Marjorie GOES ON RECORD against Supporting our Troops - Says Joining is "Throwing your Life Away"

Usually these leftwingers are fake military. Not combat veterans.
As the great Rush Limbaugh used to say, "There are two types of generals; Combat generals and desk generals. The former are conservative; the latter are liberals."
As usual, Elrushbo was 100% spot-on.

The other adage is "Show me a liberal combat veteran, and I'll show you a draftee". They're heart wasn't really in it. They had to go.

And you served??
Usually these leftwingers are fake military. Not combat veterans.
As the great Rush Limbaugh used to say, "There are two types of generals; Combat generals and desk generals. The former are conservative; the latter are liberals."
As usual, Elrushbo was 100% spot-on.

The other adage is "Show me a liberal combat veteran, and I'll show you a draftee". They're heart wasn't really in it. They had to go.

As I recall, you never served in the military. You have a lot of gall to denigrate those who did. Especially since every man who served in the military could be sent to the front lines, regardless of their MOS or rating. Combat veterans can only do what they do because of those who support them. And do so for very little pay. Your idea that combat veterans are the only heros is blatantly false.
As I recall, you never served in the military. You have a lot of gall to denigrate those who did. Especially since every man who served in the military could be sent to the front lines, regardless of their MOS or rating. Combat veterans can only do what they do because of those who support them. And do so for very little pay. Your idea that combat veterans are the only heros is blatantly false.
I love hearing from leftwing screen berets.
you're attacking Limbaugh

Settle down, poor Lenny, settle down.
My avatar is only serving the discussion as a mere reporter.
Reporting what was detailed in the fact-check website 'Snopes'.

And, even I must admit, the fact-check seemed fitting as it added nuance and context to Limbaugh's expertise on judging military generalship.

He served as much as the leftwing screen berets in here did. Except Rush FOR the country, not against it.

Unless you signed up and took the oath, you did not serve in the military. Period.

And what you hear from me is all factual. Feel free to rebuke any facts you can. But I see you prefer to take cheap shots based on the freedoms that others defended for you.

You're welcome.
Unless you signed up and took the oath, you did not serve in the military. Period.

And what you hear from me is all factual. Feel free to rebuke any facts you can. But I see you prefer to take cheap shots based on the freedoms that others defended for you.

You're welcome.
You played army as a kid. That doesn't mean you served in the military. True veterans love America, not Marxism.
Plus, you DON'T bash Limbaugh. Come after me if you like, but you may NOT insult the greatest journalist/historian/political commentator of all time. Understood? Good.

I will bash Limbaugh all I want. It is certainly better than your bashing Americans who served their country. The audacity of you bashing honorably discharged veterans and then saying don't bash Limbaugh is astounding.
As I recall, you never served in the military. You have a lot of gall to denigrate those who did. Especially since every man who served in the military could be sent to the front lines, regardless of their MOS or rating. Combat veterans can only do what they do because of those who support them. And do so for very little pay. Your idea that combat veterans are the only heros is blatantly false.
A lot of those GEn-Xers whined about going to the front during the Gulf war.
I served in the Atlantic Fleet in the Cold War. 60 to 90 days out and submerged the entire time.
So you and draft-dodger Bill Clinton saw the same amount of action. Got it.
Sorry, but anybody who endorses Marxism, I don't believe served.

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