Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

They could do that if Drumpf orders the FBI to investigate but he wont and you guys dont want that either so stop frontin.

After the vote, President Trump might be fine with that.

No need to delay confirmation over finding out who put Ms. Ford up to lie about Kavanaugh.
After the vote? Drumpf wont be fine with it then either.

Yes there is a need to investigate and quickly.

Kavanaugh Was ‘Aggressive And Belligerent’ When Drunk, His Yale Roommate Says

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s freshman roommate at Yale University came forward late Monday, describing Kavanaugh as “a heavy drinker” who became “aggressive and belligerent” when drunk.

James Roche, Kavanaugh’s roommate in Fall 1983, said in a statement posted on Twitter that they didn’t socialize together much, but would chat at night after Kavanaugh would return drunk from outings with his friends.

“It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk,” Roche said.

Roche said he issued the statement to support Deborah Ramirez, who was quoted in The New Yorker this week as saying Kavanaugh thrust his exposed penis at her at a college party. Roche said he and Ramirez became close friends at Yale, and she was “unusually honest and straightforward.”

“I cannot imagine her making this up,” he told ABC-7 News in California. “Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.”

In The New Yorker article, Roche described Ramirez as “exceptionally honest and gentle.”

“I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk,” he said in his statement.

Roche’s recollection goes against what Kavanaugh told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum in an interview Monday night. He said he had never been drunk enough to forget any of his actions.
If true, there should be dozens of witnesses that have seen Kavanaugh drunk. Where are they?
Probably at the banks depositing their hush money checks. I have a feeling that some are still going to pop up though.
Why wait until after the vote? Why would you want a sexual predator on the SC even if for a week or 2?

To show Democrats their scheme will not work, that's why. That's what this is about anyway. They are trying to delay and delay until past midterms. Either that, or second best, Trump pull him out and look for somebody else which again, will take us past midterms.
Thanks for being truthful. So repubs are more worried about showing the dems whats up instead of making sure a sexual predator is not appointed to the SC. Again thanks for being honest.

He's far from any sexual predator. Sexual predators have a history. This guy led a stellar life and is an accomplished judge.

Now let's look at the loon: She erased her entire Facebook page. She said she told nobody about what happened until therapy in 2012, but then found a girl who claimed to have heard about it in school. She said she's scared to death of flying, that's why she couldn't make it to Washington. However she had a job in Hawaii. She said she had no intention of being known or having any action taken on her behalf, but a month before her name "leaked" out, she lawyered up and had a polygraph test done.

Everything this woman said she lied about. She even mentioned a close friend of hers; not only from school, but into their adult life. Her friend said she doesn't know WTF the loon was talking about.
I believe he is a sexual predator and Ford is just one of many early victims. Now that another woman and possibly a 3rd has come forth he is going to get exposed.

I dont know if you guys are retarded or not. I would erase my FB page if I was getting death threats.
I also dont get why you guys cant figure out that Ford was not the source of the stories at school. Did the woman say she heard them from Ford or "indirectly"?

A drunken college frat boy allegedly waved a Willy that might not even have been organic in front of a drunken coed at a drinking party and that makes him a predator? You're really reaching here. Do you still think he's a rapist even though he's not been advised of it?

As far as I could tell, she didn't even see who waved the alleged willy. She said she just assumed it was Kavanaugh - or maybe-Kavanaugh - because he was standing next to her when she looked up.
I hear the worst thing that happens to people in prison is they get falsely accused of rape all the time. That's why most people are so afraid of prison. They are scared to death they are going to get falsely accused of rape when they are in there. LOL.

We should stop telling people that prisoners get raped in prison. Clearly it would scare them more to know that people are constantly being falsely accused of rape. That will scare straight young juvenile offenders.

Rape is one of women's biggest fears

60 Women Reveal Their Biggest Fears In Life

Show me one of men's biggest fears is being falsely accused of rape.
What you hear is idiotic.
I work in one and there are many terrors.

Ok yes men do not fear false accusations but that may be changing.

The argument is not what people have a fear of because others have no control over that

It is about what a crime or act does to a person and a false accusation can do as much or more harm than rape.

You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

No, I think if libs have any success at this, Trump should nominate a judge so far right he or she screams how wrong Roe vs Wade was.

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I think if the left has any success at this, Trump should nominate Ben Shapiro.
I hear the worst thing that happens to people in prison is they get falsely accused of rape all the time. That's why most people are so afraid of prison. They are scared to death they are going to get falsely accused of rape when they are in there. LOL.

We should stop telling people that prisoners get raped in prison. Clearly it would scare them more to know that people are constantly being falsely accused of rape. That will scare straight young juvenile offenders.

Rape is one of women's biggest fears

60 Women Reveal Their Biggest Fears In Life

Show me one of men's biggest fears is being falsely accused of rape.
What you hear is idiotic.
I work in one and there are many terrors.

Ok yes men do not fear false accusations but that may be changing.

The argument is not what people have a fear of because others have no control over that

It is about what a crime or act does to a person and a false accusation can do as much or more harm than rape.

You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past.

What creepy past?
The lack of a creepy past is really creepy. It's like Mike Pence, the lack of women that he sexually assaulted is proof he's a pervert.

It's called thinking like a democrat.
I hear the worst thing that happens to people in prison is they get falsely accused of rape all the time. That's why most people are so afraid of prison. They are scared to death they are going to get falsely accused of rape when they are in there. LOL.

