Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Sign of respect? Can you elaborate?

I see a sign that says women on the door, I consider that a private area meant for women. Women as in biologically/DNA female.
I'm assuming you are not a transgender then? You are 100% male and ID as such right? You dont seem to realize that there are people that biologically due to chemical composition in their brains feel like they are women. To them its disrespectful to go into a mens locker room
No you didnt really explain why other than saying you can shoot faster.

Separation of church and state was meant for the administrative level. I see nothing wrong with children praying in school if they so choose to.

I looked up PC culture just to make sure I had it right and I do.

"The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated to PC or P.C.) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society."

You do realize there are men passing for women already in the womens locker room dont you?

#1) Yes when it takes me 15 seconds to kill one person vs. 1 second to kill 5 I think we should amend the laws.
#2) Prayer should not be in public schools. Separation of Church and State. Fine in private schools.
#3) PC Culture means I cannot assume adjectives or call you a sissy. Which is stupid. I should be able to say "man up" without people throwing a hissy fit.
#4) Very few. Today you could go to Planet Fitness, state you identify as a woman and use their locker room. That is stupid.

Fact that you didn't know what "PC Culture" meant is disturbing. But not surprising.
You said amend the 2nd not the laws.

There is no law against calling me sissy. Its stupid to even say that. My question is what are you compensating for that you need to express that opinion to someone that hasnt done anything to you?

Youre in denial. Dudes have been dressing up like women for at least the past 30 years and going into womens locker rooms.

???? I am not following you.

I have never seen it and neither has my wife. Maybe it happens but it is rare. Not sure what you mean by compensating? It was a joke.
??? Following me?

I've seen it plenty of times. So has my wife and daughters.

People that call other peoples names without being provoked are usually compensating for something.

So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.
They are being provoked. There is a nationwide debate provoking them.

You dont have to be sure. All you have to know is that there has always been men dressed as women in womens locker rooms.
Sign of respect? Can you elaborate?

I see a sign that says women on the door, I consider that a private area meant for women. Women as in biologically/DNA female.
I'm assuming you are not a transgender then? You are 100% male and ID as such right? You dont seem to realize that there are people that biologically due to chemical composition in their brains feel like they are women. To them its disrespectful to go into a mens locker room

They should probably get better control of their feelings then.
Sign of respect? Can you elaborate?

I see a sign that says women on the door, I consider that a private area meant for women. Women as in biologically/DNA female.
I'm assuming you are not a transgender then? You are 100% male and ID as such right? You dont seem to realize that there are people that biologically due to chemical composition in their brains feel like they are women. To them its disrespectful to go into a mens locker room

They should probably get better control of their feelings then.
Why shouldnt you get better control of your feelings?
And back on topic.

Kavanaugh's college roommate says he was NOT the stellar guy he claimed. In fact he was a fall down drunk

“I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk,” Roche told ABC 7. “I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.”

Roche said it was “believable” to him that Kavanaugh was part of a group of men who thought it was fun to torment women.

And back on topic. You're basically saying, "Multiple people have denied every word of this, BUT this one person says something totally unrelated, but nevertheless bad. THAT PROVES IT!"

I concluded that you're a lying partisan hack.
They could do that if Drumpf orders the FBI to investigate but he wont and you guys dont want that either so stop frontin.

After the vote, President Trump might be fine with that.

No need to delay confirmation over finding out who put Ms. Ford up to lie about Kavanaugh.
After the vote? Drumpf wont be fine with it then either.

Yes there is a need to investigate and quickly.

Kavanaugh Was ‘Aggressive And Belligerent’ When Drunk, His Yale Roommate Says

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s freshman roommate at Yale University came forward late Monday, describing Kavanaugh as “a heavy drinker” who became “aggressive and belligerent” when drunk.

James Roche, Kavanaugh’s roommate in Fall 1983, said in a statement posted on Twitter that they didn’t socialize together much, but would chat at night after Kavanaugh would return drunk from outings with his friends.

“It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk,” Roche said.

Roche said he issued the statement to support Deborah Ramirez, who was quoted in The New Yorker this week as saying Kavanaugh thrust his exposed penis at her at a college party. Roche said he and Ramirez became close friends at Yale, and she was “unusually honest and straightforward.”

