Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

You think spending the night in jail is worse than getting raped?

I hear it's not a good place to be, bad things happen and have happened to people in jail. I assume form the way you talk, you've been there many times.


I hear the worst thing that happens to people in prison is they get falsely accused of rape all the time. That's why most people are so afraid of prison. They are scared to death they are going to get falsely accused of rape when they are in there. LOL.

We should stop telling people that prisoners get raped in prison. Clearly it would scare them more to know that people are constantly being falsely accused of rape. That will scare straight young juvenile offenders.

Rape is one of women's biggest fears

60 Women Reveal Their Biggest Fears In Life

Show me one of men's biggest fears is being falsely accused of rape.
What you hear is idiotic.
I work in one and there are many terrors.

Ok yes men do not fear false accusations but that may be changing.

The argument is not what people have a fear of because others have no control over that

It is about what a crime or act does to a person and a false accusation can do as much or more harm than rape.

You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

They could do that if Drumpf orders the FBI to investigate but he wont and you guys dont want that either so stop frontin.

After the vote, President Trump might be fine with that.

No need to delay confirmation over finding out who put Ms. Ford up to lie about Kavanaugh.
After the vote? Drumpf wont be fine with it then either.

Yes there is a need to investigate and quickly.

Kavanaugh Was ‘Aggressive And Belligerent’ When Drunk, His Yale Roommate Says

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s freshman roommate at Yale University came forward late Monday, describing Kavanaugh as “a heavy drinker” who became “aggressive and belligerent” when drunk.

James Roche, Kavanaugh’s roommate in Fall 1983, said in a statement posted on Twitter that they didn’t socialize together much, but would chat at night after Kavanaugh would return drunk from outings with his friends.

“It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk,” Roche said.

Roche said he issued the statement to support Deborah Ramirez, who was quoted in The New Yorker this week as saying Kavanaugh thrust his exposed penis at her at a college party. Roche said he and Ramirez became close friends at Yale, and she was “unusually honest and straightforward.”

“I cannot imagine her making this up,” he told ABC-7 News in California. “Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.”

In The New Yorker article, Roche described Ramirez as “exceptionally honest and gentle.”

“I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk,” he said in his statement.

Roche’s recollection goes against what Kavanaugh told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum in an interview Monday night. He said he had never been drunk enough to forget any of his actions.
I hear it's not a good place to be, bad things happen and have happened to people in jail. I assume form the way you talk, you've been there many times.


I hear the worst thing that happens to people in prison is they get falsely accused of rape all the time. That's why most people are so afraid of prison. They are scared to death they are going to get falsely accused of rape when they are in there. LOL.

We should stop telling people that prisoners get raped in prison. Clearly it would scare them more to know that people are constantly being falsely accused of rape. That will scare straight young juvenile offenders.

Rape is one of women's biggest fears

60 Women Reveal Their Biggest Fears In Life

Show me one of men's biggest fears is being falsely accused of rape.
What you hear is idiotic.
I work in one and there are many terrors.

Ok yes men do not fear false accusations but that may be changing.

The argument is not what people have a fear of because others have no control over that

It is about what a crime or act does to a person and a false accusation can do as much or more harm than rape.

You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

Shall we do a head to head comparison of what Kavenaugh is accused of doing as a teen with what Obama has admitted he did as a teenager? You remember the drug use, his racial contempt of his family, that stuff?
I hear it's not a good place to be, bad things happen and have happened to people in jail. I assume form the way you talk, you've been there many times.


I hear the worst thing that happens to people in prison is they get falsely accused of rape all the time. That's why most people are so afraid of prison. They are scared to death they are going to get falsely accused of rape when they are in there. LOL.

We should stop telling people that prisoners get raped in prison. Clearly it would scare them more to know that people are constantly being falsely accused of rape. That will scare straight young juvenile offenders.

Rape is one of women's biggest fears

60 Women Reveal Their Biggest Fears In Life

Show me one of men's biggest fears is being falsely accused of rape.
What you hear is idiotic.
I work in one and there are many terrors.

Ok yes men do not fear false accusations but that may be changing.

