Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

FBI to interview all the potential victims...

Unless the roommate actually saw Kavanaugh molest a woman, AND can offer proof, he has nothing relevant to say.

The roommate (and many other people) "saw" a drunken belligerent stumble bum...and that speaks both to his character (or lack of it) and his dishonesty

Yeah, you know how those drunken Yale bums are.

I drank pretty heavy around that age too. Does that mean I'm guilty of a crime with no evidence just because I liked my beer?
If you were accused of drunkenly assaulting a woman and claimed you never drank to excess...yea...probably and justifiably

Well when you wake up from your Socialist dream, you'll realize we live in America; a place where everybody is assumed innocent until proven guilty. Yeah, I know how much you hate the way we do things here.
You have proof that he sexually harassed someone? Please show it, or are you also in the camp of guilty before proven innocent?
I have no problem with the local PD or Sheriffs questioning Mark Judge about his recollections. Then the local authorities can bring in the FBI if they need to. There may have been one overly aggressive drunk male back then in Montgomery County, yet I am convinced it is not Brett Kavanaugh. There is something that happened at a party, but not the made up party that Chrisine Ford alleges. I believe Brett Kavanaugh. When watching the testimony of the two, it was Brett Kavanaugh that touched my heart and rang true. It was Christine Ford that looked like and sounded like a liar. It might be helpful to question Mark Judge should it be him or someone he knows. It is dirty tricks on the psycobabble witch's part to drag down Kavanaugh just because you are a feminist California "feminist" activist now.
Parties back when I was in a frat were a girl call ,plenty of drinking by those who could hold their liquor and lots of misbehavior most of which I wouldn't mention here You think it was different with Kavanaugh and his gang?

I remember I met a girl at a party and we hardly said a word. We just started making out. Next thing you know we're having sex back at my place. As soon as I was done I told her to get dressed and I would walk her home. She felt humiliated. Used. I may have even been a little rough. Not violent but I pumped hard and fast.

Long story short she says when I'm being rude to her, "you know I could say you raped me?" And I said, "Good luck with that. I have 3 roommates who all saw you walk back to my room with me"

Anyways, I was a total dick. Not deserving of a false rape charge, but I wouldn't want a man to do that to my daughter. But I'm sure she felt "used, mistreated, humiliated, disrespected, embarrassed..."

Me, I did feel a little bad about it but I moved on. I'm sure she did too but just like I'll never forget that experience, I'm sure neither will she. And I'm sure she remembers it much differently than I do.

I didn't deserve to be falsely accused of rape but I'm sure she was thinking there should be some form of punishment for guys who treat women this way.

Five YEARS ago>>

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.
Five YEARS ago?
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit
I have no problem with the local PD or Sheriffs questioning Mark Judge about his recollections. Then the local authorities can bring in the FBI if they need to. There may have been one overly aggressive drunk male back then in Montgomery County, yet I am convinced it is not Brett Kavanaugh. There is something that happened at a party, but not the made up party that Chrisine Ford alleges. I believe Brett Kavanaugh. When watching the testimony of the two, it was Brett Kavanaugh that touched my heart and rang true. It was Christine Ford that looked like and sounded like a liar. It might be helpful to question Mark Judge should it be him or someone he knows. It is dirty tricks on the psycobabble witch's part to drag down Kavanaugh just because you are a feminist California "feminist" activist now.
Parties back when I was in a frat were a girl call ,plenty of drinking by those who could hold their liquor and lots of misbehavior most of which I wouldn't mention here You think it was different with Kavanaugh and his gang?

I remember I met a girl at a party and we hardly said a word. We just started making out. Next thing you know we're having sex back at my place. As soon as I was done I told her to get dressed and I would walk her home. She felt humiliated. Used. I may have even been a little rough. Not violent but I pumped hard and fast.

Long story short she says when I'm being rude to her, "you know I could say you raped me?" And I said, "Good luck with that. I have 3 roommates who all saw you walk back to my room with me"

Anyways, I was a total dick. Not deserving of a false rape charge, but I wouldn't want a man to do that to my daughter. But I'm sure she felt "used, mistreated, humiliated, disrespected, embarrassed..."

Me, I did feel a little bad about it but I moved on. I'm sure she did too but just like I'll never forget that experience, I'm sure neither will she. And I'm sure she remembers it much differently than I do.

I didn't deserve to be falsely accused of rape but I'm sure she was thinking there should be some form of punishment for guys who treat women this way.

Five YEARS ago>>

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.
Five YEARS ago?
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.
Parties back when I was in a frat were a girl call ,plenty of drinking by those who could hold their liquor and lots of misbehavior most of which I wouldn't mention here You think it was different with Kavanaugh and his gang?

