Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

this pos is only there to protect the moron trump He believes a president can't be indicted Just what drumph wants

That's been a question with no definitive answer. Every judge may have their own belief about that.

A crime by a US President is processed through the Congress via impeachment. If claim proven, it can be taken to the next level of removal from office which of courses requires 2/3 of the Senate to do so.
Come on Ray republicans would drown their babies in the bath tub before voting to out Trump

Of course, and so would Democrats. Bill Clinton is proof of that. He perjured himself and it was proven. Yet the Dems refused to impeach him yet alone remove him from office.

he lied about a BJ? This pos is lying his ass off It's called perjury

When you can prove he lied under oath, then bring that forward.
and when,if the fbi prove it what will you say?? Already schoolmates are calling him a liar
Of course, and so would Democrats. Bill Clinton is proof of that. He perjured himself and it was proven. Yet the Dems refused to impeach him yet alone remove him from office.

Clinton lied to a question that should never have been asked.'

And oh yea...ya know who wrote that question?

Yup. Bart O'Kavanaugh

Why shouldn't it have not been asked? Lying bill could not tell the truth about how he treated his subordinates so it had to be proven how he did. He openly had sex with an underling--a girl young enough to be his daughter.
What I said is demonstrably true.

Comments like yours prove you lack the ability to refute me. Your just not smart enough.

Or tough enough to put a broomstick there.
How is being falsely accused of rape ever worse than being literally raped. Explain that.

Women who are victims of rape or even allegedly victims are typically treated with great compassion by others and that is how a decent person should treat them.

They typically receive empathy and support from family, friends, coworkers, their church if they have one, their community and neighbors.

Law enforcement and the courts do everything they can to help and to establish justice.

There are hundreds of shelters Nationwide for battered and abused women who will take them in. They have RAINN and other organizations offering free counseling and other assistance to them.

Usually their identity is kept out of the public.

No one with any decency opposes any of this and in fact supports such help for victims.

In addition it is true that every woman is different and some recover more fully than others. Some never do and may even commit suicide. Most eventually do recover to lead good lives even if carrying emotional mental and physical scars.

Men who are falsely accused are more likely to lose the support of friends, family, the community and neighbors. If they belong to a church they might well lose that support. They are more likely to lose their jobs and homes and families especially their kids. Forever if convicted.

Their name is very likely to be smeared and trashed forever even of acquitted. Unlike a victim their name is published before trial and many assume they are guilty. If acquitted it is often in the back of the paper somewhere. There are no specific shelters for them and few legal resources available unless they are wealthy or have a public defender.

With their reputation and name wrecked much of this damage can be permanent and irreparable.

If convicted they might be raped in prison suffering what their accuser lied about. If their attacker is HIV positive it is a death sentence.

No one especially me is trivializing what victims suffer. The point is that there is more than one kind of victim and saying one CAN suffer more than others is true. No one said it is always worse.

It needs to be remembered because many on the left seek to marginalize due process for rape or sexual assault. Such as Obama with his title IX witch hunt.

I know rape victims and always support and empathize with them

I also support and empathize with Daniel Holtclaw who has suffered much of what I described above.

Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.

Yeah, tell that to the guys on the Duke La Cross Team, that bitch ruined their lives with a made up fantasy. But now we got this commiecrat senator bitch all over the news, saying women don't make things up, well senator bitch, history proves otherwise. BTW there is no allegation of rape in this case, well at least so far, tomorrow could produce a new lie.


The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted | HuffPost

The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted

It's not

Yeah, tell that to a man that spent 30 years getting to the top of his profession, only to have a bitch from his past come try to take it all away, with fairy tales. Fuck you and the paint puffing post, in this country you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Ford was long on accusation with zero proof. Jeff flake is lucky he's retiring, he doesn't have the backbone to be a senator, god damned pussy.

Of course, and so would Democrats. Bill Clinton is proof of that. He perjured himself and it was proven. Yet the Dems refused to impeach him yet alone remove him from office.

Clinton lied to a question that should never have been asked.'

And oh yea...ya know who wrote that question?

Yup. Bart O'Kavanaugh

Why shouldn't it have not been asked? Lying bill could not tell the truth about how he treated his subordinates so it had to be proven how he did. He openly had sex with an underling--a girl young enough to be his daughter.
You know what the word CONSENSUAL means the pos trump cheated on all his wives
That's been a question with no definitive answer. Every judge may have their own belief about that.

