Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Maybe she was raped the last time. Did she say when she was raped? But I agree if you saw others being raped, why would you go back to that party?

We need to hook these mother fuckers up to lie detectors. Anyone object to Kav and Judge being given lie detectors? I mean besides Kav and Judge.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.
These women are not making this stuff up. I believe it as much as you believe Bill Clinton accusers. The democrats did not go out and find 4 people to lie about this guy.

We nominated Gorsucks so please go find another reasonable person to sit on the highest court. This guys a freak. We don't need this kind of mind sitting on the highest court in our land. What the rest of the world is thinking right now.

His judicial decisions, ie, his "kind of mind" are widely respected.
Yea, and that says a lot about their character too.

What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?

and more broadly ... how much he has been relying on this idea that he is this person who has a ton of support within the legal community. And so a lot of people have really felt a desire to demonstrate that he does not have the support of Yale Law School."

Kavanaugh 'Does Not Have The Support Of Yale Law School,' Student Says

What every happened to the idea that all lawyers are scumbuckets? Now you are bragging that the legal community likes this snake? BFD.
This mark judge has been so vocal about his background and his experiences at Georgetown Prep in the past. So why won't he come forward now and tell the country what he knows? The people in Congress with subpoena power should use it. Mark talked before. Why not now, when it matters? By his own mouth, he appears to be a free-booze, free sex guy. Not a great reputation. And he has spoken as to being present. So why can't he raise his hand, take the oath, and testify?

He probably could, however what do you suppose might happen to him afterwards? Death threats to him and his family by leftist kooks? Actually suffering an attack? Being harassed out of restaurants as we’ve seen on a couple of occasions already? Why should he put himself and his family through that? To make leftists happy?

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He is today

So sorry for him. He already admitted to being a whore and a pig. Who cares what happens to him. Poor little whiner. Why don't these people stay home and order take-out? Folks are just telling these types to stay in the gutter where they chose to be. He chose to be this way. Other patrons of these restaurants are not being ordered out.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.
These women are not making this stuff up. I believe it as much as you believe Bill Clinton accusers. The democrats did not go out and find 4 people to lie about this guy.

We nominated Gorsucks so please go find another reasonable person to sit on the highest court. This guys a freak. We don't need this kind of mind sitting on the highest court in our land. What the rest of the world is thinking right now.

His judicial decisions, ie, his "kind of mind" are widely respected.
Yea, and that says a lot about their character too.

What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?

and more broadly ... how much he has been relying on this idea that he is this person who has a ton of support within the legal community. And so a lot of people have really felt a desire to demonstrate that he does not have the support of Yale Law School."

Kavanaugh 'Does Not Have The Support Of Yale Law School,' Student Says

What every happened to the idea that all lawyers are scumbuckets? Now you are bragging that the legal community likes this snake? BFD.
And just what does this mean, sillybooboo? That a bunch of liberals from Yale that know nothing about Kav except from what they read in the media are upset at him?
I laugh at you.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.
These women are not making this stuff up. I believe it as much as you believe Bill Clinton accusers. The democrats did not go out and find 4 people to lie about this guy.

We nominated Gorsucks so please go find another reasonable person to sit on the highest court. This guys a freak. We don't need this kind of mind sitting on the highest court in our land. What the rest of the world is thinking right now.

His judicial decisions, ie, his "kind of mind" are widely respected.
Yea, and that says a lot about their character too.

What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?
How about the 5 times he lied under oath?

Five times Brett Kavanaugh appears to have lied to Congress while under oath

Lots of us have a problem with his reasoning. He says he would not fuck with roe v wade but that's actually a lie. We don't like liars. You don't mind as long as they are your liars.

What legal minds like him? I mean besides any idealogs republicans.

You're not addressing the question.
These women are not making this stuff up. I believe it as much as you believe Bill Clinton accusers. The democrats did not go out and find 4 people to lie about this guy.

We nominated Gorsucks so please go find another reasonable person to sit on the highest court. This guys a freak. We don't need this kind of mind sitting on the highest court in our land. What the rest of the world is thinking right now.

His judicial decisions, ie, his "kind of mind" are widely respected.
Yea, and that says a lot about their character too.

What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?
How about the 5 times he lied under oath?

Five times Brett Kavanaugh appears to have lied to Congress while under oath

Lots of us have a problem with his reasoning. He says he would not fuck with roe v wade but that's actually a lie. We don't like liars. You don't mind as long as they are your liars.

What legal minds like him? I mean besides any idealogs republicans.

You're not addressing the question.

