Marjorie GOES ON RECORD against Supporting our Troops - Says Joining is "Throwing your Life Away"

I will bash Limbaugh all I want. It is certainly better than your bashing Americans who served their country. The audacity of you bashing honorably discharged veterans and then saying don't bash Limbaugh is astounding.
I'll bash hypocrite libs all I want who joined solely for the purpose of getting their college tuition paid and then wanted an escape clause when the Gulf War started.
You played army as a kid. That doesn't mean you served in the military. True veterans love America, not Marxism.

You inconsequential little punk.

I served with pride. I am an honorably discharged veteran and a patriot.

At least I am not wanting to dismantle the US Constitution, like you do. I swore an oath to defend it.
I'll bash hypocrite libs all I want who joined solely for the purpose of getting their college tuition paid and then wanted an escape clause when the Gulf War started.

Oh I have no patience with those assholes. You signed up, you serve where they tell you or you go to Leavenworth.
As I recall, you never served in the military. You have a lot of gall to denigrate those who did. Especially since every man who served in the military could be sent to the front lines, regardless of their MOS or rating. Combat veterans can only do what they do because of those who support them. And do so for very little pay. Your idea that combat veterans are the only heros is blatantly false.
I don't believe you ever served. Leftists who hate America and endorse Marxism are not credible.
I don't believe you ever served. Leftists who hate America and endorse Marxism are not credible.

I don't give a rat's ass what you believe. I served.

That is all beside the point. The fact that you would bash every veteran who did not serve in combat is loathsome.
You keep saying that. Exactly when did I endorse Marxism?
Any time you endorse any part of the Democrat regime's agenda, or bash the anti-left agenda which has been many times.
I've watched you do it for three months now. All you do is troll leftism all day every day. You've lost all credibility. Nothing you say is believable.
Any time you endorse any part of the Democrat regime's agenda, or bash the anti-left agenda which has been many times.
I've watched you do it for three months now. All you do is troll leftism all day every day. You've lost all credibility. Nothing you say is believable.

LMAO!! You mean like when I defend the US Constitution?

No junior, I am certainly not a Marxist. I am also not someone who uses the freedoms defended by others to slander those who served.
You never served.

You can say that as often as you want. It does not change the truth.

And just to educate you on the definition of "Marxist":
  1. a supporter of the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels:
    "some of the workers are Marxists"
  1. relating to or denoting the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels:
    "Marxist ideology""
Any time you endorse any part of the Democrat regime's agenda, or bash the anti-left agenda which has been many times.
I've watched you do it for three months now. All you do is troll leftism all day every day. You've lost all credibility. Nothing you say is believable.

And just to clarify, "Trolling" is posting just to piss people off. I have argued the facts in these threads. You advocate trashing the US Constitution. I defended it. Which one sounds more Marxist?
You never served.


My VA Medical card.
"But I see you prefer to take cheap shots based on the freedoms that others defended for you."

You know, in my avatar's personal view.....that was double-tap center-shot to poor Mashmont's goofball-ism on this thread.
Even though poor poster Mashmont is merely being unserious....silly even, it was still darn good shooting by poster WinterBorn.
He dropped that Wannabe in his tracks...deadsolidperfect!

That poster is dead......just doesn't recognize it yet.
It's the same phenomena we'd see when we lopped the head off the supper-chicken.
They'd flop and flop and flop.
But they were dead.


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