“I cannot imagine her making this up,” he told ABC-7 News in California. “Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.”

In The New Yorker article, Roche described Ramirez as “exceptionally honest and gentle.”

“I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk,” he said in his statement.

Roche’s recollection goes against what Kavanaugh told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum in an interview Monday night. He said he had never been drunk enough to forget any of his actions.
If true, there should be dozens of witnesses that have seen Kavanaugh drunk. Where are they?
Probably at the banks depositing their hush money checks. I have a feeling that some are still going to pop up though.

Actually more people are speaking up or coming forward. That's why Republicans are trying to rush this.

And if he were my buddy, I would want my buddy to become a Supreme Court justice. If I were a Republican I would even forgive him being a scumbag. Remember how sickened they were at Bill Clinton then they turned around and voted for a pussy grabber who raped his own wife?

They only pretend to be the moral party. Don't forget most Christians are the most immoral pieces of shit you'll ever meet.

How do I know Kav is a scumbag? Trump likes him. Anyone Trump raves about usually ends up writing a book about him.
#1) Yes when it takes me 15 seconds to kill one person vs. 1 second to kill 5 I think we should amend the laws.
#2) Prayer should not be in public schools. Separation of Church and State. Fine in private schools.
#3) PC Culture means I cannot assume adjectives or call you a sissy. Which is stupid. I should be able to say "man up" without people throwing a hissy fit.
#4) Very few. Today you could go to Planet Fitness, state you identify as a woman and use their locker room. That is stupid.

Fact that you didn't know what "PC Culture" meant is disturbing. But not surprising.
You said amend the 2nd not the laws.

There is no law against calling me sissy. Its stupid to even say that. My question is what are you compensating for that you need to express that opinion to someone that hasnt done anything to you?

Youre in denial. Dudes have been dressing up like women for at least the past 30 years and going into womens locker rooms.

???? I am not following you.

I have never seen it and neither has my wife. Maybe it happens but it is rare. Not sure what you mean by compensating? It was a joke.
??? Following me?

I've seen it plenty of times. So has my wife and daughters.

People that call other peoples names without being provoked are usually compensating for something.

So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.
They are being provoked. There is a nationwide debate provoking them.

You dont have to be sure. All you have to know is that there has always been men dressed as women in womens locker rooms.

There have? My wife has never ever seen it and she works at a gym. Again small sample but it is rare, you must admit.
You said amend the 2nd not the laws.

There is no law against calling me sissy. Its stupid to even say that. My question is what are you compensating for that you need to express that opinion to someone that hasnt done anything to you?

Youre in denial. Dudes have been dressing up like women for at least the past 30 years and going into womens locker rooms.

???? I am not following you.

I have never seen it and neither has my wife. Maybe it happens but it is rare. Not sure what you mean by compensating? It was a joke.
??? Following me?

I've seen it plenty of times. So has my wife and daughters.

People that call other peoples names without being provoked are usually compensating for something.

So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.
They are being provoked. There is a nationwide debate provoking them.

You dont have to be sure. All you have to know is that there has always been men dressed as women in womens locker rooms.

There have? My wife has never ever seen it and she works at a gym. Again small sample but it is rare, you must admit.
Like you admitted you have a small sample. I have more than one source including an aunt that specializes in counseling these type of people.
They could do that if Drumpf orders the FBI to investigate but he wont and you guys dont want that either so stop frontin.

After the vote, President Trump might be fine with that.

No need to delay confirmation over finding out who put Ms. Ford up to lie about Kavanaugh.
After the vote? Drumpf wont be fine with it then either.

Yes there is a need to investigate and quickly.

Kavanaugh Was ‘Aggressive And Belligerent’ When Drunk, His Yale Roommate Says

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s freshman roommate at Yale University came forward late Monday, describing Kavanaugh as “a heavy drinker” who became “aggressive and belligerent” when drunk.

James Roche, Kavanaugh’s roommate in Fall 1983, said in a statement posted on Twitter that they didn’t socialize together much, but would chat at night after Kavanaugh would return drunk from outings with his friends.

“It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk,” Roche said.

