Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.

Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

She might believe what she's saying, and it's entirely possible it never happened. Recovered memories have proven to be very unreliable, could something have happened to her in HS or college, yes, but there is no way it can be proven Kavanaugh had anything to do it. Not even if you use the lowest legal standard "the Preponderance of Evidence", there is absolutely nothing to verify her story.

And if Judge talks and verifies what Ford says what excuse will you and rump come up with then?

Get back to me if that actually happens, ROFLMAO.

"Spot me this" If judge spills the beans you and others will come up with a dozen excuses He was paid ,he's lying Hes sick etc etc etc

Pull your head out of your little rear their eddie, if Judge confirms Ford's fantasy, he would be admitting to being an accomplice. Do you seriously think that is a possibility? You're an idiot.

Five YEARS ago>>

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.
Five YEARS ago?
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.

Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words
Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

She might believe what she's saying, and it's entirely possible it never happened. Recovered memories have proven to be very unreliable, could something have happened to her in HS or college, yes, but there is no way it can be proven Kavanaugh had anything to do it. Not even if you use the lowest legal standard "the Preponderance of Evidence", there is absolutely nothing to verify her story.

And if Judge talks and verifies what Ford says what excuse will you and rump come up with then?

Get back to me if that actually happens, ROFLMAO.

"Spot me this" If judge spills the beans you and others will come up with a dozen excuses He was paid ,he's lying Hes sick etc etc etc

Pull your head out of your little rear their eddie, if Judge confirms Ford's fantasy, he would be admitting to being an accomplice. Do you seriously think that is a possibility? You're an idiot.


Not only that, but he previously testified under penalty of law that he never heard of such a thing yet alone participate.
Five YEARS ago?
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.

Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words

Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

She might believe what she's saying, and it's entirely possible it never happened. Recovered memories have proven to be very unreliable, could something have happened to her in HS or college, yes, but there is no way it can be proven Kavanaugh had anything to do it. Not even if you use the lowest legal standard "the Preponderance of Evidence", there is absolutely nothing to verify her story.

And if Judge talks and verifies what Ford says what excuse will you and rump come up with then?

Get back to me if that actually happens, ROFLMAO.

"Spot me this" If judge spills the beans you and others will come up with a dozen excuses He was paid ,he's lying Hes sick etc etc etc

Pull your head out of your little rear their eddie, if Judge confirms Ford's fantasy, he would be admitting to being an accomplice. Do you seriously think that is a possibility? You're an idiot.

How much jail time would he get??? NONE and he can say he tried to stop him
Five YEARS ago?
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.

Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words
You represent everything wrong in America. Our system is Innocent until proven guilty. You are the problem, not Judge Kavanaugh.
Five YEARS ago?
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.

Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
you know what the Devil's triangle refers too?? A drinking game ?? lol lol

So what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?
She might believe what she's saying, and it's entirely possible it never happened. Recovered memories have proven to be very unreliable, could something have happened to her in HS or college, yes, but there is no way it can be proven Kavanaugh had anything to do it. Not even if you use the lowest legal standard "the Preponderance of Evidence", there is absolutely nothing to verify her story.

And if Judge talks and verifies what Ford says what excuse will you and rump come up with then?

Get back to me if that actually happens, ROFLMAO.

"Spot me this" If judge spills the beans you and others will come up with a dozen excuses He was paid ,he's lying Hes sick etc etc etc

Pull your head out of your little rear their eddie, if Judge confirms Ford's fantasy, he would be admitting to being an accomplice. Do you seriously think that is a possibility? You're an idiot.

How much jail time would he get??? NONE and he can say he tried to stop him

He could get up to six months in Juvenile Detention. :auiqs.jpg:
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.

Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words

Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
It lends credence to her testimony,,, that 4 guys were there
Five YEARS ago>>

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.
Five YEARS ago?
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.

Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.

Your first paragraph almost caused me to LOL and spit coffee on my screen, to wit:

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

Nothing is further from the truth. Trump led his base to chant, "lock her up" after eight investigations by The Congress, which found nothing in which HRC was culpable.

You might want to think before you post.
And she can’t remember where the house was. When you have been sexually assaulted you remember the exact place.
Five YEARS ago>>

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.
Five YEARS ago?
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.

Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.

Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words
You represent everything wrong in America. Our system is Innocent until proven guilty. You are the problem, not Judge Kavanaugh.
republican women haters are the problem White AH's like Kavanaugh and Trump
When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.

Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words

Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
It lends credence to her testimony,,, that 4 guys were there
None of those she claims were there say they were there. What does that mean to you?
When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.

Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words

Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
It lends credence to her testimony,,, that 4 guys were there

No, he described that the game is basically what's called Quarters today. You bounce coins into drinks and if successful, the other two have to drink a beer.

The shame of it all!
Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words

Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
It lends credence to her testimony,,, that 4 guys were there
None of those she claims were there say they were there. What does that mean to you?
So he lied on his calendar?
I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words

Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
It lends credence to her testimony,,, that 4 guys were there
None of those she claims were there say they were there. What does that mean to you?
So he lied on his calendar?
What did he lie about?
Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words

Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
It lends credence to her testimony,,, that 4 guys were there

No, he described that the game is basically what's called Quarters. You bounce coins into drinks and if successful, the other two have to drink a beer.

The shame of it all!
The shame is you bought that BS
Speaking as a woman who has been through my share of scary behaviour from men I’ve encountered in my life, I thought her account was spot on.

There are no “inconsistencies” in her story at all. She has been very inconsistent in her story. The inconsistencies you speak of are in

Furthermore, everything about her behaviour is consistent with the behaviour of sexual assault survivors. It tallies with studies done of survivors and how they coped, both at the time and in subsequent years.

You’re denying the power of her testimony on a purely partisan basis.

She might believe what she's saying, and it's entirely possible it never happened. Recovered memories have proven to be very unreliable, could something have happened to her in HS or college, yes, but there is no way it can be proven Kavanaugh had anything to do it. Not even if you use the lowest legal standard "the Preponderance of Evidence", there is absolutely nothing to verify her story.

And if Judge talks and verifies what Ford says what excuse will you and rump come up with then?

Get back to me if that actually happens, ROFLMAO.

"Spot me this" If judge spills the beans you and others will come up with a dozen excuses He was paid ,he's lying Hes sick etc etc etc

Pull your head out of your little rear their eddie, if Judge confirms Ford's fantasy, he would be admitting to being an accomplice. Do you seriously think that is a possibility? You're an idiot.


Q. Are you sure? Do you ever think before you post?


Did you believe Cohen's testimony and admission of committing felonies never happened? How about Flynn and his guilty plea to felonies?


A. Apparently not
I don't know how they do things in Canada, but over here, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty; not the other way around.

She named several people as witnesses, and every one of those people (including a lifelong friend) said they don't know what this screwball is even talking about. Her close friend said not only was there no such party, but she's never been to a party where Kavanaugh was a guest yet alone Kavanaugh and Ford.

She said she had this dreaded fear of flying which precluded her ability to come to Washington in a timely manor, yet she's a highly trained psychologist who is trained to help people like herself with such irrational fears. She also worked in Hawaii. How did she get there, swim?

She said she was pushed into a bedroom, and Judge turned up the music. Wait a minute! Who has music playing in an empty room? She originally said that the party consisted of four people. She changed that to four guys and some women.

If you call this consistency, perhaps you better go to and look up the word.
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words

Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
It lends credence to her testimony,,, that 4 guys were there

No, he described that the game is basically what's called Quarters. You bounce coins into drinks and if successful, the other two have to drink a beer.

The shame of it all!
The shame is you bought that BS

Why wouldn't I?
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words

Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
It lends credence to her testimony,,, that 4 guys were there

No, he described that the game is basically what's called Quarters. You bounce coins into drinks and if successful, the other two have to drink a beer.

The shame of it all!
The shame is you bought that BS

Why wouldn't I?
The attempted rapist has a calendar that speaks 1000 words

Yes it does, and just what does this calendar say about getting drunk and trying to rape a girl?
It lends credence to her testimony,,, that 4 guys were there

No, he described that the game is basically what's called Quarters. You bounce coins into drinks and if successful, the other two have to drink a beer.

The shame of it all!
The shame is you bought that BS

Why wouldn't I?

'Cause you are biased and will not consider anything which my cause you to reconsider your opinion; or you don't think.

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