
Should Marijuana be legalized for medical purposes?

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The police in Colorado are warning people to be on the watch for marijuana poisoned candy. They are expecting crowded emergency rooms.
Yeah, there is research that for young children, marijuana can be harmful in any form...
So are alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.

We have laws requiring PARENTS to protect their kids from these things, and keep THEIR kids from them.

Restricting adult freedom is not the answer.

Users should be shot on sight. They are as worthless as any other walking dead.

It's okay everyone she and other evil bastards like her will die off soon enough :thup:

She's not "evil". She is just extremely ignorant of marijuana.

I'm sorry to come off in a biased way.. why do you think marijuana should be kept illegal?

My Bigot father in law watched his wife have 1 glass of wine and dance at a wedding party. He told me, "That's the devil in her. She drinks wine and goes crazy"

Some of America has evolved past "Footlose". Some have not.
Users should be shot on sight. They are as worthless as any other walking dead.

It's okay everyone she and other evil bastards like her will die off soon enough :thup:

She's not "evil". She is just extremely ignorant of marijuana.

I'm sorry to come off in a biased way.. why do you think marijuana should be kept illegal?

They don't want to use it as medicine because they can't study the pesticide levels of something everyone is able to grow. They don't want to serve it as medicine unless they say it's safe. That's the Governments argument. Problem is, it's a trash argument. Hemp doesn't need the same attention Corn does. Why are they worried about this plant when they aren't worried about the pesticides they keep pushing the envelope for in corn? Our water supplies should not be clean, not bargained for.
Time to gene spice the THC gene into every edible goodie.

22% THC watermelon, anyone??????

; - )
Marijuana is a very controversial topic in our political world today, and I would like to know what our society has to say itabout the way some view it. Some people think it is a Class A drug that is fatal and similar to all the other hard core drugs (i.e. Ecstacy and LSD). But others, like me, know that marijuana is just another plant found in the wilderness that has medical compounds that can help the ill. Yes, marijuana does have psychoactive compounds, but there is no doubt that there are other drugs prescribed by doctors that are more potent. Oxycontin and Morphine are prescribed to patients with chronic pain, but the symptoms are a bit psychoactive. Unlike those drugs, marijuana has a chemical compound called Cannabidiol (CBD) that can be extracted away from the psychoactive compounds in it; such as Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). If there is proof that marijuana has medical purposes then why is it classified as a Class A drug? Yes, it is used as a recreational drug at times, but that does not give an excuse to make it illegal because, unlike alcohol or tobacco, it is not fatal. Marijuana can be harmful in the sense that one can develop lung cancer for smoking it, but there are healthier ways to use marijuana; for instance, cooking it and consuming it. If there are ways to avoid harmful circumstances under marijuana than why shouldn't it be the first drug recommendation to patients? These are things society needs to learn about to fully understand the debate on marijuana. If evidence is not being shown to society then how would any one know what marijuana really is? What are your thoughts and opinions? The link provided is for any one who wants to learn more about marijuana and it's medical purposes by Dr. Sanja Gupta. (copy and paste link)

Should be legalized across the board. Regulated like alcohol, but legal.

The right to grow at home on your own property should be unrestricted.
Funny how the freedom fighting hater dupes are violently against this...and choice in many ways...

It's just that most of us know so many potheads who never were in pain but hold medical marijuana licenses. These people use it as a crutch to get through their own reality.
I use because I love my reality.

I live in freedom, and do what I want, after a life of working, paying my own bills and raising my kids.

Fuck anybody that denies me my personal freedom.
Users should be shot on sight. They are as worthless as any other walking dead.

It's okay everyone she and other evil bastards like her will die off soon enough :thup:

She's not "evil". She is just extremely ignorant of marijuana.

I'm sorry to come off in a biased way.. why do you think marijuana should be kept illegal?

My Bigot father in law watched his wife have 1 glass of wine and dance at a wedding party. He told me, "That's the devil in her. She drinks wine and goes crazy"

Some of America has evolved past "Footlose". Some have not.
Users should be shot on sight. They are as worthless as any other walking dead.

It's okay everyone she and other evil bastards like her will die off soon enough :thup:

She's not "evil". She is just extremely ignorant of marijuana.

I'm sorry to come off in a biased way.. why do you think marijuana should be kept illegal?