Roche said he issued the statement to support Deborah Ramirez, who was quoted in The New Yorker this week as saying Kavanaugh thrust his exposed penis at her at a college party. Roche said he and Ramirez became close friends at Yale, and she was “unusually honest and straightforward.”

“I cannot imagine her making this up,” he told ABC-7 News in California. “Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.”

In The New Yorker article, Roche described Ramirez as “exceptionally honest and gentle.”

“I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk,” he said in his statement.

Roche’s recollection goes against what Kavanaugh told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum in an interview Monday night. He said he had never been drunk enough to forget any of his actions.
If true, there should be dozens of witnesses that have seen Kavanaugh drunk. Where are they?

Republicans Knew More Kavanaugh Claims Were Coming, Democratic Aides Say | HuffPost

Republicans Knew More Kavanaugh Claims Were Coming, Democratic Aides Say
After learning of more sexual misconduct allegations, GOP staffers tried to speed up the Supreme Court nominee’s confirmation.
Actually more people are speaking up or coming forward. That's why Republicans are trying to rush this.

And if he were my buddy, I would want my buddy to become a Supreme Court justice. If I were a Republican I would even forgive him being a scumbag. Remember how sickened they were at Bill Clinton then they turned around and voted for a pussy grabber who raped his own wife?

They only pretend to be the moral party. Don't forget most Christians are the most immoral pieces of shit you'll ever meet.

How do I know Kav is a scumbag? Trump likes him. Anyone Trump raves about usually ends up writing a book about him.

That's precisely correct. The Democrats do have a long queue of gals they have arranged to tell tales one after another after another.

In anticipation of this nomination, they dragged a hundred dollar bills through a trailer park, and this is what you get.
???? I am not following you.

I have never seen it and neither has my wife. Maybe it happens but it is rare. Not sure what you mean by compensating? It was a joke.
??? Following me?

I've seen it plenty of times. So has my wife and daughters.

People that call other peoples names without being provoked are usually compensating for something.

So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.
They are being provoked. There is a nationwide debate provoking them.

You dont have to be sure. All you have to know is that there has always been men dressed as women in womens locker rooms.

There have? My wife has never ever seen it and she works at a gym. Again small sample but it is rare, you must admit.
Like you admitted you have a small sample. I have more than one source including an aunt that specializes in counseling these type of people.

Counseling because they are mentally ill. I know it sounds insensitive but I am not going to just feed someone's gender dysphoria. If you are a biological male then you are a male. Sorry pal. Use the MEN's Room.
Republicans Knew More Kavanaugh Claims Were Coming, Democratic Aides Say
After learning of more sexual misconduct allegations, GOP staffers tried to speed up the Supreme Court nominee’s confirmation.

Anyone who listened to the Excellence in Broadcasting last Thursday knew that. It wasn't a secret.
You said amend the 2nd not the laws.

There is no law against calling me sissy. Its stupid to even say that. My question is what are you compensating for that you need to express that opinion to someone that hasnt done anything to you?

Youre in denial. Dudes have been dressing up like women for at least the past 30 years and going into womens locker rooms.

???? I am not following you.

I have never seen it and neither has my wife. Maybe it happens but it is rare. Not sure what you mean by compensating? It was a joke.
??? Following me?

I've seen it plenty of times. So has my wife and daughters.

People that call other peoples names without being provoked are usually compensating for something.

So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.
They are being provoked. There is a nationwide debate provoking them.

You dont have to be sure. All you have to know is that there has always been men dressed as women in womens locker rooms.

There have? My wife has never ever seen it and she works at a gym. Again small sample but it is rare, you must admit.

Republicans like to confuse real transvestites with perverted guys who dress up as women so they can go look in women's bathrooms.

The transvestites exist and are harmless. The pervs who dress up as women to go into bathrooms are almost non existent. In other words they don't exist. Not enough to make this a political issue. But Republicans are counting on their ignorant homophobic voters.

I even know a guy here at work who's liberal in all ways but boy did he get upset at the thought of some guy being in the bathroom with his little girl. Republicans are brilliant at catering to stupid fuckers.
??? Following me?

I've seen it plenty of times. So has my wife and daughters.

