Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

More than 200 graduates from the same high school as Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who has alleged that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party three decades ago, have written an open letter supporting her.

The letter, written by students from the prestigious Holton-Arms School In Maryland and first reported by HuffPost, comes as a growing number of senators from both sides of the aisle have called on Ford to testify publicly about her claim that Kavanaugh and a friend assaulted her in the early 1980s.

It reads:

We are alumnae of Holton-Arms School, and we are writing in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a fellow Holton graduate.

We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story. It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation’s highest court.

Dr. Blasey Ford’s experience is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.

Holton’s motto teaches students to “find a way or make one.” We dream of making a world where women are free from harassment, assault and sexual violence. We hold deep gratitude to Dr. Blasey Ford for bravely stepping forward and bringing us closer to that world we all seek.​

The letter concludes by saying it has already been signed by “200+” Holton Arms alumnae stretching from 1968 through the present day.

Hundreds of Women From Christine Blasey Ford's High School Sign Letter Supporting Her

More than 200. Dr. Ford seems to have a high level of credibility and support.
That proves absolutely nothing. Did any of the witness them events that the nutburger Ford claims occurred? Meaningless absurd demonstrations like this are why leftwingers are held in such contempt.

Ford has no credibility. None. She's obviously lying, and she's obviously a koo-koo bird.
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Oh for Pete's sake so now it's about the number of friends who support you? :uhh:Democrats have officially turned the judicial process into a joke. No more trial by jury. It's trial by letter and trial by number of friends. :TH_WAY~113:
But kavanaugh like manafort is a very fine man trump says And trump is fos never knew this pos until he knew he'd get roe v wade repealed
There is hope for you if you drop this fetish for fantasies and delusion.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Former Classmates Support Brett Kavanaugh Accuser in Letter

Thank you, Julia.
Classmate? I guarantee you the two never spoke to each other.
Read the Holton-Arms letter below.

Open Letter from Holton-Arms Alumnae in Support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

We are alumnae of Holton-Arms School, and we are writing in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a fellow Holton graduate.
We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story. It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation's highest court.

Dr. Blasey Ford's experience is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.

Holton’s motto teaches students to “find a way or make one.” We dream of making a world where women are free from harassment, assault and sexual violence. We hold deep gratitude to Dr. Blasey Ford for bravely stepping forward and bringing us closer to that world we all seek.


Holton Alumae in Support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
A group of 200+ alumnae from the classes of 1967-2018
This is what passes for evidence among leftwing imbeciles.
More than 200 graduates from the same high school as Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who has alleged that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party three decades ago, have written an open letter supporting her.

The letter, written by students from the prestigious Holton-Arms School In Maryland and first reported by HuffPost, comes as a growing number of senators from both sides of the aisle have called on Ford to testify publicly about her claim that Kavanaugh and a friend assaulted her in the early 1980s.

It reads:

We are alumnae of Holton-Arms School, and we are writing in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a fellow Holton graduate.

We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story. It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation’s highest court.

Dr. Blasey Ford’s experience is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.

Holton’s motto teaches students to “find a way or make one.” We dream of making a world where women are free from harassment, assault and sexual violence. We hold deep gratitude to Dr. Blasey Ford for bravely stepping forward and bringing us closer to that world we all seek.​

The letter concludes by saying it has already been signed by “200+” Holton Arms alumnae stretching from 1968 through the present day.

Hundreds of Women From Christine Blasey Ford's High School Sign Letter Supporting Her

More than 200. Dr. Ford seems to have a high level of credibility and support.

So in short a bunch of Women's Marchers with pink hats are still butthurt that Trump is president.

Got it.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
They mentioned it alright... they LIED ABOUT IT stating all the women have recanted.... Fucking left wing bigots! All 65 are solidly behind him....
2 HUNDRED women from Fords high school SUPPORT HER

Yeah...saw it reported that it was 200 girls who had been students all the way from the early 80's to 2018. So how many of them actually knew her personally?

You do realize there's a difference?

and this pos going to an all boys catholic school knew 65 girls?? lol lol
They're mostly women who worked for him, shit for brains.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
So Kavanaugh did not assault 65 women.

Uh...good for him?

Even better for him. He never assaulted any.
Which you could not possibly know. Your buttlicking is making his mommy blush.

Let's see, we have ONE woman here who is a renown leftist activist, who claims that she was assaulted by Kavanaugh at a party she can't name the host of, can't name the day, year or season, can't give the location of the house or street, and sat on this so-called attack for 36 years.

On the other hand, we have 65 women who claim Kavanaugh is exactly what he appears to be, a good honest law abiding citizen.

