Marijuana abuse doubles in last 11 years

Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.

I can't stand the fascist control freaks who want to regulate every aspect of life.

I didn't not want it controlled, I don't care if you get high all day, why do you justify smoking the crap? I'm on record of approving and taxing the shit out of all drugs. It will help pay for rehab centers.

So again, you are wrong, what a surprise.

As long as my actions don't infringe on somebody else's rights, why do I have to justify anything I do? If I want to smoke a big fat Havana cigar I should be able to buy one and smoke it. If I have a little weed patch out back why should it be taxed?
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.

I can't stand the fascist control freaks who want to regulate every aspect of life.

I didn't not want it controlled, I don't care if you get high all day, why do you justify smoking the crap? I'm on record of approving and taxing the shit out of all drugs. It will help pay for rehab centers.

So again, you are wrong, what a surprise.

As long as my actions don't infringe on somebody else's rights, why do I have to justify anything I do? If I want to smoke a big fat Havana cigar I should be able to buy one and smoke it. If I have a little weed patch out back why should it be taxed?

I never said you did, my can't you not understand what is spelled out?

My post said how pot smokers have to justify their use, why do they do that?

I also said I don't care if you are high all day long.

Not seeing why you are trying to argue with me when we agree.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.
One should have the freedom to do any of them, that is the point.

Why try to justify it? If you think we should have the freedom to do any of it, why justify?

I think all drugs should be legal, and then tax it.
As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Better off getting stoned than drunk that's for gd sure.
Only if you're ignorant if the risks of pot, which most pot advocates are.
Time to get beyond the 1960's.
What do you believe ARE the risks of pot?
Anxiety disorder and depression. Both of which are crippling and can be life sentences.
people with those problems should not be doing any drugs let alone pot.....
Geez, you're stupid. The pot caused the disorders and the conditions are mostly permanent. You are a posterchild for the damaging effects of pot on intellect.
Only if you're ignorant if the risks of pot, which most pot advocates are.
Time to get beyond the 1960's.
Actually the opposite is true.

Most marijuana advocates are comparatively well-informed on the subject -- mainly because they wish to be. In contrast are the ill-informed anti-marijuana antagonists who stubbornly choose to retain their ignorant Reefer Madness mentalities rather than admit they've been misled for years while stupidly accepting the fallacies.
Geez, you're stupid. The pot caused the disorders and the conditions are mostly permanent. You are a posterchild for the damaging effects of pot on intellect.
How do you account for the fact that while many millions of Americans use marijuana on a regular basis with absolutely no negative effect the number of those who do experience biological or psychological problems is significantly less than one percent? If you doubt those examples of negative response to marijuana use actually have evolved from existing conditions I suggest you educate yourself on the subject. A good place to start is by reading, Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD., Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School.

Keep in mind there are people who react negatively to all sorts of relatively benign and healthy substances, most notably peanuts, MSG, shellfish, nitrates, and much more. People have actually died from ingesting those things. I am allergic to something in fish. If I eat any kind of fish I break out in a shingles-type rash for a full day.

Recent studies have revealed a genetic predisposition to at least 50% of all tested alcoholics. Genetics of Alcohol Use Disorder | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) It is reasonable to presume a similar genetic predisposition to negative responses to marijuana but since no studies have as yet been conducted it must remain a presumption.
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Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.
One should have the freedom to do any of them, that is the point.

Why try to justify it? If you think we should have the freedom to do any of it, why justify?

I think all drugs should be legal, and then tax it.
You have to justify it for the same reason that you need rules and laws, there are more assholes than fellas with sense.
There you go, using cutting-edge 1930's propaganda to make your point. I am decades ahead of you on this pot issue. You need to educate yourself and come to the acceptance that pot is a dangerous and debilitating substance for some if not many people. Young brains are most susceptible. So if you have a conscience you'd heed the info. Otherwise you need an intervention.
BTW, I have lots of friends who use pot frequently and they are totally aware of the risk to others and are very respective of not smoking around those who object. They're not as fascist about it as you are.
The root of your opposition to marijuana use appears to be the factor of second-hand smoke. You have focused on this specific complaint a number of times which strongly suggests someone close to you offends you with marijuana smoke.

Is this true?
Geez, you're stupid. The pot caused the disorders and the conditions are mostly permanent. You are a posterchild for the damaging effects of pot on intellect.
What, specifically, has caused any disorder you are alluding to? What is the source of your information? The DEA? NIDA? William Bennett?
Marijuana has also proven effective in cases where PTSD is involved.

Matter of fact, if you go to Colorado and visit the shops, you will hear of many people who have managed to cut down on prescribed medicine because they now have the ability to get marijuana. I've seen actual cases (my room mate and next door neighbor) who have chronic joint pain (one from a disease and one from a major truck wreck that messed up her back and knees), who are greatly helped by cannabis.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.
pot may actually inhibit cancer.
More than it causes cancer? Potheads make me laugh claiming that sucking thick, dark, unfiltered, hallucinogenic smoke into their lungs is healthy and doesn't cause cancer. If only the Tobacco industry could have pulled that one off.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.
pot may actually inhibit cancer.
More than it causes cancer? Potheads make me laugh claiming that sucking thick, dark, unfiltered, hallucinogenic smoke into their lungs is healthy and doesn't cause cancer. If only the Tobacco industry could have pulled that one off.

Have you actually looked at any medical studies? If not, let me help you out..........

