Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

You have proof that he sexually harassed someone? Please show it, or are you also in the camp of guilty before proven innocent?
I have no problem with the local PD or Sheriffs questioning Mark Judge about his recollections. Then the local authorities can bring in the FBI if they need to. There may have been one overly aggressive drunk male back then in Montgomery County, yet I am convinced it is not Brett Kavanaugh. There is something that happened at a party, but not the made up party that Chrisine Ford alleges. I believe Brett Kavanaugh. When watching the testimony of the two, it was Brett Kavanaugh that touched my heart and rang true. It was Christine Ford that looked like and sounded like a liar. It might be helpful to question Mark Judge should it be him or someone he knows. It is dirty tricks on the psycobabble witch's part to drag down Kavanaugh just because you are a feminist California "feminist" activist now.
Parties back when I was in a frat were a girl call ,plenty of drinking by those who could hold their liquor and lots of misbehavior most of which I wouldn't mention here You think it was different with Kavanaugh and his gang?

I remember I met a girl at a party and we hardly said a word. We just started making out. Next thing you know we're having sex back at my place. As soon as I was done I told her to get dressed and I would walk her home. She felt humiliated. Used. I may have even been a little rough. Not violent but I pumped hard and fast.

Long story short she says when I'm being rude to her, "you know I could say you raped me?" And I said, "Good luck with that. I have 3 roommates who all saw you walk back to my room with me"

Anyways, I was a total dick. Not deserving of a false rape charge, but I wouldn't want a man to do that to my daughter. But I'm sure she felt "used, mistreated, humiliated, disrespected, embarrassed..."

Me, I did feel a little bad about it but I moved on. I'm sure she did too but just like I'll never forget that experience, I'm sure neither will she. And I'm sure she remembers it much differently than I do.

I didn't deserve to be falsely accused of rape but I'm sure she was thinking there should be some form of punishment for guys who treat women this way.
Senate Republican leaders agreed Friday to reopen the FBI background investigation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh after two key Republicans suggested they would not vote to confirm him to the Supreme Court without additional information on his alleged sexual misconduct while he was a teenager.

Senate GOP leaders agree to new FBI investigation of Kavanaugh

I haven't heard yet whether Trump will authorize this.
if the pos doesn't he better have a replacement in mind
You have proof that he sexually harassed someone? Please show it, or are you also in the camp of guilty before proven innocent?
I have no problem with the local PD or Sheriffs questioning Mark Judge about his recollections. Then the local authorities can bring in the FBI if they need to. There may have been one overly aggressive drunk male back then in Montgomery County, yet I am convinced it is not Brett Kavanaugh. There is something that happened at a party, but not the made up party that Chrisine Ford alleges. I believe Brett Kavanaugh. When watching the testimony of the two, it was Brett Kavanaugh that touched my heart and rang true. It was Christine Ford that looked like and sounded like a liar. It might be helpful to question Mark Judge should it be him or someone he knows. It is dirty tricks on the psycobabble witch's part to drag down Kavanaugh just because you are a feminist California "feminist" activist now.
Parties back when I was in a frat were a girl call ,plenty of drinking by those who could hold their liquor and lots of misbehavior most of which I wouldn't mention here You think it was different with Kavanaugh and his gang?

I remember I met a girl at a party and we hardly said a word. We just started making out. Next thing you know we're having sex back at my place. As soon as I was done I told her to get dressed and I would walk her home. She felt humiliated. Used. I may have even been a little rough. Not violent but I pumped hard and fast.

Long story short she says when I'm being rude to her, "you know I could say you raped me?" And I said, "Good luck with that. I have 3 roommates who all saw you walk back to my room with me"

Anyways, I was a total dick. Not deserving of a false rape charge, but I wouldn't want a man to do that to my daughter. But I'm sure she felt "used, mistreated, humiliated, disrespected, embarrassed..."

Me, I did feel a little bad about it but I moved on. I'm sure she did too but just like I'll never forget that experience, I'm sure neither will she. And I'm sure she remembers it much differently than I do.

