Marijuana abuse doubles in last 11 years

As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

There were especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.(Photo: Getty Images)

As attitudes and laws in the U.S. have become more tolerant of marijuana, the proportion of adults using and abusing the substance at least doubled between 2001 and 2013, according to a new study.

Although marijuana dependence and abuse was found to be on the rise, that is largely due to the overall increase in new users, researchers note, while existing marijuana users experienced a 15 percent decline in pot-related disorders.

About 4 percent of adults between 2001 and 2002 reported having used marijuana in the past year, compared to about 10 percent between 2012 and 2013. Similarly, 1.5 percent had abuse or dependence problems - so-called marijuana use disorder - at the start of the 21st Century, compared to about 3 percent from 2012 to 2013.

“What was quite clear is the prevalence of use among adults had more than doubled,” said Deborah Hasin, the study’s lead author from Columbia University in New York.

Twenty-three U.S. states allow for medical marijuana use, and four also allow recreational use, the researchers write in JAMA Psychiatry. More Americans also favor marijuana legalization than before, and fewer see the substance as risky.

Yet, the researchers write, little was known about how the prevalence of marijuana use and disorders changed during the first decade of the century.
For the new study, they compared data from face-to-face interviews with over 43,000 U.S. adults between 2001 and 2002 to data from over 36,000 people collected between 2012 and 2013.

They found that reports of having used marijuana in the past year more than doubled between the two time periods with especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.
The data also included information on whether participants were experiencing abuse or dependence.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001
Good post. Here comes the potheads now.


As for smoking and alcohol, they each have their inherent dangers all of which are addressed regularly and clearly labeled on packaging. Pot's dangers are largely dismissed, as demonstrated by the abject ignorance of that reality on this forum.
You should know the most harmful elements in illegal (bootleg) marijuana are the carcinogenic pesticides and growth-inducing hormones which are sprayed on the plants by growers. The Reefer Madness propagandists, such as NIDA, carefully avoid mentioning this when publishing their misleading anti-pot "information."

Legalization and government regulation will eliminate this problem.
Yes. Government regulated cigarettes don't have any chemicals in them. Another post in the stupid column.
As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

There were especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.(Photo: Getty Images)

As attitudes and laws in the U.S. have become more tolerant of marijuana, the proportion of adults using and abusing the substance at least doubled between 2001 and 2013, according to a new study.

Although marijuana dependence and abuse was found to be on the rise, that is largely due to the overall increase in new users, researchers note, while existing marijuana users experienced a 15 percent decline in pot-related disorders.

About 4 percent of adults between 2001 and 2002 reported having used marijuana in the past year, compared to about 10 percent between 2012 and 2013. Similarly, 1.5 percent had abuse or dependence problems - so-called marijuana use disorder - at the start of the 21st Century, compared to about 3 percent from 2012 to 2013.

“What was quite clear is the prevalence of use among adults had more than doubled,” said Deborah Hasin, the study’s lead author from Columbia University in New York.

Twenty-three U.S. states allow for medical marijuana use, and four also allow recreational use, the researchers write in JAMA Psychiatry. More Americans also favor marijuana legalization than before, and fewer see the substance as risky.

Yet, the researchers write, little was known about how the prevalence of marijuana use and disorders changed during the first decade of the century.
For the new study, they compared data from face-to-face interviews with over 43,000 U.S. adults between 2001 and 2002 to data from over 36,000 people collected between 2012 and 2013.

They found that reports of having used marijuana in the past year more than doubled between the two time periods with especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.
The data also included information on whether participants were experiencing abuse or dependence.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Better off getting stoned than drunk that's for gd sure.
Only if you're ignorant if the risks of pot, which most pot advocates are.
Time to get beyond the 1960's.
when will you get beyond 1960?.....
Now THAT'S funny! A pothead accusing others of being stuck in the 60's. :lmao:
As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

There were especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.(Photo: Getty Images)

As attitudes and laws in the U.S. have become more tolerant of marijuana, the proportion of adults using and abusing the substance at least doubled between 2001 and 2013, according to a new study.

