Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again

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No it is not an American holiday. It commemorates nothing that occurred in the United States of America. It isn't even celebrated in Mexico. It is a celebration entirely manufactured by the alcoholic beverage industry.

There isn't a Hispanic majority in California. The invasion is now mostly Hatian, African and middle eastern so there might not ever be a Hispanic majority. Especially if the dung beetles can be convinced to abort themselves.
You're right and wrong at the same time. Looked it up it is not widely celebrated in Mexico other than the city of Pueblo where the battle occurred it is not
celebrated. That makes it even more exclusively an American holiday, especially for Mexican Americans. Interestingly enough, I looked up the demographics on Mexican Americans, there are 10.9 million of them. In 2019 their population shrank by 7%. Due to enforcing immigration efforts and because of a strengthening economy in Mexico. Wouldn't that be ironic if Mexico surpasses the United States in their wealth and economy.
No it is not an American holiday. It commemorates nothing that occurred in the United States of America. It isn't even celebrated in Mexico. It is a celebration entirely manufactured by the alcoholic beverage industry.

There isn't a Hispanic majority in California. The invasion is now mostly Hatian, African and middle eastern so there might not ever be a Hispanic majority. Especially if the dung beetles can be convinced to abort themselves.
I didn't realize that, you are correct about California. It has so many minorities, no single minority forms law majority minority population. That was a tongue twister. No wonder it's the most creative and productive State we have.
You're right and wrong at the same time. Looked it up it is not widely celebrated in Mexico other than the city of Pueblo where the battle occurred it is not
celebrated. That makes it even more exclusively an American holiday, especially for Mexican Americans. Interestingly enough, I looked up the demographics on Mexican Americans, there are 10.9 million of them. In 2019 their population shrank by 7%. Due to enforcing immigration efforts and because of a strengthening economy in Mexico. Wouldn't that be ironic if Mexico surpasses the United States in their wealth and economy.
Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday for drinking. Especially for college kids. I wouldn't worry about ironic. As long as Mexico has Mexicans it will not be successful. Chiba though, China will destroy us. Which we might well deserve.
Cinco de Mayo. Many people really believe that Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday.
It's a Mexican-American holiday, celebrated in the U.S. more than in Mexico....just like St. Patrick's Day is more an Irish-American holiday.
Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday for drinking. Especially for college kids. I wouldn't worry about ironic. As long as Mexico has Mexicans it will not be successful. Chiba though, China will destroy us. Which we might well deserve.
If any people deserve to leave the world it's probably the Chinese. We did such a terrible job at it.
Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again calling Kwanzaa a " fake religion created by a psychopath ". This woman is beyond just playing ignorant, she is hatefully ignorant with an emphasis on super hatred towards anyone who is different than her white self. 1. Kwanzaa is not a religion, 2. Kwanzaa is cultural holiday to celebrate African-American heritage. Once again she doesn't know what she's talking about. Remember the adage, " It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool; then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. " This woman should never speak another word for the rest of her life.

Mod Edit: Sources are required

She is such a perfect representative of the Trump Cult. Bigly!!!
Not by queer teachers, or non queer teachers. Kindergarten is no place for school discussions of sexuality. That's crazy.
Parents have done such a great job on teaching their kids about sex education. My own mother admitted to me the first time she became pregnant she didn't know how it happened. I never had a discussion about sex with my parents. Schools at the time just taught about the biological principles involved. I wish I had been given a lot more guidance. It would have saved me a whole lot of grief in my early life. And although kindergarten might seem too early to start. It's not, it could save them from being victimized by predators. I'm certain the educators have wisdom enough to know what they can and cannot teach at each age level. If there's no sex education all children are at risk for exploitation and letting their emotions get the better them and make stupid mistakes.
Bless MTGreen! :thup: we like her!!!!:clap:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Huge Lead In Midterm Primary – ‘Cruising To Reelection’​

December 29, 2021
I hope the people of Georgia aren't that ignorant. Guess we'll have to wait till we get the election results to find out. The one thing Georgia does have is a honest Republican election board commission. They put trump in his place when he tried to corrupt the results of the election.
Bless MTGreen! :thup: we like her!!!!:clap:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Huge Lead In Midterm Primary – ‘Cruising To Reelection’​

December 29, 2021
Of course you do.....people like you encourage the worst of humanity in behalf of your so-called religion.
Thread has been cleaned up. Stick to the topic, please.
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Parents have done such a great job on teaching their kids about sex education. My own mother admitted to me the first time she became pregnant she didn't know how it happened. I never had a discussion about sex with my parents. Schools at the time just taught about the biological principles involved. I wish I had been given a lot more guidance. It would have saved me a whole lot of grief in my early life. And although kindergarten might seem too early to start. It's not, it could save them from being victimized by predators. I'm certain the educators have wisdom enough to know what they can and cannot teach at each age level. If there's no sex education all children are at risk for exploitation and letting their emotions get the better them and make stupid mistakes.
Schools are no place for sex education of children. Today not even high school is appropriate since they lie about biology. Sex education today is just grooming children for pedophiles.
Schools are no place for sex education of children. Today not even high school is appropriate since they lie about biology. Sex education today is just grooming children for pedophiles.
From what you've said schools are the main place children should be getting their sex education from. Schools don't lie, they give out unbiased, truthful information.
Which psychopath created it?
If you're talking about the Doctor who created Kwanza, he did have a criminal record in his youth. he went to prison and paid for his crimes. that cannot or should not detract from the fact that he brought a wonderful festival to American Blacks that celebrates their history and gives them some pride and enriches their lives a little. But leave it to the haters on here to try to detract from that.
From what you've said schools are the main place children should be getting their sex education from. Schools don't lie, they give out unbiased, truthful information.
And schools will have professionals fucking the children. Miramonte comes to mind.
Earlier you mentioned Palestinians, they've existed for thousands of years. But they weren't especially noticed by the West until they were displaced when the state of Israel was formed in 1948. So when you said they didn't exist when you were born, I figured you were either one of the eternals here on Earth or you simply lied. I never heard of Kwanza until I moved to Omaha, some people here have been celebrating it for over 40 years now. Public celebrations of Kwanzaa in Omaha have only been going on for the past several years. It's getting broad reception in the black community.
What an utterly stupid statement. Of course that is understandable because you are a very stupid individual.

Islam hasn't even been around for thousands of years, you foolish boy.

If their sense of identity goes back "thousands" of years, shouldn't they be worshiping Baal, you ignoramus?
Teacher. Torturer. Toaster aficionado.

All around great guy.
Like I said you could pick out the bad points about anybody Washington was just a f****** slave holder along with Thomas Jefferson they did nothing their whole lives of any good any worth. You see it just doesn't work. You're pathetic to talk to attack a whole people, by using the weaknesses of one human being at one moment in his life. If you think you're a Christian you are not if you think you're a Christian you will be judged very harshly for all the judging you've done in your life.
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