I remember I met a girl at a party and we hardly said a word. We just started making out. Next thing you know we're having sex back at my place. As soon as I was done I told her to get dressed and I would walk her home. She felt humiliated. Used. I may have even been a little rough. Not violent but I pumped hard and fast.

Long story short she says when I'm being rude to her, "you know I could say you raped me?" And I said, "Good luck with that. I have 3 roommates who all saw you walk back to my room with me"

Anyways, I was a total dick. Not deserving of a false rape charge, but I wouldn't want a man to do that to my daughter. But I'm sure she felt "used, mistreated, humiliated, disrespected, embarrassed..."

Me, I did feel a little bad about it but I moved on. I'm sure she did too but just like I'll never forget that experience, I'm sure neither will she. And I'm sure she remembers it much differently than I do.

I didn't deserve to be falsely accused of rape but I'm sure she was thinking there should be some form of punishment for guys who treat women this way.

Five YEARS ago>>

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.
Five YEARS ago?
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.
I’m not even saying she’s lying. She may be exaggerating or it may be how she remembers it. But I think she’s being dramatic.

This isn’t Roy Moore chasing minors in a mall. This is a young guy trying to get laid. They found a girl in a bedroom. It didn’t go anywhere.

I’m as liberal as they come I don’t want this guy seated but he should be seated. Elections have consequences. Now we will have a conservative Court who will defend the rich every time. Racists, homophobes, pollution, anti abortion. Abortion after two months will be illegal Mark my words. Anti labor, healthcare. America gets what’s coming.

Elections don’t matter? We shall see
I remember I met a girl at a party and we hardly said a word. We just started making out. Next thing you know we're having sex back at my place. As soon as I was done I told her to get dressed and I would walk her home. She felt humiliated. Used. I may have even been a little rough. Not violent but I pumped hard and fast.

Long story short she says when I'm being rude to her, "you know I could say you raped me?" And I said, "Good luck with that. I have 3 roommates who all saw you walk back to my room with me"

Anyways, I was a total dick. Not deserving of a false rape charge, but I wouldn't want a man to do that to my daughter. But I'm sure she felt "used, mistreated, humiliated, disrespected, embarrassed..."

Me, I did feel a little bad about it but I moved on. I'm sure she did too but just like I'll never forget that experience, I'm sure neither will she. And I'm sure she remembers it much differently than I do.

I didn't deserve to be falsely accused of rape but I'm sure she was thinking there should be some form of punishment for guys who treat women this way.

Five YEARS ago>>

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.
Five YEARS ago?
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.
I’m not even saying she’s lying. She may be exaggerating or it may be how she remembers it. But I think she’s being dramatic.

This isn’t Roy Moore chasing minors in a mall. This is a young guy trying to get laid. They found a girl in a bedroom. It didn’t go anywhere.

I’m as liberal as they come I don’t want this guy seated but he should be seated. Elections have consequences. Now we will have a conservative Court who will defend the rich every time. Racists, homophobes, pollution, anti abortion. Abortion after two months will be illegal Mark my words. Anti labor, healthcare. America gets what’s coming.

Elections don’t matter? We shall see

I think the abortion issue is a scare tactic. Even if Roe vs Wade were overturned, all that would mean is that abortion is not constitutionally protected. You will still be able to have all of the abortions you want in Mass, Cali, NY, CO..........

But I really don't think it would have come down to that had they not attacked this man so viciously. Everybody I hang around with is Republican and pretty conservative, and none of us care about the abortion issue. It's just something Republicans stand by to attract the religious vote.

However it will be a big plus for those of us that want absolute protection of the Second Amendment.
Five YEARS ago>>

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.
Five YEARS ago?
1989 or 90. Can’t recall who was at the party except for I ran into a girl from high school. She saw me making out with the girl and she told me don’t do it. Of course I did. Do you think she would recall this night? Fuck no.

That girls acne cleared up years later and she ended up being hot af. She had a great body when I did her but zit face.

I tried to flirt with her years later and she looked at me like yea right.

Anyways, I could see her coming forward if I were nominated. It would be great payback. Let’s look at what kav did. Not much. He tried to take her cloths off but didn’t. She screamed and he put his hand over her mouth for a second. Then him and judge laughed as she left the room scared and crying.

Putting politics aside this is bullshit

When somebody makes a claim, and there are more holes in it than Swiss cheese, more inconsistencies, of course you know it's BS.
I’m not even saying she’s lying. She may be exaggerating or it may be how she remembers it. But I think she’s being dramatic.

This isn’t Roy Moore chasing minors in a mall. This is a young guy trying to get laid. They found a girl in a bedroom. It didn’t go anywhere.

