Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

One things for sure....if the Left gets their way and disposes of Kavanaugh, not only will they be laughing for years to come......
This will justify future liars to come forth and testify and swear under similar absolutely meaningless oaths
The ONLY serious repercussion they will face is a few complaints on a couple of forums, while the media proclaims them "heroes". Then it'll fade away. They know it.

Plus the Left will have totally re-written their play book to enjoy more of their "winning strategy" on everyone they oppose going forward.

This is a strategy the Right could never and would never even think about doing. Advantage DEMS.

Evil has a way of getting the best of things because they don't have any rules they have to adhere to.

The Constitution authors had no concept of the pervasiveness, depth and depravity of modern Dem evil

Democrats are like dictators. You can vote all you like, but Dems believe they own this country.

If they don't like something you propose, they will shut down the government and have their attack dogs in the MSM lie about it saying it's the Republicans fault.

If they don't like a presidential policy, send their commie judges to stop it.

If you don't agree with them on certain situations, they will riot in the street, burn down buildings and attack our police officers.

Like I said......dictators. They refuse to hand the power to the American people that decide how we want our country led.
Your guys have a history of legislating from the bench, it's just you're afraid somebody on the right may do it right back to you.
Damn this is so painfully stupid and ass backwards. Republicans freely admit they appoint and prefer activist judges. It's literally a point of pride for your masters. How can you say this nonsense with a straight face? Oh, that's right, you believe any steaming pile that anyone pinches off.

So name me one time a conservative judge legislated from the bench.
This mark judge has been so vocal about his background and his experiences at Georgetown Prep in the past. So why won't he come forward now and tell the country what he knows? The people in Congress with subpoena power should use it. Mark talked before. Why not now, when it matters? By his own mouth, he appears to be a free-booze, free sex guy. Not a great reputation. And he has spoken as to being present. So why can't he raise his hand, take the oath, and testify?

He probably could, however what do you suppose might happen to him afterwards? Death threats to him and his family by leftist kooks? Actually suffering an attack? Being harassed out of restaurants as we’ve seen on a couple of occasions already? Why should he put himself and his family through that? To make leftists happy?

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He is today

So sorry for him. He already admitted to being a whore and a pig. Who cares what happens to him. Poor little whiner. Why don't these people stay home and order take-out? Folks are just telling these types to stay in the gutter where they chose to be. He chose to be this way. Other patrons of these restaurants are not being ordered out.

If that isn't a leftist Nazi reply, I don't know what is.

Tell him to stay home if he doesn't want us threatening his life and bothering him at restaurants. After all, we liberals own this country, and you need our permission if you want to leave your very own home.

It's time to divide this country right down the middle: liberals on one side and conservatives on the other. My life could never get better than to never put up with a liberal again.

So this little piggy got told something a restaurant. So what? Nobody threatened him or the woman he screws at this restaurant.

BTW: it was "conservatives," "evangelicals" who made sex into some dirty thing. The rest of us didn't. Don't know why you "evangelicals" did this. You made sex dirty. To the rest of us, sex is natural, part of the human condition and part of love. Why did you people choose to dip us all in shit?
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What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?

That could be said about 100 other candidates for this position.

Why are we considering this drunken belligerent frat boy?

Because we know he's a brilliant judge and don't know the rest of your screed.
This mark judge has been so vocal about his background and his experiences at Georgetown Prep in the past. So why won't he come forward now and tell the country what he knows? The people in Congress with subpoena power should use it. Mark talked before. Why not now, when it matters? By his own mouth, he appears to be a free-booze, free sex guy. Not a great reputation. And he has spoken as to being present. So why can't he raise his hand, take the oath, and testify?

He probably could, however what do you suppose might happen to him afterwards? Death threats to him and his family by leftist kooks? Actually suffering an attack? Being harassed out of restaurants as we’ve seen on a couple of occasions already? Why should he put himself and his family through that? To make leftists happy?

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He is today

So sorry for him. He already admitted to being a whore and a pig. Who cares what happens to him. Poor little whiner. Why don't these people stay home and order take-out? Folks are just telling these types to stay in the gutter where they chose to be. He chose to be this way. Other patrons of these restaurants are not being ordered out.

If that isn't a leftist Nazi reply, I don't know what is.

Tell him to stay home if he doesn't want us threatening his life and bothering him at restaurants. After all, we liberals own this country, and you need our permission if you want to leave your very own home.

It's time to divide this country right down the middle: liberals on one side and conservatives on the other. My life could never get better than to never put up with a liberal again.

So this little piggy got told something a restaurant. So what? Nobody threatened him or the woman he screws at this restaurant.

BTW: it was "conservatives," "evangelicals" who made sex into some dirty thing. The rest of us didn't. Don't know why you "evangelicals" did this. You made sex dirty. To the rest of us, sex is natural, part of the human condition and part of love. Why did you people choose to dip us all in shit?

When you hassle people to the point they can't enjoy their meal, it's harassment.

I swear it's impossible to deal with liberals because they all have minds of children.
If the democrats act like this over Kavanaugh, what will they do when Thomas retires or Ginsburg dies?

The answer is to vote every democrat out of office. All of them that aren't chased and marginalized at the coasts.

The Democrats expect us to believe that if Trump pulls his nomination, that will be the end of this. The sad truth is that if we let Democrats get away this time, it will only be the beginning.
We didn’t fight Gorsuch like this because he wasn’t such a far right leaning tool like kav. Kav isn’t at all moderate.

We fucked up losing 2016

No Republican has ever tried to pull a stunt like this before. I think they will in the future. This has nothing to do with Kavanaugh, it has to do with having a constitutional leaning court, and they are willing to destroy anybody to stop it.