The argument is not what people have a fear of because others have no control over that

It is about what a crime or act does to a person and a false accusation can do as much or more harm than rape.

You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

No, I think if libs have any success at this, Trump should nominate a judge so far right he or she screams how wrong Roe vs Wade was.

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A lot easier to prove the lying liar is lying about her lies in that case.
It is?

And how do you "prove" she is lying? Which will be an interesting feat, since she is telling the truth, and Kavanaugh is lying.

Once again, you fail to understand simple reality. No one has to "prove she's lying". SHE has to prove she's telling the truth. If she can't, then whether or not she's lying is in the eye of the beholder, and utterly irrelevant to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation. What counts is that he's innocent if he's not proven guilty.
If she says he groped her on July 4th, 2016, she'd have to show that she was in the same place that he was
No, that wouldn't cut it. Getting a date wrong is not lying.
That's why all of her "witnesses" said they don't know what the hell she's talking about.
They are lying, of course.

Yes, it's much more believable that they're all lying than that SHE is.

If you're insane, that is.
There is certainly more evidence it didn't happen than it did.
There is no evidence it did not happen.

And remember, you guys are making shit up and asserting it with 100% certainty. If you get to do that, so does everyone else. Enjoy!

Really? Evidence that nothing happened? Seriously? You're impressed that there not evidence of NOTHING?!

This post is evidence that there's nothing between your ears.
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

Nice goalpost-moving. No one ever said, "Only XYZ constitutes a denial." They don't HAVE to say they were in the room and nothing happened. They can ALSO say, "There was never any such party" and/or "I was never at any such party at all".

So while we appreciate your effort at creating bullshit, it's still bullshit.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

You mean the letter he had ready when the story first broke because he knew the story was coming... because he did it.

He liked to take his dick out and show it to girls.

Mitch McConnell knew about this and tried to talk Trump out of Brett.

Your sainted accuser had her lawyer and her polygraph ready a MONTH before her name was "leaked", and you seriously want to sit there and try to claim some "moral outrage" over US being pre-prepared? I don't think I could actually produce enough saliva to spit on you the way you deserve.
Mark "Mr. pull the train gang bang" Judge.

Character witness.

Ah the sleazy porn lawyer injects himself. So over the top it's ridiculous.


Oh, yeah, that's ALL they needed to really give their lies a sheen of credibility: Michael Avenatti yelling, "Believe her, because I have proof he ran a rape gang!" Any semi-intelligent Democrat has got to be considering taking out a hit on that guy at this point.
They could do that if Drumpf orders the FBI to investigate but he wont and you guys dont want that either so stop frontin.

After the vote, President Trump might be fine with that.

No need to delay confirmation over finding out who put Ms. Ford up to lie about Kavanaugh.
After the vote? Drumpf wont be fine with it then either.

Yes there is a need to investigate and quickly.

Kavanaugh Was ‘Aggressive And Belligerent’ When Drunk, His Yale Roommate Says

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s freshman roommate at Yale University came forward late Monday, describing Kavanaugh as “a heavy drinker” who became “aggressive and belligerent” when drunk.

James Roche, Kavanaugh’s roommate in Fall 1983, said in a statement posted on Twitter that they didn’t socialize together much, but would chat at night after Kavanaugh would return drunk from outings with his friends.

“It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk,” Roche said.

Roche said he issued the statement to support Deborah Ramirez, who was quoted in The New Yorker this week as saying Kavanaugh thrust his exposed penis at her at a college party. Roche said he and Ramirez became close friends at Yale, and she was “unusually honest and straightforward.”

“I cannot imagine her making this up,” he told ABC-7 News in California. “Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.”

In The New Yorker article, Roche described Ramirez as “exceptionally honest and gentle.”

“I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk,” he said in his statement.

Roche’s recollection goes against what Kavanaugh told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum in an interview Monday night. He said he had never been drunk enough to forget any of his actions.
So according to snowflakes and Trump-hating radicals 'aggressive' and 'belligerent' automatically means 'Sexual Assaulter' and 'Rapist'?!

