Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Interesting to see their reaction to that. Thus far it's crickets, whereas the response was immediate and shrill if anyone so much as said Kavenaugh farted in their general direction when he was 5.

And then we have a right wing pundit claiming she mistook the Kav for some school teacher...wit absolutely no evidence other than made up nonsense
This mark judge has been so vocal about his background and his experiences at Georgetown Prep in the past. So why won't he come forward now and tell the country what he knows? The people in Congress with subpoena power should use it. Mark talked before. Why not now, when it matters? By his own mouth, he appears to be a free-booze, free sex guy. Not a great reputation. And he has spoken as to being present. So why can't he raise his hand, take the oath, and testify?

He probably could, however what do you suppose might happen to him afterwards? Death threats to him and his family by leftist kooks? Actually suffering an attack? Being harassed out of restaurants as we’ve seen on a couple of occasions already? Why should he put himself and his family through that? To make leftists happy?

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Awww...poor Mark Judge. He's pretty well documented his own life as a major POS. He should be forced to testify.
And the two supposed idiots who BOTH claim to be the guy who attacked her?

Jesus...the desperation is so think here.

WHO were they? Why are they not testifying.

We clearly need an independent investigation.

Relying on the GOP committee to "investigate" when they have already said this is nothing but a formality and that they will confirm Kav no matter what is just plain bullshit

No one, and I mean no one, attends these kind of parties after being gang raped.

But this "witness" claims she returned TEN TIMES!

This is the ultimate you can't make this up shit.
Maybe she was raped the last time. Did she say when she was raped? But I agree if you saw others being raped, why would you go back to that party?

We need to hook these mother fuckers up to lie detectors. Anyone object to Kav and Judge being given lie detectors? I mean besides Kav and Judge.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.

A two question polygraph and one question is 'Are you lying'? Stupid.
She testified that the procedure took a long time and she had to reiterate her life.

It makes me question if the report is being read correctly here.

No one, and I mean no one, attends these kind of parties after being gang raped.

But this "witness" claims she returned TEN TIMES!

This is the ultimate you can't make this up shit.
Maybe she was raped the last time. Did she say when she was raped? But I agree if you saw others being raped, why would you go back to that party?

We need to hook these mother fuckers up to lie detectors. Anyone object to Kav and Judge being given lie detectors? I mean besides Kav and Judge.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.

A two question polygraph and one question is 'Are you lying'? Stupid.

One alleged victim, Deborah Ramirez, told lawmakers that Kavanaugh thrust his penis in her face, forcing her to touch it, during his freshman year at the prestigious university. Kavanaugh’s mostly Republican backers have tried to cast doubt on Ramirez’s allegations, arguing that if such an incident really did occur, she would have reported it at the time.

But former students who overlapped with Kavanaugh at Yale describe the university in the 1980s as a place where being a female student still felt like a privilege, not a right; where heavy drinking was commonplace; where women felt they were expected to put up with bad behavior from men; and where certain privileged groups of men seemed able to get away with anything.

“I did not have sexual intercourse, or anything close to sexual intercourse, in high school or for many years thereafter.” But several of Kavanaugh’s former classmates at Yale describe him and his fraternity brothers as heavy drinkers who were aggressive toward women when drunk.

In his second year at Yale, Kavanaugh joined Delta Kappa Epsilon, a fraternity known on campus for mistreating women. Greek life was only beginning to make a comeback at the university at that time, and joining a fraternity was an unusual move. Pledging DKE was “a step out of the mainstream,” said one woman who graduated in 1985 and requested anonymity to speak frankly about her experiences at Yale. “The guys from DKE were pigs. Horrible men. This is the sort of people [with whom] he elected to surround himself,” she said, referring to Kavanaugh.

And of course this is the kind of man Trump would appoint.

No one, and I mean no one, attends these kind of parties after being gang raped.

But this "witness" claims she returned TEN TIMES!

This is the ultimate you can't make this up shit.
Maybe she was raped the last time. Did she say when she was raped? But I agree if you saw others being raped, why would you go back to that party?

We need to hook these mother fuckers up to lie detectors. Anyone object to Kav and Judge being given lie detectors? I mean besides Kav and Judge.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.
These women are not making this stuff up. I believe it as much as you believe Bill Clinton accusers. The democrats did not go out and find 4 people to lie about this guy.

We nominated Gorsucks so please go find another reasonable person to sit on the highest court. This guys a freak. We don't need this kind of mind sitting on the highest court in our land. What the rest of the world is thinking right now.

His judicial decisions, ie, his "kind of mind" are widely respected.
By rwnj's only. Not moderates independents or liberals.