A crime by a US President is processed through the Congress via impeachment. If claim proven, it can be taken to the next level of removal from office which of courses requires 2/3 of the Senate to do so.
Come on Ray republicans would drown their babies in the bath tub before voting to out Trump

Of course, and so would Democrats. Bill Clinton is proof of that. He perjured himself and it was proven. Yet the Dems refused to impeach him yet alone remove him from office.

he lied about a BJ? This pos is lying his ass off It's called perjury

When you can prove he lied under oath, then bring that forward.
and when,if the fbi prove it what will you say?? Already schoolmates are calling him a liar

I would welcome it. Prove that what Kavanaugh said was a lie, and I'll back your position.

The one thing the left has mastered is that it's the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. The FBI cannot get anymore information than the committee already has; that's because there are no leads to any of this. The Republicans know it, and the Democrats know it. It's just that the FBI investigation will bring them one week closer to midterms. After that is a failure, they will try something else to try and stall even more.

So now the Democrats have been successful into stalling this appointment for over three weeks. I can assure you that Republican voters can't wait to get the the polls this election.

Mark my words: the Democrats will not stop at this FBI investigation, and perhaps not the back-stabbing Republicans on this committee either.
How is being falsely accused of rape ever worse than being literally raped. Explain that.

Women who are victims of rape or even allegedly victims are typically treated with great compassion by others and that is how a decent person should treat them.

They typically receive empathy and support from family, friends, coworkers, their church if they have one, their community and neighbors.

Law enforcement and the courts do everything they can to help and to establish justice.

There are hundreds of shelters Nationwide for battered and abused women who will take them in. They have RAINN and other organizations offering free counseling and other assistance to them.

Usually their identity is kept out of the public.

No one with any decency opposes any of this and in fact supports such help for victims.

In addition it is true that every woman is different and some recover more fully than others. Some never do and may even commit suicide. Most eventually do recover to lead good lives even if carrying emotional mental and physical scars.

Men who are falsely accused are more likely to lose the support of friends, family, the community and neighbors. If they belong to a church they might well lose that support. They are more likely to lose their jobs and homes and families especially their kids. Forever if convicted.

Their name is very likely to be smeared and trashed forever even of acquitted. Unlike a victim their name is published before trial and many assume they are guilty. If acquitted it is often in the back of the paper somewhere. There are no specific shelters for them and few legal resources available unless they are wealthy or have a public defender.

With their reputation and name wrecked much of this damage can be permanent and irreparable.

If convicted they might be raped in prison suffering what their accuser lied about. If their attacker is HIV positive it is a death sentence.

No one especially me is trivializing what victims suffer. The point is that there is more than one kind of victim and saying one CAN suffer more than others is true. No one said it is always worse.

It needs to be remembered because many on the left seek to marginalize due process for rape or sexual assault. Such as Obama with his title IX witch hunt.

I know rape victims and always support and empathize with them

I also support and empathize with Daniel Holtclaw who has suffered much of what I described above.

Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.

Yeah, tell that to the guys on the Duke La Cross Team, that bitch ruined their lives with a made up fantasy. But now we got this commiecrat senator bitch all over the news, saying women don't make things up, well senator bitch, history proves otherwise. BTW there is no allegation of rape in this case, well at least so far, tomorrow could produce a new lie.


The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted | HuffPost

The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted

It's not

Yeah, tell that to a man that spent 30 years getting to the top of his profession, only to have a bitch from his past come try to take it all away, with fairy tales. Fuck you and the paint puffing post, in this country you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Ford was long on accusation with zero proof. Jeff flake is lucky he's retiring, he doesn't have the backbone to be a senator, god damned pussy.

let the fbi agree with you ,,,otherwise you're just another scumbag pos republican who has is head up his ass
Of course, and so would Democrats. Bill Clinton is proof of that. He perjured himself and it was proven. Yet the Dems refused to impeach him yet alone remove him from office.

Clinton lied to a question that should never have been asked.'

And oh yea...ya know who wrote that question?

Yup. Bart O'Kavanaugh

Why shouldn't it have not been asked? Lying bill could not tell the truth about how he treated his subordinates so it had to be proven how he did. He openly had sex with an underling--a girl young enough to be his daughter.
You know what the word CONSENSUAL means the pos trump cheated on all his wives

And you have no proof of that either. We do have proof that Bill Clinton did.
How is being falsely accused of rape ever worse than being literally raped. Explain that.

