Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Depends. Do you have liver spots?

Nope, just a vice like grip.
Are you suffering from an inferiority complex and trying to compensate?

I am an Independent who leans right. But I am neither ancient, nor poor. I am white and creepy is subjective.
So youre an independent like me but you lean right? Doesnt that mean youre a conservative?

No. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. I think the 2nd amendment needs to be amended (see what I did there?). When it was written it took like 15 seconds to load a rifle. Now you can fire 20 shots in 15 seconds. I am conservative when it comes to small government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, military investment, entitlement reform, border security.

I hate the PC culture. One cannot just change their gender.
Why do you think the 2nd needs to be amended? Why anti prayer? PC culture? Whats wrong with being polite?
And back on topic.

Kavanaugh's college roommate says he was NOT the stellar guy he claimed. In fact he was a fall down drunk

“I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk,” Roche told ABC 7. “I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.”

Roche said it was “believable” to him that Kavanaugh was part of a group of men who thought it was fun to torment women.
Nope, just a vice like grip.
Are you suffering from an inferiority complex and trying to compensate?

I am an Independent who leans right. But I am neither ancient, nor poor. I am white and creepy is subjective.
So youre an independent like me but you lean right? Doesnt that mean youre a conservative?

No. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. I think the 2nd amendment needs to be amended (see what I did there?). When it was written it took like 15 seconds to load a rifle. Now you can fire 20 shots in 15 seconds. I am conservative when it comes to small government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, military investment, entitlement reform, border security.

I hate the PC culture. One cannot just change their gender.
Why do you think the 2nd needs to be amended? Why anti prayer? PC culture? Whats wrong with being polite?

#1) I explained why.
#2) It should be private not in schools. Separate church and state.
#3) PC Culture --- Google or Bing is your friend. Look it up
#4) It is not polite when a guy says I am a girl and can use the W locker room at a gym where my kids may be changing.
I hate to tell you this but when I see a white person I automatically assume they are a card carrying member of the republican party and KKK. I specifically steer any conversation towards politics to see where their heads are at.

Gee, I'd be a total disappointment then. :(

Spent about two hours with a mail dispatch driver while he waited for help to arrive for his truck on a Friday night. I was off the clock. I have gotten to know him and he is a great person who happens to be black. As a friend I will have his back in this mostly white city. It might be awkward for me to be in the minority, so I try to make it comfortable.
I hate to tell you this but when I see a white person I automatically assume they are a card carrying member of the republican party and KKK. I specifically steer any conversation towards politics to see where their heads are at.

Gee, I'd be a total disappointment then. :(

Spent about two hours with a mail dispatch driver while he waited for help to arrive for his truck on a Friday night. I was off the clock. I have gotten to know him and he is a great person who happens to be black. As a friend I will have his back in this mostly white city. It might be awkward for me to be in the minority, so I try to make it comfortable.
I'm a whiz at getting people to talk. Especially in person. Its one of my favorite hobbies.
Are you suffering from an inferiority complex and trying to compensate?

I am an Independent who leans right. But I am neither ancient, nor poor. I am white and creepy is subjective.
So youre an independent like me but you lean right? Doesnt that mean youre a conservative?

No. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. I think the 2nd amendment needs to be amended (see what I did there?). When it was written it took like 15 seconds to load a rifle. Now you can fire 20 shots in 15 seconds. I am conservative when it comes to small government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, military investment, entitlement reform, border security.

I hate the PC culture. One cannot just change their gender.
Why do you think the 2nd needs to be amended? Why anti prayer? PC culture? Whats wrong with being polite?

#1) I explained why.
#2) It should be private not in schools. Separate church and state.
#3) PC Culture --- Google or Bing is your friend. Look it up
#4) It is not polite when a guy says I am a girl and can use the W locker room at a gym where my kids may be changing.
No you didnt really explain why other than saying you can shoot faster.

Separation of church and state was meant for the administrative level. I see nothing wrong with children praying in school if they so choose to.

I looked up PC culture just to make sure I had it right and I do.

"The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated to PC or P.C.) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society."

You do realize there are men passing for women already in the womens locker room dont you?
So youre an independent like me but you lean right? Doesnt that mean youre a conservative?

That is a tough question. I vote either Republican or third party, so I consider myself an Independent, while being a conservative.
I would never vote repub. Its either 3rd party or dem.

So I would call you an Independent liberal?
Thats correct. In some ways I am conservative but those are very fluid positions.
I am an Independent who leans right. But I am neither ancient, nor poor. I am white and creepy is subjective.
So youre an independent like me but you lean right? Doesnt that mean youre a conservative?

No. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. I think the 2nd amendment needs to be amended (see what I did there?). When it was written it took like 15 seconds to load a rifle. Now you can fire 20 shots in 15 seconds. I am conservative when it comes to small government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, military investment, entitlement reform, border security.

I hate the PC culture. One cannot just change their gender.
Why do you think the 2nd needs to be amended? Why anti prayer? PC culture? Whats wrong with being polite?

