Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims That She Has Enough Evidence to Impeach Biden

Just the fact that he obviously isn't mentally fit should be enough evidence.

Not sure what you're on about. Clearly the government doesn't care about the statute of limitations when they are now trying to charge Trump with crimes before he was even president.

Agreed but lol at first I read this as Biden is incapable of running his own mouth which is true too.

Wow, seriously? I somewhat agree with you on the Trump part although he needs his attitude to face the left. However, how is Biden better than Trump? What has he ever accomplished?
Trump set the world on fire and divided our country in a way that I’ve never seen before. People hate each other because of their political beliefs whereas before it was much more tolerable. With Biden I’m OK with him not doing anything in the White House. I don’t support a lot of his agenda and him not getting anything done is just fine by me. To me it’s definitely a lot less harmful than what Trump is doing.
Trump set the world on fire and divided our country in a way that I’ve never seen before. People hate each other because of their political beliefs whereas before it was much more tolerable. With Biden I’m OK with him not doing anything in the White House. I don’t support a lot of his agenda and him not getting anything done is just fine by me. To me it’s definitely a lot less harmful than what Trump is doing.

Ah,.. I see. I don't really agree with you, but I can at least see your POV now.
That's right. THAT IS MY OPINION. And well grounded in fact and observation.

Problem is, Biden has slowed down all of the good things like border control, crime prevention, energy independence, economic stability and world peace, while speeding up all of the bad things like foreign invasion, crime, inflation, bank collapse, social decay and the likelihood of war.

Bid Trump Return Now.
I don’t agree. The free market takes care of most that stuff on both sides
Y’all need to get better grounded in reality. These politicians and media you listen to just hype you up with lies and false promises. The same thing happened to the left with Trump and you mocked them. And then you turn around and fall for the exact same stuff. Come on open your eyes.
The thing is, they have a template for this. Here are the steps:
  1. Make a wild claim. The bigger the better. Like, "there was a huge conspiracy to rig the election" or "the Chinese and the Dems worked together on COVID to bring down Trump"
  2. Someone will say, "okay, prove it".
  3. You say, "I can't, because everyone is corrupt, including every court and every judge, but it's The Truth, no matter what you say"
Works like a charm. For them. In their world. In their minds.

That's literally word for word. Everything is so easy when all you have to say is, "take my word for it." It requires no effort at all, and that's exactly what they want because being a drone doesn't require a single independent thought. Who cares if that there's no evidence, and when actual evidence comes to light that counters their ridiculous claims they just ignore it, and they do this every single time. There isn't a single group of people more ready for a dictatorship.
That's literally word for word. Everything is so easy when all you have to say is, "take my word for it." It requires no effort at all, and that's exactly what they want because being a drone doesn't require a single independent thought. Who cares if that there's no evidence, and when actual evidence comes to light that counters their ridiculous claims they just ignore it, and they do this every single time. There isn't a single group of people more ready for a dictatorship.
Yep, the template has been set for them, and they obediently follow it. They've been conditioned to conflate opinion and conspiracy with "fact" and "proof".

And I couldn't agree more -- some of them hint at it here, but I do believe it's possible that there are many who really do want a dictatorship. But also, the rest have been so manipulated as to not understand that what they're asking for and enabling IS a dictatorship.
That's literally word for word. Everything is so easy when all you have to say is, "take my word for it." It requires no effort at all, and that's exactly what they want because being a drone doesn't require a single independent thought. Who cares if that there's no evidence, and when actual evidence comes to light that counters their ridiculous claims they just ignore it, and they do this every single time. There isn't a single group of people more ready for a dictatorship.
Excuse me, what the fuck do you think you and your ilk are doing? You have listened to liars, they were caught, and you still listen. We are seeing justice ignored for political reasons. That is a big deal. That is what you should care about not demonizing and insulting Americans.
I'll bet you believe in the tooth fairy as well. Greene is a idiot and the only bigger idiots are the people who vote for her.

Greene's biggest fault is for being an actual honest congresswoman there in DC fighting an uphill battle against the corrupt establishment trying to represent the interests of the people in this country instead of just there greasing palms trying to put a dollar in her own pocket.
She better have evidence. Every republican in the House ought to have evidence. Why is it that a noob like Greene who is a junior member of congress and not even the best regarded has evidence but senior members of the House do not?

If this turns out to be a game and she doesn't have the goods, I'll be very disappointed. I'd just like to know what her other impeachment cases were that went nowhere, and how is it that MTG is the only one in the House who has come forward THREE TIMES with an impeachment, while the rest of the GOP has had ZIP?!

If the Dems can impeach Trump over a phone call looking to find corruption in Biden and for telling a crowd to go march peacefully in support of Pence, Joe Biden ought to be facing 103 impeachment charges.
After three times, could it be that she has no evidence?
Greene's biggest fault is for being an actual honest congresswoman there in DC fighting an uphill battle against the corrupt establishment trying to represent the interests of the people in this country instead of just there greasing palms trying to put a dollar in her own pocket.
How is this loserterians honest or working for the people? The people must want to live during the fucking dark ages then. I seriously doubt it. I know me and millions like me certainly don't and we vote Biden because he at least halfass'ed does what we wish him to do.
Y’all need to get better grounded in reality. These politicians and media you listen to just hype you up with lies and false promises. The same thing happened to the left with Trump and you mocked them. And then you turn around and fall for the exact same stuff. Come on open your eyes.

How do you know WHO I listen to or what they say? Who do you think I get my info and opinions from?
After three times, could it be that she has no evidence?

That is the question. But then, that is unlikely considering the many things I've heard from the people investigating the Bidens, but the law is a fickle bitch and can let free the most obviously guilty person while often dismissing the most solid cases on some stupid technicality of procedure.
And what Pence isn't a traitor for not speaking up about a fraudulent election?
You had better get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it!
How do you know WHO I listen to or what they say? Who do you think I get my info and opinions from?
I have no clue where you get your info. That comment was for Lenny who is expressing an opinion that Biden could get impeached. He has drunk the Koolaid and should wake the hell up.

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