Women who are victims of rape or even allegedly victims are typically treated with great compassion by others and that is how a decent person should treat them.

They typically receive empathy and support from family, friends, coworkers, their church if they have one, their community and neighbors.

Law enforcement and the courts do everything they can to help and to establish justice.

There are hundreds of shelters Nationwide for battered and abused women who will take them in. They have RAINN and other organizations offering free counseling and other assistance to them.

Usually their identity is kept out of the public.

No one with any decency opposes any of this and in fact supports such help for victims.

In addition it is true that every woman is different and some recover more fully than others. Some never do and may even commit suicide. Most eventually do recover to lead good lives even if carrying emotional mental and physical scars.

Men who are falsely accused are more likely to lose the support of friends, family, the community and neighbors. If they belong to a church they might well lose that support. They are more likely to lose their jobs and homes and families especially their kids. Forever if convicted.

Their name is very likely to be smeared and trashed forever even of acquitted. Unlike a victim their name is published before trial and many assume they are guilty. If acquitted it is often in the back of the paper somewhere. There are no specific shelters for them and few legal resources available unless they are wealthy or have a public defender.

With their reputation and name wrecked much of this damage can be permanent and irreparable.

If convicted they might be raped in prison suffering what their accuser lied about. If their attacker is HIV positive it is a death sentence.

No one especially me is trivializing what victims suffer. The point is that there is more than one kind of victim and saying one CAN suffer more than others is true. No one said it is always worse.

It needs to be remembered because many on the left seek to marginalize due process for rape or sexual assault. Such as Obama with his title IX witch hunt.

I know rape victims and always support and empathize with them

I also support and empathize with Daniel Holtclaw who has suffered much of what I described above.

Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.

Yeah, tell that to the guys on the Duke La Cross Team, that bitch ruined their lives with a made up fantasy. But now we got this commiecrat senator bitch all over the news, saying women don't make things up, well senator bitch, history proves otherwise. BTW there is no allegation of rape in this case, well at least so far, tomorrow could produce a new lie.


The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted | HuffPost

The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted

It's not

Yeah, tell that to a man that spent 30 years getting to the top of his profession, only to have a bitch from his past come try to take it all away, with fairy tales. Fuck you and the paint puffing post, in this country you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Ford was long on accusation with zero proof. Jeff flake is lucky he's retiring, he doesn't have the backbone to be a senator, god damned pussy.


Leftists do not believe in the American way. They don't believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty. They believe that whoever the Democrats claim to be guilty--are.
How is being falsely accused of rape ever worse than being literally raped. Explain that.

Women who are victims of rape or even allegedly victims are typically treated with great compassion by others and that is how a decent person should treat them.

They typically receive empathy and support from family, friends, coworkers, their church if they have one, their community and neighbors.

Law enforcement and the courts do everything they can to help and to establish justice.

There are hundreds of shelters Nationwide for battered and abused women who will take them in. They have RAINN and other organizations offering free counseling and other assistance to them.

Usually their identity is kept out of the public.

No one with any decency opposes any of this and in fact supports such help for victims.

In addition it is true that every woman is different and some recover more fully than others. Some never do and may even commit suicide. Most eventually do recover to lead good lives even if carrying emotional mental and physical scars.

Men who are falsely accused are more likely to lose the support of friends, family, the community and neighbors. If they belong to a church they might well lose that support. They are more likely to lose their jobs and homes and families especially their kids. Forever if convicted.

Their name is very likely to be smeared and trashed forever even of acquitted. Unlike a victim their name is published before trial and many assume they are guilty. If acquitted it is often in the back of the paper somewhere. There are no specific shelters for them and few legal resources available unless they are wealthy or have a public defender.

With their reputation and name wrecked much of this damage can be permanent and irreparable.

If convicted they might be raped in prison suffering what their accuser lied about. If their attacker is HIV positive it is a death sentence.

No one especially me is trivializing what victims suffer. The point is that there is more than one kind of victim and saying one CAN suffer more than others is true. No one said it is always worse.

It needs to be remembered because many on the left seek to marginalize due process for rape or sexual assault. Such as Obama with his title IX witch hunt.

