Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

He probably could, however what do you suppose might happen to him afterwards? Death threats to him and his family by leftist kooks? Actually suffering an attack? Being harassed out of restaurants as we’ve seen on a couple of occasions already? Why should he put himself and his family through that? To make leftists happy?

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He is today

So sorry for him. He already admitted to being a whore and a pig. Who cares what happens to him. Poor little whiner. Why don't these people stay home and order take-out? Folks are just telling these types to stay in the gutter where they chose to be. He chose to be this way. Other patrons of these restaurants are not being ordered out.

If that isn't a leftist Nazi reply, I don't know what is.

Tell him to stay home if he doesn't want us threatening his life and bothering him at restaurants. After all, we liberals own this country, and you need our permission if you want to leave your very own home.

It's time to divide this country right down the middle: liberals on one side and conservatives on the other. My life could never get better than to never put up with a liberal again.

So this little piggy got told something a restaurant. So what? Nobody threatened him or the woman he screws at this restaurant.

BTW: it was "conservatives," "evangelicals" who made sex into some dirty thing. The rest of us didn't. Don't know why you "evangelicals" did this. You made sex dirty. To the rest of us, sex is natural, part of the human condition and part of love. Why did you people choose to dip us all in shit?

When you hassle people to the point they can't enjoy their meal, it's harassment.

I swear it's impossible to deal with liberals because they all have minds of children.

You're giving them too much credit. They have the minds of hyenas.
I think that the best way to end the gridlock is for the local jurisdiction detectives in Maryland to QUESTION the friend Mark Judge based on Dr. Ford's accusations today. The Sheriffs, PD or whatever can call in the FBI if unsatisfied after questioning Mark Judge. This is almost a cold case really. It may be a short and sweet interrogation and the results can be submitted to the Senate committee quickly. WHY REALLY do the DIMS want the FBI so bad? Could it be the infinite rabbit hole that the FBI could out an investigation through especially if a corrupt FBI. Others can investigate and Mark Judge could even be subpoenaed into another senate committee hearing. I believe Brett Kavanaugh, it is clear that Dr. Ford is a puppet yet obvious she has some psychological issues. I do think she has a gripe against somebody and that might be Mark Judge. In addition there needs to be investigations of the accusers. What is with the bathing suit thing also? was she swimming at a pool with some boys?
Your guys have a history of legislating from the bench, it's just you're afraid somebody on the right may do it right back to you.
Damn this is so painfully stupid and ass backwards. Republicans freely admit they appoint and prefer activist judges. It's literally a point of pride for your masters. How can you say this nonsense with a straight face? Oh, that's right, you believe any steaming pile that anyone pinches off.

So name me one time a conservative judge legislated from the bench.

You don't get it. Republicans have NEVER "admitted they appoint and prefer activist judges". Fort SCREECHES it over and over, we tell him he's full of shit, and he says, "See? You admit it!"

Either that or he doesn't understand what legislating from the bench means. Kind of like when that federal judge in Hawaii stopped Trump from his ban on people from certain countries. Giving the President those abilities was passed by Congress many years ago. This judge ignored that law and decided to stop Trump anyway.

That's Judicial Legislation.
I think that the best way to end the gridlock is for the local jurisdiction detectives in Maryland to QUESTION the friend Mark Judge based on Dr. Ford's accusations today. The Sheriffs, PD or whatever can call in the FBI if unsatisfied after questioning Mark Judge. This is almost a cold case really. It may be a short and sweet interrogation and the results can be submitted to the Senate committee quickly. WHY REALLY do the DIMS want the FBI so bad? Could it be the infinite rabbit hole that the FBI could out an investigation through especially if a corrupt FBI. Others can investigate and Mark Judge could even be subpoenaed into another senate committee hearing. I believe Brett Kavanaugh, it is clear that Dr. Ford is a puppet yet obvious she has some psychological issues. I do think she has a gripe against somebody and that might be Mark Judge. In addition there needs to be investigations of the accusers.

All they want to do is stall more.

You can have the FBI investigate, have Kavaneuh take a lie detector test, and the left would still be crying that Kavanaugh is a mad pervert able to control himself when he wants.
All they want to do is stall more.
Ray do you understand how the devil works? The Dims will carry on ad naseum about "no investigation" and I predict that one look at awful MSNBC will back up my claim. The Devil must seem righteous. The Senate can say hey we know that the local detectives did question Mark Judge and that will SHUT the DIMS UP. In addition, Christine's bad acting job makes me sick and I want to feel better soon. ALL women will be shocked by a vote tomorrow. They can vote next week after throwing crumbs to the Democrats.
All they want to do is stall more.
Ray do you understand how the devil works? The Dims will carry on ad naseum about "no investigation" and I predict that one look at awful MSNBC will back up my claim. The Devil must seem righteous. The Senate can say hey we know that the local detectives did question Mark Judge and that will SHUT the DIMS UP. In addition, Christine's bad acting job makes me sick and I want to feel better soon. ALL women will be shocked by a vote tomorrow. They can vote next week after throwing crumbs to the Democrats.