I didn't deserve to be falsely accused of rape but I'm sure she was thinking there should be some form of punishment for guys who treat women this way.
Been there done that and when I think of it ,,not often, I feel like shit
I think it happened just as she said, but it wasn't Kavanaugh or Judge.

Two Men Tell Judiciary Committee They Assaulted Christine Ford, Not Kavanaugh

Like I said, I think she got drunkenly groped. I don't think it was Kavanaugh, nor do I think it was anything like as cripplingly traumatic as she likes to pretend.

Perhaps. I do think it might have been if she had not been so inebriated during the incident.

No, it wouldn't have. The truth is that, even today, it's just not that uncommon for women to experience unpleasant, unwelcome physical attentions by dickhead men. I'm not saying that makes it okay; I'm just saying that her alleged "trauma" is far, FAR out-of-proportion to what she described. And I'm saying that, as a woman, I have some basis of experience from which to speak. With all due respect to the "constant victim" brigade of leftist shrews, women aren't that mentally fragile. And with all due respect to men in general, dickhead sexual behavior isn't exactly a huge shock, especially when alcohol is involved.

Also, not only is her "trauma" wildly exaggerated for the incident as she told it, it's also utterly out of kind. Why would being groped by a drunk acquaintance make you feel the need to have a second front door on your house, for God's sake? Or make you claustrophobic around airplanes? Unless you were molested IN an airplane, there's no earthly reason for your reaction to the molestation to involve airplanes, or any other enclosed space. Post-traumatic reactions to an incident usually relate in some way to the incident. Panic attacks at attending parties with men? Okay. I could also see being unable to have sex missionary position because you can't stand having a guy on top of you. Hell, even having a pathological hatred of guys wearing the same cologne as he did. But all of her supposed "trauma" has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual incident.

Well, as I have no direct experience with such things, I'll take your world for it.

I appreciate that. One of my pet peeves about leftist chicks is that their victimhood caterwauling makes it look as though we're all ineffectual, illogical viragos whose mental fortitude has the strength of blown glass.

And honestly, I am trying to remember that all women are not me. I'm not all the easily-rattled, and having already been 5'8" and built like an Amazon by the age of 15, I'd have been more likely to send the guy away injured than to be helpless. I also wouldn't have even considered keeping it quiet, or even considered that there might be any reason to. Back in the 80s, I wouldn't have called the cops over something like this, but I WOULD have told literally everyone I and he knew what an utter creep he was.

So I'll admit it can be hard for me to understand other women's actions and motivations. But I still stand by my statement that women in general just aren't that fragile mentally and emotionally. I can't imagine God would make us that way, when He intended us to have to deal with men. :eusa_angel:
I think she's being honest, but I agree and have thought from the start that the fishiest thing is the strength of her reaction to this incident.
" If the FBI or any law enforcement agency requests Mr. Judge's cooperation, he will answer any and all questions posed to him," Judge's lawyer Barbara Van Gelder told CNBC in an email.
Is there a sworn statement by Mark Judge.
Senate Republican leaders agreed Friday to reopen the FBI background investigation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh after two key Republicans suggested they would not vote to confirm him to the Supreme Court without additional information on his alleged sexual misconduct while he was a teenager.

Senate GOP leaders agree to new FBI investigation of Kavanaugh

I haven't heard yet whether Trump will authorize this.

I hope he doesn't. Democrats have had their way thus far. It's been over two weeks since Kav should have been a Supreme Court judge and now they are stalling this another week.

I also hope Republicans remember this tragedy for a very long time, and make sure if a Democrat President ever gets in again, they make it virtually impossible for that President to have a nominee seated.
Senate Republican leaders agreed Friday to reopen the FBI background investigation of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh after two key Republicans suggested they would not vote to confirm him to the Supreme Court without additional information on his alleged sexual misconduct while he was a teenager.

Senate GOP leaders agree to new FBI investigation of Kavanaugh

I haven't heard yet whether Trump will authorize this.