People that call other peoples names without being provoked are usually compensating for something.

So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.
They are being provoked. There is a nationwide debate provoking them.

You dont have to be sure. All you have to know is that there has always been men dressed as women in womens locker rooms.

There have? My wife has never ever seen it and she works at a gym. Again small sample but it is rare, you must admit.
Like you admitted you have a small sample. I have more than one source including an aunt that specializes in counseling these type of people.

Counseling because they are mentally ill. I know it sounds insensitive but I am not going to just feed someone's gender dysphoria. If you are a biological male then you are a male. Sorry pal. Use the MEN's Room.
No just counseling. People dont have to be mentally ill to get counseling. Frankly thats a very antiquated opinion. I didnt know people that thought like that were still alive.
??? Following me?

I've seen it plenty of times. So has my wife and daughters.

People that call other peoples names without being provoked are usually compensating for something.

So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.
They are being provoked. There is a nationwide debate provoking them.

You dont have to be sure. All you have to know is that there has always been men dressed as women in womens locker rooms.

There have? My wife has never ever seen it and she works at a gym. Again small sample but it is rare, you must admit.
Like you admitted you have a small sample. I have more than one source including an aunt that specializes in counseling these type of people.

Counseling because they are mentally ill. I know it sounds insensitive but I am not going to just feed someone's gender dysphoria. If you are a biological male then you are a male. Sorry pal. Use the MEN's Room.

You are so fucking stupid. A perfect Republican.

You want this girl to use the mens room?

Then you're an asshole too.
Republicans like to confuse real transvestites with perverted guys who dress up as women so they can go look in women's bathrooms.

The transvestites exist and are harmless. The pervs who dress up as women to go into bathrooms are almost non existent. In other words they don't exist. Not enough to make this a political issue. But Republicans are counting on their ignorant homophobic voters.

I even know a guy here at work who's liberal in all ways but boy did he get upset at the thought of some guy being in the bathroom with his little girl. Republicans are brilliant at catering to stupid fuckers.

Can you tell the difference between Harmless Trannies, and Harmful Pervs?

Actually, both of these groups are expanding at an exponential rate- homosexuality used to be rare when I was a kid- now its becoming more and more common.
???? I am not following you.

I have never seen it and neither has my wife. Maybe it happens but it is rare. Not sure what you mean by compensating? It was a joke.
??? Following me?

I've seen it plenty of times. So has my wife and daughters.

People that call other peoples names without being provoked are usually compensating for something.

So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.
They are being provoked. There is a nationwide debate provoking them.

You dont have to be sure. All you have to know is that there has always been men dressed as women in womens locker rooms.

There have? My wife has never ever seen it and she works at a gym. Again small sample but it is rare, you must admit.

Republicans like to confuse real transvestites with perverted guys who dress up as women so they can go look in women's bathrooms.

The transvestites exist and are harmless. The pervs who dress up as women to go into bathrooms are almost non existent. In other words they don't exist. Not enough to make this a political issue. But Republicans are counting on their ignorant homophobic voters.

I even know a guy here at work who's liberal in all ways but boy did he get upset at the thought of some guy being in the bathroom with his little girl. Republicans are brilliant at catering to stupid fuckers.

If you're a biological male and you are in the same locker room as my 14-year old daughter, I am going to kick your ass. Period. End of Story. They are harmless until they are not. You ignorance is comical.
So all the people calling Kavanaugh a rapist are compensating for something? They are not being provoked. Not sure where you and your wife hang out. LOL.
They are being provoked. There is a nationwide debate provoking them.

You dont have to be sure. All you have to know is that there has always been men dressed as women in womens locker rooms.

There have? My wife has never ever seen it and she works at a gym. Again small sample but it is rare, you must admit.
Like you admitted you have a small sample. I have more than one source including an aunt that specializes in counseling these type of people.

Counseling because they are mentally ill. I know it sounds insensitive but I am not going to just feed someone's gender dysphoria. If you are a biological male then you are a male. Sorry pal. Use the MEN's Room.

You are so fucking stupid. A perfect Republican.

You want this girl to use the mens room?

Then you're an asshole too.

If this is a dude, yes. If its just a homely broad, no.

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