoked. Ever since CO legalized it, I've been going up there to do research for myself. If you smoke a Sativa, you will get a brain buzz and body high, which for some, can be unpleasant, my room mate is one of those. However, she really likes Indica, which promotes a relaxed, pain relief state where you can get really still and go to sleep. And then, there are the hybrids, which are a combination of the Sativa and the Indica strains that were bred together, and depending on the hybrid will depend on how it affects you. By the way, those problems (as well as overdosing on edibles) can be avoided by having a conversation with the bud tenders in the cannabis stores. Many of them are very knowledgeable and will tell you exactly what the dosage is, as well as what the effects will be when used.

Most of the people who are against cannabis legalization are those who have never used it, because they wouldn't spew as much b.s. as they do. In the cases where you know a friend who had a bad reaction? Got a question, was cannabis the only thing they were using or was alcohol involved? If alcohol use was present, I can assure you that the sugar and the alcohol in the drink will reduce the effect that the cannabis has, because THC is counteracted by sugar, which is why people get the "munchies" after they smoke, their body is craving sugar. And, incidentally, I can tell you from first hand experience that you can get fairly high, eat a high sugar content food (such as cake or candy), and about 30 to 45 min after eating, you will come down and be back to normal.

And I have yet to hear of a legitimate example of someone dying from smoking too much, you will go to sleep before that happens. I HAVE seen many news articles however where people have died on their 21st birthday from alcohol poisoning.

Lastly, as far as the cancer causing effects? The Royal British Medical Society did a study on this a few years back. Know what they found? If you smoke cigarettes only, you are 21 times more likely to get lung cancer than someone who doesn't smoke at all. If you smoke cannabis only? Your chances are only 0.93 to 0.73 percent more than someone who doesn't smoke at all. Your studies that someone can "pepper spray" someone with cannabis isn't true. It won't cause cancer. Neither will "shotgunning", which is where you fill your lungs with smoke, get lip to lip with someone else and blow the smoke into their lungs. BTW, in order to get shotgunned, you have to be a willing participant.
As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

There were especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.(Photo: Getty Images)

As attitudes and laws in the U.S. have become more tolerant of marijuana, the proportion of adults using and abusing the substance at least doubled between 2001 and 2013, according to a new study.

Although marijuana dependence and abuse was found to be on the rise, that is largely due to the overall increase in new users, researchers note, while existing marijuana users experienced a 15 percent decline in pot-related disorders.

About 4 percent of adults between 2001 and 2002 reported having used marijuana in the past year, compared to about 10 percent between 2012 and 2013. Similarly, 1.5 percent had abuse or dependence problems - so-called marijuana use disorder - at the start of the 21st Century, compared to about 3 percent from 2012 to 2013.

“What was quite clear is the prevalence of use among adults had more than doubled,” said Deborah Hasin, the study’s lead author from Columbia University in New York.

Twenty-three U.S. states allow for medical marijuana use, and four also allow recreational use, the researchers write in JAMA Psychiatry. More Americans also favor marijuana legalization than before, and fewer see the substance as risky.

Yet, the researchers write, little was known about how the prevalence of marijuana use and disorders changed during the first decade of the century.
For the new study, they compared data from face-to-face interviews with over 43,000 U.S. adults between 2001 and 2002 to data from over 36,000 people collected between 2012 and 2013.

They found that reports of having used marijuana in the past year more than doubled between the two time periods with especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.
The data also included information on whether participants were experiencing abuse or dependence.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Better off getting stoned than drunk that's for gd sure.
Only if you're ignorant if the risks of pot, which most pot advocates are.
Time to get beyond the 1960's.

Have you ever used marijuana?

I am really done with listening to self righteous idiots villifying marijuana while finishing their fourth glass of wine. If you have never tried it , as I suspect, you really shouldn't express an opinion as if you have a clue.
Yes, I learned about the devastating effects of pot over forty years ago. I'm tired of moronic regressives who are ignorant and foist their regressive stuck-in-the-60's agenda onto others.

You so obviously learned nothing. You have no clue.
Anyone who is still using the research from 40 years ago instead of looking at the research done in the past 15 years which is more current and accurate, is simply ignorant of the facts.