Every liberal or moderate has a problem with his reasoning and his ability to hear legal arguments and not apply his right wing ideology to his decisions. Basically he will legislate from the bench. You guys think your conservative lawyers don't do this but they do. They're just the opposite side of the coin to our guys.
His judicial decisions, ie, his "kind of mind" are widely respected.
Yea, and that says a lot about their character too.

What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?
How about the 5 times he lied under oath?

Five times Brett Kavanaugh appears to have lied to Congress while under oath

Lots of us have a problem with his reasoning. He says he would not fuck with roe v wade but that's actually a lie. We don't like liars. You don't mind as long as they are your liars.

What legal minds like him? I mean besides any idealogs republicans.

You're not addressing the question.

Every liberal or moderate has a problem with his reasoning and his ability to hear legal arguments and not apply his right wing ideology to his decisions. Basically he will legislate from the bench. You guys think your conservative lawyers don't do this but they do. They're just the opposite side of the coin to our guys.

Maybe they have an ideological problem with his rulings, but I've not heard any of them claim he would be an incompetent justice. He got a unanimous "well qualified" rating from the ABA, and NONE of the current kerfuffle around him is related at all to his judicial temperament. What more do you need to know he's well qualified?
His judicial decisions, ie, his "kind of mind" are widely respected.
Yea, and that says a lot about their character too.

What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?
How about the 5 times he lied under oath?

Five times Brett Kavanaugh appears to have lied to Congress while under oath

Lots of us have a problem with his reasoning. He says he would not fuck with roe v wade but that's actually a lie. We don't like liars. You don't mind as long as they are your liars.

What legal minds like him? I mean besides any idealogs republicans.

You're not addressing the question.

Every liberal or moderate has a problem with his reasoning and his ability to hear legal arguments and not apply his right wing ideology to his decisions. Basically he will legislate from the bench. You guys think your conservative lawyers don't do this but they do. They're just the opposite side of the coin to our guys.

I remember slogging my way through the transcript of the oral argument in the Whole Women's Health case out of Texas. The Catholic la-la boys on the bench never asked one single question of the Texas solicitor general about the substance of the law he was defending, even though his case was destroyed in amicus briefs filed by the American Medical Association, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and other medical groups of national stature. He even suggested that female Texans should go to New Mexico to have an abortion, even though he was arguing to the court that the provisions of the law that he was defending supposedly were designed to protect the safety of the women of Texas.
Yea, and that says a lot about their character too.

What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?
How about the 5 times he lied under oath?

Five times Brett Kavanaugh appears to have lied to Congress while under oath

Lots of us have a problem with his reasoning. He says he would not fuck with roe v wade but that's actually a lie. We don't like liars. You don't mind as long as they are your liars.

What legal minds like him? I mean besides any idealogs republicans.

You're not addressing the question.

Every liberal or moderate has a problem with his reasoning and his ability to hear legal arguments and not apply his right wing ideology to his decisions. Basically he will legislate from the bench. You guys think your conservative lawyers don't do this but they do. They're just the opposite side of the coin to our guys.

Maybe they have an ideological problem with his rulings, but I've not heard any of them claim he would be an incompetent justice. He got a unanimous "well qualified" rating from the ABA, and NONE of the current kerfuffle around him is related at all to his judicial temperament. What more do you need to know he's well qualified?
Name the last pick that wasn't well qualified. I mean besides the ones Bush tried to appoint. Didn't he try to appoint Condi Rice?

Or it was this lady Bush tried to appoint and everyone laughed

Bush nominated White House Counsel Harriet Miers

However, Miers withdrew her nomination on October 27 after facing significant opposition.

OMG I'm reading up on Bush and he wanted to nominate Alberto Gonzales. A total incompetent.

Gonzales had also presided over the firings of several U.S. Attorneys who had refused back-channel White House directives to prosecute political enemies, allegedly causing the office of Attorney General to become improperly politicized.[2]Following calls for his removal, Gonzales resigned from the office "in the best interests of the department," on August 27, 2007, effective September 17, 2007.[3][4]

There was immediate and intense opposition to Miers' nomination, primarily from conservative Republicans. Principal complaints included:

  • That her credentials under objective standards were not sufficient to qualify her for the position.
  • That her nomination was the result of political cronyism. Because her legal career did not compare to those of other possible conservative female candidates (like federal appellate judges Edith Jones, Karen J. Williams, Priscilla Owen, and Janice Rogers Brown), many thought that President Bush probably nominated Miers for her personal loyalty to him rather than for her qualifications.
  • That there was no written record to demonstrate that she was either a strict constructionist or originalist in her approach to constitutional interpretation. Some conservatives feared that she would support abortion rights, affirmative action and gay rights if ever confirmed to a seat on the Supreme Court.
On the morning of Thursday, October 27, 2005, President Bush "reluctantly" accepted Miers's request to withdraw her nomination.
This is getting boring. Kav is afraid of an FBI investigation. Thats the biggest thing I am getting from this sham of a hearing.
This is getting boring. Kav is afraid of an FBI investigation. Thats the biggest thing I am getting from this sham of a hearing.