I hope he doesn't. Democrats have had their way thus far. It's been over two weeks since Kav should have been a Supreme Court judge and now they are stalling this another week.

I also hope Republicans remember this tragedy for a very long time, and make sure if a Democrat President ever gets in again, they make it virtually impossible for that President to have a nominee seated.
The Republicans already did that.
Like I said, I think she got drunkenly groped. I don't think it was Kavanaugh, nor do I think it was anything like as cripplingly traumatic as she likes to pretend.

Perhaps. I do think it might have been if she had not been so inebriated during the incident.

No, it wouldn't have. The truth is that, even today, it's just not that uncommon for women to experience unpleasant, unwelcome physical attentions by dickhead men. I'm not saying that makes it okay; I'm just saying that her alleged "trauma" is far, FAR out-of-proportion to what she described. And I'm saying that, as a woman, I have some basis of experience from which to speak. With all due respect to the "constant victim" brigade of leftist shrews, women aren't that mentally fragile. And with all due respect to men in general, dickhead sexual behavior isn't exactly a huge shock, especially when alcohol is involved.

Also, not only is her "trauma" wildly exaggerated for the incident as she told it, it's also utterly out of kind. Why would being groped by a drunk acquaintance make you feel the need to have a second front door on your house, for God's sake? Or make you claustrophobic around airplanes? Unless you were molested IN an airplane, there's no earthly reason for your reaction to the molestation to involve airplanes, or any other enclosed space. Post-traumatic reactions to an incident usually relate in some way to the incident. Panic attacks at attending parties with men? Okay. I could also see being unable to have sex missionary position because you can't stand having a guy on top of you. Hell, even having a pathological hatred of guys wearing the same cologne as he did. But all of her supposed "trauma" has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual incident.

Well, as I have no direct experience with such things, I'll take your world for it.

I appreciate that. One of my pet peeves about leftist chicks is that their victimhood caterwauling makes it look as though we're all ineffectual, illogical viragos whose mental fortitude has the strength of blown glass.

And honestly, I am trying to remember that all women are not me. I'm not all the easily-rattled, and having already been 5'8" and built like an Amazon by the age of 15, I'd have been more likely to send the guy away injured than to be helpless. I also wouldn't have even considered keeping it quiet, or even considered that there might be any reason to. Back in the 80s, I wouldn't have called the cops over something like this, but I WOULD have told literally everyone I and he knew what an utter creep he was.

So I'll admit it can be hard for me to understand other women's actions and motivations. But I still stand by my statement that women in general just aren't that fragile mentally and emotionally. I can't imagine God would make us that way, when He intended us to have to deal with men. :eusa_angel:
I think she's being honest, but I agree and have thought from the start that the fishiest thing is the strength of her reaction to this incident.

I think she had an incident. I don't think it was with Brett Kavanaugh. I think it got all confused in her head and tangled up with discovering that people would put her on a pedestal and forgive her any behavior she wanted to exhibit because of her "victim" status.

It's not like we haven't seen this phenomenon before.
Unless the roommate actually saw Kavanaugh molest a woman, AND can offer proof, he has nothing relevant to say.

The roommate (and many other people) "saw" a drunken belligerent stumble bum...and that speaks both to his character (or lack of it) and his dishonesty

Opinions vary. I also found Ford dishonest about her "fear of flying". I also don't believe she was really 100% certain it was Kavenaugh.

You want to know what I think happened?

I think she may or may not have gotten drunkenly groped at a party as a teenager. Maybe it was against her will, or maybe it wasn't and then she felt bad about it. I think it was very emotional for her, because teenaged girls are emotion bombs. I absolutely don't believe for a second that it was the horribly scarring trauma she's trying to claim. If women were really that fragile, my entire generation would be completely non-functional.

I think she had a big crush on Brett Kavanaugh at some point, and he wouldn't give her the time of day.

