Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again

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Or Kwanzaa is but a made up event with no real connection to the entire universe (but for a few symbols loosely associated with imagined historical meaning).
Christmas is more of a fake holiday than Kwanzaa is. It's largely based on pagan events and ceremonies.
Actually I was born into a Catholic family. A very strict Catholic family. Obeying all the rules, forced to eat up all the dogma, catechism from kindergarten to a senior in high school. The whole works. Then I began to study the history of it all and found out the truth.
The truth is that America celebrates Christmas, not Kwanzaa. You are free not to celebrate it, just STFU and leave US alone.
Christmas is more of a fake holiday than Kwanzaa is. It's largely based on pagan events and ceremonies.
Nonsense. Even if the date is a fiction and designed to coordinate with other festivals, the meaning of the Christmas holiday is obviously real (regardless of one’s religious beliefs).

The made-up “celebration” called Kwanzaa is entirely devoid of actual meaning. I don’t much care. It’s harmless. So is a good episode of The Office.
Nonsense. Even if the date is a fiction and designed to coordinate with other festivals, the meaning of the Christmas holiday is obviously real (regardless of one’s religious beliefs).

The made-up “celebration” called Kwanzaa is entirely devoid of actual meaning. I don’t much care. It’s harmless. So is a good episode of The Office.
Do you realize what you just said can be equally applied to Kwanza.
I realize that it can’t.
LOL I realize that you have very little cognitive thinking potential. Try to have a good day, I plan on it still got lots to do and I don't have time to waste here. Goodbye.
LOL I realize that you have very little cognitive thinking potential. Try to have a good day, I plan on it still got lots to do and I don't have time to waste here. Goodbye.
I realize that you can’t defend your totally vapid bullshit contentions. So, the fact that you want to skulk off is fine. Buh bah.
I realize that you can’t defend your totally vapid bullshit contentions. So, the fact that you want to skulk off is fine. Buh bah.
Just got out of the shower all dressed going out checked to see and of course you're here again with this incessant insanity. No wonder you support a crazy lady you are just as crazy. Goodbye and good luck with that sorry you're so crazy.
I take that back, what you said better suits Kwanzaa than it does Christmas. Kwanzaa hasn't been contaminated by centuries of abuse and manipulation. It is a pure festival, celebrating life.
Kwanzaa is a pure flop.
Just got out of the shower all dressed going out checked to see and of course you're here again with this incessant insanity. No wonder you support a crazy lady you are just as crazy. Goodbye and good luck with that sorry you're so crazy.
I do not text and drive, I'm smarter than that.
Just got out of the shower all dressed going out checked to see and of course you're here again with this incessant insanity. No wonder you support a crazy lady you are just as crazy. Goodbye and good luck with that sorry you're so crazy.
I accept your pathetic capitulation. Buh bah, again.
You're following an insane woman and you call me dumb. You qualify for that rating.
I'm following her? She's not my representative you dumb-ass. She's not leading me anywhere.

I'm just not intolerant of those whom I may disagree with on occasion. You're too simple minded to accept and consider anything which might cause you to examine your views.
My 14 year old accidentally watched about 90 seconds of this gross troglodyte spewing her vitriol. She thought it was a parody from a movie or TV show.

I had to tell her that it was a congressperson. She did not believe me at first.
I accept your pathetic capitulation. Buh bah, again.
I'm back because I have a life doesn't mean I'm confused relating to you there's nothing to capitulate you can go on and on with your Insanity I don't care have a good life I'm not going to respond to you anymore cuz you're just that's it you're a troll you just keep dragging me along ask me stupid questions go to hell already goodbye
My 14 year old accidentally watched about 90 seconds of this gross troglodyte spewing her vitriol. She thought it was a parody from a movie or TV show.

I had to tell her that it was a congressperson. She did not believe me at first.
I totally understand. I think a lot of people in the world are going crazy.
Rep Greene could care less whether she embarrasses herself or not. Her fundraising tends to climb regardless…
It's the new game in town.... I don't particularly like it but it's what works.
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