Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again

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We like her, is how. I've gotten plural letters asking for money for her re-election and she's not in my state.
trump keeps begging me for money, I'm not giving a penny to that traitor. Same with the other crazies in the Republican party.
Let's talk about Washington disregard the fact that he was the first President of the United States, the leader in the revolutionary war. Let's just talk about him as a slave owner disregard all his accomplishments denigrate his accomplishments if possible and that is why this question doesn't matter. The holiday started in 1966. It is set it is a celebration of Black American heritage. Only white supremacists on this site are trying to denigrate it by bringing up the man who brought it to America has a criminal record. That was a small part of his life, most of his life was good. I'm bringing Kwanzaa to America was a great achievement.

So long as it's celebrated only by black people from Africa, otherwise would be a cultural appropriation violation...;)
So long as it's celebrated only by black people from Africa, otherwise would be a cultural appropriation violation...;)
Hey professor...where else do black people come from?

Oh yeah...Chicago. maybe Baltimore. Because duh.
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Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again calling Kwanzaa a " fake religion created by a psychopath ". This woman is beyond just playing ignorant, she is hatefully ignorant with an emphasis on super hatred towards anyone who is different than her white self. 1. Kwanzaa is not a religion, 2. Kwanzaa is cultural holiday to celebrate African-American heritage. Once again she doesn't know what she's talking about. Remember the adage, " It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool; then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. " This woman should never speak another word for the rest of her life.

Mod Edit: Sources are required

Criminal conviction and imprisonment​

In 1971, Karenga was sentenced to 1 to 10 years in prison on counts of felony assault and false imprisonment.[16] One of the victims gave testimony of how Karenga and other men tortured her and another woman. The woman described having been stripped naked and beaten with an electrical cord. Karenga's estranged wife, Brenda Lorraine Karenga, testified that she sat on the other woman's stomach while another man forced water into her mouth through a hose.

A May 14, 1971, article in the Los Angeles Times described the testimony of one of the women:

Deborah Jones, who once was given the Swahili title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Miss Davis' mouth and placed against Miss Davis' face and that one of her own big toes was tightened in a vise. Karenga, head of US, also put detergent and running hoses in their mouths, she said. They also were hit on the heads with toasters.[17]
Jones and Brenda Karenga testified that Karenga believed the women were conspiring to poison him, which Davis has attributed to a combination of ongoing police pressure and his own drug abuse.[4][18]

Karenga denied any involvement in the torture, and argued that the prosecution was political in nature.[4][19] He was imprisoned at the California Men's Colony, where he studied and wrote on feminism, Pan-Africanism, and other subjects. The US Organization fell into disarray during his absence and was disbanded in 1974. After he petitioned several black state officials to support his parole on fair sentencing grounds, it was granted in 1975.[20]

Karenga has declined to discuss the convictions with reporters and does not mention them in biographical materials.[18] During a 2007 appearance at Wabash College, he again denied the charges and described himself as a former political prisoner.[21]
So, celebrating Santa Claus (St. Nick) is only appropriate in Turkey, right?
Oh come now. Santa is a big fat white man. Something Trump conservatives can relate to.
As for cultural appropriation, I guess the Christians on here think Jesus was 6ft tall, blond hair, blue eyes and flowing blond beard. And don't even get me talking about his apostles with those great sounding Middle Eastern names like Andrew, James and Peter.....

They'll say they spoke English too....
You're just proved my point, it doesn't matter. It only matters to White Supremacists who are trying to discredit the celebration. It's origins are from Africa, the man responsible for bringing it to America is just a human being capable of doing it wrong and right like any of us. You can condemn him if you wish for all it's worth. But you can't condemn Kwanzaa.
so if evidence that Jeffrey Epstein turned his life around just before he was offed in prison comes to light......hed be an ok guy in your book?
So long as it's celebrated only by black people from Africa, otherwise would be a cultural appropriation violation...;)
I'm sure everyone's invited but basically it's black Africans here in America. They know how to party. And I don't mean stupid politics.
Oh come now. Santa is a big fat white man. Something Trump conservatives can relate to.
As for cultural appropriation, I guess the Christians on here think Jesus was 6ft tall, blond hair, blue eyes and flowing blond beard. And don't even get me talking about his apostles with those great sounding Middle Eastern names like Andrew, James and Peter.....

They'll say they spoke English too....
Thank you. You reminded me of one of my favorite movies. It's called " Saved ". It's a comedy / drama about kids in a religious school that don't quite fit in. In one scene the sister of a paraplegic kid in a wheelchair is painting the face of Jesus on this huge billboard cutout of him and the brother yells up, " You know he wasn't white ! " To which she replied, " Of course he was ! " and dismissed him completely. They see what they want to see; they believe Jesus is their property.
There was no such thing as Kwanzaa when I was a kid. Heck, there was no such thing as a "Palestinian" people, either.

Today, a bunch of brainless leftists act as if both have been around for an eternity. The truth of the matter is that both arose at about the same time and are total fabrications with a distinct political purpose in mind.
There was no such thing as Kwanzaa when I was a kid. Heck, there was no such thing as a "Palestinian" people, either.

Today, a bunch of brainless leftists act as if both have been around for an eternity. The truth of the matter is that both arose at about the same time and are total fabrications with a distinct political purpose in mind.
Some things that have been around forever should have died out by now. New, better things have come along. Need made it necessary. Time can either work for you or against you. Sorry, you can't seem to comprehend the significance of things, time seems like it's working against you. Rather than saying everyone else is on the wrong path, you might want to review your own.
There was no such thing as Kwanzaa when I was a kid. Heck, there was no such thing as a "Palestinian" people, either.

Today, a bunch of brainless leftists act as if both have been around for an eternity. The truth of the matter is that both arose at about the same time and are total fabrications with a distinct political purpose in mind.
Oh just thought about it, so you were born before 1948 ? You're a real old fart. LOL
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