They don't want to use it as medicine because they can't study the pesticide levels of something everyone is able to grow. They don't want to serve it as medicine unless they say it's safe. That's the Governments argument. Problem is, it's a trash argument. Hemp doesn't need the same attention Corn does. Why are they worried about this plant when they aren't worried about the pesticides they keep pushing the envelope for in corn? Our water supplies should not be clean, not bargained for.
Time to gene spice the THC gene into every edible goodie.

22% THC watermelon, anyone??????

; - )


3 sections for each fruit and veggie at the store: regular, organic, and laced with THC :rofl:
It's okay everyone she and other evil bastards like her will die off soon enough :thup:

She's not "evil". She is just extremely ignorant of marijuana.

I'm sorry to come off in a biased way.. why do you think marijuana should be kept illegal?

My Bigot father in law watched his wife have 1 glass of wine and dance at a wedding party. He told me, "That's the devil in her. She drinks wine and goes crazy"

Some of America has evolved past "Footlose". Some have not.
It's okay everyone she and other evil bastards like her will die off soon enough :thup:

She's not "evil". She is just extremely ignorant of marijuana.

I'm sorry to come off in a biased way.. why do you think marijuana should be kept illegal?

They don't want to use it as medicine because they can't study the pesticide levels of something everyone is able to grow. They don't want to serve it as medicine unless they say it's safe. That's the Governments argument. Problem is, it's a trash argument. Hemp doesn't need the same attention Corn does. Why are they worried about this plant when they aren't worried about the pesticides they keep pushing the envelope for in corn? Our water supplies should not be clean, not bargained for.
Time to gene spice the THC gene into every edible goodie.

22% THC watermelon, anyone??????

; - )


3 sections for each fruit and veggie at the store: regular, organic, and laced with THC :rofl:

Hey, I am a firm believer in applied technology.
I've been around pot heads and their devastated families for over 30 years. It's a mercy when they finally stroke out. As long as they haven't taken too many with them when they go. There are two pot shops a block from here. I love it when one of them wanders onto Wilshire and gets creamed. Let someone else call 911.

My family is not devastated by marijuana.

My family was devastated by the diagnosis of breast cancer that I received a few years ago. My daughter was so devastated her skin turned so white that below her eyes were all black. She could barely breathe. She had gone through my dad who had liver cancer and knew that it kills. My daughter was 12 years old when I had to tell her I had cancer. If you've ever had to look into the eyes of your child and tell them you have cancer you would know how stupid your post is about marijuana.

Marijuana is making it possible for my child to still have her mother. If it were up to you my daughter wouldn't have her mother anymore.

People like you make me so disgusted.
People like you, Dana7360, are the people the government should focus on. Not the abusers that so many call pot heads because people will abuse anything no matter what time or century we are in. I've read about all types of disease marijuana treats and how it saves lives, but it still is a struggle for some patients to get a safe legal prescription in the state they live. I live in North Carolina and it is still considered illegal but there is a law on the November ballot to support it in hopes of legalization STRICTLY for medical purposes. My role in this is that I'm trying to spread the word by displaying marijuana in its medical form so people can better understand what it is and HOW it saves lives. Maybe more people would understand what good it gives instead of the bad name it has already.

Thank you DLucia.

I'm lucky. I live in Washington state where we legalized medical marijuana in the 1998 election. Then we legalized it for all adults in the 2012 election.

I can just go up the street from my home and buy my medicine. It's close and easy to obtain.

I was unlucky enough to have been diagnosed with a very deadly form of breast cancer. Carcinoma that was 100% receptive to my own body hormones. Which means that my own body hormones was it's food to grow. Millions of women died from it because our own body chemistry is it's food. It was found, the women had it removed but it came back and killed them. Which is exactly what happened to 4 of my relatives before me.

I'm very lucky in that we now have a way to block those hormones so that the cancer won't return and kill. Studies are now finding that women like me can never go off that medication. It will return and kill me if I don't take that medication. I'm like many women who have the side effect that it causes a weak stomach and most food makes me sick. Without the medical marijuana almost nothing would stay in me. So instead of being a size 1 as I am now, I would now be totally emaciated or dead. There's another drug that blocks the hormones but it causes heart fibulations. I have a deadly allergy to mold and bees. Both will cause antifilaxis. Which kills without an epipen. My throat closes, my lungs collapse and my heart goes very fast. Without that epipen when it stops going very fast it stops completely and I die. So if I took that other medication I could die from heart fibulations.