Interestingly enough, there is a LOT of government research from the 50's and 60's that said cannabis was neither addictive nor overly harmful. Now? We not only have proven that, but proven definite medical benefits for lots of things, from PTSD to Alzheimer's and seizures.
As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

There were especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.(Photo: Getty Images)

As attitudes and laws in the U.S. have become more tolerant of marijuana, the proportion of adults using and abusing the substance at least doubled between 2001 and 2013, according to a new study.

Although marijuana dependence and abuse was found to be on the rise, that is largely due to the overall increase in new users, researchers note, while existing marijuana users experienced a 15 percent decline in pot-related disorders.

About 4 percent of adults between 2001 and 2002 reported having used marijuana in the past year, compared to about 10 percent between 2012 and 2013. Similarly, 1.5 percent had abuse or dependence problems - so-called marijuana use disorder - at the start of the 21st Century, compared to about 3 percent from 2012 to 2013.

“What was quite clear is the prevalence of use among adults had more than doubled,” said Deborah Hasin, the study’s lead author from Columbia University in New York.

Twenty-three U.S. states allow for medical marijuana use, and four also allow recreational use, the researchers write in JAMA Psychiatry. More Americans also favor marijuana legalization than before, and fewer see the substance as risky.

Yet, the researchers write, little was known about how the prevalence of marijuana use and disorders changed during the first decade of the century.
For the new study, they compared data from face-to-face interviews with over 43,000 U.S. adults between 2001 and 2002 to data from over 36,000 people collected between 2012 and 2013.

They found that reports of having used marijuana in the past year more than doubled between the two time periods with especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.
The data also included information on whether participants were experiencing abuse or dependence.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001
Your thread is a lie so I'm leaving it now.

No evidence of "abuse"

And it's not as bad as alcohol. When your kids 15 he's gonna try both. Some like it some don't.

We don't need a war on weed.
As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Better off getting stoned than drunk that's for gd sure.
Only if you're ignorant if the risks of pot, which most pot advocates are.
Time to get beyond the 1960's.

Have you ever used marijuana?

I am really done with listening to self righteous idiots villifying marijuana while finishing their fourth glass of wine. If you have never tried it , as I suspect, you really shouldn't express an opinion as if you have a clue.
Yes, I learned about the devastating effects of pot over forty years ago. I'm tired of moronic regressives who are ignorant and foist their regressive stuck-in-the-60's agenda onto others.

You so obviously learned nothing. You have no clue.
And you obviously welcome cyanide in your tylenol.
As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

There were especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.(Photo: Getty Images)

As attitudes and laws in the U.S. have become more tolerant of marijuana, the proportion of adults using and abusing the substance at least doubled between 2001 and 2013, according to a new study.

Although marijuana dependence and abuse was found to be on the rise, that is largely due to the overall increase in new users, researchers note, while existing marijuana users experienced a 15 percent decline in pot-related disorders.

About 4 percent of adults between 2001 and 2002 reported having used marijuana in the past year, compared to about 10 percent between 2012 and 2013. Similarly, 1.5 percent had abuse or dependence problems - so-called marijuana use disorder - at the start of the 21st Century, compared to about 3 percent from 2012 to 2013.

“What was quite clear is the prevalence of use among adults had more than doubled,” said Deborah Hasin, the study’s lead author from Columbia University in New York.

Twenty-three U.S. states allow for medical marijuana use, and four also allow recreational use, the researchers write in JAMA Psychiatry. More Americans also favor marijuana legalization than before, and fewer see the substance as risky.

Yet, the researchers write, little was known about how the prevalence of marijuana use and disorders changed during the first decade of the century.
For the new study, they compared data from face-to-face interviews with over 43,000 U.S. adults between 2001 and 2002 to data from over 36,000 people collected between 2012 and 2013.

They found that reports of having used marijuana in the past year more than doubled between the two time periods with especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.
The data also included information on whether participants were experiencing abuse or dependence.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Better off getting stoned than drunk that's for gd sure.
Only if you're ignorant if the risks of pot, which most pot advocates are.
Time to get beyond the 1960's.
when will you get beyond 1960?.....
I'm way ahead of you. You need to get out of the 1960's. If you think I'm in 1960 it would be because I've lapped 1960 and given your backwards nature the impression that I'm behind you when I'm actually most of a lap ahead of you. Progress a little.
sure you are ...your outdated views and "facts" about how people act who smoke the stuff tells me that.....maybe you should progress a little...
Better off getting stoned than drunk that's for gd sure.
Only if you're ignorant if the risks of pot, which most pot advocates are.
Time to get beyond the 1960's.