I think in the social circles she ran in, everyone struggles to have some sort of "victim" status, because it has some sort of cachet to it. But what sort of victim status is a white girl from a rich Maryland suburb, who goes to a private prep school and hangs out at the country club, going to claim? So she dredged up this drunken groping incident, and blew it up in her mind into a narrow escape from rape. At some point, it fused with her resentment over her unrequited adolescent crush.

I think she started this out of some long-held pique, and then just got locked into it by the beyond-the-event-horizon frenzy of the left and couldn't back out.

I think it happened just as she said, but it wasn't Kavanaugh or Judge.

Two Men Tell Judiciary Committee They Assaulted Christine Ford, Not Kavanaugh

Like I said, I think she got drunkenly groped. I don't think it was Kavanaugh, nor do I think it was anything like as cripplingly traumatic as she likes to pretend.

You may be correct, but then decided to insert Kavanaugh's name into the scene since she probably didn't know who did jump on her on the bed.

She told her shrink that this happened in 2012, but mentioned no names. That was around the time Romney was running for Prez and it was known he very much liked Kavanaugh for a possible appointment to the court.

I can understand if a girl is attacked and wanted to get away; to another town, across the state, but across the country? I just don't buy that BS.
YES indeed all her "credible" witnesses have made statements that they know of NOTHING that is like or resembles how she said it happened. The local police in Maryland are free to look for Mark Judge to question him. It would be helpful if Dr. Ford and her high powered attorneys actually file a real sexual assault case in Montgomery County Maryland since it is practically down the street from DC. Perhaps Christine Ford could fly there too.

DO THE RIGHT THING FORD...FILE A POLICE REPORT IN THE LOCAL JURISDICTION...could there be something holding her and those high powered lawyers or her brother the lawyer back in a place that has no time limitations on sexual assault reporting? This is Report It To the Police 101 and then the local enforcement and detectives can decide if they need to call in the FBI, just like the tv shows where the cops tell the FBI to back off because they are doing their jobs.

The local police would only do what the FBI did, and that is laugh at her.
Unless the roommate actually saw Kavanaugh molest a woman, AND can offer proof, he has nothing relevant to say.

The roommate (and many other people) "saw" a drunken belligerent stumble bum...and that speaks both to his character (or lack of it) and his dishonesty

Yeah, you know how those drunken Yale bums are.

I drank pretty heavy around that age too. Does that mean I'm guilty of a crime with no evidence just because I liked my beer?
You have proof that he sexually harassed someone? Please show it, or are you also in the camp of guilty before proven innocent?
I have no problem with the local PD or Sheriffs questioning Mark Judge about his recollections. Then the local authorities can bring in the FBI if they need to. There may have been one overly aggressive drunk male back then in Montgomery County, yet I am convinced it is not Brett Kavanaugh. There is something that happened at a party, but not the made up party that Chrisine Ford alleges. I believe Brett Kavanaugh. When watching the testimony of the two, it was Brett Kavanaugh that touched my heart and rang true. It was Christine Ford that looked like and sounded like a liar. It might be helpful to question Mark Judge should it be him or someone he knows. It is dirty tricks on the psycobabble witch's part to drag down Kavanaugh just because you are a feminist California "feminist" activist now.
Parties back when I was in a frat were a girl call ,plenty of drinking by those who could hold their liquor and lots of misbehavior most of which I wouldn't mention here You think it was different with Kavanaugh and his gang?

I remember I met a girl at a party and we hardly said a word. We just started making out. Next thing you know we're having sex back at my place. As soon as I was done I told her to get dressed and I would walk her home. She felt humiliated. Used. I may have even been a little rough. Not violent but I pumped hard and fast.

Long story short she says when I'm being rude to her, "you know I could say you raped me?" And I said, "Good luck with that. I have 3 roommates who all saw you walk back to my room with me"

Anyways, I was a total dick. Not deserving of a false rape charge, but I wouldn't want a man to do that to my daughter. But I'm sure she felt "used, mistreated, humiliated, disrespected, embarrassed..."

Me, I did feel a little bad about it but I moved on. I'm sure she did too but just like I'll never forget that experience, I'm sure neither will she. And I'm sure she remembers it much differently than I do.