Being aggressive and belligerent when intoxicated places Kavanaugh at a party he potentially never attended and in an incident 4 witnesses say never happened?
I hear it's not a good place to be, bad things happen and have happened to people in jail. I assume form the way you talk, you've been there many times.


I hear the worst thing that happens to people in prison is they get falsely accused of rape all the time. That's why most people are so afraid of prison. They are scared to death they are going to get falsely accused of rape when they are in there. LOL.

We should stop telling people that prisoners get raped in prison. Clearly it would scare them more to know that people are constantly being falsely accused of rape. That will scare straight young juvenile offenders.

Rape is one of women's biggest fears

60 Women Reveal Their Biggest Fears In Life

Show me one of men's biggest fears is being falsely accused of rape.
What you hear is idiotic.
I work in one and there are many terrors.

Ok yes men do not fear false accusations but that may be changing.

The argument is not what people have a fear of because others have no control over that

It is about what a crime or act does to a person and a false accusation can do as much or more harm than rape.

You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

Stop the bullshit, no one was fucking raped.

I hear the worst thing that happens to people in prison is they get falsely accused of rape all the time. That's why most people are so afraid of prison. They are scared to death they are going to get falsely accused of rape when they are in there. LOL.

We should stop telling people that prisoners get raped in prison. Clearly it would scare them more to know that people are constantly being falsely accused of rape. That will scare straight young juvenile offenders.

Rape is one of women's biggest fears

60 Women Reveal Their Biggest Fears In Life

Show me one of men's biggest fears is being falsely accused of rape.
What you hear is idiotic.
I work in one and there are many terrors.

Ok yes men do not fear false accusations but that may be changing.

The argument is not what people have a fear of because others have no control over that

It is about what a crime or act does to a person and a false accusation can do as much or more harm than rape.

You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

Stop the bullshit, no one was fucking raped.

when bullshit is all you got...
Of course I do. You have a bad habit of forgetting this is a public forum that anyone in the world can read.
Even the NY Times said that story has so many holes in it even they won't print it.....give it up.....
Oh, you must not have seen the rules earlier. In This thread, everyone is allowed to make shit up and assert it with 100% certainty

And everyone else gets to tell them what a full-of-shit ass kitten they are. You should be familiar with that part, given that it's the only reaction your posts ever receive.
Selecting a judge for the Supreme Court is not.
100% wrong. Why are you saying this ridiculous shit? If the Republicans perceive that confirming Kavanaugh will damage and politically, they will not do it. That's a fact.

If they don't, it will damage the party because many less Republicans will come out for the midterms. Their best shot is to push this through and tell the Democrats to go F themselves.

As someone who has voted steadily Republican since George HW Bush's first run, but have done so more from lack of anyone else who was as close to my own positions than from any party loyalty, I can tell you that if they allow this to drag on much longer or Brett Kavanaugh to be taken down by this farrago, I will be asking myself in November, "Why bother? Whether the Republicans win or lose, the Democrats still get to run things, so what's the point?"

I have had it with voting to give these gutless worms power, only to have them be too scared the leftist media might talk mean about them to use it.
They could do that if Drumpf orders the FBI to investigate but he wont and you guys dont want that either so stop frontin.

After the vote, President Trump might be fine with that.

No need to delay confirmation over finding out who put Ms. Ford up to lie about Kavanaugh.
After the vote? Drumpf wont be fine with it then either.

Yes there is a need to investigate and quickly.

Kavanaugh Was ‘Aggressive And Belligerent’ When Drunk, His Yale Roommate Says

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s freshman roommate at Yale University came forward late Monday, describing Kavanaugh as “a heavy drinker” who became “aggressive and belligerent” when drunk.

James Roche, Kavanaugh’s roommate in Fall 1983, said in a statement posted on Twitter that they didn’t socialize together much, but would chat at night after Kavanaugh would return drunk from outings with his friends.

“It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk,” Roche said.

Roche said he issued the statement to support Deborah Ramirez, who was quoted in The New Yorker this week as saying Kavanaugh thrust his exposed penis at her at a college party. Roche said he and Ramirez became close friends at Yale, and she was “unusually honest and straightforward.”

“I cannot imagine her making this up,” he told ABC-7 News in California. “Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.”