I know rape victims and always support and empathize with them

I also support and empathize with Daniel Holtclaw who has suffered much of what I described above.

Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.

Yeah, tell that to the guys on the Duke La Cross Team, that bitch ruined their lives with a made up fantasy. But now we got this commiecrat senator bitch all over the news, saying women don't make things up, well senator bitch, history proves otherwise. BTW there is no allegation of rape in this case, well at least so far, tomorrow could produce a new lie.


The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted | HuffPost

The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted

It's not

Yeah, tell that to a man that spent 30 years getting to the top of his profession, only to have a bitch from his past come try to take it all away, with fairy tales. Fuck you and the paint puffing post, in this country you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Ford was long on accusation with zero proof. Jeff flake is lucky he's retiring, he doesn't have the backbone to be a senator, god damned pussy.


He looked like a frightened puppy in the elevator incident.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
Geez they hope to post a rapist to serve from power for the rest of his life? Despicable, but makes sense considering the hostility the GOP has shown to the #metoo movement.
How is he a rapist?
So you defend trump and kav yet you deny being a trump supporter or republican? Let me guess you’re a libertarian?
I selectively comment on issues which concern me.

False accusations against men are a big one which interests me.

Regardless of who it is. I have also stated there is no evidence against clinton

I don't care about the political party I care about what is being said and done.

There are in fact predators and rapists but there are also men who are falsely accused. Being falsely accused of a sex crime is as bad or sometimes worse than being the victim of a sex crime. That is what draws my interest. I don't care if is trump or Clinton PR Daniel Holtclaw.

It does seem that Kavanaugh and his family have gone through a difficult time, facing public scorn and even death threats. No people should be made to fear for their safety because they are in the public eye. But the idea that Kavanaugh has suffered anywhere near what Blasey has allegedly suffered or perhaps even more so is ludicrous. He may resent the way the confirmation process is going. He may be outraged that he isn’t facing a smooth path from one of the nation’s second-highest courts to the nation’s highest court. But make no mistake: None of that rises to the level of destroying his life. He is not a victim, and what he has gone through is nowhere near on par with what a rape victim experiences. Graham’s equating the two experiences on live television and Kavanaugh’s harping on his personal pain eclipses the very real and severe toll violence exacts on those who suffer it.

In her testimony on Thursday, Blasey recounted that the immediate aftermath of the alleged attack was the worst. For four years after Kavanaugh allegedly pushed her onto a bed, groped her, tried to take off her clothes and put a hand over her mouth when she screamed, her academic achievement cratered, she said. Only two years into college was she able to “pull myself together,” she told the committee.

The effects have lasted much longer than that. “Brett’s assault on me drastically altered my life,” she said, adding that his alleged actions “have haunted me episodically as an adult.” Later manifestations included a fear of flying and a need to have escape routes from any room she entered, including the desire to add a second front door to her house, all due to her resulting anxiety, claustrophobia and PTSD-like symptoms.Top of Form

Bottom of Form

What Blasey didn’t get into is what were likely the professional and financial ramifications of what she said she went through. Blasey today is a highly respected psychologist who seems to be financially sound. Yet it’s hard to say what losing two years of academic achievement in college may have meant, as well as the last few years of high school, and what impact that has had on her career trajectory. She didn’t share whether her psychological suffering got in the way of her work or other achievements, and she didn’t share the cost of the therapy she has sought in the years since.

Brett’s assault on me drastically altered my life. But it’s extremely common for sexual violence to take a financial toll on its victims. As Rebecca Greenfield and Janet Paskin detailed recently on Bloomberg, while it’s hard to make a full accounting, given how rare it is for victims to make official reports, the price they pay is likely huge. A number of studies have put the cost of sexual violence at $100,000 to $200,000 for each victim. That includes the costs of medical attention and criminal justice fees, property loss and a loss of workplace productivity. One study of women who had been victims in childhood or adolescence faced 16 percent higher health care costs than other women, even decades afterward. Many take time away from work or even need to leave work for long periods to recover from the trauma.

That could, in turn, cost women their jobs or, at the very least, affect their pay. Research has found that sexual harassment victims often tune out at work or avoid going altogether. In a recent study of women who said they experienced sexual harassment at work, 80 percent changed jobs within two years — vastly more frequently than those who said they weren’t harassed. Many who said they were harassed also cut back on their hours or switched to different industries. And it seems that most of them landed in poorer-paying positions. The women who said they were harassed dealt with far greater financial stress two years afterward, stress that’s akin to having been incarcerated or suffering a serious injury.

