Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

She might believe what she's saying, and it's entirely possible it never happened. Recovered memories have proven to be very unreliable, could something have happened to her in HS or college, yes, but there is no way it can be proven Kavanaugh had anything to do it. Not even if you use the lowest legal standard "the Preponderance of Evidence", there is absolutely nothing to verify her story.

And if Judge talks and verifies what Ford says what excuse will you and rump come up with then?

Get back to me if that actually happens, ROFLMAO.

"Spot me this" If judge spills the beans you and others will come up with a dozen excuses He was paid ,he's lying Hes sick etc etc etc

Pull your head out of your little rear their eddie, if Judge confirms Ford's fantasy, he would be admitting to being an accomplice. Do you seriously think that is a possibility? You're an idiot.

How much jail time would he get??? NONE and he can say he tried to stop him

Are you too stupid to realize that Judge has already submitted a sworn statement? He can go to jail up to 5 years if he lied on it.

And if Judge talks and verifies what Ford says what excuse will you and rump come up with then?

Get back to me if that actually happens, ROFLMAO.

"Spot me this" If judge spills the beans you and others will come up with a dozen excuses He was paid ,he's lying Hes sick etc etc etc

Pull your head out of your little rear their eddie, if Judge confirms Ford's fantasy, he would be admitting to being an accomplice. Do you seriously think that is a possibility? You're an idiot.

How much jail time would he get??? NONE and he can say he tried to stop him

Are you too stupid to realize that Judge has already submitted a sworn statement? He can go to jail up to 5 years if he lied on it.

Yes, he is that stupid.
Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
It lends credence to her testimony,,, that 4 guys were there

No, he described that the game is basically what's called Quarters. You bounce coins into drinks and if successful, the other two have to drink a beer.

The shame of it all!
The shame is you bought that BS

Why wouldn't I?
Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
It lends credence to her testimony,,, that 4 guys were there

No, he described that the game is basically what's called Quarters. You bounce coins into drinks and if successful, the other two have to drink a beer.

The shame of it all!
The shame is you bought that BS

Why wouldn't I?

'Cause you are biased and will not consider anything which my cause you to reconsider your opinion; or you don't think.
Go look in a mirror and repeat your post.
She might believe what she's saying, and it's entirely possible it never happened. Recovered memories have proven to be very unreliable, could something have happened to her in HS or college, yes, but there is no way it can be proven Kavanaugh had anything to do it. Not even if you use the lowest legal standard "the Preponderance of Evidence", there is absolutely nothing to verify her story.

And if Judge talks and verifies what Ford says what excuse will you and rump come up with then?

Get back to me if that actually happens, ROFLMAO.

"Spot me this" If judge spills the beans you and others will come up with a dozen excuses He was paid ,he's lying Hes sick etc etc etc

Pull your head out of your little rear their eddie, if Judge confirms Ford's fantasy, he would be admitting to being an accomplice. Do you seriously think that is a possibility? You're an idiot.


Q. Are you sure? Do you ever think before you post?


Did you believe Cohen's testimony and admission of committing felonies never happened? How about Flynn and his guilty plea to felonies?


A. Apparently not

To the willfully ignorant, Judge has already submitted a sworn statement, he'll find himself in the same pickle as Flyinn if he lied. You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

Parties back when I was in a frat
Kavanaugh was talking about his high school years for the most part not any frat days. In addition that was the era...I know. Drinking does not equal rape.
Being a drunk
frat idiot probably does though.
Do we really want 1/3 our male supremes women fondlers?
And one a virgin at 30 ? Really?
And 85 year old white farts judging women?
Parties back when I was in a frat
Kavanaugh was talking about his high school years for the most part not any frat days. In addition that was the era...I know. Drinking does not equal rape.
Being a drunk
frat idiot probably does though.
Do we really want 1/3 our male supremes women fondlers?
And one a virgin at 30 ? Really?
And 85 year old white farts judging women?
Your post is sexist, ageist, and racist. Good job. Now you're qualified to run for office as a Democrat.
Yeah, tell that to a man that spent 30 years getting to the top of his profession, only to have a bitch from his past come try to take it all away, with fairy tales. Fuck you and the paint puffing post, in this country you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Ford was long on accusation with zero proof. Jeff flake is lucky he's retiring, he doesn't have the backbone to be a senator, god damned pussy.


