Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

What that makes Judge is a witness pointed out by the accuser, and the witness said she's FOS.
Please quote that. The only thing I have heard is that Judge says he cant recollect? Thats quite different from a outright denial.

No, he said he doesn't remember anything like that, and Kavanaugh would never do such a thing.
Make up your mind. You said he claimed Ford was full of shit?

"In fact, I have no memory of this alleged incident,"

Claiming you dont remember and then refusing to testify doesnt really sound like ringing support of Kav.

That's what he said. She said Ford pulled him off of her and he said he didn't. What else do you call it? FOS.
I call it you lied when you claimed Judge said she was FOS. Why do you ask?

That's exactly what he said! If I tell somebody that I bummed a cigarette off of you, and you say that never happened, then that would make me FOS because I made a claim that was proven false.
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.

View attachment 218312
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
So let me get this straight. The dems set this all up but used a witness that helps Kav?
Please quote that. The only thing I have heard is that Judge says he cant recollect? Thats quite different from a outright denial.

No, he said he doesn't remember anything like that, and Kavanaugh would never do such a thing.
Make up your mind. You said he claimed Ford was full of shit?

"In fact, I have no memory of this alleged incident,"

Claiming you dont remember and then refusing to testify doesnt really sound like ringing support of Kav.

That's what he said. She said Ford pulled him off of her and he said he didn't. What else do you call it? FOS.
I call it you lied when you claimed Judge said she was FOS. Why do you ask?

That's exactly what he said! If I tell somebody that I bummed a cigarette off of you, and you say that never happened, then that would make me FOS because I made a claim that was proven false.
If he said she was FOS why cant you provide a quote of him saying that?
Selecting a judge for the Supreme Court is not.
100% wrong. Why are you saying this ridiculous shit? If the Republicans perceive that confirming Kavanaugh will damage and politically, they will not do it. That's a fact.

If they don't, it will damage the party because many less Republicans will come out for the midterms. Their best shot is to push this through and tell the Democrats to go F themselves.
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.

View attachment 218312
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
So let me get this straight. The dems set this all up but used a witness that helps Kav?

The dems set this all up but used a witness that helps Kav?

The Dems used this poor, confused girl who was so drunk and used, back in the 80s, she can't keep her "I was molested at a party" stories straight.
No, he said he doesn't remember anything like that, and Kavanaugh would never do such a thing.
Make up your mind. You said he claimed Ford was full of shit?

"In fact, I have no memory of this alleged incident,"

Claiming you dont remember and then refusing to testify doesnt really sound like ringing support of Kav.

That's what he said. She said Ford pulled him off of her and he said he didn't. What else do you call it? FOS.
I call it you lied when you claimed Judge said she was FOS. Why do you ask?

That's exactly what he said! If I tell somebody that I bummed a cigarette off of you, and you say that never happened, then that would make me FOS because I made a claim that was proven false.
If he said she was FOS why cant you provide a quote of him saying that?

What? You need the exact words? FOS means it never happened. That's what he said. IT NEVER HAPPENED!!!!!
Make up your mind. You said he claimed Ford was full of shit?

"In fact, I have no memory of this alleged incident,"

Claiming you dont remember and then refusing to testify doesnt really sound like ringing support of Kav.

That's what he said. She said Ford pulled him off of her and he said he didn't. What else do you call it? FOS.
I call it you lied when you claimed Judge said she was FOS. Why do you ask?

That's exactly what he said! If I tell somebody that I bummed a cigarette off of you, and you say that never happened, then that would make me FOS because I made a claim that was proven false.
If he said she was FOS why cant you provide a quote of him saying that?

What? You need the exact words? FOS means it never happened. That's what he said. IT NEVER HAPPENED!!!!!
He didnt say it never happened either. If he did you would have posted the quote.
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.

View attachment 218312
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
So let me get this straight. The dems set this all up but used a witness that helps Kav?

The dems set this all up but used a witness that helps Kav?

