Marjorie GOES ON RECORD against Supporting our Troops - Says Joining is "Throwing your Life Away"

You know, in my avatar's personal view.....that was double-tap center-shot to poor Mashmont's goofball-ism on this thread.
Even though poor poster Mashmont is merely being unserious....silly even, it was still darn good shooting by poster WinterBorn.
He dropped that Wannabe in his tracks...deadsolidperfect!

That poster is dead......just doesn't recognize it yet.
It's the same phenomena we'd see when we lopped the head off the supper-chicken.
They'd flop and flop and flop.
But they were dead.


Thanks! I appreciate the words.

But shooting down Mashmont is a lot like shooting fish in a barrel. Too easy.
And just to clarify, "Trolling" is posting just to piss people off. I have argued the facts in these threads. You advocate trashing the US Constitution. I defended it. Which one sounds more Marxist?
I haven't seen him trashing the Constitution.
You inconsequential little punk.

I served with pride. I am an honorably discharged veteran and a patriot.

At least I am not wanting to dismantle the US Constitution, like you do. I swore an oath to defend it.
He's bashing Marxists. They didn't get a pass just because they were in the military. They are scum.
I haven't seen him trashing the Constitution.

He has threads wanting to declare the US a Christian nation, which is a clear violation of the 1st amendment.
He also has a thread wanting to ban atheists or atheist groups. Another clear violation of the US Constitution.
He's bashing Marxists. They didn't get a pass just because they were in the military. They are scum.

If he were bashing actual Marxists it would be different. He labels anyone, conservative or liberal, who disagrees with him as Marxist.
He called them worse, middle finger boi. It's not so much a hate for service in the military as it is a disdain. A feeling that only the weak with no options choose to serve and bow to someone else instead of being a self made fraud..erm...businessman...yeah..that's the ticket. :auiqs.jpg:
Prove it, asshole.
The American military lost the support of the American people last year when they became the enforcement branch of the Democrat Party.

Last January they protected the filthy thugs that stole the 2020 election. They did not adhere to the oath they took to support the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.
They did not adhere to the oath they took to support the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.

OK, fair enough.
But what are you gonna do about it, good poster Flash?

Anonymously whining about it under a fake name on an internet gossipboard ain't exactly the most propitious way to demonstrate one is a get-things-done manly man patriot. IMHO

Batter up, Flash.
He has threads wanting to declare the US a Christian nation, which is a clear violation of the 1st amendment.
He also has a thread wanting to ban atheists or atheist groups. Another clear violation of the US Constitution.
I'm not sure what it means to declare the country "a Christian nation." If it means outlawing other religions, it certainly is a violation of the First Amendment. If he said what you claim, then he's advocating violating the Bill of Rights. However, I haven't seen that yet.
I'm not sure what it means to declare the country "a Christian nation." If it means outlawing other religions, it certainly is a violation of the First Amendment. If he said what you claim, then he's advocating violating the Bill of Rights. However, I haven't seen that yet.

He wants the US gov't to be a Christian gov't. Yes, that is advocating violating the Bill of Rights.

OK, fair enough.
But what are you gonna do about it, good poster Flash?

Anonymously whining about it under a fake name on an internet gossipboard ain't exactly the most propitious way to demonstrate one is a get-things-done manly man patriot. IMHO

Batter up, Flash.
This forum was created for us whiners.
I will bash Limbaugh all I want. It is certainly better than your bashing Americans who served their country. The audacity of you bashing honorably discharged veterans and then saying don't bash Limbaugh is astounding.
Also, true veterans don't whine like little girls. As I said, you have forfeited all credibility by your constant support of Marxist policies and bashing of America.
And just to clarify, "Trolling" is posting just to piss people off. I have argued the facts in these threads. You advocate trashing the US Constitution. I defended it. Which one sounds more Marxist?
Are you joking? All you do in here is troll. All hours. Every day. You hate conservatives. You hate the Constitution.
You know, in my avatar's personal view.....that was double-tap center-shot to poor Mashmont's goofball-ism on this thread.
Even though poor poster Mashmont is merely being unserious....silly even, it was still darn good shooting by poster WinterBorn.
He dropped that Wannabe in his tracks...deadsolidperfect!

That poster is dead......just doesn't recognize it yet.
It's the same phenomena we'd see when we lopped the head off the supper-chicken.
They'd flop and flop and flop.
But they were dead.

How touching. One leftwinger trying to prop up another stolen valor leftwinger. Believe me, Winter needs propping up. He's not coming off too well.
I joined the Army in 1989.

My only brother did 20 years as an combat officer in the Army.

My father joined the Air Force in 1954.

Three of my uncle's fought in WWII.

Four Great Uncles fought in WWI.

But I counselled my children not to join the military... and so did my brother.

So for the first time in four generations no members of my family continued our tradition of military service.

Take that for what you will.
Same. My dad a Vietnam veteran said no. Don’t join. It’s pretty sad.
I have a big problem with trashing those who served. It was not me that did so.
It wasn't me, either. I never trash real veterans. Only the fake ones. Or the draftees who were leftwing whose hearts weren't it in it who bash America. Those types make my blood boil. I have known dozens of real and patriotic veterans. None of them talk like you.

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