I'm stuck between that infamous rock and a hard place. So I take the lessor of the two evils. I would rather have problems with keeping food in me than being dead. The medical marijuana makes it possible for me to be able to take that medication that's preventing that cancer from returning and killing me.

If you want to use my story to tell people in your area please send me a private message and I'll provide you with all the information you need. There's millions of people suffering because medical marijuana isn't available in their area.

No one should be made into a criminal just for fighting to save their life.
This isn't a liberal vs conservative issue. There are probably as many conservatives in favor of legalization as there are liberals (I'm talking about citizens, not politicians). The problem is with the government itself. They make more money keeping it illegal.
Thank you DLucia.

I'm lucky. I live in Washington state where we legalized medical marijuana in the 1998 election. Then we legalized it for all adults in the 2012 election.

I can just go up the street from my home and buy my medicine. It's close and easy to obtain.

I was unlucky enough to have been diagnosed with a very deadly form of breast cancer. Carcinoma that was 100% receptive to my own body hormones. Which means that my own body hormones was it's food to grow. Millions of women died from it because our own body chemistry is it's food. It was found, the women had it removed but it came back and killed them. Which is exactly what happened to 4 of my relatives before me.

I'm very lucky in that we now have a way to block those hormones so that the cancer won't return and kill. Studies are now finding that women like me can never go off that medication. It will return and kill me if I don't take that medication. I'm like many women who have the side effect that it causes a weak stomach and most food makes me sick. Without the medical marijuana almost nothing would stay in me. So instead of being a size 1 as I am now, I would now be totally emaciated or dead. There's another drug that blocks the hormones but it causes heart fibulations. I have a deadly allergy to mold and bees. Both will cause antifilaxis. Which kills without an epipen. My throat closes, my lungs collapse and my heart goes very fast. Without that epipen when it stops going very fast it stops completely and I die. So if I took that other medication I could die from heart fibulations.

I'm stuck between that infamous rock and a hard place. So I take the lessor of the two evils. I would rather have problems with keeping food in me than being dead. The medical marijuana makes it possible for me to be able to take that medication that's preventing that cancer from returning and killing me.

If you want to use my story to tell people in your area please send me a private message and I'll provide you with all the information you need. There's millions of people suffering because medical marijuana isn't available in their area.

No one should be made into a criminal just for fighting to save their life.
That would be a horrible situation to be in, thanks for sharing the story. When I hear stories like that I wonder why science can't isolate the medicinal qualities of pot and mass market it. I would definitely choose the get stoned over dying but would prefer the best of both worlds, lucid and healthy.
Addicts have endless reasons and excuses to keep using. There is no doubt that someone who believes they will be terribly sick if they don't get their drug of choice will be terribly sick if denied.
I've been around pot heads and their devastated families for over 30 years. It's a mercy when they finally stroke out. As long as they haven't taken too many with them when they go. There are two pot shops a block from here. I love it when one of them wanders onto Wilshire and gets creamed. Let someone else call 911.
]I've been around pot heads and their devastated families for over 30 years.
sure you have....just by the shit you say tells a very different pot devastating families....what other drugs were they doing?....
It's a mercy when they finally stroke out.
they died of a heart attack smoking pot? much meth or cocaine was involved?....
There are two pot shops a block from here. I love it when one of them wanders onto Wilshire and gets creamed.
the store gets up and walks around?....
They are drug addicts. It's not like they will be missed by relieved family members. So there will be fewer accidents. Those who won't be victims will be thankful.

Katz thinks thats the way it is.....but then, when you have never been around the stuff....people can fill that feeble old head with all kinds of bullshit....

Well think about it. . .

That was the propaganda of the MSM back then. Why do folks on this forum think that the MSM is any different today? Remember the "Red Scare?" Was it nearly so black and white as the media told us?

And yet. . . look at how they portray a whole host of issues, anything from terrorism to Ebola. And folks just swallow it up, even though we have the internet and everyone can go to alternative news sources and FIND OUT THE TRUTH, if they so choose.

So really, I don't think anyone has a right to get up all in her shit. Everyone has a right to their opinion, no matter how they came to be informed of it. There is no denying, Marijuana IS an intoxicant, and everyone deals with intoxicants differently. SOME people do indeed have addictive personalities, they can't help but get their lives ruined by it. I'm sure she believes it IS only the marijuana and not a host of other intoxicants as well as alcohol and the situation those folks found themselves in.