That is part of the possible toll that Kavanaugh’s alleged action took on one woman. It’s also worth remembering that she’s not the only one who has come forward. Deborah Ramirez said that he exposed his penis to her, putting it in her face such that she touched it when she tried to brush him away. Julie Swetnick said that she saw him in a line of boys outside a bedroom at a party, waiting to have his turn to have sex with an intoxicated girl inside, and that he was present at a party where she was gang-raped. Both women’s alleged traumas likely came with economic and psychological costs.

Kavanaugh and his family shouldn’t have to face death threats. And it certainly seems he’s impatient with his Senate confirmation process. But he has faced few, if any, repercussions for these alleged actions over his lifetime. At most, he currently risks not being confirmed to one of the most powerful positions in the country. The women who say he victimized them, on the other hand, have had to carry the consequences their entire lives.

And the one thing you refuse to consider, what if she's wrong?

You have proof that he sexually harassed someone? Please show it, or are you also in the camp of guilty before proven innocent?
I have no problem with the local PD or Sheriffs questioning Mark Judge about his recollections. Then the local authorities can bring in the FBI if they need to. There may have been one overly aggressive drunk male back then in Montgomery County, yet I am convinced it is not Brett Kavanaugh. There is something that happened at a party, but not the made up party that Chrisine Ford alleges. I believe Brett Kavanaugh. When watching the testimony of the two, it was Brett Kavanaugh that touched my heart and rang true. It was Christine Ford that looked like and sounded like a liar. It might be helpful to question Mark Judge should it be him or someone he knows. It is dirty tricks on the psycobabble witch's part to drag down Kavanaugh just because you are a feminist California "feminist" activist now.
Parties back when I was in a frat were a girl call ,plenty of drinking by those who could hold their liquor and lots of misbehavior most of which I wouldn't mention here You think it was different with Kavanaugh and his gang?

I remember I met a girl at a party and we hardly said a word. We just started making out. Next thing you know we're having sex back at my place. As soon as I was done I told her to get dressed and I would walk her home. She felt humiliated. Used. I may have even been a little rough. Not violent but I pumped hard and fast.

Long story short she says when I'm being rude to her, "you know I could say you raped me?" And I said, "Good luck with that. I have 3 roommates who all saw you walk back to my room with me"

Anyways, I was a total dick. Not deserving of a false rape charge, but I wouldn't want a man to do that to my daughter. But I'm sure she felt "used, mistreated, humiliated, disrespected, embarrassed..."

Me, I did feel a little bad about it but I moved on. I'm sure she did too but just like I'll never forget that experience, I'm sure neither will she. And I'm sure she remembers it much differently than I do.

I didn't deserve to be falsely accused of rape but I'm sure she was thinking there should be some form of punishment for guys who treat women this way.

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.

I heard tonight she has a go fund me account worth 500K, sounds like a hell of a racket.

how would the pos rule on trumps emoluments case if it came before the SC ?

He wouldn't dumb ass, it's not something the court can rule on, it's a congressional responsibility. Try reading the Constitution.

this pos is only there to protect the moron trump He believes a president can't be indicted Just what drumph wants

That's been a question with no definitive answer. Every judge may have their own belief about that.

A crime by a US President is processed through the Congress via impeachment. If claim proven, it can be taken to the next level of removal from office which of courses requires 2/3 of the Senate to do so.
Come on Ray republicans would drown their babies in the bath tub before voting to out Trump
Fortunately, Republicans still don't believe in adoration.

I can't think of a few people that need to be aborted, just not prenatal.


Women who are victims of rape or even allegedly victims are typically treated with great compassion by others and that is how a decent person should treat them.

They typically receive empathy and support from family, friends, coworkers, their church if they have one, their community and neighbors.

Law enforcement and the courts do everything they can to help and to establish justice.

There are hundreds of shelters Nationwide for battered and abused women who will take them in. They have RAINN and other organizations offering free counseling and other assistance to them.

Usually their identity is kept out of the public.

No one with any decency opposes any of this and in fact supports such help for victims.

In addition it is true that every woman is different and some recover more fully than others. Some never do and may even commit suicide. Most eventually do recover to lead good lives even if carrying emotional mental and physical scars.

