Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify


Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Former Classmates Support Brett Kavanaugh Accuser in Letter

Thank you, Julia.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
They mentioned it alright... they LIED ABOUT IT stating all the women have recanted.... Fucking left wing bigots! All 65 are solidly behind him....
2 HUNDRED women from Fords high school SUPPORT HER

Yeah...saw it reported that it was 200 girls who had been students all the way from the early 80's to 2018. So how many of them actually knew her personally?

You do realize there's a difference?

and this pos going to an all boys catholic school knew 65 girls?? lol lol

Oh, Ed...I didn't even go to an all boys school and yet I know that all boys schools typically have socials with all girls schools. It's kind of the way things work.
But knew 65 which I hear is down to 2
They mentioned it alright... they LIED ABOUT IT stating all the women have recanted.... Fucking left wing bigots! All 65 are solidly behind him....
2 HUNDRED women from Fords high school SUPPORT HER

Yeah...saw it reported that it was 200 girls who had been students all the way from the early 80's to 2018. So how many of them actually knew her personally?

You do realize there's a difference?

and this pos going to an all boys catholic school knew 65 girls?? lol lol

Oh, Ed...I didn't even go to an all boys school and yet I know that all boys schools typically have socials with all girls schools. It's kind of the way things work.
But knew 65 which I hear is down to 2

My point Ed is that having 200 women who don't know Ford "support" her really doesn't mean squat. Having 65 women who DO know Kavanaugh support him means something.
Read the Holton-Arms letter below.

Open Letter from Holton-Arms Alumnae in Support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

We are alumnae of Holton-Arms School, and we are writing in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a fellow Holton graduate.
We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story. It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation's highest court.

Dr. Blasey Ford's experience is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.

Holton’s motto teaches students to “find a way or make one.” We dream of making a world where women are free from harassment, assault and sexual violence. We hold deep gratitude to Dr. Blasey Ford for bravely stepping forward and bringing us closer to that world we all seek.


Holton Alumae in Support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
A group of 200+ alumnae from the classes of 1967-2018
2 HUNDRED women from Fords high school SUPPORT HER

Yeah...saw it reported that it was 200 girls who had been students all the way from the early 80's to 2018. So how many of them actually knew her personally?

You do realize there's a difference?

and this pos going to an all boys catholic school knew 65 girls?? lol lol

Oh, Ed...I didn't even go to an all boys school and yet I know that all boys schools typically have socials with all girls schools. It's kind of the way things work.
But knew 65 which I hear is down to 2

My point Ed is that having 200 women who don't know Ford "support" her really doesn't mean squat. Having 65 women who DO know Kavanaugh support him means something.

Gee, Ed...why WOULD we be skeptical of Democrats these days? It's not like you used political dirty tricks in the last election! Oh, wait...that's did! Well, at least the main stream media isn't biased! Oh, wait...that's right...they are!

Quite frankly...I'm growing tired of the same old game being played by the same old players.
Old what you call bias couldn't just be the media with the support of business people see the hurt Trump is putting on America? And they're calling it like they see it ?? As for Trump I know you know what Perhaps you protest too much means and with all those ready to testify Trumps pants need changing

What I call bias that's so blatant it's farce when you on the left try to pretend it doesn't exist, Ed! What "hurt" is Trump putting on America that you think business people would be up in arms about? Generally speaking business leaders are happy with what Trump has been doing. Would you care to point out the business leaders who aren't?
OLD pick a winner
US business leaders warn on impact of Trump tariffs | Financial Times
Subscribe to read | Financial Times
Jun 17, 2018 - Donald Trump's new tariffs on $50bn of Chinese imports have run into stiff opposition from US business leaders, a change in mood for ...

Business leaders need to speak up against Trump trade policy ...
Subscribe to read | Financial Times
Aug 22, 2018 - Business leaders need to speak up against Trump trade policy ... The full fallout from Mr Trump's tariff threats has yet to show up in most ...
Donald Trump encounters opposition to tariffs from business leaders ...
Jul 5, 2018 - America's leading business lobbies, which represent every sector of our ... have declared all out war against President Trump's trade tariffs.
Trump refuses to discuss US-China strategy at private business dinner
Aug 8, 2018 - President Donald Trump declined to discuss his strategy for dealing with ... (3rd L), during a dinner with business leaders in Bedminster, New Jersey, on ... China has responded by announcing its own set of retaliatory tariffs.