Although marijuana dependence and abuse was found to be on the rise, that is largely due to the overall increase in new users, researchers note, while existing marijuana users experienced a 15 percent decline in pot-related disorders.

About 4 percent of adults between 2001 and 2002 reported having used marijuana in the past year, compared to about 10 percent between 2012 and 2013. Similarly, 1.5 percent had abuse or dependence problems - so-called marijuana use disorder - at the start of the 21st Century, compared to about 3 percent from 2012 to 2013.

“What was quite clear is the prevalence of use among adults had more than doubled,” said Deborah Hasin, the study’s lead author from Columbia University in New York.

Twenty-three U.S. states allow for medical marijuana use, and four also allow recreational use, the researchers write in JAMA Psychiatry. More Americans also favor marijuana legalization than before, and fewer see the substance as risky.

Yet, the researchers write, little was known about how the prevalence of marijuana use and disorders changed during the first decade of the century.
For the new study, they compared data from face-to-face interviews with over 43,000 U.S. adults between 2001 and 2002 to data from over 36,000 people collected between 2012 and 2013.

They found that reports of having used marijuana in the past year more than doubled between the two time periods with especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.
The data also included information on whether participants were experiencing abuse or dependence.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Better off getting stoned than drunk that's for gd sure.
Only if you're ignorant if the risks of pot, which most pot advocates are.
Time to get beyond the 1960's.
when will you get beyond 1960?.....
Now THAT'S funny! A pothead accusing others of being stuck in the 60's. :lmao:
As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

There were especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.(Photo: Getty Images)

As attitudes and laws in the U.S. have become more tolerant of marijuana, the proportion of adults using and abusing the substance at least doubled between 2001 and 2013, according to a new study.

Although marijuana dependence and abuse was found to be on the rise, that is largely due to the overall increase in new users, researchers note, while existing marijuana users experienced a 15 percent decline in pot-related disorders.

About 4 percent of adults between 2001 and 2002 reported having used marijuana in the past year, compared to about 10 percent between 2012 and 2013. Similarly, 1.5 percent had abuse or dependence problems - so-called marijuana use disorder - at the start of the 21st Century, compared to about 3 percent from 2012 to 2013.

“What was quite clear is the prevalence of use among adults had more than doubled,” said Deborah Hasin, the study’s lead author from Columbia University in New York.

Twenty-three U.S. states allow for medical marijuana use, and four also allow recreational use, the researchers write in JAMA Psychiatry. More Americans also favor marijuana legalization than before, and fewer see the substance as risky.

Yet, the researchers write, little was known about how the prevalence of marijuana use and disorders changed during the first decade of the century.
For the new study, they compared data from face-to-face interviews with over 43,000 U.S. adults between 2001 and 2002 to data from over 36,000 people collected between 2012 and 2013.

They found that reports of having used marijuana in the past year more than doubled between the two time periods with especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.
The data also included information on whether participants were experiencing abuse or dependence.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Marijuana and 'abuse' are like oil and water. Its like abusing chocolate cake. You may be having too much but ohhhh its sooo good.
I'm not worried about someone driving or operating heavy machinery after having that extra slice of cake.
As we have observed for many years now, once you start down the road of Alcohol legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in the United States we've had legal Alcohol for many years, and now add to that it is legal to brew your own for recreational use, and you smell the drunks everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "Alcohol isn't as bad as other drugs because it is legal" drumbeat.


And as usual someone rushes in to defend pot by pointing fingers at alcohol.

Pot, meet kettle.
As we have observed for many years now, once you start down the road of Alcohol legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in the United States we've had legal Alcohol for many years, and now add to that it is legal to brew your own for recreational use, and you smell the drunks everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "Alcohol isn't as bad as other drugs because it is legal" drumbeat.


And as usual someone rushes in to defend pot by pointing fingers at alcohol.

