Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

You hit a new low here. So low it isnt even good enough for the Badlands. Closed.

She only named Kav as the one that sexually assaulted her.

She named 4 other people that were at the party.

View attachment 218295
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Yes I can prove it.

She's pretty sure it was you. Women never lie about these things.
4 other people being at the party doesnt mean all 4 people raped her. Not sure what you are getting at? She ID'd Kav as the wanna be rapist.

Well send your best to come get me.

She also said Mark Judge pulled him off of her, and Judge said she's a loon.
Judge pulling him off her would make Judge not a rapist. Unfortunately for Kav it just makes him look more depraved.

What that makes Judge is a witness pointed out by the accuser, and the witness said she's FOS.
Please quote that. The only thing I have heard is that Judge says he cant recollect? Thats quite different from a outright denial.

No, he said he doesn't remember anything like that, and Kavanaugh would never do such a thing.
No, we're saying we like the non-liberal America, which is everybody is innocent until they are proven guilty
That is America, in a court of law. In the court of public opinion, not so much. And from the guy trying to lock up Hillary over hilarious wingnut conspiracies...I have to laugh at you right now.

I tried to lock up Hillary? When did I do that?

We don't deny a person a rightfully earned job over a "court of public opinion."
He's far from any sexual predator. Sexual predators have a history. This guy led a stellar life and is an accomplished judge.

Now let's look at the loon: She erased her entire Facebook page. She said she told nobody about what happened until therapy in 2012, but then found a girl who claimed to have heard about it in school. She said she's scared to death of flying, that's why she couldn't make it to Washington. However she had a job in Hawaii. She said she had no intention of being known or having any action taken on her behalf, but a month before her name "leaked" out, she lawyered up and had a polygraph test done.

Everything this woman said she lied about. She even mentioned a close friend of hers; not only from school, but into their adult life. Her friend said she doesn't know WTF the loon was talking about.
I believe he is a sexual predator and Ford is just one of many early victims. Now that another woman and possibly a 3rd has come forth he is going to get exposed.

I dont know if you guys are retarded or not. I would erase my FB page if I was getting death threats.
I also dont get why you guys cant figure out that Ford was not the source of the stories at school. Did the woman say she heard them from Ford or "indirectly"?

Exposed for what? Again, the second woman admitted she was so drunk she was blacking out. She called all the people she knew at the party and every one of them said they don't remember anything like that. She was probably passed out and dreamt the event.
Exposed for being a sexual predator. 3 women and counting. Theres a pattern.

Not when they're all proven to be liars. The only pattern there is these women are lying.
No one has been proven to be a liar because you repubs are afraid of an FBI investigation.

Sure they've been proven a liar because people who were supposedly with them said they were FOS. What more proof do you want than that?
To show Democrats their scheme will not work, that's why. That's what this is about anyway. They are trying to delay and delay until past midterms. Either that, or second best, Trump pull him out and look for somebody else which again, will take us past midterms.
Thanks for being truthful. So repubs are more worried about showing the dems whats up instead of making sure a sexual predator is not appointed to the SC. Again thanks for being honest.

He's far from any sexual predator. Sexual predators have a history. This guy led a stellar life and is an accomplished judge.

Now let's look at the loon: She erased her entire Facebook page. She said she told nobody about what happened until therapy in 2012, but then found a girl who claimed to have heard about it in school. She said she's scared to death of flying, that's why she couldn't make it to Washington. However she had a job in Hawaii. She said she had no intention of being known or having any action taken on her behalf, but a month before her name "leaked" out, she lawyered up and had a polygraph test done.

Everything this woman said she lied about. She even mentioned a close friend of hers; not only from school, but into their adult life. Her friend said she doesn't know WTF the loon was talking about.
I believe he is a sexual predator and Ford is just one of many early victims. Now that another woman and possibly a 3rd has come forth he is going to get exposed.

I dont know if you guys are retarded or not. I would erase my FB page if I was getting death threats.
I also dont get why you guys cant figure out that Ford was not the source of the stories at school. Did the woman say she heard them from Ford or "indirectly"?

Exposed for what? Again, the second woman admitted she was so drunk she was blacking out. She called all the people she knew at the party and every one of them said they don't remember anything like that. She was probably passed out and dreamt the event.
Exposed for being a sexual predator. 3 women and counting. Theres a pattern.

Yea a pattern the sleeve democrats trying to make it more of a circus, I am surprised you didn't speak up in the press. Losers have nothing to lose.

4 other people being at the party doesnt mean all 4 people raped her. Not sure what you are getting at? She ID'd Kav as the wanna be rapist.

Well send your best to come get me.

She also said Mark Judge pulled him off of her, and Judge said she's a loon.
Judge pulling him off her would make Judge not a rapist. Unfortunately for Kav it just makes him look more depraved.

What that makes Judge is a witness pointed out by the accuser, and the witness said she's FOS.
Please quote that. The only thing I have heard is that Judge says he cant recollect? Thats quite different from a outright denial.

