Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

We're not talking some wild sex party here. According to Sweathog, these were rapes committed by using drugs slipped into their drinks by Kavanaugh and Judge.......ten times.
With all the skeletons in republican closets it wouldn’t surprise me

So why didn't Sweathog report this to the police? Help the so-called victims out? Talk to them after the party? At least get some names? Continue to go to these parties anyway?

I hope the FBI does investigate her. I hope she not only ends up losing her government job, but faces charges for lying as well.
Yep, she knew women were being raped and ignored their cries for help. She turned her back on her sisters. Therefore, she was a willing accomplice.

According to her, they were so drugged up by Kavanaugh and Judge that they just laid there helpless. Yet not one of them reported the account to police including her. Even if a woman is out of it, she knows if she's been raped or not. Also, every guy in those "trains" are just as guilty of rape as well. I wonder how many names she's going to give to the FBI?
Trump saying FBI will have free reign is bullshit FBI limited to who they can question

No they are not, according to Trump they can do whatever it takes to end this abortion.
Kavanaugh was talking about his high school years for the most part not any frat days. In addition that was the era...I know. Drinking does not equal rape.
Being a drunk
frat idiot probably does though.
Do we really want 1/3 our male supremes women fondlers?
And one a virgin at 30 ? Really?
And 85 year old white farts judging women?
Your post is sexist, ageist, and racist. Good job. Now you're qualified to run for office as a Democrat.
You already have all those now in your WH Why switch when you're ahead? Have a soda ,,,on me
You're delusional. This administration has every skin color and both genders in administrative cabinet positions. Peddle your propaganda to some naive college kids.

Not really. There's one black cabinet member, and that's Dr. Ben Carson. There are 5 women in Cabinet Level positions, which is 22% of the number of such positions. 35% of Obama's first cabinet were women, and two of those women were appointed to those positions when the men Trump originally appointed (Mike Pompeo and John Kelly), were moved to different posiitions within the administration.Senate

And there is no one but white males within Trump's inner circle. There's no one on the Republican side of the Senate Judicial Committee but white males. Rep,blicans have NEVER appointed a women to the Senate Judicial Committee. The Senate Committee which wrote the Republican health care bill included no women. The Senate Committee that wrote the new Republican health care bill, included no women. That bill lifted the requirement that all health care cover women's reproductive health care, including birth control.

Republicans are the party of white men and while male grievance. Nothing more. Donald Trump has surrounded himself with powerful white men who abuse women. Trump himself is a powerful man who has publically admitted to sexually assaulting women.

A person secretly taping another is not publicly admitting anything.
With all the skeletons in republican closets it wouldn’t surprise me

So why didn't Sweathog report this to the police? Help the so-called victims out? Talk to them after the party? At least get some names? Continue to go to these parties anyway?

I hope the FBI does investigate her. I hope she not only ends up losing her government job, but faces charges for lying as well.
Yep, she knew women were being raped and ignored their cries for help. She turned her back on her sisters. Therefore, she was a willing accomplice.

According to her, they were so drugged up by Kavanaugh and Judge that they just laid there helpless. Yet not one of them reported the account to police including her. Even if a woman is out of it, she knows if she's been raped or not. Also, every guy in those "trains" are just as guilty of rape as well. I wonder how many names she's going to give to the FBI?
Trump saying FBI will have free reign is bullshit FBI limited to who they can question

No they are not, according to Trump they can do whatever it takes to end this abortion.
sounds good but it's bullshit
So why didn't Sweathog report this to the police? Help the so-called victims out? Talk to them after the party? At least get some names? Continue to go to these parties anyway?

I hope the FBI does investigate her. I hope she not only ends up losing her government job, but faces charges for lying as well.
Yep, she knew women were being raped and ignored their cries for help. She turned her back on her sisters. Therefore, she was a willing accomplice.

According to her, they were so drugged up by Kavanaugh and Judge that they just laid there helpless. Yet not one of them reported the account to police including her. Even if a woman is out of it, she knows if she's been raped or not. Also, every guy in those "trains" are just as guilty of rape as well. I wonder how many names she's going to give to the FBI?
Trump saying FBI will have free reign is bullshit FBI limited to who they can question

No they are not, according to Trump they can do whatever it takes to end this abortion.
sounds good but it's bullshit

Who would know better than Trump? He gave the permission for them to do so.
Yep, she knew women were being raped and ignored their cries for help. She turned her back on her sisters. Therefore, she was a willing accomplice.