Leftists do not believe in the American way. They don't believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty. They believe that whoever the Democrats claim to be guilty--are.
Nonsense. I don’t think this guy is guilty but you think al frankin was

You may not. but check out the other comments in these topics by leftists. A majority are calling him a mad rapist simply because of Ford and the other tag alongs. Ten parties where women were drugged and trains were formed? I mean, you really have to be out there to create a story like that one.
Clearly you weren’t in a roudy fraternity in the 80s. His frat was notorious. Mine wasn’t.

I get Betsy devosses position on this. The girl they are gang banging has some responsibility in it. Why is she the one their gang banging? Could she be promiscuous?

We're not talking some wild sex party here. According to Sweathog, these were rapes committed by using drugs slipped into their drinks by Kavanaugh and Judge.......ten times.
With all the skeletons in republican closets it wouldn’t surprise me
Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

She might believe what she's saying, and it's entirely possible it never happened. Recovered memories have proven to be very unreliable, could something have happened to her in HS or college, yes, but there is no way it can be proven Kavanaugh had anything to do it. Not even if you use the lowest legal standard "the Preponderance of Evidence", there is absolutely nothing to verify her story.

And if Judge talks and verifies what Ford says what excuse will you and rump come up with then?

Get back to me if that actually happens, ROFLMAO.

"Spot me this" If judge spills the beans you and others will come up with a dozen excuses He was paid ,he's lying Hes sick etc etc etc

Pull your head out of your little rear their eddie, if Judge confirms Ford's fantasy, he would be admitting to being an accomplice. Do you seriously think that is a possibility? You're an idiot.

I must admit to being a republican for many years until right after voting for another repub moron GWB So I guess you can say I WAS an idiot
Parties back when I was in a frat
Kavanaugh was talking about his high school years for the most part not any frat days. In addition that was the era...I know. Drinking does not equal rape.
Being a drunk
frat idiot probably does though.
Do we really want 1/3 our male supremes women fondlers?
And one a virgin at 30 ? Really?
And 85 year old white farts judging women?
Your post is sexist, ageist, and racist. Good job. Now you're qualified to run for office as a Democrat.
You already have all those now in your WH Why switch when you're ahead? Have a soda ,,,on me
She might believe what she's saying, and it's entirely possible it never happened. Recovered memories have proven to be very unreliable, could something have happened to her in HS or college, yes, but there is no way it can be proven Kavanaugh had anything to do it. Not even if you use the lowest legal standard "the Preponderance of Evidence", there is absolutely nothing to verify her story.

And if Judge talks and verifies what Ford says what excuse will you and rump come up with then?

Get back to me if that actually happens, ROFLMAO.

"Spot me this" If judge spills the beans you and others will come up with a dozen excuses He was paid ,he's lying Hes sick etc etc etc

Pull your head out of your little rear their eddie, if Judge confirms Ford's fantasy, he would be admitting to being an accomplice. Do you seriously think that is a possibility? You're an idiot.

I must admit to being a republican for many years until right after voting for another repub moron GWB So I guess you can say I WAS an idiot

No one probably has ever bet wrong on that. I am not surprised you had to vote for GWB before calling it quit, a other idiot. You don't vote for anyone but idiots do you?
Parties back when I was in a frat
Kavanaugh was talking about his high school years for the most part not any frat days. In addition that was the era...I know. Drinking does not equal rape.
Being a drunk
frat idiot probably does though.
Do we really want 1/3 our male supremes women fondlers?
And one a virgin at 30 ? Really?
And 85 year old white farts judging women?
Your post is sexist, ageist, and racist. Good job. Now you're qualified to run for office as a Democrat.
You already have all those now in your WH Why switch when you're ahead? Have a soda ,,,on me
You're delusional. This administration has every skin color and both genders in administrative cabinet positions. Peddle your propaganda to some naive college kids.
Leftists do not believe in the American way. They don't believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty. They believe that whoever the Democrats claim to be guilty--are.
Nonsense. I don’t think this guy is guilty but you think al frankin was

You may not. but check out the other comments in these topics by leftists. A majority are calling him a mad rapist simply because of Ford and the other tag alongs. Ten parties where women were drugged and trains were formed? I mean, you really have to be out there to create a story like that one.
Clearly you weren’t in a roudy fraternity in the 80s. His frat was notorious. Mine wasn’t.

