Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again

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Kwanza is a newly created holiday / celebration. It's just something someone pulled out of thin air. There's no historical context to this faux holiday.
Like most holidays it's a compilation, in this case it's based on African harvest festivals, especially West African ones, since this is a primary region where most African Americans in America came from via the slave trade.
Like most holidays it's a compilation, in this case it's based on African harvest festivals, especially West African ones, since this is a primary region where most African Americans in America came from via the slave trade.
It's a black segregationist event created by an ex-felon who went to jail for torturing 2 women then claimed he was a political prisoner.
He he he.......she sure gets all the clowns on the left up in a hissy fit whenever she says something.

That's worth the price of admission.

People actually pay to hear her speak ? I can see paying her to shut up but not paying her to speak that's insanity.
Kwaanza is a religion about as much as St. Patrick's Day is.

MTG is a retard's retard.
Don't these cultists get it?

They spent a year crying about being called "deplorable"

MTG was spoonfed this talking g point by a strategist and ran with it, because her strategists and she think her base is composed of racist retards.

Don't they see who actually thinks the least of them? Their own "heroes".
You have the right to listen to her insanity if you want I'm sick of it, thank God she's off Twitter now if they'll just work on the rest of the crazy loons it would be great. And I know there's crazy people on both sides there's a whole lot more of them on the far right than there is on the far left.
I guess that explains why Trump won 2,497 Counties to Biden's 477 counties.
Trump taking 18 of 19 Belwether Counties ta boot.
Not a single GOP Incumbent { sans those winning special elections }
Biden won because of Election Tampering.Like stopping vote counting in
the middle of the night.In Select Democrat hubs like Philly,Detroit and Atlanta.
Unverified Absentee ballots.Crooked Dominion Machine tabulations.
Where vote tabulations were done abroad like in Germany and Spain.
Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist wrote a book about the Democrats
desperation in taking over most aspects of the 2020 Elections.
TIME wrote a piece in early Feburary titled :
- The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election -
by Molly Ball { Feb,4th,2020 }
I guess that explains why Trump won 2,497 Counties to Biden's 477 counties.
Trump taking 18 of 19 Belwether Counties ta boot.
Not a single GOP Incumbent { sans those winning special elections }
Biden won because of Election Tampering.Like stopping vote counting in
the middle of the night.In Select Democrat hubs like Philly,Detroit and Atlanta.
Unverified Absentee ballots.Crooked Dominion Machine tabulations.
Where vote tabulations were done abroad like in Germany and Spain.
Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist wrote a book about the Democrats
desperation in taking over most aspects of the 2020 Elections.
TIME wrote a piece in early Feburary titled :
- The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election -
by Molly Ball { Feb,4th,2020 }
No thanks, I only like the conspiracy theories that make sense; like trump being brainwashed by the Russians. That makes sense because he tried to destroy America, and he was the first American President to have a bromance with not one but two totalitarian dictators.
I guess that explains why Trump won 2,497 Counties to Biden's 477 counties.
Trump taking 18 of 19 Belwether Counties ta boot.
Not a single GOP Incumbent { sans those winning special elections }
Biden won because of Election Tampering.Like stopping vote counting in
the middle of the night.In Select Democrat hubs like Philly,Detroit and Atlanta.
Unverified Absentee ballots.Crooked Dominion Machine tabulations.
Where vote tabulations were done abroad like in Germany and Spain.
Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist wrote a book about the Democrats
desperation in taking over most aspects of the 2020 Elections.
TIME wrote a piece in early Feburary titled :
- The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election -
by Molly Ball { Feb,4th,2020 }
Also off subject.
Thank God she's finally off Twitter, a private company can cancel out any insane person like her.
But radical muslims and democrats are immune?
When they use their platform to promote/support one political party, opens them to regulation.
No thanks, I only like the conspiracy theories that make sense; like trump being brainwashed by the Russians. That makes sense because he tried to destroy America, and he was the first American President to have a bromance with not one but two totalitarian dictators.
Obviously you have a source for your claims....?
But radical muslims and democrats are immune?
When they use their platform to promote/support one political party, opens them to regulation.
I guess would be that they're not as crazy as this woman was. She definitely incited blind hatred against so many it was unbelievable
No thanks, I only like the conspiracy theories that make sense; like trump being brainwashed by the Russians. That makes sense because he tried to destroy America, and he was the first American President to have a bromance with not one but two totalitarian dictators.
No Thanks.Typical of a garden variety leftist.Ignore or steer clear of Facts
because of their inherent inability to debate.
Because a defining characteristic of a Conservative is they Value Truth.
The Left does not Value Truth.
In fact,they go - One Step Beyond - { 1959 } with their version of a Horror
show.If you can't debate than disarm and discombobulate.
The Joe Biden Regime is the very definition of a Conspiracy Presidency.
Nothing adds up. Nothing works.Nothing runs like clockwork EXCEPT
Targeting and Persecuting their betters { Conservatives }.
That is why these Leftist Bullies in the MSM went after Marjorie Taylor Greene.
She was/is a strong-willed American Patriot.Is used to defending herself.
Democrats are lost without having other Democrats run to their rescue.
They are cowardly bullies.also.
No Thanks.Typical of a garden variety leftist.Ignore or steer clear of Facts
because of their inherent inability to debate.
Because a defining characteristic of a Conservative is they Value Truth.
The Left does not Value Truth.
In fact,they go - One Step Beyond - { 1959 } with their version of a Horror
show.If you can't debate than disarm and discombobulate.
The Joe Biden Regime is the very definition of a Conspiracy Presidency.
Nothing adds up. Nothing works.Nothing runs like clockwork EXCEPT
Targeting and Persecuting their betters { Conservatives }.
That is why these Leftist Bullies in the MSM went after Marjorie Taylor Greene.
She was/is a strong-willed American Patriot.Is used to defending herself.
Democrats are lost without having other Democrats run to their rescue.
They are cowardly bullies.also.
Twitter said she violated their policies many many times. That's why she's no longer on Twitter. And it's a private company, they have the right to do that.
Twitter said she violated their policies many many times. That's why she's no longer on Twitter. And it's a private company, they have the right to do that.
If you think like her you might want to read their policies so you don't get kicked off Twitter.
People actually pay to hear her speak ? I can see paying her to shut up but not paying her to speak that's insanity.
You people wig out and here contributions go through the roof. Maybe your cronies need to rethink their responses.
You people wig out and here contributions go through the roof. Maybe your cronies need to rethink their responses.
Encouraging the worst from one's constituents isn't a well thought out strategy for either party. Politics isn't a joke, it determines how well and how many will succeed in their lives.
I guess that explains why Trump won 2,497 Counties to Biden's 477 counties.
Trump taking 18 of 19 Belwether Counties ta boot.
Not a single GOP Incumbent { sans those winning special elections }
Biden won because of Election Tampering.Like stopping vote counting in
the middle of the night.In Select Democrat hubs like Philly,Detroit and Atlanta.
Unverified Absentee ballots.Crooked Dominion Machine tabulations.
Where vote tabulations were done abroad like in Germany and Spain.
Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist wrote a book about the Democrats
desperation in taking over most aspects of the 2020 Elections.
TIME wrote a piece in early Feburary titled :
- The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election -
by Molly Ball { Feb,4th,2020 }
Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again calling Kwanzaa a " fake religion created by a psychopath ". This woman is beyond just playing ignorant, she is hatefully ignorant with an emphasis on super hatred towards anyone who is different than her white self. 1. Kwanzaa is not a religion, 2. Kwanzaa is cultural holiday to celebrate African-American heritage. Once again she doesn't know what she's talking about. Remember the adage, " It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool; then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. " This woman should never speak another word for the rest of her life.