As far as other people who indulge in marijuana? Well, informed people know other very notable people in our society have had their genius augmented by it. They have known how to use it and not abuse it, just the same as any other drug, like coffee, tea, or alcohol. We all know famous artists and intellectuals whose work would probably not have been nearly as inspired with out the mighty mighty herb. So, there you have it.

Everyone has a right to their opinion
yes they do....much of what Katz says is her supposed personal opinion is different than bullshit....
Users should be shot on sight. They are as worthless as any other walking dead.

It's okay everyone she and other evil bastards like her will die off soon enough :thup:
yea she dont have too many more years to go.....she can fall down break a hip ....after they pump her up with all those nasty pain killers she will be an addict and then its just a matter of time for someone her age....someone at the wake will remark how she should have smoked some pot....would not have gotten addicted.....might still be here.....
Go get each others phone numbers and talk about me else where.
what the fuck are you talking about?....
Users should be shot on sight. They are as worthless as any other walking dead.

It's okay everyone she and other evil bastards like her will die off soon enough :thup:
yea she dont have too many more years to go.....she can fall down break a hip ....after they pump her up with all those nasty pain killers she will be an addict and then its just a matter of time for someone her age....someone at the wake will remark how she should have smoked some pot....would not have gotten addicted.....might still be here.....
Go get each others phone numbers and talk about me else where.

I believe they are talking about "Katzndogz", not you.
oh she thinks that?....well i guess she dont follow threads to well.....or....she is high......:dunno:
So we have the first John Deere Tractor in America said to be ran on Hemp seed oil. We have low dependence on oil. We have the fact that it's one of the first things that fight Cancer ever. We have that it fights seizures and hundreds of other medical issues.

Corporations hate the easily grown plant. Not Americans. Wake up. (Note, I am not a stoner and never was)

I have a family member with cancer and am willing to try anything. I have a family member with seizures and am willing to try anything. If I share the proven statistics of "pot/weed" on social media the low educated Americans think I'm a stoner. Understand the problem yet people?
pot has a positive effect on seizures.....wife is an epileptic,the drugs they were trying were not doing well and if they were lessening the siezures the side affects were creating a whole new scenario... pot not only reduced the amount and severity of the siezures,it did so with no side effects,it also calmed the tremor in her right hand.... something none of the drugs did.....her Neurologist told us he cant prescribe it,but he has had a few other patients say the same.....he told us if it works and you can get it....
Hmm...the OP joined USMB yesterday. Maddow's Colorado pot piece was aired yesterday.

Wonder if they're related?

Read more here to see if I'm right: Maddow Miracle Motivates Marijuana Vote US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

74% as of this post want pot legalized both for recreational and medical use. Wonder if any of those people think republicans will advance that agenda? Probably not related to next week's midterms.

Kinda weird how that percentage lines up with another poll or two at that website...of people that feel strongly about this or that issue?
Secondly, there are studies that show hemp fights cancer. Not many, but a few.

But nothing else is shown to fight why are we stalling on the research? Big Government.

That is a bit of a politically motivated video. If it were my kid, I would do one of two things. Move to a different state, or if it has been legalized in their state? They should grow it themselves. It isn't that hard.

"Politically Motivated"?

So where is the freedom if your kid has 17 seizures a day and they are forced to uproot their entire family and move to Colorado? You do understand FREEDOM, correct?

pot did wonders for my wife...she was having about 17 a day did not stop them but it brought it down to about 5 a day over a period of time...... and the severity of them was greatly reduced,which is what she was most happy about...BUT everyone is it may not help or it may.....she was still told to take one of the drugs....over the years they have almost disappeared...
Hmm...the OP joined USMB yesterday. Maddow's Colorado pot piece was aired yesterday.

Wonder if they're related?

Read more here to see if I'm right: Maddow Miracle Motivates Marijuana Vote US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

74% as of this post want pot legalized both for recreational and medical use. Wonder if any of those people think republicans will advance that agenda? Probably not related to next week's midterms.

Kinda weird how that percentage lines up with another poll or two at that website...of people that feel strongly about this or that issue?
i feel pretty soon med pot will be in all 50 States.....the legalizing....the jury is still out on that.....what i want to know is how come all these pot stories are coming out of Colorado?.....why do i not hear anything coming out of Washington?...

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