In The New Yorker article, Roche described Ramirez as “exceptionally honest and gentle.”

“I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk,” he said in his statement.

Roche’s recollection goes against what Kavanaugh told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum in an interview Monday night. He said he had never been drunk enough to forget any of his actions.
If true, there should be dozens of witnesses that have seen Kavanaugh drunk. Where are they?
I hear it's not a good place to be, bad things happen and have happened to people in jail. I assume form the way you talk, you've been there many times.


I hear the worst thing that happens to people in prison is they get falsely accused of rape all the time. That's why most people are so afraid of prison. They are scared to death they are going to get falsely accused of rape when they are in there. LOL.

We should stop telling people that prisoners get raped in prison. Clearly it would scare them more to know that people are constantly being falsely accused of rape. That will scare straight young juvenile offenders.

Rape is one of women's biggest fears

60 Women Reveal Their Biggest Fears In Life

Show me one of men's biggest fears is being falsely accused of rape.
What you hear is idiotic.
I work in one and there are many terrors.

Ok yes men do not fear false accusations but that may be changing.

The argument is not what people have a fear of because others have no control over that

It is about what a crime or act does to a person and a false accusation can do as much or more harm than rape.

You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past.

What creepy past?
Then it is on him not Kavanaugh.

Either way there is only an unfounded accusation.

Which is why the FBI should investigate the claims. Conduct interviews and get people on record.

Nothing to investigate, or there would have been a police record of the incident. Besides she has no knowledge of the date, time, or place of the incident.
The FBI cleared Kavanaugh, next step is to vote him on the USSC

No, there would not. 77% of sexual assaults go unreported. I never reported when it happened to me.

If that fucker ever got nominated to the SCOTUS, I’d be telling everyone who will listen about it. (And it happened in 1984)

One hopes you would actually remember where it happened and some sort of detail about it.

Or did you find it simultaneously "traumatic" and forgettable like Dr. Ford?

I wasn't 15 and intoxicated.

There have been times, when intoxicated, I could not have told you where I'd been but could remember some parts of those evenings. I once knew I'd gotten in a car but didn't know I'd left Asbury Park until I woke up the next morning in a hotel in Raritan.

There have been times I was intoxicated, and I can tell you that I didn't try to ruin anyone's life over declaring fuzzy, barely-there memories to be gospel truth.

I saw the man who assaulted me executed. So I have all the sympathy in the world for people who have been victims of violent crimes . . . provided they aren't handing me stories that are vague, unsubstantiated, unbelievable tripe surrounded by noxious clouds of political game-playing.
They could do that if Drumpf orders the FBI to investigate but he wont and you guys dont want that either so stop frontin.

After the vote, President Trump might be fine with that.

No need to delay confirmation over finding out who put Ms. Ford up to lie about Kavanaugh.
After the vote? Drumpf wont be fine with it then either.

Yes there is a need to investigate and quickly.

Kavanaugh Was ‘Aggressive And Belligerent’ When Drunk, His Yale Roommate Says

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s freshman roommate at Yale University came forward late Monday, describing Kavanaugh as “a heavy drinker” who became “aggressive and belligerent” when drunk.

James Roche, Kavanaugh’s roommate in Fall 1983, said in a statement posted on Twitter that they didn’t socialize together much, but would chat at night after Kavanaugh would return drunk from outings with his friends.

“It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk,” Roche said.

Roche said he issued the statement to support Deborah Ramirez, who was quoted in The New Yorker this week as saying Kavanaugh thrust his exposed penis at her at a college party. Roche said he and Ramirez became close friends at Yale, and she was “unusually honest and straightforward.”

“I cannot imagine her making this up,” he told ABC-7 News in California. “Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.”

In The New Yorker article, Roche described Ramirez as “exceptionally honest and gentle.”

“I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk,” he said in his statement.

Roche’s recollection goes against what Kavanaugh told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum in an interview Monday night. He said he had never been drunk enough to forget any of his actions.
If true, there should be dozens of witnesses that have seen Kavanaugh drunk. Where are they?
Probably at the banks depositing their hush money checks. I have a feeling that some are still going to pop up though.

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