Marijuana and Cancer

Over 100 Scientific Studies Agree: Cannabis Annihilates Cancer

And by the way, marijuana is in no way hallucinogenic, because you do not see things that aren't there while stoned. You may notice an increase in feeling a sense of well being, the colors will appear a bit brighter and you might notice things that you wouldn't notice ordinarily, like the patterns on the floor, or how the flowers are dancing gently in the wind when normally you would be thinking about going to work or what you have to do next week. is a wonderful treatment for children with epilepsy and seizures. Google "CBD" and "Charlotte's Web Strain" sometime and read up on all the good that it can do. Unless you hate kids with debilitating illnesses of course.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.
pot may actually inhibit cancer.
More than it causes cancer? Potheads make me laugh claiming that sucking thick, dark, unfiltered, hallucinogenic smoke into their lungs is healthy and doesn't cause cancer. If only the Tobacco industry could have pulled that one off.

Have you actually looked at any medical studies? If not, let me help you out..........

Marijuana and Cancer

Over 100 Scientific Studies Agree: Cannabis Annihilates Cancer

And by the way, marijuana is in no way hallucinogenic, because you do not see things that aren't there while stoned. You may notice an increase in feeling a sense of well being, the colors will appear a bit brighter and you might notice things that you wouldn't notice ordinarily, like the patterns on the floor, or how the flowers are dancing gently in the wind when normally you would be thinking about going to work or what you have to do next week. is a wonderful treatment for children with epilepsy and seizures. Google "CBD" and "Charlotte's Web Strain" sometime and read up on all the good that it can do. Unless you hate kids with debilitating illnesses of course.
Smoked pot causes cancer and THC is listed with the NIH as an hallucinogen, a far more authoritative source than your pothead websites.
More than it causes cancer? Potheads make me laugh claiming that sucking thick, dark, unfiltered, hallucinogenic smoke into their lungs is healthy and doesn't cause cancer. If only the Tobacco industry could have pulled that one off.
Can you point to any credible medical diagnosis attributing lung damage, or any other biological damage, caused by unadulterated marijuana? You can't because there is none.

Please note that I specified unadulterated marijuana, meaning clean, naturally grown plant material rather than bootleg weed -- all of which, Mexican or domestic, is sprayed with carcinogenic pesticides and growth-inducing hormones. NIDA likes to run tests on samples confiscated from illegal grow sites and publish its findings on "toxic" marijuana -- without mentioning the source of their test sample. One such sample was found growing in a radioactive dump site. Smoking or eating this sample would almost certainly cause lung or stomach cancer!

Cleanly grown marijuana is benign. Nothing toxic about it.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.
pot may actually inhibit cancer.
More than it causes cancer? Potheads make me laugh claiming that sucking thick, dark, unfiltered, hallucinogenic smoke into their lungs is healthy and doesn't cause cancer. If only the Tobacco industry could have pulled that one off.

Have you actually looked at any medical studies? If not, let me help you out..........

Marijuana and Cancer

Over 100 Scientific Studies Agree: Cannabis Annihilates Cancer

And by the way, marijuana is in no way hallucinogenic, because you do not see things that aren't there while stoned. You may notice an increase in feeling a sense of well being, the colors will appear a bit brighter and you might notice things that you wouldn't notice ordinarily, like the patterns on the floor, or how the flowers are dancing gently in the wind when normally you would be thinking about going to work or what you have to do next week. is a wonderful treatment for children with epilepsy and seizures. Google "CBD" and "Charlotte's Web Strain" sometime and read up on all the good that it can do. Unless you hate kids with debilitating illnesses of course.
Smoked pot causes cancer and THC is listed with the NIH as an hallucinogen, a far more authoritative source than your pothead websites.

I have smoked cannabis for a few years now, started about 6 months after I retired and was able to have the time off to check it out. Not once have I ever had hallucinations or seen things that weren't there. Can you provide a credible link that proves marijuana is a hallucinogenic?
Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain many of the same toxins, irritants and carcinogens as tobacco smoke.4-7

Marijuana and Lung Health

Pothead websites dismissed with prejudice. Real, accurate info from trusted sources to combat the pothead myths.
Love the potheads justifying their behavior. It's better than getting drunk? Lol! Better than smoking? Lol! Why not do any of them? They are all not real healthy.
pot may actually inhibit cancer.
More than it causes cancer? Potheads make me laugh claiming that sucking thick, dark, unfiltered, hallucinogenic smoke into their lungs is healthy and doesn't cause cancer. If only the Tobacco industry could have pulled that one off.

Have you actually looked at any medical studies? If not, let me help you out..........

Marijuana and Cancer

Over 100 Scientific Studies Agree: Cannabis Annihilates Cancer

And by the way, marijuana is in no way hallucinogenic, because you do not see things that aren't there while stoned. You may notice an increase in feeling a sense of well being, the colors will appear a bit brighter and you might notice things that you wouldn't notice ordinarily, like the patterns on the floor, or how the flowers are dancing gently in the wind when normally you would be thinking about going to work or what you have to do next week. is a wonderful treatment for children with epilepsy and seizures. Google "CBD" and "Charlotte's Web Strain" sometime and read up on all the good that it can do. Unless you hate kids with debilitating illnesses of course.
Smoked pot causes cancer and THC is listed with the NIH as an hallucinogen, a far more authoritative source than your pothead websites.

I have smoked cannabis for a few years now, started about 6 months after I retired and was able to have the time off to check it out. Not once have I ever had hallucinations or seen things that weren't there. Can you provide a credible link that proves marijuana is a hallucinogenic?
You can go to the NIH website yourself. If all you ever see is pothead websites, all you'll ever know is pothead myths. National Institutes of Health (NIH)

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