Pot, meet kettle.
It's the most prolific, yet insanely idiotic argument the potheads have.
It's hard to say. Young people who smoke frequently are definitely at greater risk. And the result can be lifelong. Unfortunately, it's young people who perceive the 'OK' from the grown-ups when legalization and propaganda of the dismissal of harm is prevalent.
You're quite right about marijuana being potentially harmful to the adolescent (immature) brain, so there is no question that adolescents should be intelligently discouraged from using it. More specifically, tell them the truth about marijuana rather than bombarding them with Reefer Madness lies and nonsense. Because when they discover they've been lied to they won't believe anything you tell them about any recreational drug. And just about everything the Reefer Madness faction tells them are lies or deliberate distortions of fact.

Marijuana is by no means the only thing that adolescents should be discouraged from using. But just because some adolescents break the rules is no reason to deprive the adult world of something.

You should know that one of the effects of marijuana decriminalization in the Netherlands has been a significant reduction in use by adolescents. It is believed by all concerned authorities that the reason for the reduction is removal of the lure of the illicit. When it was no long forbidden the kids lost interest in it.
Yes, decriminalisation and legality are in their infant stages in the US. Give them some time and see the results.
As we have observed for many years now, once you start down the road of Alcohol legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in the United States we've had legal Alcohol for many years, and now add to that it is legal to brew your own for recreational use, and you smell the drunks everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "Alcohol isn't as bad as other drugs because it is legal" drumbeat.


And as usual someone rushes in to defend pot by pointing fingers at alcohol.

Pot, meet kettle.
It's the most prolific, yet insanely idiotic argument the potheads have.

Yes it's insane to point out how legal substances like alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceuticals cause death and injury on a large scale while the "schedule 1" evil weed does not. If your concern over legalizing weed is based on your impression of the dangers of it's use, then you should be outragerd over the other, more lethal substances.

That is your idiotic position.
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As we have observed for many years now, once you start down the road of Alcohol legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in the United States we've had legal Alcohol for many years, and now add to that it is legal to brew your own for recreational use, and you smell the drunks everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "Alcohol isn't as bad as other drugs because it is legal" drumbeat.


And as usual someone rushes in to defend pot by pointing fingers at alcohol.

Pot, meet kettle.
It's the most prolific, yet insanely idiotic argument the potheads have.
marijuana is my anti-hypocrisy medication.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.

I can't stand the fascist control freaks who want to regulate every aspect of life.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.

Does a grown man need to justify having a drink or two?
I don't need to justify why I might like to smoke pot either.

Now fuck off little one.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.

Does a grown man need to justify having a drink or two?
I don't need to justify why I might like to smoke pot either.

Now fuck off little one.

No you don't need to justify it fucktard, so why do so many try to justify it?

It's better than drinking? Who the cares. If you want to smoke it, smoke it, why justify it? Man are you fucking shithead.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.

I can't stand the fascist control freaks who want to regulate every aspect of life.

I didn't not want it controlled, I don't care if you get high all day, why do you justify smoking the crap? I'm on record of approving and taxing the shit out of all drugs. It will help pay for rehab centers.

So again, you are wrong, what a surprise.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.
pot may actually inhibit cancer.

So you have to smoke it.

Face it: vaporizers are superior | Northwest Leaf: The Patients voice

Smoking is the oldest and most common method of inhalation drug delivery. It provides rapid onset of drug action. This results in the ability of the drug user to carefully titrate their drug intake and regulate the desired effects. However, smoking is unsuitable for delivery of pharmaceutical products because it results in the delivery of the drug compound(s) contaminated with combustion products. Cannabis smoke has irritating, noxious effects on the lungs and respiratory system, very similar to tobacco.

The vaporization of medicinal plants has been going on for centuries, but only in recent years has this method been applied to the use of Cannabis. Vaporization is the transition of matter from a solid or liquid phase into a gaseous (or vapor) phase. Water boiling into steam is an example of vaporization. The medically active cannabinoid and terpene compounds of Cannabis are found in the resin glands on the external surface of the plant matter, and it is these compounds that "boil" at a lower temperature than the burning of the plant matter.

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