Mod Edit: Sources are required

Problem is that some people take this stupidity as "showing that this person is just like me" and they love it.
Marjorie Taylor Greene embarrasses herself again calling Kwanzaa a " fake religion created by a psychopath ". This woman is beyond just playing ignorant, she is hatefully ignorant with an emphasis on super hatred towards anyone who is different than her white self. 1. Kwanzaa is not a religion, 2. Kwanzaa is cultural holiday to celebrate African-American heritage. Once again she doesn't know what she's talking about. Remember the adage, " It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool; then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. " This woman should never speak another word for the rest of her life.

Mod Edit: Sources are required

You get your booster yet??? You need to booster up, otherwise no "Kwanzaa" for you, "boosters are for democrats like Tricks are for kids....." :banana:
You get your booster yet??? You need to booster up, otherwise no "Kwanzaa" for you, "boosters are for democrats like Tricks are for kids....." :banana:
Were you one of the on vaccinated that I heard about dying today on the news. You won't be missed. By the way I'm not a Democrat I'm an independent. Both parties have major flaws but the Republican party is out doing it in the flaws department.
Twitter said she violated their policies many many times. That's why she's no longer on Twitter. And it's a private company, they have the right to do that.
Twitter exists to do this.Name for me the time that Twitter even came close to
Taking a Democrat to task for their outrageous mouths on it's platform.
Fir starters ... Maxine Waters.The Populace is aware of this.How could
they not be.The FREE PRESS is not Free.It's blatantly one-sided.
Mark Levin proved it with ... - Unfreedom of the Press - { 2019 }.
Silicon Valley was put in place for just this purpose.To stiffle and redirect
speech.Their Business Model has been found out.Around 98 % or higher
in favor of The Democrat party.That is who Silicon Valley funds and votes for.
Or should I say " fir ".
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