According to her, they were so drugged up by Kavanaugh and Judge that they just laid there helpless. Yet not one of them reported the account to police including her. Even if a woman is out of it, she knows if she's been raped or not. Also, every guy in those "trains" are just as guilty of rape as well. I wonder how many names she's going to give to the FBI?
Trump saying FBI will have free reign is bullshit FBI limited to who they can question

No they are not, according to Trump they can do whatever it takes to end this abortion.
sounds good but it's bullshit

Who would know better than Trump? He gave the permission for them to do so.
But not the council FBI orders haven't changed
According to her, they were so drugged up by Kavanaugh and Judge that they just laid there helpless. Yet not one of them reported the account to police including her. Even if a woman is out of it, she knows if she's been raped or not. Also, every guy in those "trains" are just as guilty of rape as well. I wonder how many names she's going to give to the FBI?
Trump saying FBI will have free reign is bullshit FBI limited to who they can question

No they are not, according to Trump they can do whatever it takes to end this abortion.
sounds good but it's bullshit

Who would know better than Trump? He gave the permission for them to do so.
But not the council FBI orders haven't changed

By the sounds of it nothing did change. The FBI always had Trump's permission do to whatever they wanted. So I guess it's just a matter of who you believe. I'll believe Trump over the media that's been proven to report over 90% negative on him since taking office.
Trump saying FBI will have free reign is bullshit FBI limited to who they can question

No they are not, according to Trump they can do whatever it takes to end this abortion.
sounds good but it's bullshit

Who would know better than Trump? He gave the permission for them to do so.
But not the council FBI orders haven't changed

By the sounds of it nothing did change. The FBI always had Trump's permission do to whatever they wanted. So I guess it's just a matter of who you believe. I'll believe Trump over the media that's been proven to report over 90% negative on him since taking office.
I guess you need to not believe everything the moron says FBI is LIMITED
No they are not, according to Trump they can do whatever it takes to end this abortion.
sounds good but it's bullshit

Who would know better than Trump? He gave the permission for them to do so.
But not the council FBI orders haven't changed

By the sounds of it nothing did change. The FBI always had Trump's permission do to whatever they wanted. So I guess it's just a matter of who you believe. I'll believe Trump over the media that's been proven to report over 90% negative on him since taking office.
I guess you need to not believe everything the moron says FBI is LIMITED

Oh, but believe everything the MSM says? Kind of like the American Bar Association was against Kavanaugh being confirmed according to the NYT, and then that turned out to be BS according to the ABA?
FBI not being allowed to do whats needed Trump once more lies his ass off and trumpettes believe him
sounds good but it's bullshit

Who would know better than Trump? He gave the permission for them to do so.
But not the council FBI orders haven't changed

By the sounds of it nothing did change. The FBI always had Trump's permission do to whatever they wanted. So I guess it's just a matter of who you believe. I'll believe Trump over the media that's been proven to report over 90% negative on him since taking office.
I guess you need to not believe everything the moron says FBI is LIMITED

Oh, but believe everything the MSM says? Kind of like the American Bar Association was against Kavanaugh being confirmed according to the NYT, and then that turned out to be BS according to the ABA?
RAY Narrow Scope

Yale Classmate Accuses Kavanaugh of ‘Blatant Mischaracterization’ of His Drinking
  • Chad Ludington, a classmate who said he socialized with Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh at Yale, said that he often saw Judge Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.”
  • It is unclear if the F.B.I. will add Mr. Ludington’s statement to its inquiry, which Democrats denounced as a “farce” because of its narrow scope.
FBI not being allowed to do whats needed Trump once more lies his ass off and trumpettes believe him
Trump can't tell the FBI who or who not to talk to. How absurd.
BUT those who can have LIMITED the investigation as to who they can question
Tell us who limited the investigation.

BS pick one
Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite ...

1 day ago - FBI begins new Brett Kavanaugh background investigation ... was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh FBI investigation: White House is reportedly limiting ...

9 hours ago - The White House is reportedly limiting the FBI's Kavanaughinvestigation. ... But according to a pair of reports, the White House islimiting other ...
White House limiting scope of FBI investigation: report | TheHill

1 day ago - The White House is limiting the scope of the FBI's investigationinto sexual assault allegations leveled against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, people with knowledge of the matter told NBC Saturday. These sources claim the FBI has not been permitted to investigate Julie ...
Kavanaugh Investigation Limited by White House: Report - NYMag
FBI not being allowed to do whats needed Trump once more lies his ass off and trumpettes believe him
Trump can't tell the FBI who or who not to talk to. How absurd.
BUT those who can have LIMITED the investigation as to who they can question
Tell us who limited the investigation.

BS pick one
Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite ...

1 day ago - FBI begins new Brett Kavanaugh background investigation ... was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh FBI investigation: White House is reportedly limiting ...

9 hours ago - The White House is reportedly limiting the FBI's Kavanaughinvestigation. ... But according to a pair of reports, the White House islimiting other ...
White House limiting scope of FBI investigation: report | TheHill

1 day ago - The White House is limiting the scope of the FBI's investigationinto sexual assault allegations leveled against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, people with knowledge of the matter told NBC Saturday. These sources claim the FBI has not been permitted to investigate Julie ...
Kavanaugh Investigation Limited by White House: Report - NYMag
Blogs aren't credible, but only opinion. The FBI runs the investigation, not Trump.
FBI not being allowed to do whats needed Trump once more lies his ass off and trumpettes believe him
Trump can't tell the FBI who or who not to talk to. How absurd.
BUT those who can have LIMITED the investigation as to who they can question
Tell us who limited the investigation.