The Dems used this poor, confused girl who was so drunk and used, back in the 80s, she can't keep her "I was molested at a party" stories straight.
You repubs exhibit all the signs of being clinically insane. First you say the Dems are running a deep state coup of Drumpf. The main people investigating him are repubs. Now you claim that this shrewd Dem deep state thing would use someone that is more helpful to the repubs. Does this honestly make sense to you guys are are you pretending to be stupid?
That's what he said. She said Ford pulled him off of her and he said he didn't. What else do you call it? FOS.
I call it you lied when you claimed Judge said she was FOS. Why do you ask?

That's exactly what he said! If I tell somebody that I bummed a cigarette off of you, and you say that never happened, then that would make me FOS because I made a claim that was proven false.
If he said she was FOS why cant you provide a quote of him saying that?

What? You need the exact words? FOS means it never happened. That's what he said. IT NEVER HAPPENED!!!!!
He didnt say it never happened either. If he did you would have posted the quote.

Washington (CNN)Mark Judge has no memory of the alleged sexual assault committed by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, he said in a letter Tuesday to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

"Brett Kavanaugh and I were friends in high school but I do not recall the party described in Dr. Ford's letter. More to the point, I never saw Brett act in the manner Dr. Ford describes."

Mark Judge tells Senate he 'has no memory of alleged' incident with Kavanaugh - CNNPolitics
Then it is on him not Kavanaugh.

Either way there is only an unfounded accusation.

Which is why the FBI should investigate the claims. Conduct interviews and get people on record.

Nothing to investigate, or there would have been a police record of the incident. Besides she has no knowledge of the date, time, or place of the incident.
The FBI cleared Kavanaugh, next step is to vote him on the USSC

No, there would not. 77% of sexual assaults go unreported. I never reported when it happened to me.

If that fucker ever got nominated to the SCOTUS, I’d be telling everyone who will listen about it. (And it happened in 1984)
By definition one cannot accurately measure unreported
Thats false. Unreported only means it wasnt reported to law enforcement.
And there for not even alleged.

Just because someone says it ( like Ford ) is not credible
If that was true then millions of people wouldnt think Kav was a rapist right?

Almost no one believes that Kavanaugh is a Rapist, Flasher, Gang Banger, or whatever other label they want to paste on him.

Only the stupidest and most gullible think that.

DIFi and Chuck U. Schumer certainly know the man is innocent, but they don't care. They have been committed to destroying the man's reputation, career and family ever since the disgraceful display they put on during opening day of the hearing
Millions of people believe Kav is a rapist. There are even some that think he is a child molester. You should get out more.

Apparently, millions of people are idiots. He's not even been accused of any of that. Just goes to show how effective the democrat smear machine is when it cranks up the nasty.
They had to deny. Its not in their jurisdiction. Thats where Drumpf comes in. He can order them to investigate.
Then it is on him not Kavanaugh.

Either way there is only an unfounded accusation.

Which is why the FBI should investigate the claims. Conduct interviews and get people on record.

Nothing to investigate, or there would have been a police record of the incident. Besides she has no knowledge of the date, time, or place of the incident.
The FBI cleared Kavanaugh, next step is to vote him on the USSC

No, there would not. 77% of sexual assaults go unreported. I never reported when it happened to me.

If that fucker ever got nominated to the SCOTUS, I’d be telling everyone who will listen about it. (And it happened in 1984)

One hopes you would actually remember where it happened and some sort of detail about it.

Or did you find it simultaneously "traumatic" and forgettable like Dr. Ford?

I wasn't 15 and intoxicated.

There have been times, when intoxicated, I could not have told you where I'd been but could remember some parts of those evenings. I once knew I'd gotten in a car but didn't know I'd left Asbury Park until I woke up the next morning in a hotel in Raritan.
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.

View attachment 218312
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
So let me get this straight. The dems set this all up but used a witness that helps Kav?

The dems set this all up but used a witness that helps Kav?

The Dems used this poor, confused girl who was so drunk and used, back in the 80s, she can't keep her "I was molested at a party" stories straight.
You repubs exhibit all the signs of being clinically insane. First you say the Dems are running a deep state coup of Drumpf. The main people investigating him are repubs. Now you claim that this shrewd Dem deep state thing would use someone that is more helpful to the repubs. Does this honestly make sense to you guys are are you pretending to be stupid?

You repubs exhibit all the signs of being clinically insane.