Men who are falsely accused are more likely to lose the support of friends, family, the community and neighbors. If they belong to a church they might well lose that support. They are more likely to lose their jobs and homes and families especially their kids. Forever if convicted.

Their name is very likely to be smeared and trashed forever even of acquitted. Unlike a victim their name is published before trial and many assume they are guilty. If acquitted it is often in the back of the paper somewhere. There are no specific shelters for them and few legal resources available unless they are wealthy or have a public defender.

With their reputation and name wrecked much of this damage can be permanent and irreparable.

If convicted they might be raped in prison suffering what their accuser lied about. If their attacker is HIV positive it is a death sentence.

No one especially me is trivializing what victims suffer. The point is that there is more than one kind of victim and saying one CAN suffer more than others is true. No one said it is always worse.

It needs to be remembered because many on the left seek to marginalize due process for rape or sexual assault. Such as Obama with his title IX witch hunt.

I know rape victims and always support and empathize with them

I also support and empathize with Daniel Holtclaw who has suffered much of what I described above.

Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.

Yeah, tell that to the guys on the Duke La Cross Team, that bitch ruined their lives with a made up fantasy. But now we got this commiecrat senator bitch all over the news, saying women don't make things up, well senator bitch, history proves otherwise. BTW there is no allegation of rape in this case, well at least so far, tomorrow could produce a new lie.


The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted | HuffPost

The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted

It's not

Yeah, tell that to a man that spent 30 years getting to the top of his profession, only to have a bitch from his past come try to take it all away, with fairy tales. Fuck you and the paint puffing post, in this country you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Ford was long on accusation with zero proof. Jeff flake is lucky he's retiring, he doesn't have the backbone to be a senator, god damned pussy.


He looked like a frightened puppy in the elevator incident.

The only thing that would have made that better was the woman bitch slap him a few times, maybe then he'd have grown a damn spine.

And her lawyers are working pro-bono, one of which was referred by Feinstein’s office.
You have proof that he sexually harassed someone? Please show it, or are you also in the camp of guilty before proven innocent?
I have no problem with the local PD or Sheriffs questioning Mark Judge about his recollections. Then the local authorities can bring in the FBI if they need to. There may have been one overly aggressive drunk male back then in Montgomery County, yet I am convinced it is not Brett Kavanaugh. There is something that happened at a party, but not the made up party that Chrisine Ford alleges. I believe Brett Kavanaugh. When watching the testimony of the two, it was Brett Kavanaugh that touched my heart and rang true. It was Christine Ford that looked like and sounded like a liar. It might be helpful to question Mark Judge should it be him or someone he knows. It is dirty tricks on the psycobabble witch's part to drag down Kavanaugh just because you are a feminist California "feminist" activist now.
Parties back when I was in a frat were a girl call ,plenty of drinking by those who could hold their liquor and lots of misbehavior most of which I wouldn't mention here You think it was different with Kavanaugh and his gang?

I remember I met a girl at a party and we hardly said a word. We just started making out. Next thing you know we're having sex back at my place. As soon as I was done I told her to get dressed and I would walk her home. She felt humiliated. Used. I may have even been a little rough. Not violent but I pumped hard and fast.

Long story short she says when I'm being rude to her, "you know I could say you raped me?" And I said, "Good luck with that. I have 3 roommates who all saw you walk back to my room with me"

Anyways, I was a total dick. Not deserving of a false rape charge, but I wouldn't want a man to do that to my daughter. But I'm sure she felt "used, mistreated, humiliated, disrespected, embarrassed..."

Me, I did feel a little bad about it but I moved on. I'm sure she did too but just like I'll never forget that experience, I'm sure neither will she. And I'm sure she remembers it much differently than I do.

I didn't deserve to be falsely accused of rape but I'm sure she was thinking there should be some form of punishment for guys who treat women this way.

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.

I heard tonight she has a go fund me account worth 500K, sounds like a hell of a racket.


Women who are victims of rape or even allegedly victims are typically treated with great compassion by others and that is how a decent person should treat them.

They typically receive empathy and support from family, friends, coworkers, their church if they have one, their community and neighbors.

Law enforcement and the courts do everything they can to help and to establish justice.

There are hundreds of shelters Nationwide for battered and abused women who will take them in. They have RAINN and other organizations offering free counseling and other assistance to them.

Usually their identity is kept out of the public.

