Marine finds hateful note on his car...

An anonymous note calls for even being noticed? What was the guy looking for in even reporting such a minor event? This could be related to any number of imaginable situations. How, for example, was it known this car belonged to a veteran? It could be something totally personal; a jealous girlfriend or boyfriend, someone who didn't like the way the car was parked.
Really, it indicates nothing.

AGAIN, the Marine who received the note didn't report it. How the news station got a copy of the note or even became aware of the situation wasn't disclosed, but they did contact the Marine and he declined to be interviewed on camera and said that he laughs at it.

It's mind-boggling to me that anyone is questioning the Marine, he's not the one with the problem, folks. Whether you agree with the war or not, he did as he was ordered to do and does not deserve to be harassed by cowardly assholes making snap judgments about his character.
The Left has a visceral contempt of the military. It isn't mind boggling to me, this is who they are.

We do? I managed to miss that memo.
Don't be stupid. If the shoe fits, wear it

I'm not the stupid one here, I'm not making broad generalizations about people I don't know.

I'm a liberal and have zero contempt for our military. My brother is a United States Marine, my father was Navy, both grandfathers served during wars, an uncle served in Desert Storm, and my daughter's father did two tours, one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq.

Believe me when I say this, I have zero contempt for our nations military. My contempt rests solely on the politicians who are too quick to send us into wars and do not properly care for our men and women abroad and then back at home.
I didn't say a thing about liberals. As I said if the shoe fits, wear it.
AGAIN, the Marine who received the note didn't report it. How the news station got a copy of the note or even became aware of the situation wasn't disclosed, but they did contact the Marine and he declined to be interviewed on camera and said that he laughs at it.

It's mind-boggling to me that anyone is questioning the Marine, he's not the one with the problem, folks. Whether you agree with the war or not, he did as he was ordered to do and does not deserve to be harassed by cowardly assholes making snap judgments about his character.
The Left has a visceral contempt of the military. It isn't mind boggling to me, this is who they are.

We do? I managed to miss that memo.
Don't be stupid. If the shoe fits, wear it

I'm not the stupid one here, I'm not making broad generalizations about people I don't know.

I'm a liberal and have zero contempt for our military. My brother is a United States Marine, my father was Navy, both grandfathers served during wars, an uncle served in Desert Storm, and my daughter's father did two tours, one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq.

Believe me when I say this, I have zero contempt for our nations military. My contempt rests solely on the politicians who are too quick to send us into wars and do not properly care for our men and women abroad and then back at home.
I didn't say a thing about liberals. As I said if the shoe fits, wear it.

The left, you're just backtracking. You made a generalization and got called on it. Move on.
young men and women who serve their nation
There is one problem with this.
Orders gives government. And not the people.

And the US government - the bloody criminals ... do not have moral norms.
They can kill a lot of people because of money.

And the US military serve them.
You do not see the difference between "killing innocent" and "protect the people"?

And you do not think that Bush lied to the soldiers?
And the fact that in America, the richest country in the world, exist HOMELESS veterans - it is not a betrayal the patriots? Which until then had been deceived...
About 1.4 million other veterans, meanwhile, are considered at risk of homelessness due to poverty, lack of support networks, and dismal living conditions in overcrowded or substandard housing.

I'm in shock ...
And you write patriotic positions.
Maybe it's time to think?
young men and women who serve their nation
There is one problem with this.
Orders gives government. And not the people.

And the US government - the bloody criminals ... do not have moral norms.
They can kill a lot of people because of money.

And the US military serve them.
You do not see the difference between "killing innocent" and "protect the people"?

And you do not think that Bush lied to the soldiers?
And the fact that in America, the richest country in the world, exist HOMELESS veterans - it is not a betrayal the patriots? Which until then had been deceived...

Apparently you have comprehension problems.

No. I am not getting into this with you for several reasons.

Move along.
The Left has a visceral contempt of the military. It isn't mind boggling to me, this is who they are.

We do? I managed to miss that memo.
Don't be stupid. If the shoe fits, wear it

I'm not the stupid one here, I'm not making broad generalizations about people I don't know.

I'm a liberal and have zero contempt for our military. My brother is a United States Marine, my father was Navy, both grandfathers served during wars, an uncle served in Desert Storm, and my daughter's father did two tours, one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq.

Believe me when I say this, I have zero contempt for our nations military. My contempt rests solely on the politicians who are too quick to send us into wars and do not properly care for our men and women abroad and then back at home.
I didn't say a thing about liberals. As I said if the shoe fits, wear it.

The left, you're just backtracking. You made a generalization and got called on it. Move on.
The Left are not liberals. Words mean things which is why I'm very specific in which ones I choose. Stop jumping into fire that isn't aimed at you, silly.
It you have a problem understanding if you do not see the obvious things ... your military betrayed. And used as puppets.

But you go on to write how much you love the military.
It's so patriotic. And so it is ... help homeless veterans and poor veterans.
If that person didn't have the guts to say it to the guy's face, then to me, they shouldn't have said it at all.

God bless you and our troops always!!!


P.S. People who spit in the faces of our troops, to me, need to be kicked where it hurts for being so disrespectful.
Do you think that if a person is wearing US military uniforms - it is 100% a good man?
Maybe not, but to me, they at least deserve some appreciation and not the grief the man that we are talking about was given.

God bless you and him always!!!


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