Yes, resisting last minute, manufactured slanders makes us insane.....clearly.

That's why they need to have the vote NOW.

Sure, investigate everything until you're blue in the face, but after the vote.

After this "new woman"'s lies are investigated, another gal will come after, and then another, and before you know it, it will be past the election.

Let's get the court filled. If we find out later there is definite proof that one or other of the Supreme justices is a rapist, that's what we have impeachment for.
Why wait until after the vote? Why would you want a sexual predator on the SC even if for a week or 2?

To show Democrats their scheme will not work, that's why. That's what this is about anyway. They are trying to delay and delay until past midterms. Either that, or second best, Trump pull him out and look for somebody else which again, will take us past midterms.
Thanks for being truthful. So repubs are more worried about showing the dems whats up instead of making sure a sexual predator is not appointed to the SC. Again thanks for being honest.

He's far from any sexual predator. Sexual predators have a history. This guy led a stellar life and is an accomplished judge.

Now let's look at the loon: She erased her entire Facebook page. She said she told nobody about what happened until therapy in 2012, but then found a girl who claimed to have heard about it in school. She said she's scared to death of flying, that's why she couldn't make it to Washington. However she had a job in Hawaii. She said she had no intention of being known or having any action taken on her behalf, but a month before her name "leaked" out, she lawyered up and had a polygraph test done.

Everything this woman said she lied about. She even mentioned a close friend of hers; not only from school, but into their adult life. Her friend said she doesn't know WTF the loon was talking about.
I believe he is a sexual predator and Ford is just one of many early victims. Now that another woman and possibly a 3rd has come forth he is going to get exposed.

I dont know if you guys are retarded or not. I would erase my FB page if I was getting death threats.
I also dont get why you guys cant figure out that Ford was not the source of the stories at school. Did the woman say she heard them from Ford or "indirectly"?

A drunken college frat boy allegedly waved a Willy that might not even have been organic in front of a drunken coed at a drinking party and that makes him a predator? You're really reaching here. Do you still think he's a rapist even though he's not been advised of it?
To show Democrats their scheme will not work, that's why. That's what this is about anyway. They are trying to delay and delay until past midterms. Either that, or second best, Trump pull him out and look for somebody else which again, will take us past midterms.
Thanks for being truthful. So repubs are more worried about showing the dems whats up instead of making sure a sexual predator is not appointed to the SC. Again thanks for being honest.

He's far from any sexual predator. Sexual predators have a history. This guy led a stellar life and is an accomplished judge.

Now let's look at the loon: She erased her entire Facebook page. She said she told nobody about what happened until therapy in 2012, but then found a girl who claimed to have heard about it in school. She said she's scared to death of flying, that's why she couldn't make it to Washington. However she had a job in Hawaii. She said she had no intention of being known or having any action taken on her behalf, but a month before her name "leaked" out, she lawyered up and had a polygraph test done.

Everything this woman said she lied about. She even mentioned a close friend of hers; not only from school, but into their adult life. Her friend said she doesn't know WTF the loon was talking about.
I believe he is a sexual predator and Ford is just one of many early victims. Now that another woman and possibly a 3rd has come forth he is going to get exposed.

I dont know if you guys are retarded or not. I would erase my FB page if I was getting death threats.
I also dont get why you guys cant figure out that Ford was not the source of the stories at school. Did the woman say she heard them from Ford or "indirectly"?

Exposed for what? Again, the second woman admitted she was so drunk she was blacking out. She called all the people she knew at the party and every one of them said they don't remember anything like that. She was probably passed out and dreamt the event.
Exposed for being a sexual predator. 3 women and counting. Theres a pattern.

None of them corroborated. Multiple people say it didn't happen, so of course we're only supposed to believe the one who says it did. Of course.
Oh, you must not have seen the rules earlier. In This thread, everyone is allowed to make shit up and assert it with 100% certainty
But that's what you libs do here everyday.....nothing but lies and innuendo....unhinged hate can ruin your life....

It's the only thing that gets their sorry asses out of bed in the morning. They obviously have pathetically small lives and are pathetically small people.

Judge Kavanaugh has a calendar that shows he was nowhere near where the POS claims he was.

He saved calendars from 30 years ago?

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