This is getting boring. Kav is afraid of an FBI investigation.

How does the FBI investigate this claim?
No address.
No date.
No witnesses.
THE FBI has been soooo corrupt! Who the heck EXCEPT DIMS want an ongoing with no end circus of an FBI investigations!
What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?

That could be said about 100 other candidates for this position.

Why are we considering this drunken belligerent frat boy?
His judicial decisions, ie, his "kind of mind" are widely respected.
Yea, and that says a lot about their character too.

What legal minds have problems with his knowledge of the law, his reasoning abilities, and his ability to hear legal arguments and compare them to the law?
How about the 5 times he lied under oath?

Five times Brett Kavanaugh appears to have lied to Congress while under oath

Lots of us have a problem with his reasoning. He says he would not fuck with roe v wade but that's actually a lie. We don't like liars. You don't mind as long as they are your liars.

What legal minds like him? I mean besides any idealogs republicans.

You're not addressing the question.

Every liberal or moderate has a problem with his reasoning and his ability to hear legal arguments and not apply his right wing ideology to his decisions. Basically he will legislate from the bench. You guys think your conservative lawyers don't do this but they do. They're just the opposite side of the coin to our guys.

Your guys have a history of legislating from the bench, it's just you're afraid somebody on the right may do it right back to you.
This mark judge has been so vocal about his background and his experiences at Georgetown Prep in the past. So why won't he come forward now and tell the country what he knows? The people in Congress with subpoena power should use it. Mark talked before. Why not now, when it matters? By his own mouth, he appears to be a free-booze, free sex guy. Not a great reputation. And he has spoken as to being present. So why can't he raise his hand, take the oath, and testify?

He probably could, however what do you suppose might happen to him afterwards? Death threats to him and his family by leftist kooks? Actually suffering an attack? Being harassed out of restaurants as we’ve seen on a couple of occasions already? Why should he put himself and his family through that? To make leftists happy?

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He is today

So sorry for him. He already admitted to being a whore and a pig. Who cares what happens to him. Poor little whiner. Why don't these people stay home and order take-out? Folks are just telling these types to stay in the gutter where they chose to be. He chose to be this way. Other patrons of these restaurants are not being ordered out.

If that isn't a leftist Nazi reply, I don't know what is.

Tell him to stay home if he doesn't want us threatening his life and bothering him at restaurants. After all, we liberals own this country, and you need our permission if you want to leave your very own home.

It's time to divide this country right down the middle: liberals on one side and conservatives on the other. My life could never get better than to never put up with a liberal again.
Your guys have a history of legislating from the bench, it's just you're afraid somebody on the right may do it right back to you.
Damn this is so painfully stupid and ass backwards. Republicans freely admit they appoint and prefer activist judges. It's literally a point of pride for your masters. How can you say this nonsense with a straight face? Oh, that's right, you believe any steaming pile that anyone pinches off.
Maybe she was raped the last time. Did she say when she was raped? But I agree if you saw others being raped, why would you go back to that party?

We need to hook these mother fuckers up to lie detectors. Anyone object to Kav and Judge being given lie detectors? I mean besides Kav and Judge.
There is a reason that lie detectors are inadmissible.

They are like trying to read tea leaves and prove nothing at all.

A two question polygraph and one question is 'Are you lying'? Stupid.
She testified that the procedure took a long time and she had to reiterate her life.

It makes me question if the report is being read correctly here.

Ford's Lawyers Just Released Her Polygraph Report. The Internet Has Questions.

I'm noticing all of the sudden Republicans aren't so quick to call these women liars. It turns out Kav was a wild frat boy who liked to attack women and shove his privates in their faces.

To be honest, that could have been me in college. I would never hold a woman down and cover her mouth but pearl harbor her with my dick? Sure why not. That's some funny shit.

And I wonder if back then they ever joked or wondered if this stuff they did would ever come back to haunt them or stop them from being POTUS or sitting on the SCOTUS. I remember doing wild things and thinking, "boy, I can never be president now". Well little did he know one day a reality tv star and fake billionaire would become POTUS and nominate him to the SCOTUS.

That's because anytime anybody says something negative about a Republican, it's Gospel to you.

Evidence? We don't need no stinking evidence.

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