No one, and I mean no one, attends these kind of parties after being gang raped.

But this "witness" claims she returned TEN TIMES!

This is the ultimate you can't make this up shit.
Maybe she was raped the last time. Did she say when she was raped? But I agree if you saw others being raped, why would you go back to that party?

We need to hook these mother fuckers up to lie detectors. Anyone object to Kav and Judge being given lie detectors? I mean besides Kav and Judge.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.
These women are not making this stuff up. I believe it as much as you believe Bill Clinton accusers. The democrats did not go out and find 4 people to lie about this guy.

We nominated Gorsucks so please go find another reasonable person to sit on the highest court. This guys a freak. We don't need this kind of mind sitting on the highest court in our land. What the rest of the world is thinking right now.

His judicial decisions, ie, his "kind of mind" are widely respected.
Yea, and that says a lot about their character too.
Awww...poor Mark Judge. He's pretty well documented his own life as a major POS. He should be forced to testify.
And the two supposed idiots who BOTH claim to be the guy who attacked her?

Jesus...the desperation is so think here.

WHO were they? Why are they not testifying.

We clearly need an independent investigation.

Relying on the GOP committee to "investigate" when they have already said this is nothing but a formality and that they will confirm Kav no matter what is just plain bullshit

You can’t force anybody to testify. This is not a court of law. It’s a hearing where the goal is to determine if Kavanaugh is worthy to be a justice on the Supreme Court. He already said he doesn’t know WTF this woman is talking about.

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One things for sure....if the Left gets their way and disposes of Kavanaugh, not only will they be laughing for years to come......
This will justify future liars to come forth and testify and swear under similar absolutely meaningless oaths
The ONLY serious repercussion they will face is a few complaints on a couple of forums, while the media proclaims them "heroes". Then it'll fade away. They know it.

Plus the Left will have totally re-written their play book to enjoy more of their "winning strategy" on everyone they oppose going forward.

This is a strategy the Right could never and would never even think about doing. Advantage DEMS.

Evil has a way of getting the best of things because they don't have any rules they have to adhere to.

The Constitution authors had no concept of the pervasiveness, depth and depravity of modern Dem evil
Interesting to see their reaction to that. Thus far it's crickets, whereas the response was immediate and shrill if anyone so much as said Kavenaugh farted in their general direction when he was 5.

And then we have a right wing pundit claiming she mistook the Kav for some school teacher...wit absolutely no evidence other than made up nonsense

wit absolutely no evidence other than made up nonsense

This is outrageous!!!!

Only those on the left can make claims with absolutely no evidence.

No one, and I mean no one, attends these kind of parties after being gang raped.

But this "witness" claims she returned TEN TIMES!

This is the ultimate you can't make this up shit.
Maybe she was raped the last time. Did she say when she was raped? But I agree if you saw others being raped, why would you go back to that party?

We need to hook these mother fuckers up to lie detectors. Anyone object to Kav and Judge being given lie detectors? I mean besides Kav and Judge.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.

A two question polygraph and one question is 'Are you lying'? Stupid.
She testified that the procedure took a long time and she had to reiterate her life.

It makes me question if the report is being read correctly here.

Hopefully they'll go further into that.
Interesting to see their reaction to that. Thus far it's crickets, whereas the response was immediate and shrill if anyone so much as said Kavenaugh farted in their general direction when he was 5.

And then we have a right wing pundit claiming she mistook the Kav for some school teacher...wit absolutely no evidence other than made up nonsense

wit absolutely no evidence other than made up nonsense

This is outrageous!!!!

Only those on the left can make claims with absolutely no evidence.

And we have a totally fucked up system that allows them to use this as a winning strategy

Just like our border problem the same with these hearings, as long as there are no real consequences for illegal and immoral actions, they will just keep crossing the line and laughing about it

The more of this I see, the more I'm convinced there is a definite side of pure evil being served up by Dems today.
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This mark judge has been so vocal about his background and his experiences at Georgetown Prep in the past. So why won't he come forward now and tell the country what he knows? The people in Congress with subpoena power should use it. Mark talked before. Why not now, when it matters? By his own mouth, he appears to be a free-booze, free sex guy. Not a great reputation. And he has spoken as to being present. So why can't he raise his hand, take the oath, and testify?

He probably could, however what do you suppose might happen to him afterwards? Death threats to him and his family by leftist kooks? Actually suffering an attack? Being harassed out of restaurants as we’ve seen on a couple of occasions already? Why should he put himself and his family through that? To make leftists happy?