I’m as liberal as they come I don’t want this guy seated but he should be seated. Elections have consequences. Now we will have a conservative Court who will defend the rich every time. Racists, homophobes, pollution, anti abortion. Abortion after two months will be illegal Mark my words. Anti labor, healthcare. America gets what’s coming.

Elections don’t matter? We shall see

I think the abortion issue is a scare tactic. Even if Roe vs Wade were overturned, all that would mean is that abortion is not constitutionally protected. You will still be able to have all of the abortions you want in Mass, Cali, NY, CO..........

But I really don't think it would have come down to that had they not attacked this man so viciously. Everybody I hang around with is Republican and pretty conservative, and none of us care about the abortion issue. It's just something Republicans stand by to attract the religious vote.

However it will be a big plus for those of us that want absolute protection of the Second Amendment.
I can live with it.
this pos is only there to protect the moron trump He believes a president can't be indicted Just what drumph wants
this pos is only there to protect the moron trump He believes a president can't be indicted Just what drumph wants

That's been a question with no definitive answer. Every judge may have their own belief about that.

A crime by a US President is processed through the Congress via impeachment. If claim proven, it can be taken to the next level of removal from office which of courses requires 2/3 of the Senate to do so.
this pos is only there to protect the moron trump He believes a president can't be indicted Just what drumph wants

That's been a question with no definitive answer. Every judge may have their own belief about that.

A crime by a US President is processed through the Congress via impeachment. If claim proven, it can be taken to the next level of removal from office which of courses requires 2/3 of the Senate to do so.
Come on Ray republicans would drown their babies in the bath tub before voting to out Trump
this pos is only there to protect the moron trump He believes a president can't be indicted Just what drumph wants

That's been a question with no definitive answer. Every judge may have their own belief about that.

A crime by a US President is processed through the Congress via impeachment. If claim proven, it can be taken to the next level of removal from office which of courses requires 2/3 of the Senate to do so.
Come on Ray republicans would drown their babies in the bath tub before voting to out Trump

Of course, and so would Democrats. Bill Clinton is proof of that. He perjured himself and it was proven. Yet the Dems refused to impeach him yet alone remove him from office.
this pos is only there to protect the moron trump He believes a president can't be indicted Just what drumph wants

That's been a question with no definitive answer. Every judge may have their own belief about that.

A crime by a US President is processed through the Congress via impeachment. If claim proven, it can be taken to the next level of removal from office which of courses requires 2/3 of the Senate to do so.
Come on Ray republicans would drown their babies in the bath tub before voting to out Trump
Fortunately, Republicans still don't believe in adoration.
Of course, and so would Democrats. Bill Clinton is proof of that. He perjured himself and it was proven. Yet the Dems refused to impeach him yet alone remove him from office.

Clinton lied to a question that should never have been asked.'

And oh yea...ya know who wrote that question?

Yup. Bart O'Kavanaugh
this pos is only there to protect the moron trump He believes a president can't be indicted Just what drumph wants

That's been a question with no definitive answer. Every judge may have their own belief about that.

A crime by a US President is processed through the Congress via impeachment. If claim proven, it can be taken to the next level of removal from office which of courses requires 2/3 of the Senate to do so.
Come on Ray republicans would drown their babies in the bath tub before voting to out Trump

Of course, and so would Democrats. Bill Clinton is proof of that. He perjured himself and it was proven. Yet the Dems refused to impeach him yet alone remove him from office.

he lied about a BJ? This pos is lying his ass off It's called perjury
this pos is only there to protect the moron trump He believes a president can't be indicted Just what drumph wants

That's been a question with no definitive answer. Every judge may have their own belief about that.

A crime by a US President is processed through the Congress via impeachment. If claim proven, it can be taken to the next level of removal from office which of courses requires 2/3 of the Senate to do so.
Come on Ray republicans would drown their babies in the bath tub before voting to out Trump

Of course, and so would Democrats. Bill Clinton is proof of that. He perjured himself and it was proven. Yet the Dems refused to impeach him yet alone remove him from office.

he lied about a BJ? This pos is lying his ass off It's called perjury
you think this pos can be open minded after hearing him?? Really ?
this pos is only there to protect the moron trump He believes a president can't be indicted Just what drumph wants

That's been a question with no definitive answer. Every judge may have their own belief about that.

A crime by a US President is processed through the Congress via impeachment. If claim proven, it can be taken to the next level of removal from office which of courses requires 2/3 of the Senate to do so.
Come on Ray republicans would drown their babies in the bath tub before voting to out Trump

Of course, and so would Democrats. Bill Clinton is proof of that. He perjured himself and it was proven. Yet the Dems refused to impeach him yet alone remove him from office.

he lied about a BJ? This pos is lying his ass off It's called perjury

When you can prove he lied under oath, then bring that forward.

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