#1) I explained why.
#2) It should be private not in schools. Separate church and state.
#3) PC Culture --- Google or Bing is your friend. Look it up
#4) It is not polite when a guy says I am a girl and can use the W locker room at a gym where my kids may be changing.
No you didnt really explain why other than saying you can shoot faster.

Separation of church and state was meant for the administrative level. I see nothing wrong with children praying in school if they so choose to.

I looked up PC culture just to make sure I had it right and I do.

"The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated to PC or P.C.) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society."

You do realize there are men passing for women already in the womens locker room dont you?

#1) Yes when it takes me 15 seconds to kill one person vs. 1 second to kill 5 I think we should amend the laws.
#2) Prayer should not be in public schools. Separation of Church and State. Fine in private schools.
#3) PC Culture means I cannot assume adjectives or call you a sissy. Which is stupid. I should be able to say "man up" without people throwing a hissy fit.
#4) Very few. Today you could go to Planet Fitness, state you identify as a woman and use their locker room. That is stupid.

Fact that you didn't know what "PC Culture" meant is disturbing. But not surprising.
So youre an independent like me but you lean right? Doesnt that mean youre a conservative?

No. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. I think the 2nd amendment needs to be amended (see what I did there?). When it was written it took like 15 seconds to load a rifle. Now you can fire 20 shots in 15 seconds. I am conservative when it comes to small government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, military investment, entitlement reform, border security.

I hate the PC culture. One cannot just change their gender.
Why do you think the 2nd needs to be amended? Why anti prayer? PC culture? Whats wrong with being polite?

#1) I explained why.
#2) It should be private not in schools. Separate church and state.
#3) PC Culture --- Google or Bing is your friend. Look it up
#4) It is not polite when a guy says I am a girl and can use the W locker room at a gym where my kids may be changing.
No you didnt really explain why other than saying you can shoot faster.

Separation of church and state was meant for the administrative level. I see nothing wrong with children praying in school if they so choose to.

I looked up PC culture just to make sure I had it right and I do.

"The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated to PC or P.C.) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society."

You do realize there are men passing for women already in the womens locker room dont you?

#1) Yes when it takes me 15 seconds to kill one person vs. 1 second to kill 5 I think we should amend the laws.
#2) Prayer should not be in public schools. Separation of Church and State. Fine in private schools.
#3) PC Culture means I cannot assume adjectives or call you a sissy. Which is stupid. I should be able to say "man up" without people throwing a hissy fit.
#4) Very few. Today you could go to Planet Fitness, state you identify as a woman and use their locker room. That is stupid.

Fact that you didn't know what "PC Culture" meant is disturbing. But not surprising.
You said amend the 2nd not the laws.

There is no law against calling me sissy. Its stupid to even say that. My question is what are you compensating for that you need to express that opinion to someone that hasnt done anything to you?

Youre in denial. Dudes have been dressing up like women for at least the past 30 years and going into womens locker rooms.
No. I am pro choice. I am anti prayer in school. I think the 2nd amendment needs to be amended (see what I did there?). When it was written it took like 15 seconds to load a rifle. Now you can fire 20 shots in 15 seconds. I am conservative when it comes to small government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, military investment, entitlement reform, border security.

I hate the PC culture. One cannot just change their gender.
Why do you think the 2nd needs to be amended? Why anti prayer? PC culture? Whats wrong with being polite?

#1) I explained why.
#2) It should be private not in schools. Separate church and state.
#3) PC Culture --- Google or Bing is your friend. Look it up
#4) It is not polite when a guy says I am a girl and can use the W locker room at a gym where my kids may be changing.
No you didnt really explain why other than saying you can shoot faster.

Separation of church and state was meant for the administrative level. I see nothing wrong with children praying in school if they so choose to.

I looked up PC culture just to make sure I had it right and I do.

"The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated to PC or P.C.) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society."

You do realize there are men passing for women already in the womens locker room dont you?

#1) Yes when it takes me 15 seconds to kill one person vs. 1 second to kill 5 I think we should amend the laws.
#2) Prayer should not be in public schools. Separation of Church and State. Fine in private schools.
#3) PC Culture means I cannot assume adjectives or call you a sissy. Which is stupid. I should be able to say "man up" without people throwing a hissy fit.
#4) Very few. Today you could go to Planet Fitness, state you identify as a woman and use their locker room. That is stupid.

Fact that you didn't know what "PC Culture" meant is disturbing. But not surprising.
You said amend the 2nd not the laws.

There is no law against calling me sissy. Its stupid to even say that. My question is what are you compensating for that you need to express that opinion to someone that hasnt done anything to you?

Youre in denial. Dudes have been dressing up like women for at least the past 30 years and going into womens locker rooms.

???? I am not following you.

I have never seen it and neither has my wife. Maybe it happens but it is rare. Not sure what you mean by compensating? It was a joke.
So youre an independent like me but you lean right? Doesnt that mean youre a conservative?

That is a tough question. I vote either Republican or third party, so I consider myself an Independent, while being a conservative.
I would never vote repub. Its either 3rd party or dem.

So I would call you an Independent liberal?
Thats correct. In some ways I am conservative but those are very fluid positions.

