Mark Halprin Calls Obama A Dick On Air

Granny says dey oughta hang him for treason...
US TV channel suspends analyst for Barack Obama remark
Jul 1, 2011, WASHINGTON: A US cable television news channel suspended a veteran political analyst on Thursday for making a derogatory remark about President Barack Obama.
Mark Halperin, an editor-at-large for Time magazine, was asked by the co-anchors of the MSNBC show "Morning Joe" what he thought about Obama's press conference on Wednesday.

"Are we on the seven second delay today?" Halperin asked. "I wanted to characterize how I thought the president behaved?" Halperin apologised on air shortly afterwards for his remark.

"I made a mistake and I'm sorry and I shouldn't have said it," he said. "I apologise to the president and to the viewers who heard me say that."

this was posted at 130 as well, saw that thread first, I'll just say same here;

well, I turned this around, I said to myself if he had called say; Bush a dick, or Romney etc. I would have expected him to be suspended etc. Its crude and vulgar. And it was stupid. Hes an author and journalist, he has a wider more in depth vocabulary than that I am sure.

Plus, though I don't like Obama, he IS the President and I expect some respect for the office if not for the man and he IS the office so to speak.

I guess that makes me old fashioned.*shrugs*.

He's still a Dick. :rolleyes:

don't be glib dude....

or honest......:cool:
Mark's bosses got every right to sit him down. Imus got sat down. Sarah and Michelle have been taking serious hammering for saying something very stupid things the last few months. Dr. House gets spun on his pointy head all the time for talking stupid. Tis what it is.

I think you have that palooka PEGGED!!!


:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
If being a D*ck will actually get Congress out of their political shells, then so be it. It is about time Obama got tough. I blame Joe Scarborough. He told the guy he had his back, and then he said he was joking. Personally, I like Mark Halperin.
Halprin does not have a good reputation...

2004 electionsIn October 2004 the Drudge Report published a memo Halperin sent to ABC News staff about coverage of the U.S. presidential election directing them not to “reflexively and artificially hold both sides ‘equally’ accountable” and that both John Kerry and George W. Bush used “distortion” in their campaign, but that Kerry’s distortions were not “central to his efforts to win.” Halperin was criticized by conservatives who used the memo to reinforce long-standing complaints of media bias. ABC News spokesman Jeffrey Schneider confirmed the authenticity of the memo and said Halperin “takes his responsibility to be fair as seriously as a heart attack.”
If being a D*ck will actually get Congress out of their political shells, then so be it. It is about time Obama got tough. I blame Joe Scarborough. He told the guy he had his back, and then he said he was joking. Personally, I like Mark Halperin.

It actually appears that Joe & Mikka? set him up & he fell for it!
Well when you look at many of the Dem's in charge, It's practically a porn movie. Obama,Reid,Stuart Smalley,Rahm,Holder,Durbin,Schumer&Wiener,all of them are dicks, then u have Boxer and Wasserman,two boneheaded C-------Nts,,,,hey, there you go,,,we got a Porn Movie !!! just don't know what to call it, got any ideas?
MSNBC called Bush everything except a white man, but I didn't see anyone get suspended for that.
Well when you look at many of the Dem's in charge, It's practically a porn movie. Obama,Reid,Stuart Smalley,Rahm,Holder,Durbin,Schumer&Wiener,all of them are dicks, then u have Boxer and Wasserman,two boneheaded C-------Nts,,,,hey, there you go,,,we got a Porn Movie !!! just don't know what to call it, got any ideas?

Beans and Weiners"
The apologeticsporn, a perversion of reality, flows from the far right con right as usual.

These guys are a perversion of all what is good with America, and the nice thing, they grow older, they can't recruit, they will fail in taking over the GOP or they will destroy it, and thus, they will fail.

Oh, boo hoo.
Faux outrage by the con nutters, love it.

Faux outrage?

Can you show me how many people argued that MSNBC does not have the right to fire him for any reason, of none whatsoever. I did see one person argue that it was a free speech violation, but I am pretty sure that was challenged by one of the real conservatives in the thread, not by the fake one. (In case you are confused, you would be the fake one.)

Most of are just amused that calling anyone a dick causes someone to be fired, especially considering some of the things that have been said by on air commentators about Bush.
The apologeticsporn, a perversion of reality, flows from the far right con right as usual.

These guys are a perversion of all what is good with America, and the nice thing, they grow older, they can't recruit, they will fail in taking over the GOP or they will destroy it, and thus, they will fail.

Oh, boo hoo.

Can somebody translate this into American English for me? Even the Queen's English, or any other form of English spoken by more than one person.
The apologeticsporn, a perversion of reality, flows from the far right con right as usual.

These guys are a perversion of all what is good with America, and the nice thing, they grow older, they can't recruit, they will fail in taking over the GOP or they will destroy it, and thus, they will fail.

Oh, boo hoo.

Can somebody translate this into American English for me? Even the Queen's English, or any other form of English spoken by more than one person.
We can probably get mascale to translate...If you think that'll help. :lol:
Apologeticsporn is a demagoguery practiced by far right pundits to defend the perversion of American ideals by the far right wacks.

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