Gee, now who should I believe?
Who did you believe when a bunch of women came out in support of franken?

The answer to your question is simple: it doesn't matter who you should believe, you are going to believe whoever brings more political expedience to your rants.

Unfortunately for Franken, there was a picture that clearly showed his bad behavior.
Yeah, so she can't remember the month or year. She told her therapist there were multiple guys and did not indicate that there was any main or primary offender. She never named Kavanaugh when she talked with her therapist about it. The other guy that she now says was in the room denies he was there. She never breathed a word about this incident until over 20 years after it happened, and only then to her therapist during "marriage therapy." She and everyone else were drunk, by her own admission. Oh, yeah, it's a credible story. You bet.
Wow, over 200 women - including Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

I bet Kavanaugh can get 500 people to say the guy is the salt of the Earth if he wants! And those 60 people he already got were all important people, a lot more than Julia! Leave it to the Left to once again try to turn everything into a media circus of meaningless fluff.
Trial by popularity contest? The Democrats act as if the USA is a high school. I would agree the maturity
level of many left leaning individuals is sophomoric, hmm they may be right for Democrats.
More than 200 graduates from the same high school as Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who has alleged that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party three decades ago, have written an open letter supporting her.

The letter, written by students from the prestigious Holton-Arms School In Maryland and first reported by HuffPost, comes as a growing number of senators from both sides of the aisle have called on Ford to testify publicly about her claim that Kavanaugh and a friend assaulted her in the early 1980s.

It reads:

We are alumnae of Holton-Arms School, and we are writing in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a fellow Holton graduate.

We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story. It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation’s highest court.

Dr. Blasey Ford’s experience is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.

Holton’s motto teaches students to “find a way or make one.” We dream of making a world where women are free from harassment, assault and sexual violence. We hold deep gratitude to Dr. Blasey Ford for bravely stepping forward and bringing us closer to that world we all seek.​

The letter concludes by saying it has already been signed by “200+” Holton Arms alumnae stretching from 1968 through the present day.

Hundreds of Women From Christine Blasey Ford's High School Sign Letter Supporting Her

More than 200. Dr. Ford seems to have a high level of credibility and support.
Let Me guess.

Liberal women supporting a woman's right to accuse without proof.

Do they have a club or something? Like, wear pussy hats for solidarity?

Can any of them vouch for her story, or do they just support her because she's a liberal woman who wants to make false accusations to protect the SCOTUS from the big bad Republicans?
65 brainwashed evangelical females defend Kavenaugh......who'd have guessed?

Right, that's why they came out, because they were brainwashed.

Can you tell me who brainwashed these ladies?

It seems if there is any brainwashing going on here, it's the left who are victims. Frankenstein comes out with some letter that can't be verified as to who wrote it, an anonymous source as always, and so full of holes the FBI laughed at it.

Now I want you to tell me when was the last time you seen a door inside a house that locked from the outside only and no way for anybody on the inside to get out. That's right, go through every door in your home and look for one.
Good point. Furthermore, if someone locked me in their house, I would just bust out a window.

From what I read he supposedly locked her in a room. Now what room in your house has a lock from the outside but no way to open the lock from the inside? I never seen a house like that.
I think it was a room in the school he went to. However, the same rule applies.

He went to an all-boys school and she went to an all-girls school nearby. There's nothing to say they ever knew each other before the alleged event.
More than 200 graduates from the same high school as Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who has alleged that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party three decades ago, have written an open letter supporting her.

The letter, written by students from the prestigious Holton-Arms School In Maryland and first reported by HuffPost, comes as a growing number of senators from both sides of the aisle have called on Ford to testify publicly about her claim that Kavanaugh and a friend assaulted her in the early 1980s.

It reads:

We are alumnae of Holton-Arms School, and we are writing in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a fellow Holton graduate.

We believe Dr. Blasey Ford and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story. It demands a thorough and independent investigation before the Senate can reasonably vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to a lifetime seat on the nation’s highest court.

Dr. Blasey Ford’s experience is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.

Holton’s motto teaches students to “find a way or make one.” We dream of making a world where women are free from harassment, assault and sexual violence. We hold deep gratitude to Dr. Blasey Ford for bravely stepping forward and bringing us closer to that world we all seek.​

The letter concludes by saying it has already been signed by “200+” Holton Arms alumnae stretching from 1968 through the present day.

Hundreds of Women From Christine Blasey Ford's High School Sign Letter Supporting Her

More than 200. Dr. Ford seems to have a high level of credibility and support.

Did Kavanaugh try to have sex with those 200 women too?

What a man!

Only in the world of the far right wingnuts is attempted rape “trying to have sex”.

You are fucking pathetic.

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