I get Betsy devosses position on this. The girl they are gang banging has some responsibility in it. Why is she the one their gang banging? Could she be promiscuous?

We're not talking some wild sex party here. According to Sweathog, these were rapes committed by using drugs slipped into their drinks by Kavanaugh and Judge.......ten times.
With all the skeletons in republican closets it wouldn’t surprise me

So why didn't Sweathog report this to the police? Help the so-called victims out? Talk to them after the party? At least get some names? Continue to go to these parties anyway?

I hope the FBI does investigate her. I hope she not only ends up losing her government job, but faces charges for lying as well.
Nonsense. I don’t think this guy is guilty but you think al frankin was

You may not. but check out the other comments in these topics by leftists. A majority are calling him a mad rapist simply because of Ford and the other tag alongs. Ten parties where women were drugged and trains were formed? I mean, you really have to be out there to create a story like that one.
Clearly you weren’t in a roudy fraternity in the 80s. His frat was notorious. Mine wasn’t.

I get Betsy devosses position on this. The girl they are gang banging has some responsibility in it. Why is she the one their gang banging? Could she be promiscuous?

We're not talking some wild sex party here. According to Sweathog, these were rapes committed by using drugs slipped into their drinks by Kavanaugh and Judge.......ten times.
With all the skeletons in republican closets it wouldn’t surprise me

So why didn't Sweathog report this to the police? Help the so-called victims out? Talk to them after the party? At least get some names? Continue to go to these parties anyway?

I hope the FBI does investigate her. I hope she not only ends up losing her government job, but faces charges for lying as well.
Yep, she knew women were being raped and ignored their cries for help. She turned her back on her sisters. Therefore, she was a willing accomplice.
You may not. but check out the other comments in these topics by leftists. A majority are calling him a mad rapist simply because of Ford and the other tag alongs. Ten parties where women were drugged and trains were formed? I mean, you really have to be out there to create a story like that one.
Clearly you weren’t in a roudy fraternity in the 80s. His frat was notorious. Mine wasn’t.

I get Betsy devosses position on this. The girl they are gang banging has some responsibility in it. Why is she the one their gang banging? Could she be promiscuous?

We're not talking some wild sex party here. According to Sweathog, these were rapes committed by using drugs slipped into their drinks by Kavanaugh and Judge.......ten times.
With all the skeletons in republican closets it wouldn’t surprise me

So why didn't Sweathog report this to the police? Help the so-called victims out? Talk to them after the party? At least get some names? Continue to go to these parties anyway?

I hope the FBI does investigate her. I hope she not only ends up losing her government job, but faces charges for lying as well.
Yep, she knew women were being raped and ignored their cries for help. She turned her back on her sisters. Therefore, she was a willing accomplice.

According to her, they were so drugged up by Kavanaugh and Judge that they just laid there helpless. Yet not one of them reported the account to police including her. Even if a woman is out of it, she knows if she's been raped or not. Also, every guy in those "trains" are just as guilty of rape as well. I wonder how many names she's going to give to the FBI?
Parties back when I was in a frat
Kavanaugh was talking about his high school years for the most part not any frat days. In addition that was the era...I know. Drinking does not equal rape.
Being a drunk
frat idiot probably does though.
Do we really want 1/3 our male supremes women fondlers?
And one a virgin at 30 ? Really?
And 85 year old white farts judging women?
Your post is sexist, ageist, and racist. Good job. Now you're qualified to run for office as a Democrat.
You already have all those now in your WH Why switch when you're ahead? Have a soda ,,,on me
You're delusional. This administration has every skin color and both genders in administrative cabinet positions. Peddle your propaganda to some naive college kids.

Not really. There's one black cabinet member, and that's Dr. Ben Carson. There are 5 women in Cabinet Level positions, which is 22% of the number of such positions. 35% of Obama's first cabinet were women, and two of those women were appointed to those positions when the men Trump originally appointed (Mike Pompeo and John Kelly), were moved to different posiitions within the administration.Senate

And there is no one but white males within Trump's inner circle. There's no one on the Republican side of the Senate Judicial Committee but white males. Rep,blicans have NEVER appointed a women to the Senate Judicial Committee. The Senate Committee which wrote the Republican health care bill included no women. The Senate Committee that wrote the new Republican health care bill, included no women. That bill lifted the requirement that all health care cover women's reproductive health care, including birth control.

