Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

By investigating? Not only hers but this new womans as well.


That's why they need to have the vote NOW.

Sure, investigate everything until you're blue in the face, but after the vote.

After this "new woman"'s lies are investigated, another gal will come after, and then another, and before you know it, it will be past the election.

Let's get the court filled. If we find out later there is definite proof that one or other of the Supreme justices is a rapist, that's what we have impeachment for.

If we find out later there is definite proof that one or other of the Supreme justices is a rapist, that's what we have impeachment for.

Elena Kagan grabbed my junk at a party. Twice.
Let's start the impeachment!!!
How does the FBI investigate her claim?
By investigating? Not only hers but this new womans as well.

When did this incident happen?

"It was 1982 or 1983"

Bzzzzzzt. Thanks for playing.
Thats for the FBI to determine.

I'm not playing. I am dead serious.

Where did this incident happen?

"I think it was near a country club"

Didn't we tell you to go away you drunken liar?

I'm not playing. I am dead serious.

You're an idiot.
Thats for the FBI to determine.

Youre the idiot.

Some black guy grabbed her. It was 1982 or 1983.
How many black guys should they investigate?
AWH, the ultimate commie dream, delay, distract, destroy the country.
What a completely retarded thing to say, given the events of Obama's last year. You sound like a fucking moron.

Fortunately most of maobamas bullshit is history now, Kavanaugh will aid in deleting some more. And there ain't shit you can do about it. I'll love it when he casts the deciding vote on DACA so no other commie can try that shit again.

Of course, anything he does can be undone, just like anybody else. Look at your behavior.... Very embarrassing, for a grown man.

I'm not the least bit embarrassed about wanting unconstitutional shit undone. DACA should have been challenged in the courts the same time DAPA was, both would have bitten the big one at the same time. Your semi-black commie can eat shit and die as far as I'm concerned, Hopefully a good man will be able to get close enough some day, to bitch slap that smug look off his face.

By investigating? Not only hers but this new womans as well.

When did this incident happen?

"It was 1982 or 1983"

Bzzzzzzt. Thanks for playing.
Thats for the FBI to determine.

I'm not playing. I am dead serious.

Where did this incident happen?

"I think it was near a country club"

Didn't we tell you to go away you drunken liar?

I'm not playing. I am dead serious.

You're an idiot.
Thats for the FBI to determine.

Youre the idiot.

Some black guy grabbed her. It was 1982 or 1983.
How many black guys should they investigate?
They should investigate the guy she can ID like she ID'd Kav.
A lot easier to prove the lying liar is lying about her lies in that case.
It is?

And how do you "prove" she is lying? Which will be an interesting feat, since she is telling the truth, and Kavanaugh is lying.

It is?


And how do you "prove" she is lying?

If she says he groped her on July 4th, 2016, she'd have to show that she was in the same place that he was.
Can she do that? Then she has to explain how he grabbed her without anyone else seeing the event.
Pesky little details.

since she is telling the truth

That's why all of her "witnesses" said they don't know what the hell she's talking about. DERP!
When did this incident happen?

"It was 1982 or 1983"

Bzzzzzzt. Thanks for playing.
Thats for the FBI to determine.

I'm not playing. I am dead serious.

Where did this incident happen?

"I think it was near a country club"

Didn't we tell you to go away you drunken liar?

I'm not playing. I am dead serious.

You're an idiot.
Thats for the FBI to determine.

Youre the idiot.

Some black guy grabbed her. It was 1982 or 1983.
How many black guys should they investigate?
They should investigate the guy she can ID like she ID'd Kav.

All the guys she ID'd said they don't know what she's talking about.

Now, about that black groper, where were you in 1982 and 1983?
If she says he groped her on July 4th, 2016, she'd have to show that she was in the same place that he was
No, that wouldn't cut it. Getting a date wrong is not lying.
That's why all of her "witnesses" said they don't know what the hell she's talking about.
They are lying, of course.

Getting a date wrong is not lying.

It's not telling the truth either.

They are lying, of course.

Of course. All you need to do to prevent his confirmation is prove they're all lying.
I'll give you until Thursday.
Thats for the FBI to determine.

I'm not playing. I am dead serious.

Where did this incident happen?

"I think it was near a country club"

Didn't we tell you to go away you drunken liar?

I'm not playing. I am dead serious.

You're an idiot.
Thats for the FBI to determine.

Youre the idiot.

Some black guy grabbed her. It was 1982 or 1983.
How many black guys should they investigate?
They should investigate the guy she can ID like she ID'd Kav.

All the guys she ID'd said they don't know what she's talking about.

Now, about that black groper, where were you in 1982 and 1983?
She only ID'd Kav as the attempted rapist. Of course he is going claim he didnt do anything. At this point its he said she said. The FBI needs to sort it out.

I was in middle school.
It's not telling the truth either.
Of course it is, if it is an honest mistake. There is no god, as we all know, but that doesn't mean that people who believe there is a God aren't "telling the truth", as they see it. It's just an honest mistake.
All you need to do to prevent his confirmation is prove they're all lying.

Haha, no I don't, and what an odd thing to say. Public opinion is what matters.

By investigating? Not only hers but this new womans as well.


That's why they need to have the vote NOW.

Sure, investigate everything until you're blue in the face, but after the vote.

After this "new woman"'s lies are investigated, another gal will come after, and then another, and before you know it, it will be past the election.

Let's get the court filled. If we find out later there is definite proof that one or other of the Supreme justices is a rapist, that's what we have impeachment for.
Why wait until after the vote? Why would you want a sexual predator on the SC even if for a week or 2?

To show Democrats their scheme will not work, that's why. That's what this is about anyway. They are trying to delay and delay until past midterms. Either that, or second best, Trump pull him out and look for somebody else which again, will take us past midterms.
By investigating? Not only hers but this new womans as well.


That's why they need to have the vote NOW.

Sure, investigate everything until you're blue in the face, but after the vote.

After this "new woman"'s lies are investigated, another gal will come after, and then another, and before you know it, it will be past the election.

Let's get the court filled. If we find out later there is definite proof that one or other of the Supreme justices is a rapist, that's what we have impeachment for.
Why wait until after the vote? Why would you want a sexual predator on the SC even if for a week or 2?

To show Democrats their scheme will not work, that's why. That's what this is about anyway. They are trying to delay and delay until past midterms. Either that, or second best, Trump pull him out and look for somebody else which again, will take us past midterms.
Thanks for being truthful. So repubs are more worried about showing the dems whats up instead of making sure a sexual predator is not appointed to the SC. Again thanks for being honest.
Of course. Everybody is lying except her.
Yep, or just mistaken, or even being honest when they say they didn't see anything g happen. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.

There is certainly more evidence it didn't happen than it did. How do you say a person is credible when by their own admission, they were so drunk they fell to the ground, and had periods of blackouts?

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