I know that there was unrest about what tariffs might mean, Ed...there was unease about the EU tariffs. Yet as time passed and the tariffs resulted not in a trade war but in concessions...more and more business leaders have accepted the notion that perhaps Trump is better at this trade policy stuff than most of the Presidents before him. Just saying...
What concessions with Canada with China ? His tariffs might put us into another repub recession Will you support trump then?

They might put us into another recession? They might not. The same claims were made about the EU tariffs, Ed. Did that put us into a trade war with Europe? Or did they win us concessions from the EU?
2 HUNDRED women from Fords high school SUPPORT HER

Yeah...saw it reported that it was 200 girls who had been students all the way from the early 80's to 2018. So how many of them actually knew her personally?

You do realize there's a difference?

and this pos going to an all boys catholic school knew 65 girls?? lol lol

Oh, Ed...I didn't even go to an all boys school and yet I know that all boys schools typically have socials with all girls schools. It's kind of the way things work.
But knew 65 which I hear is down to 2

My point Ed is that having 200 women who don't know Ford "support" her really doesn't mean squat. Having 65 women who DO know Kavanaugh support him means something.
And you know those 200 don't know her and the 65 know Kavanaugh?? Read that letter?

Very interesting. So why did three of them appear on Laura Ingram's show tonight? I think three is higher than two, don't you think?

One of the guests stated that they are a tight knit group. They've known each other since school, they meet at gatherings, and of course, FB or Twitter friends, so it comes as no surprise how quickly that list came up.

Now I've never been to this site before: HillReporter. WTF is that anyway?
Kav found 65 Trump-supporting women from his high school class?
AMAZING (no really - it kinda is) !! :lol:

Last edited:
What a pantload this bullshit letter is. It means nothing at all in the grand scheme of things.
Meanwhile in the real world where this bimbo can't remember even the year or the place this happened in, we have more coincidences?

Kavanaugh Accuser’s Brother Worked for Law Firm that Paid Fusion GPS For Work with Russian Lawyer ..

Ralph Blasey III, Christine Ford’s brother was formerly employed at the D.C. offices of Baker & Hostetler LLP. That’s the same firm that made payments over over half a million dollars to Fusion GPS.

Ralph Blasey III left Baker & Hostetler LLP in 2004. Still, its’ just another rather odd twist to the case of the accuser of Brett Kavanaugh. First it was revealed Ford is a far left, Northern California professor. Then last night it was revealed that Brett Kavanugh’s mother, a Maryland district judge in the 1990’s foreclosure case against Christine Ford’s parents.

And now this. Christine Ford’s brother once worked for Baker & Hostetler LLP that paid Fusion GPS $523,651 between March 7, 2016 and Oct. 31, 2016. Even though the payments were made after Blasey III left Baker & Hostetler LLP, one has to wonder (and investigate) his connections with the law firm. He may have had no knowledge at all of the payment. Ralph Blasey might have had ZERO influence with the payment.

Pet the Daily Caller:

Fusion worked for BakerHostetler to investigate Bill Browder, a London-based banker who helped push through the Magnitsky Act, a sanctions law vehemently opposed by the Kremlin.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

I hope Dr. Ford is cross examined about whether she knew how her brothers law firm was complicit in forwarding the fabrication of fraudulent information about President Trumps alleged Russia connections in the Steele dossier.

An excellent way to impugn this liberal fascist’s credibility
before the Senate Judiciary Committee, under oath and on the record.

Perhaps she has a semen stained dress?...ROTFLMFAO!
More than 200 graduates from the same high school as Christine Blasey Ford have written an open letter supporting her.

Isn't it amazing that this woman was so popular that she even KNEW 200 people much less those willing to sign her letter? I guess she really got passed around. And all 200 know her SO WELL, they can vouch for her that she couldn't possibly be making this up days before trying to stop an appointment she is DEEPLY INVESTED in trying to stop? How much you want to bet that all 200 Are Trump haters too?

Wonder what it takes to FIND 200 people who all went to school with and knew one girl 30-40 years ago and REMEMBER HER much less willing to sign a letter, create a letter and get it to court vetted and notarized in just a few days?

The Left must really be APE SHIT SCARED TO DEATH that Kavanaugh will get in. Too bad. This latest circus won't change a thing. The first question I'd ask this skank is how can it be you knew so many people (hundreds of dear friends!) yet told NO ONE A THING that you had been raped and in FEAR OF YOUR LIFE?

Watch the Left get burned again and laugh hard at their spectacle.

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