Marjorie GOES ON RECORD against Supporting our Troops - Says Joining is "Throwing your Life Away"

Well come on answer the question, What war since ww2 has been worth American blood or treasure?
Didn't we have some agreement to protect Kuwait? When they were attacked, that one made sense. My dad fought in Vietnam, and I know it was a disaster, but preventing a communist surge was a noble goal. Whether or not that was the real goal, who knows. Protecting South Korea kind of makes sense as well.
Besides his son's dealings in China and Ukraine, giving up energy independence to buy oil from people who hate us is pretty high up there. The bungle getting out of Afghanistan was historic. Largest loss of military equipment EVER. Plus there is the whole leaving people behind thing, which is a democrat trend. Woke training, and the purging of leadership isn't exactly helpful. Does it seam like we are now Iran's biggest buddy. We sure love giving them resources to use against us. Never understood the anti-Israel stuff. Let's face it, whoever controls Biden right now is a huge f-up.
We weren't buying Russian oil until Trump put sanctions against Venezuela.
He called them worse, middle finger boi. It's not so much a hate for service in the military as it is a disdain. A feeling that only the weak with no options choose to serve and bow to someone else instead of being a self made fraud..erm...businessman...yeah..that's the ticket. :auiqs.jpg:
You're just flat out lying, of course.
Besides his son's dealings in China and Ukraine, giving up energy independence to buy oil from people who hate us is pretty high up there. The bungle getting out of Afghanistan was historic. Largest loss of military equipment EVER. Plus there is the whole leaving people behind thing, which is a democrat trend. Woke training, and the purging of leadership isn't exactly helpful. Does it seam like we are now Iran's biggest buddy. We sure love giving them resources to use against us. Never understood the anti-Israel stuff. Let's face it, whoever controls Biden right now is a huge f-up.
I remind you that trump negotiated solely with the Taliban When he surrendered to them. He left the Afghanistan government completely out. Basically...he surrendered to the Taliban. Biden had to deal with that mess.
I remind you that trump negotiated solely with the Taliban When he surrendered to them. He left the Afghanistan government completely out. Basically...he surrendered to the Taliban. Biden had to deal with that mess.
You'll never remove the stain of that withdrawal debacle from Biden's record, no matter how hard you try.
No such thing as a liberal military veteran. Not a real one, anyway.

During my time in the US Navy, I served with people who were liberals and those who were conservatives. There were more conservatives, but denying liberals served is bullshit.

And when you say "Not a real one, anyway", what do you mean? Not a real liberal? Not a real military veteran?
This is the way the far right REALLY feels about our military and vets. Years ago, on this very forum, when I stated that I had been an officer in the U.S. Navy, I had a right wing poster (not here anymore) ask why I couldn't get a "real job".
Our military had been neutered and is now just a woke-bloke club where men wear dresses
And obediently present themselves as target practice for our enemies. Not being allowed to load the weapons they carry.
Our military had been neutered and is now just a woke-bloke club where men wear dresses
And obediently present themselves as target practice for our enemies. Not being allowed to load the weapons they carry.

Please stop by the BUD/S school in Coronado CA and let those men know they are neutered and wear dresses. Be sure to get someone to video it.
Please stop by the BUD/S school in Coronado CA and let those men know they are neutered and wear dresses. Be sure to get someone to video it.
Oh I'm sure there are many good soldiers aspiring. They are not the problem. The Perverts that run the military are the problem.
So how do you fix it?

You'll never remove the stain of that withdrawal debacle from Biden's record, no matter how hard you try.
Trump caved to the Taliban and got NOTHING in return. Some negotiator. He withdrew 11,000 soldiers and freed 5000 prisoners.
The troops punked Josef Stolen with jalapenos.... they made him cry. Looks like they're proud of their fragging incident. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Trump caved to the Taliban and got NOTHING in return. Some negotiator. He withdrew 11,000 soldiers and freed 5000 prisoners.
Dims were demanding that he "cave," asshole. What do you imagine withdrawal means? Biden is the one who freed the 5000 prisoners.

Americans all know who is responsible for the withdrawal debacle. You'll never wipe that stain off of Biden.
Dims were demanding that he "cave," asshole. What do you imagine withdrawal means? Biden is the one who freed the 5000 prisoners.

Americans all know who is responsible for the withdrawal debacle. You'll never wipe that stain off of Biden.
Nope. The 5000 prisoners were released in September of 2020. Biden wasn't president.

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