BS pick one
Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite ...

1 day ago - FBI begins new Brett Kavanaugh background investigation ... was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh FBI investigation: White House is reportedly limiting ...

9 hours ago - The White House is reportedly limiting the FBI's Kavanaughinvestigation. ... But according to a pair of reports, the White House islimiting other ...
White House limiting scope of FBI investigation: report | TheHill

1 day ago - The White House is limiting the scope of the FBI's investigationinto sexual assault allegations leveled against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, people with knowledge of the matter told NBC Saturday. These sources claim the FBI has not been permitted to investigate Julie ...
Kavanaugh Investigation Limited by White House: Report - NYMag
Blogs aren't credible, but only opinion. The FBI runs the investigation, not Trump.
BS that's bs read whats happening this week and learn
Trump can't tell the FBI who or who not to talk to. How absurd.
BUT those who can have LIMITED the investigation as to who they can question
Tell us who limited the investigation.

BS pick one
Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite ...

1 day ago - FBI begins new Brett Kavanaugh background investigation ... was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh FBI investigation: White House is reportedly limiting ...

9 hours ago - The White House is reportedly limiting the FBI's Kavanaughinvestigation. ... But according to a pair of reports, the White House islimiting other ...
White House limiting scope of FBI investigation: report | TheHill

1 day ago - The White House is limiting the scope of the FBI's investigationinto sexual assault allegations leveled against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, people with knowledge of the matter told NBC Saturday. These sources claim the FBI has not been permitted to investigate Julie ...
Kavanaugh Investigation Limited by White House: Report - NYMag
Blogs aren't credible, but only opinion. The FBI runs the investigation, not Trump.
BS that's bs read whats happening this week and learn
I read everything, but I don't believe Democrat blogs or propaganda. Trump doesn't tell the FBI what they can investigate.
BUT those who can have LIMITED the investigation as to who they can question
Tell us who limited the investigation.

BS pick one
Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite ...

1 day ago - FBI begins new Brett Kavanaugh background investigation ... was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh FBI investigation: White House is reportedly limiting ...

9 hours ago - The White House is reportedly limiting the FBI's Kavanaughinvestigation. ... But according to a pair of reports, the White House islimiting other ...
White House limiting scope of FBI investigation: report | TheHill

1 day ago - The White House is limiting the scope of the FBI's investigationinto sexual assault allegations leveled against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, people with knowledge of the matter told NBC Saturday. These sources claim the FBI has not been permitted to investigate Julie ...
Kavanaugh Investigation Limited by White House: Report - NYMag
Blogs aren't credible, but only opinion. The FBI runs the investigation, not Trump.
BS that's bs read whats happening this week and learn
I read everything, but I don't believe Democrat blogs or propaganda. Trump doesn't tell the FBI what they can investigate.
BS The WH council
Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments
Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.
Tell us who limited the investigation.

BS pick one
Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite ...

1 day ago - FBI begins new Brett Kavanaugh background investigation ... was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh FBI investigation: White House is reportedly limiting ...

9 hours ago - The White House is reportedly limiting the FBI's Kavanaughinvestigation. ... But according to a pair of reports, the White House islimiting other ...
White House limiting scope of FBI investigation: report | TheHill

1 day ago - The White House is limiting the scope of the FBI's investigationinto sexual assault allegations leveled against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, people with knowledge of the matter told NBC Saturday. These sources claim the FBI has not been permitted to investigate Julie ...
Kavanaugh Investigation Limited by White House: Report - NYMag
Blogs aren't credible, but only opinion. The FBI runs the investigation, not Trump.
BS that's bs read whats happening this week and learn
I read everything, but I don't believe Democrat blogs or propaganda. Trump doesn't tell the FBI what they can investigate.
BS The WH council
Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments
Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.

Any named sources?
BS pick one
Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite ...

1 day ago - FBI begins new Brett Kavanaugh background investigation ... was limiting the scope of the reopened background investigation of Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh FBI investigation: White House is reportedly limiting ...

9 hours ago - The White House is reportedly limiting the FBI's Kavanaughinvestigation. ... But according to a pair of reports, the White House islimiting other ...
White House limiting scope of FBI investigation: report | TheHill

1 day ago - The White House is limiting the scope of the FBI's investigationinto sexual assault allegations leveled against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, people with knowledge of the matter told NBC Saturday. These sources claim the FBI has not been permitted to investigate Julie ...
Kavanaugh Investigation Limited by White House: Report - NYMag
Blogs aren't credible, but only opinion. The FBI runs the investigation, not Trump.
BS that's bs read whats happening this week and learn
I read everything, but I don't believe Democrat blogs or propaganda. Trump doesn't tell the FBI what they can investigate.
BS The WH council
Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments
Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.

Any named sources?
none that I know of JUST WH council

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