No, he said he doesn't remember anything like that, and Kavanaugh would never do such a thing.
Make up your mind. You said he claimed Ford was full of shit?

"In fact, I have no memory of this alleged incident,"

Claiming you dont remember and then refusing to testify doesnt really sound like ringing support of Kav.
We don't deny a person a rightfully earned job over a "court of public opinion.
Of course we do, all the time. Especially when that job is a political appointment.

Did you enjoy Milo yanniopolous's new talk show last night? Hmm, me neither.

Ratings come from public opinion. Selecting a judge for the Supreme Court is not. That's why we don't get to vote on them.
She also said Mark Judge pulled him off of her, and Judge said she's a loon.
Judge pulling him off her would make Judge not a rapist. Unfortunately for Kav it just makes him look more depraved.

What that makes Judge is a witness pointed out by the accuser, and the witness said she's FOS.
Please quote that. The only thing I have heard is that Judge says he cant recollect? Thats quite different from a outright denial.

No, he said he doesn't remember anything like that, and Kavanaugh would never do such a thing.
Make up your mind. You said he claimed Ford was full of shit?

"In fact, I have no memory of this alleged incident,"

Claiming you dont remember and then refusing to testify doesnt really sound like ringing support of Kav.

That's what he said. She said Ford pulled him off of her and he said he didn't. What else do you call it? FOS.
We don't deny a person a rightfully earned job over a "court of public opinion.
Of course we do, all the time. Especially when that job is a political appointment.

Did you enjoy Milo yanniopolous's new talk show last night? Hmm, me neither.
In any judicial appointment there is always a percentage of people that have a negative "opinion" about the candidate...I think your post is just wishful thinking on your part....Public opinion is never considered in these matters...if it were we would have never been able to seat a court....accusations are not truth....if they were Hillary would have been hung by now...
No I am not "mixed up" yet you are getting deeper into the word game chaos. It does not need to be a court of law. in a sense, all kinds of irrational wingnuts are siding with someone who is making an accusation. all innocent people remain innocent until proven guilty even in the public square.
If that was true then millions of people wouldnt think Kav was a rapist right?

Maybe they went to bad schools. It they're just democrats.
All the guys she ID'd said they don't know what she's talking about.

Now, about that black groper, where were you in 1982 and 1983?
She only ID'd Kav as the attempted rapist. Of course he is going claim he didnt do anything. At this point its he said she said. The FBI needs to sort it out.

I was in middle school.

She only ID'd Kav as the attempted rapist.

She named several other people who she said were at the party.
They all denied it.
He credibility is for shit.

I was in middle school.

She said it might have been a young guy. We'll need a DNA sample.
Can you prove you weren't at the party?
She only named Kav as the one that sexually assaulted her.

Come get my DNA sample. I will meet you at the airport.
Yes I can prove it.

She only named Kav as the one that sexually assaulted her.

She named 4 other people that were at the party.

View attachment 218295
Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Yes I can prove it.

She's pretty sure it was you. Women never lie about these things.
4 other people being at the party doesnt mean all 4 people raped her. Not sure what you are getting at? She ID'd Kav as the wanna be rapist.

Well send your best to come get me.

being at the party doesnt mean all 4 people raped her. Not sure what you are getting at?

She said they were at the party. They said they weren't. I'm getting at her credibility.

As in she has none.
Of course I do. You have a bad habit of forgetting this is a public forum that anyone in the world can read.
Even the NY Times said that story has so many holes in it even they won't print it.....give it up.....
Oh, you must not have seen the rules earlier. In This thread, everyone is allowed to make shit up and assert it with 100% certainty
Public opinion says that when all your witnesses contradict your claims, you're lying.
Well, unfortunately for you, the witnesses don't all contradict her claims. They don't all say,"I was in the room the whole time, and that didn't happen". So, while I appreciate your commentary, it's kind of irrelevant.

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

the witnesses don't all contradict her claims.


Blasey Ford's Female Classmate, Her Last Named Witness, Doesn't Recall Ever Attending Party With Kavanaugh

Also, public opinion registers that people cover for each other.

They apparently don't cover for her.
Judge pulling him off her would make Judge not a rapist. Unfortunately for Kav it just makes him look more depraved.

What that makes Judge is a witness pointed out by the accuser, and the witness said she's FOS.
Please quote that. The only thing I have heard is that Judge says he cant recollect? Thats quite different from a outright denial.

No, he said he doesn't remember anything like that, and Kavanaugh would never do such a thing.
Make up your mind. You said he claimed Ford was full of shit?

"In fact, I have no memory of this alleged incident,"

Claiming you dont remember and then refusing to testify doesnt really sound like ringing support of Kav.

That's what he said. She said Ford pulled him off of her and he said he didn't. What else do you call it? FOS.
I call it you lied when you claimed Judge said she was FOS. Why do you ask?

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