Of course I know that's how the devil works. Democrats always side with evil.

Police or criminals? Democrats side with criminals.

Jews or Palestinians? Democrats side with Palestinians.

Military or terrorists? Democrats side with the terrorists.

Disarm the public so they can't defend themselves from criminals, or arm citizens so they can? Disarm the public so everybody is a victim.
Your guys have a history of legislating from the bench, it's just you're afraid somebody on the right may do it right back to you.
Damn this is so painfully stupid and ass backwards. Republicans freely admit they appoint and prefer activist judges. It's literally a point of pride for your masters. How can you say this nonsense with a straight face? Oh, that's right, you believe any steaming pile that anyone pinches off.

So name me one time a conservative judge legislated from the bench.
Why? So you can dismiss factual evidence and then dance and prance and preen and declare victory?, waste someone else's time.
Your guys have a history of legislating from the bench, it's just you're afraid somebody on the right may do it right back to you.
Damn this is so painfully stupid and ass backwards. Republicans freely admit they appoint and prefer activist judges. It's literally a point of pride for your masters. How can you say this nonsense with a straight face? Oh, that's right, you believe any steaming pile that anyone pinches off.

So name me one time a conservative judge legislated from the bench.
Why? So you can dismiss factual evidence and then dance and prance and preen and declare victory?, waste someone else's time.

I don't expect you to spend a day or so researching it. But you came up with an accusation that conservative judges make laws from the bench. I assumed you had something in mind when you said it. I guess not.....huh?
I'd love to see them question Mark Judge...but he's hiding

I'd love to see them question the Kav's college room mate...but they are afraid to

I'd love to see them question the Kav's college room mate..

About what?
ABout who/what Kavanaugh was...

HE claimed to have been a saint in high school and college.

His room mate remembers a blackout drunk belligerent

HE claimed to have been a saint in high school and college.

That doesn't prove any of these women are telling the truth.

His room mate remembers a blackout drunk belligerent

OMG! So fucking what?

Unless the roommate actually saw Kavanaugh molest a woman, AND can offer proof, he has nothing relevant to say.

They just hope somebody will say something negative about Kavanaugh.
Unless the roommate actually saw Kavanaugh molest a woman, AND can offer proof, he has nothing relevant to say.

The roommate (and many other people) "saw" a drunken belligerent stumble bum...and that speaks both to his character (or lack of it) and his dishonesty
Unless the roommate actually saw Kavanaugh molest a woman, AND can offer proof, he has nothing relevant to say.

The roommate (and many other people) "saw" a drunken belligerent stumble bum...and that speaks both to his character (or lack of it) and his dishonesty

Opinions vary. I also found Ford dishonest about her "fear of flying". I also don't believe she was really 100% certain it was Kavenaugh.
YES indeed all her "credible" witnesses have made statements that they know of NOTHING that is like or resembles how she said it happened. The local police in Maryland are free to look for Mark Judge to question him. It would be helpful if Dr. Ford and her high powered attorneys actually file a real sexual assault case in Montgomery County Maryland since it is practically down the street from DC. Perhaps Christine Ford could fly there too.

DO THE RIGHT THING FORD...FILE A POLICE REPORT IN THE LOCAL JURISDICTION...could there be something holding her and those high powered lawyers or her brother the lawyer back in a place that has no time limitations on sexual assault reporting? This is Report It To the Police 101 and then the local enforcement and detectives can decide if they need to call in the FBI, just like the tv shows where the cops tell the FBI to back off because they are doing their jobs.
Your guys have a history of legislating from the bench, it's just you're afraid somebody on the right may do it right back to you.
Damn this is so painfully stupid and ass backwards. Republicans freely admit they appoint and prefer activist judges. It's literally a point of pride for your masters. How can you say this nonsense with a straight face? Oh, that's right, you believe any steaming pile that anyone pinches off.

So name me one time a conservative judge legislated from the bench.
Why? So you can dismiss factual evidence and then dance and prance and preen and declare victory?, waste someone else's time.

In other words, you don't have shit, and you're too dishonest to admit it.
according to her testimony, after the incident, she sank into a miasma of gloom. she was too despondent to get out of bed. she began sobbing on the floor of her bathroom for hours on end. if thats the case, why didnt she cry in court yesterday in the hearing i mean?
Unless the roommate actually saw Kavanaugh molest a woman, AND can offer proof, he has nothing relevant to say.

The roommate (and many other people) "saw" a drunken belligerent stumble bum...and that speaks both to his character (or lack of it) and his dishonesty

Opinions vary. I also found Ford dishonest about her "fear of flying". I also don't believe she was really 100% certain it was Kavenaugh.

You want to know what I think happened?

I think she may or may not have gotten drunkenly groped at a party as a teenager. Maybe it was against her will, or maybe it wasn't and then she felt bad about it. I think it was very emotional for her, because teenaged girls are emotion bombs. I absolutely don't believe for a second that it was the horribly scarring trauma she's trying to claim. If women were really that fragile, my entire generation would be completely non-functional.