I didn't deserve to be falsely accused of rape but I'm sure she was thinking there should be some form of punishment for guys who treat women this way.

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.
Unless the roommate actually saw Kavanaugh molest a woman, AND can offer proof, he has nothing relevant to say.

The roommate (and many other people) "saw" a drunken belligerent stumble bum...and that speaks both to his character (or lack of it) and his dishonesty

Yeah, you know how those drunken Yale bums are.

I drank pretty heavy around that age too. Does that mean I'm guilty of a crime with no evidence just because I liked my beer?
If you were accused of drunkenly assaulting a woman and claimed you never drank to excess...yea...probably and justifiably
No, it wouldn't have. The truth is that, even today, it's just not that uncommon for women to experience unpleasant, unwelcome physical attentions by dickhead men. I'm not saying that makes it okay; I'm just saying that her alleged "trauma" is far, FAR out-of-proportion to what she described. And I'm saying that, as a woman, I have some basis of experience from which to speak. With all due respect to the "constant victim" brigade of leftist shrews, women aren't that mentally fragile. And with all due respect to men in general, dickhead sexual behavior isn't exactly a huge shock, especially when alcohol is involved.

Also, not only is her "trauma" wildly exaggerated for the incident as she told it, it's also utterly out of kind. Why would being groped by a drunk acquaintance make you feel the need to have a second front door on your house, for God's sake?

She was FIFTEEN moron...

An the fact that you are comfortable with being assaulted like that does not make it the norm...or acceptable
You have proof that he sexually harassed someone? Please show it, or are you also in the camp of guilty before proven innocent?
I have no problem with the local PD or Sheriffs questioning Mark Judge about his recollections. Then the local authorities can bring in the FBI if they need to. There may have been one overly aggressive drunk male back then in Montgomery County, yet I am convinced it is not Brett Kavanaugh. There is something that happened at a party, but not the made up party that Chrisine Ford alleges. I believe Brett Kavanaugh. When watching the testimony of the two, it was Brett Kavanaugh that touched my heart and rang true. It was Christine Ford that looked like and sounded like a liar. It might be helpful to question Mark Judge should it be him or someone he knows. It is dirty tricks on the psycobabble witch's part to drag down Kavanaugh just because you are a feminist California "feminist" activist now.
Parties back when I was in a frat were a girl call ,plenty of drinking by those who could hold their liquor and lots of misbehavior most of which I wouldn't mention here You think it was different with Kavanaugh and his gang?

I remember I met a girl at a party and we hardly said a word. We just started making out. Next thing you know we're having sex back at my place. As soon as I was done I told her to get dressed and I would walk her home. She felt humiliated. Used. I may have even been a little rough. Not violent but I pumped hard and fast.

Long story short she says when I'm being rude to her, "you know I could say you raped me?" And I said, "Good luck with that. I have 3 roommates who all saw you walk back to my room with me"

Anyways, I was a total dick. Not deserving of a false rape charge, but I wouldn't want a man to do that to my daughter. But I'm sure she felt "used, mistreated, humiliated, disrespected, embarrassed..."

Me, I did feel a little bad about it but I moved on. I'm sure she did too but just like I'll never forget that experience, I'm sure neither will she. And I'm sure she remembers it much differently than I do.

I didn't deserve to be falsely accused of rape but I'm sure she was thinking there should be some form of punishment for guys who treat women this way.

Five YEARS ago>>

Lucky for you that you just made all that shit up, like everything else you ever post about yourself, liar.

Similarly, this woman made that shit up about K as soon as the DNC check cleared.
Five YEARS ago?
Funny how they identified them hours after.
They had them in their pocket all the time.
Did knees news tell you about he being a Paula jones leaker and acceptor of stolen dem emails?
He's a REPUBS operator

Exactly...and Ed Whelen checked Ford's Linkdn page BEFORE her name was released.

The Kav folks KNEW she was out there and were prepping for this

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