No one with any decency opposes any of this and in fact supports such help for victims.

In addition it is true that every woman is different and some recover more fully than others. Some never do and may even commit suicide. Most eventually do recover to lead good lives even if carrying emotional mental and physical scars.

Men who are falsely accused are more likely to lose the support of friends, family, the community and neighbors. If they belong to a church they might well lose that support. They are more likely to lose their jobs and homes and families especially their kids. Forever if convicted.

Their name is very likely to be smeared and trashed forever even of acquitted. Unlike a victim their name is published before trial and many assume they are guilty. If acquitted it is often in the back of the paper somewhere. There are no specific shelters for them and few legal resources available unless they are wealthy or have a public defender.

With their reputation and name wrecked much of this damage can be permanent and irreparable.

If convicted they might be raped in prison suffering what their accuser lied about. If their attacker is HIV positive it is a death sentence.

No one especially me is trivializing what victims suffer. The point is that there is more than one kind of victim and saying one CAN suffer more than others is true. No one said it is always worse.

It needs to be remembered because many on the left seek to marginalize due process for rape or sexual assault. Such as Obama with his title IX witch hunt.

I know rape victims and always support and empathize with them

I also support and empathize with Daniel Holtclaw who has suffered much of what I described above.

Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.

Yeah, tell that to the guys on the Duke La Cross Team, that bitch ruined their lives with a made up fantasy. But now we got this commiecrat senator bitch all over the news, saying women don't make things up, well senator bitch, history proves otherwise. BTW there is no allegation of rape in this case, well at least so far, tomorrow could produce a new lie.


The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted | HuffPost

The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted

It's not

Yeah, tell that to a man that spent 30 years getting to the top of his profession, only to have a bitch from his past come try to take it all away, with fairy tales. Fuck you and the paint puffing post, in this country you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Ford was long on accusation with zero proof. Jeff flake is lucky he's retiring, he doesn't have the backbone to be a senator, god damned pussy.


Leftists do not believe in the American way. They don't believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty. They believe that whoever the Democrats claim to be guilty--are.
Nonsense. I don’t think this guy is guilty but you think al frankin was
The Montgomery County law enforcement and prosecutors office can not offer much as the statute of limitations has passed. They will cooperate. Mark Judge has offered to cooperate as well.
Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.

Yeah, tell that to the guys on the Duke La Cross Team, that bitch ruined their lives with a made up fantasy. But now we got this commiecrat senator bitch all over the news, saying women don't make things up, well senator bitch, history proves otherwise. BTW there is no allegation of rape in this case, well at least so far, tomorrow could produce a new lie.


The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted | HuffPost

The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted

It's not

Yeah, tell that to a man that spent 30 years getting to the top of his profession, only to have a bitch from his past come try to take it all away, with fairy tales. Fuck you and the paint puffing post, in this country you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Ford was long on accusation with zero proof. Jeff flake is lucky he's retiring, he doesn't have the backbone to be a senator, god damned pussy.


Leftists do not believe in the American way. They don't believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty. They believe that whoever the Democrats claim to be guilty--are.
Nonsense. I don’t think this guy is guilty but you think al frankin was

You may not. but check out the other comments in these topics by leftists. A majority are calling him a mad rapist simply because of Ford and the other tag alongs. Ten parties where women were drugged and trains were formed? I mean, you really have to be out there to create a story like that one.
Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.

Yeah, tell that to the guys on the Duke La Cross Team, that bitch ruined their lives with a made up fantasy. But now we got this commiecrat senator bitch all over the news, saying women don't make things up, well senator bitch, history proves otherwise. BTW there is no allegation of rape in this case, well at least so far, tomorrow could produce a new lie.


The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted | HuffPost

The GOP Wants Us To Think Being Accused Is As Bad As Being Assaulted

It's not

Yeah, tell that to a man that spent 30 years getting to the top of his profession, only to have a bitch from his past come try to take it all away, with fairy tales. Fuck you and the paint puffing post, in this country you are innocent until you are proven guilty. Ford was long on accusation with zero proof. Jeff flake is lucky he's retiring, he doesn't have the backbone to be a senator, god damned pussy.


Leftists do not believe in the American way. They don't believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty. They believe that whoever the Democrats claim to be guilty--are.
Nonsense. I don’t think this guy is guilty but you think al frankin was
Franken was caught on film

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