Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again

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Really? There was a first time? MTG is about the only person left in DC these days who rightly need not be embarrassed about anything.

Especially with the shitting, farting, tripping, falling, forgetting, stuttering fool.
Nope don't need to be embarrassed about no Jewish Space Lasers.
Little white goober sits there and scratches his head and wonders why he never heard of Palestinians or Kwaanza as a kid, growing up in his little sheltered whitebread family and neighborhood.

Gee, that must mean they didn't exist.

Because DUH
The fact that Kwanza was invented in 1966 has nothing to do with my race, even if you do hate it.

Nor did the fact that the six day war occured in 1967.
The fact that Kwanza was invented in 1966 has nothing to do with my race, even if you do hate it.

Nor did the fact that the six day war occured in 1967.
Earlier you mentioned Palestinians, they've existed for thousands of years. But they weren't especially noticed by the West until they were displaced when the state of Israel was formed in 1948. So when you said they didn't exist when you were born, I figured you were either one of the eternals here on Earth or you simply lied. I never heard of Kwanza until I moved to Omaha, some people here have been celebrating it for over 40 years now. Public celebrations of Kwanzaa in Omaha have only been going on for the past several years. It's getting broad reception in the black community.
Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again calling Kwanzaa a " fake religion created by a psychopath ". This woman is beyond just playing ignorant, she is hatefully ignorant with an emphasis on super hatred towards anyone who is different than her white self. 1. Kwanzaa is not a religion, 2. Kwanzaa is cultural holiday to celebrate African-American heritage. Once again she doesn't know what she's talking about. Remember the adage, " It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool; then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. " This woman should never speak another word for the rest of her life.

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“American Maulana Karenga created Kwanzaa in 1966 during the aftermath of the Watts riots[2]as a specifically African-American holiday.”
Not a religion. It’s the equivalent to National Taco Day.
Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again calling Kwanzaa a " fake religion created by a psychopath ". This woman is beyond just playing ignorant, she is hatefully ignorant with an emphasis on super hatred towards anyone who is different than her white self. 1. Kwanzaa is not a religion, 2. Kwanzaa is cultural holiday to celebrate African-American heritage. Once again she doesn't know what she's talking about. Remember the adage, " It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool; then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. " This woman should never speak another word for the rest of her life.

Mod Edit: Sources are required

Basically those who despise her are VERY easy to figure out.
She is All American.Basically what this Country was supposed to be all about.
That she is strong willed and does not take lightly those who can't wait to
find fault with Americanism { a near cult mindset today } is appreciated by those of her
Ilk.I am so sick & tired as are most Patriots and America Lovers, to know there are
are actually true blue Patriots in Congress not afarid in the least to be All American.
Screw those who can't wait to downgrade this Greatest of all Country.
The Finest example every devised to allow Freedom and Prosperity to rise to
the top.Making Exceptionalism a real plausible reality.
Real Americans know full well that those quick to attack her are the same pathetic
creeps who pulled this same crap against Sarah Palin and also Michele Bachmann.
At least we know who are backers of Freedom,Prosperity and Americanism.
Instead these pathetic examples of United States Cannibalism.
“American Maulana Karenga created Kwanzaa in 1966 during the aftermath of the Watts riots[2]as a specifically African-American holiday.”
Not a religion. It’s the equivalent to National Taco Day.
Correct, but since it is based on a compilation of harvest festivals in Africa, especially West Africa, where most of the American blacks came from through the slave trade, I would compare it to Thanksgiving.
Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again calling Kwanzaa a " fake religion created by a psychopath ". This woman is beyond just playing ignorant, she is hatefully ignorant with an emphasis on super hatred towards anyone who is different than her white self. 1. Kwanzaa is not a religion, 2. Kwanzaa is cultural holiday to celebrate African-American heritage. Once again she doesn't know what she's talking about. Remember the adage, " It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool; then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. " This woman should never speak another word for the rest of her life.

Mod Edit: Sources are required

Jewish Space Laser Barbie is a joke everywhere except the Republican Party.
Little white goober sits there and scratches his head and wonders why he never heard of Palestinians or Kwaanza as a kid, growing up in his little sheltered whitebread family and neighborhood.

Gee, that must mean they didn't exist.

Because DUH
They didn't.
Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again calling Kwanzaa a " fake religion created by a psychopath ". This woman is beyond just playing ignorant, she is hatefully ignorant with an emphasis on super hatred towards anyone who is different than her white self. 1. Kwanzaa is not a religion, 2. Kwanzaa is cultural holiday to celebrate African-American heritage. Once again she doesn't know what she's talking about. Remember the adage, " It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool; then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. " This woman should never speak another word for the rest of her life.

Mod Edit: Sources are required

Its not a fake religion, but it's definitely a fake holiday.
Cinco de Mayo. Many people really believe that Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday.
It is, it celebrates the Battle of Pueblo, which eventually led to Mexico's independence. Mexico is part of the Americas so it is an American holiday. Especially in States like Texas Arizona New Mexico and California where the majority of Americans are of Mexican American descent. It is hugely celebrated here in Omaha. South Omaha being the Hispanic capital of Nebraska.
It is, it celebrates the Battle of Pueblo, which eventually led to Mexico's independence. Mexico is part of the Americas so it is an American holiday. Especially in States like Texas Arizona New Mexico and California where the majority of Americans are of Mexican American descent. It is hugely celebrated here in Omaha. South Omaha being the Hispanic capital of Nebraska.
No it is not an American holiday. It commemorates nothing that occurred in the United States of America. It isn't even celebrated in Mexico. It is a celebration entirely manufactured by the alcoholic beverage industry.

There isn't a Hispanic majority in California. The invasion is now mostly Hatian, African and middle eastern so there might not ever be a Hispanic majority. Especially if the dung beetles can be convinced to abort themselves.
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