Marjorie Taylor Greene is always "alinsky-ed" (called "crazy") by the true crazies


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
I don't see what is so crazy about MTG

I follow her comments and the stories about her and there is nothing crazy about her, to speak of. But of course, the truth doesn't matter to her detractors...

Liberals hate the truth. That, we know.

So if anyone here knows of something that is OBJECTIVELY "crazy" about her, please inform

I like how she demands that the Ds (like the Rs) "follow the science" about gender and other issues.

She is a true American.

I guess that's why they call her names. Saul Alinsky said to ridicule the enemy relentlessly. But you know

The demons in Hell are likely "ridiculing" him now. So there's that. (I hear they have no mercy whatsoever.) do you feel about the threat of Jewish space lasers that MTG brought up?
I don't see what is so crazy about MTG

I follow her comments and the stories about her and there is nothing crazy about her, to speak of. But of course, the truth doesn't matter to her detractors...

Liberals hate the truth. That, we know.

So if anyone here knows of something that is OBJECTIVELY "crazy" about her, please inform

I like how she demands that the Ds (like the Rs) "follow the science" about gender and other issues.

She is a true American.

I guess that's why they call her names. Saul Alinsky said to ridicule the enemy relentlessly. But you know

The demons in Hell are likely "ridiculing" him now. So there's that. (I hear they have no mercy whatsoever.)

She's really gross and stupid.
can't comment, haven't heard that one

Well, a simple Google search can clear that up for you, but if you don't feel like looking it up, let me help you out...............

• The QAnon conspiracy theory, which holds that Donald Trump is secretly fighting a worldwide child-sex-slavery ring that was supposed to culminate in the mass arrest of his political opposition, is “worth listening to.”

• Muslims don’t belong in government.

• 9/11 was an inside job.

• Shootings at Parkland, Sandy Hook, and Las Vegas were staged.

• “Zionist supremacists” are secretly masterminding Muslim immigration to Europe in a scheme to outbreed white people.

• Leading Democratic officials should be executed.

The most recent Greene view to be unearthed comes via Eric Hananoki. Just over two years ago, Greene suggested in a Facebook post that wildfires in California were not natural. Forests don’t just catch fire, you know. Rather, the blazes had been started by PG&E, in conjunction with the Rothschilds, using a space laser, in order to clear room for a high-speed rail project. Here is Greene’s entire post, via Media Matters:


Photo: Marjorie Taylor Greene/Facebook

Follow up question...........was all the other crazy crap she said (9/11 being an inside job, Parkland, Vegas and Sandy Hook shootings being staged, as well as all the other crap I copied from the link), is that stuff true as well?
Well, a simple Google search can clear that up for you, but if you don't feel like looking it up, let me help you out...............

• The QAnon conspiracy theory, which holds that Donald Trump is secretly fighting a worldwide child-sex-slavery ring that was supposed to culminate in the mass arrest of his political opposition, is “worth listening to.”

• Muslims don’t belong in government.

• 9/11 was an inside job.

• Shootings at Parkland, Sandy Hook, and Las Vegas were staged.

• “Zionist supremacists” are secretly masterminding Muslim immigration to Europe in a scheme to outbreed white people.

• Leading Democratic officials should be executed.

The most recent Greene view to be unearthed comes via Eric Hananoki. Just over two years ago, Greene suggested in a Facebook post that wildfires in California were not natural. Forests don’t just catch fire, you know. Rather, the blazes had been started by PG&E, in conjunction with the Rothschilds, using a space laser, in order to clear room for a high-speed rail project. Here is Greene’s entire post, via Media Matters:


Photo: Marjorie Taylor Greene/Facebook

Follow up question...........was all the other crazy crap she said (9/11 being an inside job, Parkland, Vegas and Sandy Hook shootings being staged, as well as all the other crap I copied from the link), is that stuff true as well?
OK, now you can PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that none of what she says happened really happened or could happen

I'm waiting do you feel about the threat of Jewish space lasers that MTG brought up?
Give us the context with that, you have a video? We know you guys will not let jokes be jokes. For exampled Trump did not call for Russia when he was hammering the press on their lack of digging for Clinton's emails.
OK, now you can PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that none of what she says happened really happened or could happen

I'm waiting

If you believe that the Sandy Hook, Vegas and Parkland shootings were staged, or that 9/11 was an inside job, there is no amount of evidence that will convince you otherwise. 9/11 has been well documented, as well as the events that happened on that day have been thoroughly investigated. If 9/11 had been an inside job, don't you think that we would know by now, over 20 years after the worst attack on this nation? As far as the shootings, if you believe those were staged, there is no help for you, as they were widely reported, and there are too many families who are still grieving their loved ones.
Give us the context with that, you have a video? We know you guys will not let jokes be jokes. For exampled Trump did not call for Russia when he was hammering the press on their lack of digging for Clinton's emails.