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The right did not use a sexual assault charge - that is true. Instead, because they had the power, they simply refused to appoint a judge at all. Both sides have been playing partisan games with the court for some time.

Sorry, but refusing to hold a vote he was going to lose anyway is well within the rules AND within decent behavior, however much it might have been playing hardball. THIS farrago, on the other hand, is something else entirely.
The two other people "in the room" deny it happened.
So? They are the accused.
The two other people she named deny being at a party with Kavanaugh.
No, they deny remembering being there. .

So? They are the accused.

So? She has no backup.

No, they deny remembering being there.

4 people, still no backup.
Is that because she was such a heavy drinker?
Is that why she can't remember the house? Or the year?

Or who drove her home, one assumes in a shaken and tearful state, given the level of "trauma" she keeps claiming.
So? She has no backup.
Actually, she now has 4 people backing her up. You might want to go read up before commenting again.

And similar accusations from other victims is also "backup"...maybe you weren't aware of those other accusers, either.

And I think you forgot to type your admission that you keep misrepresenting the people who deny memory of the parties.

No, she doesn't. She has four people who claim she told them something 30 years later. She has diddly-squat actually corroborating her story.

Talk about misrepresenting.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

Julie Swetnick Accuses Brett Kavanaugh Of Sexual Misconduct, Alleges He Was Present During ‘Gang Rape’
The announcement from her lawyer Michael Avenatti came after a second set of sexual misconduct allegations were leveled against the Supreme Court pick earlier this week.

marking the third woman to come forward with claims against the Supreme Court nominee in just over a week.

In a sworn declaration, Swetnick — a Washington, D.C., resident — said she was a “victim of one of these ‘gang’ or ‘train’ rapes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present” at a party in D.C. in approximately 1982.

“During the incident, I was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys raping me,” she wrote, noting that she shared what happened with “at least two other people” shortly after the incident. “I believe I was drugged using Quaaludes or something similar placed in what I was drinking.”

she said at these parties she began to notice Judge, Kavanaugh and others would attempt to “‘spike’ the ‘punch’ at house parties I attended with drugs and/or grain alcohol so as to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say ‘No.’”

Kavanaugh and Judge, she said, would “‘target’ particular girls … it was usually a girl that was especially vulnerable because she was alone at the party or shy.” She said she has a “firm recollection” of seeing boys ― including Judge and Kavanaugh ― “lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room.”

Kavanaugh told Fox News. “I did not have sexual intercourse, or anything close to sexual intercourse, in high school or many years thereafter.”

Just keeps getting worse. We need a lie detector.

Julie Swetnick Accuses Brett Kavanaugh Of Sexual Misconduct, Alleges He Was Present During 'Gang Rape' | HuffPost

she said at these parties she began to notice Judge, Kavanaugh and others would attempt to “‘spike’ the ‘punch’ at house parties I attended with drugs and/or grain alcohol so as to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say ‘No.’”

She saw this happening at parties but kept going back until she was raped.....or
she was raped, kept going back to these parties where she saw this happening.
And never told the police....or anyone.

She sounds mentally unbalanced.

Which certainly coincides with what people say about her.
Mark Judge will likely now be subpoenaed. Let's see if he is willing to go to jail for Kavanaugh....

Why would they subpoena him? He said he never seen Kavanaugh do anything like that. Nothing more to say at this point.

True. What the hell would you ask him after that point? Not like there are any details to pin him down with.
I'd love to see them question Mark Judge...but he's hiding

I'd love to see them question the Kav's college room mate...but they are afraid to

I'd love to see them question the Kav's college room mate..

About what?
ABout who/what Kavanaugh was...

HE claimed to have been a saint in high school and college.

His room mate remembers a blackout drunk belligerent

HE claimed to have been a saint in high school and college.

That doesn't prove any of these women are telling the truth.

His room mate remembers a blackout drunk belligerent

OMG! So fucking what?

Unless the roommate actually saw Kavanaugh molest a woman, AND can offer proof, he has nothing relevant to say.
So, they will not allow Ford to call witnesses. Why? Because one witness Americans would want Kavanaugh to call is a fellow attempted rapist who refused to testify .

So, what do cheaters do? They throw their little fit and say "No witnesses for anyone, then!"

They aren't allowing her to call "witnesses", because she doesn't have anyone to call who is an actual witness. No one wants to waste time hearing, "It must be true, because she told me about it 30 years later."
I think that the best way to end the gridlock is for the local jurisdiction detectives in Maryland to QUESTION the friend Mark Judge based on Dr. Ford's accusations today. The Sheriffs, PD or whatever can call in the FBI if unsatisfied after questioning Mark Judge. This is almost a cold case really. It may be a short and sweet interrogation and the results can be submitted to the Senate committee quickly. WHY REALLY do the DIMS want the FBI so bad? Could it be the infinite rabbit hole that the FBI could out an investigation through especially if a corrupt FBI. Others can investigate and Mark Judge could even be subpoenaed into another senate committee hearing. I believe Brett Kavanaugh, it is clear that Dr. Ford is a puppet yet obvious she has some psychological issues. I do think she has a gripe against somebody and that might be Mark Judge.
You actually think the repubs are going to wait for the cops to question Judge?
Your guys have a history of legislating from the bench, it's just you're afraid somebody on the right may do it right back to you.
Damn this is so painfully stupid and ass backwards. Republicans freely admit they appoint and prefer activist judges. It's literally a point of pride for your masters. How can you say this nonsense with a straight face? Oh, that's right, you believe any steaming pile that anyone pinches off.

So name me one time a conservative judge legislated from the bench.

You don't get it. Republicans have NEVER "admitted they appoint and prefer activist judges". Fort SCREECHES it over and over, we tell him he's full of shit, and he says, "See? You admit it!"

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