Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Obesity! Stacey Abrams has a real issue with obesity. if anyone should be wearing 3 or 4 masks, it should be Abrams”

He was the president. Are we supposed to pay for Abrams'unhealthy lifestyle? She's only 48 and looks like the next heart attack is right around the corner.
How do you feel about Trump. He's crashed through 300 pounds or is this just about women's weight?
Obesity didn't seem to be a problem for you with that fat orange loser who was president.
Trump has always been viciously critical of chubby women. Strange coming from a 300 pound porker with a tiny button mushroom of a penis.
Only telling the truth....Abrams is an obese hag.
You're a typical low I.Q. asshat who MTG appeals too. Not enough brains to know enough not to insult someone because of their weight.

If MTG wasen't elected she'd be scrubbing toilets somewhere to earn her keep.
Weight can be corrected but looks can’t. Your assessment is low bar. It’s ugly.
Greene’s directness is refreshing and reminiscent of trump. Your reaction to that is typical.
MTG is refreshing? Before or after she removes her head from Trump's ass?
And making the correct food choices with exercise, both cardio and resistance training can help quit a bit.
The MAGA Hatters were flooding McD's following their leader's cue to pig out on Big Macs, Filet O Fish, Quarter Pounders, & Fries, washed down with a Diet Coke.
Fat people shouldn’t vote. I love the view of what the elections would look like without those fat ass states. Goodbye Republican Party.

I agree! Do you believe she thinks she is actually the Governor of Georgia? And why does she weigh 300 pounds? A woman of her stature can certainly afford Weight Watchers.
Not to mention closing that freaking gap between her teeth.

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