You offer perspectives I may disagree with or give you a hard time about at times, but I appreciate hearing them and are glad you are here.
So youre an independent like me but you lean right? Doesnt that mean youre a conservative?

That is a tough question. I vote either Republican or third party, so I consider myself an Independent, while being a conservative.
I would never vote repub. Its either 3rd party or dem.

So I would call you an Independent liberal?
Thats correct. In some ways I am conservative but those are very fluid positions.

You offer perspectives I may disagree with or give you a hard time about at times, but I appreciate hearing them and are glad you are here.
Youre the second conservative to tell me that this week. Some of you may be redeemable after all. :laugh:
You said amend the 2nd not the laws.

There is no law against calling me sissy. Its stupid to even say that. My question is what are you compensating for that you need to express that opinion to someone that hasnt done anything to you?

Youre in denial. Dudes have been dressing up like women for at least the past 30 years and going into womens locker rooms.

I think it is a sign of respect that men, whether they think they are women or not, stay out of women's restrooms and locker rooms.
You said amend the 2nd not the laws.

There is no law against calling me sissy. Its stupid to even say that. My question is what are you compensating for that you need to express that opinion to someone that hasnt done anything to you?

Youre in denial. Dudes have been dressing up like women for at least the past 30 years and going into womens locker rooms.

I think it is a sign of respect that men, whether they think they are women or not, stay out of women's restrooms and locker rooms.
Sign of respect? Can you elaborate?
Why do you think the 2nd needs to be amended? Why anti prayer? PC culture? Whats wrong with being polite?

#1) I explained why.
#2) It should be private not in schools. Separate church and state.
#3) PC Culture --- Google or Bing is your friend. Look it up
#4) It is not polite when a guy says I am a girl and can use the W locker room at a gym where my kids may be changing.
No you didnt really explain why other than saying you can shoot faster.

Separation of church and state was meant for the administrative level. I see nothing wrong with children praying in school if they so choose to.

I looked up PC culture just to make sure I had it right and I do.

"The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated to PC or P.C.) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society."

You do realize there are men passing for women already in the womens locker room dont you?

#1) Yes when it takes me 15 seconds to kill one person vs. 1 second to kill 5 I think we should amend the laws.
#2) Prayer should not be in public schools. Separation of Church and State. Fine in private schools.
#3) PC Culture means I cannot assume adjectives or call you a sissy. Which is stupid. I should be able to say "man up" without people throwing a hissy fit.
#4) Very few. Today you could go to Planet Fitness, state you identify as a woman and use their locker room. That is stupid.

Fact that you didn't know what "PC Culture" meant is disturbing. But not surprising.
You said amend the 2nd not the laws.

There is no law against calling me sissy. Its stupid to even say that. My question is what are you compensating for that you need to express that opinion to someone that hasnt done anything to you?

Youre in denial. Dudes have been dressing up like women for at least the past 30 years and going into womens locker rooms.

???? I am not following you.

I have never seen it and neither has my wife. Maybe it happens but it is rare. Not sure what you mean by compensating? It was a joke.
??? Following me?

I've seen it plenty of times. So has my wife and daughters.

People that call other peoples names without being provoked are usually compensating for something.
Youre the second conservative to tell me that this week. Some of you may be redeemable after all. :laugh:

Like I said, it has been an eye opening week with the guilty until proven innocent and other unfortunate issues surrounding Kavanaugh's appointment. I would really like to draw back from the edge of whatever this is that we are facing. Trying to see the people and less of the politics seems the best way.
#1) I explained why.
#2) It should be private not in schools. Separate church and state.
#3) PC Culture --- Google or Bing is your friend. Look it up
#4) It is not polite when a guy says I am a girl and can use the W locker room at a gym where my kids may be changing.
No you didnt really explain why other than saying you can shoot faster.

Separation of church and state was meant for the administrative level. I see nothing wrong with children praying in school if they so choose to.

I looked up PC culture just to make sure I had it right and I do.

"The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated to PC or P.C.) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society."

You do realize there are men passing for women already in the womens locker room dont you?

#1) Yes when it takes me 15 seconds to kill one person vs. 1 second to kill 5 I think we should amend the laws.
#2) Prayer should not be in public schools. Separation of Church and State. Fine in private schools.
#3) PC Culture means I cannot assume adjectives or call you a sissy. Which is stupid. I should be able to say "man up" without people throwing a hissy fit.
#4) Very few. Today you could go to Planet Fitness, state you identify as a woman and use their locker room. That is stupid.

Fact that you didn't know what "PC Culture" meant is disturbing. But not surprising.
You said amend the 2nd not the laws.

There is no law against calling me sissy. Its stupid to even say that. My question is what are you compensating for that you need to express that opinion to someone that hasnt done anything to you?

Youre in denial. Dudes have been dressing up like women for at least the past 30 years and going into womens locker rooms.

???? I am not following you.

I have never seen it and neither has my wife. Maybe it happens but it is rare. Not sure what you mean by compensating? It was a joke.
??? Following me?

I've seen it plenty of times. So has my wife and daughters.

People that call other peoples names without being provoked are usually compensating for something.

So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.

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