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He is today

No one, and I mean no one, attends these kind of parties after being gang raped.

But this "witness" claims she returned TEN TIMES!

This is the ultimate you can't make this up shit.
Maybe she was raped the last time. Did she say when she was raped? But I agree if you saw others being raped, why would you go back to that party?

We need to hook these mother fuckers up to lie detectors. Anyone object to Kav and Judge being given lie detectors? I mean besides Kav and Judge.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.

A two question polygraph and one question is 'Are you lying'? Stupid.
She testified that the procedure took a long time and she had to reiterate her life.

It makes me question if the report is being read correctly here.

Ford's Lawyers Just Released Her Polygraph Report. The Internet Has Questions.
Interesting to see their reaction to that. Thus far it's crickets, whereas the response was immediate and shrill if anyone so much as said Kavenaugh farted in their general direction when he was 5.

And then we have a right wing pundit claiming she mistook the Kav for some school teacher...wit absolutely no evidence other than made up nonsense

wit absolutely no evidence other than made up nonsense

This is outrageous!!!!

Only those on the left can make claims with absolutely no evidence.

And we have a totally fucked up system that allows them to use this as a winning strategy

Just like our border problem the same with these hearings, as long as there are no real consequences for illegal and immoral actions, they will just keep crossing the line and laughing about it

The more of this I see, the more I'm convinced there is a definite side of pure evil being served up by Dems today.

Pure evil is people that believe other people are evil when they do not get what they want.

No one, and I mean no one, attends these kind of parties after being gang raped.

But this "witness" claims she returned TEN TIMES!

This is the ultimate you can't make this up shit.
Maybe she was raped the last time. Did she say when she was raped? But I agree if you saw others being raped, why would you go back to that party?

We need to hook these mother fuckers up to lie detectors. Anyone object to Kav and Judge being given lie detectors? I mean besides Kav and Judge.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.

A two question polygraph and one question is 'Are you lying'? Stupid.
She testified that the procedure took a long time and she had to reiterate her life.

It makes me question if the report is being read correctly here.

Ford's Lawyers Just Released Her Polygraph Report. The Internet Has Questions.

I'm noticing all of the sudden Republicans aren't so quick to call these women liars. It turns out Kav was a wild frat boy who liked to attack women and shove his privates in their faces.

To be honest, that could have been me in college. I would never hold a woman down and cover her mouth but pearl harbor her with my dick? Sure why not. That's some funny shit.

And I wonder if back then they ever joked or wondered if this stuff they did would ever come back to haunt them or stop them from being POTUS or sitting on the SCOTUS. I remember doing wild things and thinking, "boy, I can never be president now". Well little did he know one day a reality tv star and fake billionaire would become POTUS and nominate him to the SCOTUS.

No one, and I mean no one, attends these kind of parties after being gang raped.

But this "witness" claims she returned TEN TIMES!

This is the ultimate you can't make this up shit.
Maybe she was raped the last time. Did she say when she was raped? But I agree if you saw others being raped, why would you go back to that party?

We need to hook these mother fuckers up to lie detectors. Anyone object to Kav and Judge being given lie detectors? I mean besides Kav and Judge.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.
These women are not making this stuff up. I believe it as much as you believe Bill Clinton accusers. The democrats did not go out and find 4 people to lie about this guy.

We nominated Gorsucks so please go find another reasonable person to sit on the highest court. This guys a freak. We don't need this kind of mind sitting on the highest court in our land. What the rest of the world is thinking right now.

His judicial decisions, ie, his "kind of mind" are widely respected.
Yea, and that says a lot about their character too.

What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?
Maybe she was raped the last time. Did she say when she was raped? But I agree if you saw others being raped, why would you go back to that party?

We need to hook these mother fuckers up to lie detectors. Anyone object to Kav and Judge being given lie detectors? I mean besides Kav and Judge.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.
These women are not making this stuff up. I believe it as much as you believe Bill Clinton accusers. The democrats did not go out and find 4 people to lie about this guy.

We nominated Gorsucks so please go find another reasonable person to sit on the highest court. This guys a freak. We don't need this kind of mind sitting on the highest court in our land. What the rest of the world is thinking right now.

His judicial decisions, ie, his "kind of mind" are widely respected.
Yea, and that says a lot about their character too.

What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?
How about the 5 times he lied under oath?

Five times Brett Kavanaugh appears to have lied to Congress while under oath

Lots of us have a problem with his reasoning. He says he would not fuck with roe v wade but that's actually a lie. We don't like liars. You don't mind as long as they are your liars.

What legal minds like him? I mean besides any idealogs republicans.

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