I think she had a big crush on Brett Kavanaugh at some point, and he wouldn't give her the time of day.

I think in the social circles she ran in, everyone struggles to have some sort of "victim" status, because it has some sort of cachet to it. But what sort of victim status is a white girl from a rich Maryland suburb, who goes to a private prep school and hangs out at the country club, going to claim? So she dredged up this drunken groping incident, and blew it up in her mind into a narrow escape from rape. At some point, it fused with her resentment over her unrequited adolescent crush.

I think she started this out of some long-held pique, and then just got locked into it by the beyond-the-event-horizon frenzy of the left and couldn't back out.
I think that the best way to end the gridlock is for the local jurisdiction detectives in Maryland to QUESTION the friend Mark Judge based on Dr. Ford's accusations today. The Sheriffs, PD or whatever can call in the FBI if unsatisfied after questioning Mark Judge. This is almost a cold case really. It may be a short and sweet interrogation and the results can be submitted to the Senate committee quickly. WHY REALLY do the DIMS want the FBI so bad? Could it be the infinite rabbit hole that the FBI could out an investigation through especially if a corrupt FBI. Others can investigate and Mark Judge could even be subpoenaed into another senate committee hearing. I believe Brett Kavanaugh, it is clear that Dr. Ford is a puppet yet obvious she has some psychological issues. I do think she has a gripe against somebody and that might be Mark Judge. In addition there needs to be investigations of the accusers. What is with the bathing suit thing also? was she swimming at a pool with some boys?
She had a high school crush on Kavanaugh. He never knew who she was. She never got invited to their parties. She nursed her hurt all these years.
Unless the roommate actually saw Kavanaugh molest a woman, AND can offer proof, he has nothing relevant to say.

The roommate (and many other people) "saw" a drunken belligerent stumble bum...and that speaks both to his character (or lack of it) and his dishonesty

Opinions vary. I also found Ford dishonest about her "fear of flying". I also don't believe she was really 100% certain it was Kavenaugh.

You want to know what I think happened?

I think she may or may not have gotten drunkenly groped at a party as a teenager. Maybe it was against her will, or maybe it wasn't and then she felt bad about it. I think it was very emotional for her, because teenaged girls are emotion bombs. I absolutely don't believe for a second that it was the horribly scarring trauma she's trying to claim. If women were really that fragile, my entire generation would be completely non-functional.

I think she had a big crush on Brett Kavanaugh at some point, and he wouldn't give her the time of day.

I think in the social circles she ran in, everyone struggles to have some sort of "victim" status, because it has some sort of cachet to it. But what sort of victim status is a white girl from a rich Maryland suburb, who goes to a private prep school and hangs out at the country club, going to claim? So she dredged up this drunken groping incident, and blew it up in her mind into a narrow escape from rape. At some point, it fused with her resentment over her unrequited adolescent crush.

I think she started this out of some long-held pique, and then just got locked into it by the beyond-the-event-horizon frenzy of the left and couldn't back out.

I think it happened just as she said, but it wasn't Kavanaugh or Judge.

Two Men Tell Judiciary Committee They Assaulted Christine Ford, Not Kavanaugh
Unless the roommate actually saw Kavanaugh molest a woman, AND can offer proof, he has nothing relevant to say.

The roommate (and many other people) "saw" a drunken belligerent stumble bum...and that speaks both to his character (or lack of it) and his dishonesty

Opinions vary. I also found Ford dishonest about her "fear of flying". I also don't believe she was really 100% certain it was Kavenaugh.

You want to know what I think happened?

I think she may or may not have gotten drunkenly groped at a party as a teenager. Maybe it was against her will, or maybe it wasn't and then she felt bad about it. I think it was very emotional for her, because teenaged girls are emotion bombs. I absolutely don't believe for a second that it was the horribly scarring trauma she's trying to claim. If women were really that fragile, my entire generation would be completely non-functional.

I think she had a big crush on Brett Kavanaugh at some point, and he wouldn't give her the time of day.

I think in the social circles she ran in, everyone struggles to have some sort of "victim" status, because it has some sort of cachet to it. But what sort of victim status is a white girl from a rich Maryland suburb, who goes to a private prep school and hangs out at the country club, going to claim? So she dredged up this drunken groping incident, and blew it up in her mind into a narrow escape from rape. At some point, it fused with her resentment over her unrequited adolescent crush.

I think she started this out of some long-held pique, and then just got locked into it by the beyond-the-event-horizon frenzy of the left and couldn't back out.

I think it happened just as she said, but it wasn't Kavanaugh or Judge.

Two Men Tell Judiciary Committee They Assaulted Christine Ford, Not Kavanaugh

Like I said, I think she got drunkenly groped. I don't think it was Kavanaugh, nor do I think it was anything like as cripplingly traumatic as she likes to pretend.

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