Marjorie GOES ON RECORD against Supporting our Troops - Says Joining is "Throwing your Life Away"

This is the way the far right REALLY feels about our military and vets. Years ago, on this very forum, when I stated that I had been an officer in the U.S. Navy, I had a right wing poster (not here anymore) ask why I couldn't get a "real job".
Only in the US soldiers and veterans are glorified, the rest of the world not so much and history books won't be kind to those that participated in occupying, bombing and ruining other lives and entire countries.

I love this country but it's military actions did lots of harm to millions of lives except maybe WWII and thr first desert storm to Liberate Kuwait.
She is right. That doesn't mean she wants to weaken our military.

MTG will be supported by her constituents because she understands important issues like our heritage.
She voted against stopping trade with Pootin. a Pootin loving Traitor. And you are a treasonous POS. that you?
I was replying to Sunsettommy...a MAGA Meathead...

You just LIED since I am NOT a republican have repeatedly stated that I am a free thinking INDEPEDENT.

I have opposed Trump and said so in the forum repeatedly for continuing his stolen election mantra which should have ended December 12, 2019, when SCOTUS dropped the Multiple states lawsuit.
No one is surprised at MTG. She has shown herself to be a Putin Loving MAGA. She naturally hates the U.S. military. She gets her talking points from trump...who LOVES Pootin.

You lie constantly now are you sure you haven't been a politician?

I have repeatedly posted hard evidence that Trump isn't a friend of Putin with all those sanctions he imposed against Russia and got NATO to greatly increase their military support.

You are pathetic and unreliable because you lie a lot.
This is the way the far right REALLY feels about our military and vets. Years ago, on this very forum, when I stated that I had been an officer in the U.S. Navy, I had a right wing poster (not here anymore) ask why I couldn't get a "real job".
No such thing as a liberal military veteran. Not a real one, anyway.
She and they really do believe that Americans who don’t think just like they do are Satanic and evil.

Incredible. That’s a fuckin’ madness.
While you just think that everyone who doesn't agree with you is delusional? There is a word for a person who believes he or she is the only sane person.
I joined the Army in 1989.

My only brother did 20 years as an combat officer in the Army.

My father joined the Air Force in 1954.

Three of my uncle's fought in WWII.

Four Great Uncles fought in WWI.

But I counselled my children not to join the military... and so did my brother.

So for the first time in four generations no members of my family continued our tradition of military service.

Take that for what you will.
My family has a long military history. My dad was in Vietnam, and I told my son not to join. I love the soldiers and our armed forces, but I could not let my son die at a politician's whim. With the corruption and propaganda we have now, I couldn't trust our goals or reasons to fight and die.
Explain what Biden's foreign policies and how it is so bad for the military...

Leaving Afghanistan had massive support from the Military...

Biden has managed to get all of zero Americans killed in Ukraine so far and has Putin on his knees... Biden will go down in history a international diplomatic mastermind on this one...

MTG is a fucking idiot compared to the hand Biden is playing internationally right now... She worships Trump that called Putin a genius for invading Ukraine

MTG has shown she is fucking clueless in the past and criticism from her should be either ignored or a kind of a compliment...

Besides his son's dealings in China and Ukraine, giving up energy independence to buy oil from people who hate us is pretty high up there. The bungle getting out of Afghanistan was historic. Largest loss of military equipment EVER. Plus there is the whole leaving people behind thing, which is a democrat trend. Woke training, and the purging of leadership isn't exactly helpful. Does it seam like we are now Iran's biggest buddy. We sure love giving them resources to use against us. Never understood the anti-Israel stuff. Let's face it, whoever controls Biden right now is a huge f-up.

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