Have you ever used marijuana?

I am really done with listening to self righteous idiots villifying marijuana while finishing their fourth glass of wine. If you have never tried it , as I suspect, you really shouldn't express an opinion as if you have a clue.
Yes, I learned about the devastating effects of pot over forty years ago. I'm tired of moronic regressives who are ignorant and foist their regressive stuck-in-the-60's agenda onto others.

You so obviously learned nothing. You have no clue.
And you obviously welcome cyanide in your tylenol.

Marijuana isn't cyanide. Your analogies are getting increasingly hysteric. And proportionally inaccurate.
Several things here................first, some are saying that the effect on young people would be horrendous if they were able to get marijuana because it affects the nervous system. That is true, because the brain and the nervous system aren't fully developed until a person reaches 18 to 20 years old. But, at the same time, alcohol is far more damaging and far easier to get. Face it, kids are going to figure out a way to get some things they shouldn't. The education shouldn't be about how bad something is for them and using scare tactics, but rather tell them their bodies and brains won't be fully developed until they are 18, and they should plan accordingly if they want to be a healthy person.

Second, there is no evidence at all for a physical addiction to cannabis. It does not affect the body in that manner, and there are no withdrawl problems if you suddenly quit. There are with alcohol, because if a heavy drinker suddenly stops drinking, the body having been used to the constant barrage of alcohol has become physically dependent upon it. That's why when alcoholics are put in detox, they are watched very closely for the DT's and tremors, some of which can lead to death.

Third, there has been a LOT of research done over the past 15 or so years, ever since they started to look into the medical aspect of it. Guess what? Instead of destroying brain cells, cannabis can be used to help people with Alzheimers as well as those who suffer from seizures. Both of which are brain diseases, and both of which have been helped by the THC and CBD in cannabis. If doctors are using it to help with brain diseases, how is that "destroying brain cells"? That particular line is used for anything that someone doesn't like. Shoot, I believe that watching reality television can destroy brain cells.

For the people who have had a bad reaction and became paranoid or nervous? Maybe it wasn't the cannabis itself, maybe it was the variety that was smoked. Ever since CO legalized it, I've been going up there to do research for myself. If you smoke a Sativa, you will get a brain buzz and body high, which for some, can be unpleasant, my room mate is one of those. However, she really likes Indica, which promotes a relaxed, pain relief state where you can get really still and go to sleep. And then, there are the hybrids, which are a combination of the Sativa and the Indica strains that were bred together, and depending on the hybrid will depend on how it affects you. By the way, those problems (as well as overdosing on edibles) can be avoided by having a conversation with the bud tenders in the cannabis stores. Many of them are very knowledgeable and will tell you exactly what the dosage is, as well as what the effects will be when used.

Most of the people who are against cannabis legalization are those who have never used it, because they wouldn't spew as much b.s. as they do. In the cases where you know a friend who had a bad reaction? Got a question, was cannabis the only thing they were using or was alcohol involved? If alcohol use was present, I can assure you that the sugar and the alcohol in the drink will reduce the effect that the cannabis has, because THC is counteracted by sugar, which is why people get the "munchies" after they smoke, their body is craving sugar. And, incidentally, I can tell you from first hand experience that you can get fairly high, eat a high sugar content food (such as cake or candy), and about 30 to 45 min after eating, you will come down and be back to normal.

And I have yet to hear of a legitimate example of someone dying from smoking too much, you will go to sleep before that happens. I HAVE seen many news articles however where people have died on their 21st birthday from alcohol poisoning.

Lastly, as far as the cancer causing effects? The Royal British Medical Society did a study on this a few years back. Know what they found? If you smoke cigarettes only, you are 21 times more likely to get lung cancer than someone who doesn't smoke at all. If you smoke cannabis only? Your chances are only 0.93 to 0.73 percent more than someone who doesn't smoke at all. Your studies that someone can "pepper spray" someone with cannabis isn't true. It won't cause cancer. Neither will "shotgunning", which is where you fill your lungs with smoke, get lip to lip with someone else and blow the smoke into their lungs. BTW, in order to get shotgunned, you have to be a willing participant.
Bad things make other bad things like pot OK for substance addicts.
Lots of pot addicts on this site in need of an intervention.

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