Nope, don't have a video, just have her ENTIRE facebook post where she said that in post #6 above. You can read it for yourself, and yeah, she sounded like she wasn't joking, she was serious about it.
Nope, don't have a video, just have her ENTIRE facebook post where she said that in post #6 above. You can read it for yourself, and yeah, she sounded like she wasn't joking, she was serious about it.
Sounds wild in fact crazy as hell. She did not seem to be joking, so lets check into it:

Solaren makes the generators. these are Generators that are satelites that produce emission free energy.


Ah I get it, so what she is saying is that this energy beaming back to the Earth (say a LASER) goes to a transmitter station. And if they missed it could cause Damage. Certainly plausible

Now who would control this thing, ah the people that wanted to force us to take vaccines and give our kids pueberty blockers......... Yeah, I can actually see this.

So my question is what makes this crazy? Is it the laser is not powerful enough? Or the people in charge would never ever do that?
Sounds wild in fact crazy as hell. She did not seem to be joking, so lets check into it:

Solaren makes the generators. these are Generators that are satelites that produce emission free energy.


Ah I get it, so what she is saying is that this energy beaming back to the Earth (say a LASER) goes to a transmitter station. And if they missed it could cause Damage. Certainly plausible

Now who would control this thing, ah the people that wanted to force us to take vaccines and give our kids pueberty blockers......... Yeah, I can actually see this.

So my question is what makes this crazy? Is it the laser is not powerful enough? Or the people in charge would never ever do that?

Only one hasn't launched yet, and probably won't for several more years. She was talking about wildfires that have already happened. Sorry, but there are no space lasers, and there aren't any spaced based solar energy plants out there yet. Her whole premise is bat shit crazy.
She's really gross and stupid.

Yanno...........I wouldn't really say that she's gross and stupid (don't know enough about her personal habits to call her gross).

Batshit crazy and stupid as well as grossly misinformed, yes.
Only one hasn't launched yet, and probably won't for several more years. She was talking about wildfires that have already happened. Sorry, but there are no space lasers, and there aren't any spaced based solar energy plants out there yet. Her whole premise is bat shit crazy.
No I agree, with that, well she did say people say blue lasers from the sky and she couldn't confirm it. She also mentioned it was speculation. As for the timeframe I have no idea, but trusting this government, which attacks it's political enemies like a Reich would, wouldn't suprise me.
If you believe that the Sandy Hook, Vegas and Parkland shootings were staged, or that 9/11 was an inside job, there is no amount of evidence that will convince you otherwise.
Hey, have you ever heard about how someetimes there can be more than just 2 possiblities?

Can you spell Agnostic?

I don't know if 911 was an inside job. What I do know is there are plenty of peculiarities to that horrific event...
Alinsky's rules for radicals #12..."Pick a target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it and cut off support". Saul Alinsky was Hillary Rodham's guru when she became radicalized in college. She wrote her thesis on Alinsky. Democrats have been following Alinsky's rules for decades.
Alinsky's rules for radicals #12..."Pick a target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it and cut off support". Saul Alinsky was Hillary Rodham's guru when she became radicalized in college. She wrote her thesis on Alinsky. Democrats have been following Alinsky's rules for decades.
I don't. I am a follower of Christ, not some bozo who didn't care if he weakened or destroyed civilized society.

If I sound like i am ridiculing someone here at the forums its usually because they annoy the hell out of me. I really should probably just move on and etc and often I do... but at least I try to say something constructive rather than just .. u know.. the dumbass stuff libs throw at us:

things akin to: You worship the orange man!

I don't see what is so crazy about MTG

I follow her comments and the stories about her and there is nothing crazy about her, to speak of. But of course, the truth doesn't matter to her detractors...

Liberals hate the truth. That, we know.

So if anyone here knows of something that is OBJECTIVELY "crazy" about her, please inform

I like how she demands that the Ds (like the Rs) "follow the science" about gender and other issues.

She is a true American.

I guess that's why they call her names. Saul Alinsky said to ridicule the enemy relentlessly. But you know

The demons in Hell are likely "ridiculing" him now. So there's that. (I hear they have no mercy whatsoever.)
I am sorry but when you use the phrase "Jewish Space Laser" in a sentence and you are serious, you are as crazy as a shithouse rat.

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