Republicans are the party of white men and while male grievance. Nothing more. Donald Trump has surrounded himself with powerful white men who abuse women. Trump himself is a powerful man who has publically admitted to sexually assaulting women.
View attachment 219259

Yeah, tell that to a man that spent 30 years getting to the top of his profession, only to have a bitch from his past come try to take it all away, with fairy tales. Fuck you and the paint puffing post, in this country you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Ford was long on accusation with zero proof. Jeff flake is lucky he's retiring, he doesn't have the backbone to be a senator, god damned pussy.


Leftists do not believe in the American way. They don't believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty. They believe that whoever the Democrats claim to be guilty--are.

Nonsense. I don’t think this guy is guilty but you think al frankin was

she was wearing a vest, does it matter?

First of all no one is yelling "lock him up", all the D's want is the FBI to collect information on the She said, He said, conflict.

Franken is a comic, and he pushed the envelope too far. He admitted it, and he resigned. It was not by any stretch or hyperbole by a hack, a violent sex act.
thank goodness women don't really believe in equality, or would guys have a problem, with a woman pretending she is "crushing our balls", if the guy is wearing a protective groin cup?
Clearly you weren’t in a roudy fraternity in the 80s. His frat was notorious. Mine wasn’t.

I get Betsy devosses position on this. The girl they are gang banging has some responsibility in it. Why is she the one their gang banging? Could she be promiscuous?

We're not talking some wild sex party here. According to Sweathog, these were rapes committed by using drugs slipped into their drinks by Kavanaugh and Judge.......ten times.
With all the skeletons in republican closets it wouldn’t surprise me

So why didn't Sweathog report this to the police? Help the so-called victims out? Talk to them after the party? At least get some names? Continue to go to these parties anyway?

I hope the FBI does investigate her. I hope she not only ends up losing her government job, but faces charges for lying as well.
Yep, she knew women were being raped and ignored their cries for help. She turned her back on her sisters. Therefore, she was a willing accomplice.

According to her, they were so drugged up by Kavanaugh and Judge that they just laid there helpless. Yet not one of them reported the account to police including her. Even if a woman is out of it, she knows if she's been raped or not. Also, every guy in those "trains" are just as guilty of rape as well. I wonder how many names she's going to give to the FBI?
Trump saying FBI will have free reign is bullshit FBI limited to who they can question
Kavanaugh was talking about his high school years for the most part not any frat days. In addition that was the era...I know. Drinking does not equal rape.
Being a drunk
frat idiot probably does though.
Do we really want 1/3 our male supremes women fondlers?
And one a virgin at 30 ? Really?
And 85 year old white farts judging women?
Your post is sexist, ageist, and racist. Good job. Now you're qualified to run for office as a Democrat.
You already have all those now in your WH Why switch when you're ahead? Have a soda ,,,on me
You're delusional. This administration has every skin color and both genders in administrative cabinet positions. Peddle your propaganda to some naive college kids.

Not really. There's one black cabinet member, and that's Dr. Ben Carson. There are 5 women in Cabinet Level positions, which is 22% of the number of such positions. 35% of Obama's first cabinet were women, and two of those women were appointed to those positions when the men Trump originally appointed (Mike Pompeo and John Kelly), were moved to different posiitions within the administration.Senate

And there is no one but white males within Trump's inner circle. There's no one on the Republican side of the Senate Judicial Committee but white males. Rep,blicans have NEVER appointed a women to the Senate Judicial Committee. The Senate Committee which wrote the Republican health care bill included no women. The Senate Committee that wrote the new Republican health care bill, included no women. That bill lifted the requirement that all health care cover women's reproductive health care, including birth control.

Republicans are the party of white men and while male grievance. Nothing more. Donald Trump has surrounded himself with powerful white men who abuse women. Trump himself is a powerful man who has publically admitted to sexually assaulting women.
He has never publically admitted that and it's ok to be white

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