We should stop telling people that prisoners get raped in prison. Clearly it would scare them more to know that people are constantly being falsely accused of rape. That will scare straight young juvenile offenders.

Rape is one of women's biggest fears

60 Women Reveal Their Biggest Fears In Life

Show me one of men's biggest fears is being falsely accused of rape.
What you hear is idiotic.
I work in one and there are many terrors.

Ok yes men do not fear false accusations but that may be changing.

The argument is not what people have a fear of because others have no control over that

It is about what a crime or act does to a person and a false accusation can do as much or more harm than rape.

You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

Shall we do a head to head comparison of what Kavenaugh is accused of doing as a teen with what Obama has admitted he did as a teenager? You remember the drug use, his racial contempt of his family, that stuff?
Sure go ahead. I bet you wont find anyone that says Obama attempted to rape them let alone flashed his dick at them.
What you hear is idiotic.
I work in one and there are many terrors.

Ok yes men do not fear false accusations but that may be changing.

The argument is not what people have a fear of because others have no control over that

It is about what a crime or act does to a person and a false accusation can do as much or more harm than rape.

You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

Stop the bullshit, no one was fucking raped.

when bullshit is all you got...

. . . keep shoveling?
What you hear is idiotic.
I work in one and there are many terrors.

Ok yes men do not fear false accusations but that may be changing.

The argument is not what people have a fear of because others have no control over that

It is about what a crime or act does to a person and a false accusation can do as much or more harm than rape.

You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past.

What creepy past?
The lack of a creepy past is really creepy. It's like Mike Pence, the lack of women that he sexually assaulted is proof he's a pervert.

It's called thinking like a democrat.

Let's face it, they consider being conservative to be creepy and eeeevil, and never think an iota beyond that.
You know who you guys sound like? Trumps former doctor

“I feel raped,” Bornstein said, using what’s perhaps not the best choice of words for this climate, or any climate. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I can’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair.”

Clearly he, and you, have no idea what it means to be raped.
By your own admission neither do you.

No but I don't lack empathy. And I am not seeing this from partisan glasses so I can tell what you are doing is trying your very best to empathize with the accused not the accuser. This is what men have done for centuries. You clearly don't get what a horrible experience being raped is.

Like Trump's doctor couldn't believe everyone was making a big deal that he revealed Trump uses propecia, you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter. If Kav has a creep inside his creepy right wing head, maybe we don't want a creep like that sitting on the high court. Maybe Trump should instead nominate

you can't believe we are making a big deal out of Kav's creepy past.

What creepy past?
The lack of a creepy past is really creepy. It's like Mike Pence, the lack of women that he sexually assaulted is proof he's a pervert.

It's called thinking like a democrat.

Let's face it, they consider being conservative to be creepy and eeeevil, and never think an iota beyond that.
You have to admit conservatives tend to be creepy, ancient, poor, white males. White males have been like a genocidal virus upon the planet
Anyone find it strange that psychologists get better memories when they visit the lawyer's office for a few days?
You have to admit conservatives tend to be creepy, ancient, poor, white males. White males have been like a genocidal virus upon the planet

So shaking my hand is out of the question?
Depends. Do you have liver spots?

Nope, just a vice like grip.
Are you suffering from an inferiority complex and trying to compensate?

I am an Independent who leans right. But I am neither ancient, nor poor. I am white and creepy is subjective.
You have to admit conservatives tend to be creepy, ancient, poor, white males. White males have been like a genocidal virus upon the planet

So shaking my hand is out of the question?
Depends. Do you have liver spots?

Nope, just a vice like grip.
Are you suffering from an inferiority complex and trying to compensate?

I am an Independent who leans right. But I am neither ancient, nor poor. I am white and creepy is subjective.
So youre an independent like me but you lean right? Doesnt that mean youre a conservative?
Are you suffering from an inferiority complex and trying to compensate?

No, these last several days I have witnessed such disregard for decency and upholding the law that it seems necessary now more than ever to separate political differences from people. I am almost certain that I would like most USMB posters, if I met them in person. We would just have to avoid political discussions. Most of my days are filled with things other than that, so common interests are quite possible.
Are you suffering from an inferiority complex and trying to compensate?

No, these last several days I have witnessed such disregard for decency and upholding the law that it seems necessary now more than ever to separate political differences from people. I am almost certain that I would like most USMB posters, if I met them in person. We would just have to avoid political discussions. Most of my days are filled with things other than that, so common interests are quite possible.
I hate to tell you this but when I see a white person I automatically assume they are a card carrying member of the republican party and KKK. I specifically steer any conversation towards politics to see where their heads are at.
So shaking my hand is out of the question?
Depends. Do you have liver spots?

Nope, just a vice like grip.
Are you suffering from an inferiority complex and trying to compensate?

I am an Independent who leans right. But I am neither ancient, nor poor. I am white and creepy is subjective.
So youre an independent like me but you lean right? Doesnt that mean youre a conservative?

No. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. I think the 2nd amendment needs to be amended (see what I did there?). When it was written it took like 15 seconds to load a rifle. Now you can fire 20 shots in 15 seconds. I am conservative when it comes to small government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, military investment, entitlement reform, border security.

I hate the PC culture. One cannot just change their gender.

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