Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Of course he doesn't want to testify... it is a lose-lose-lose situation for him. He either takes the chance to get busted for perjury, he goes there and just repeats he doesn't remember anything which hurts Kavanaugh, or he tells the truth and hurts Kavanaugh and his position inside Conservative circles.

So he just sent a letter through his lawyer instead.

So you know the truth? Please elucidate. Were you an invisible witness? More likely your biased opinion is showing.
Of course he doesn't want to testify... it is a lose-lose-lose situation for him. He either takes the chance to get busted for perjury, he goes there and just repeats he doesn't remember anything which hurts Kavanaugh, or he tells the truth and hurts Kavanaugh and his position inside Conservative circles.

So he just sent a letter through his lawyer instead.

So you know the truth? Please elucidate. Were you an invisible witness? More likely your biased opinion is showing.

Strawman. You either don't understand, or you're trolling.
Dr. Ford is currently in hiding because of all the vulgar threats. She has left her home and reportedly hired security. Sad...

And she can’t respond to an email? She can’t have her attorney respond to the request to testify?
Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.

If the Senate wants to pay for his testimony like a book deal, maybe he will reconsider dealing with the abuse. Otherwise, he should tell them to pound sand. I wouldn't take time off from work to go there and deal with that drama.

No he won't... because he won't say shit under oath and risk going to jail.
You post like you have all the facts have absolutely nothing....nothing at all except for
speculation which doesn't get convictions.

Also, why did Ford mention Kav's name in 2012 when she saw her shrink? inquiring minds want to know.

I am posting facts. You haven't posted a damn thing and sadly can't use logic, and have shown you don't care to even do any research before spouting off post after post about the situation. Hell you won't even read sources when they are given to you.

I agree! Meister is just blinded by his vision of having Roe v. Wade overturned. He doesn't care if Kavanaugh is Satan. Same with many Evangelicals.

So you hate the idea of eugenics being ended?
Of course he doesn't want to testify... it is a lose-lose-lose situation for him. He either takes the chance to get busted for perjury, he goes there and just repeats he doesn't remember anything which hurts Kavanaugh, or he tells the truth and hurts Kavanaugh and his position inside Conservative circles.

So he just sent a letter through his lawyer instead.

So you know the truth? Please elucidate. Were you an invisible witness? More likely your biased opinion is showing.

Strawman. You either don't understand, or you're trolling.

Lewdog posted and I quote "he goes there and just repeats he doesn't remember anything which hurts Kavanaugh, or he tells the truth and hurts Kavanaugh and his position inside Conservative circles."
What truth are you referring to? The implication is clear.
Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.

Mark Judge, the man who Christine Blasey Ford has said was in the room while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her when they were in high school, has declined to speak before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Democrats had called for him to do so. But in a statement to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Judge claimed he had no memory of the incident and declined to speak publicly about the allegation.

More: Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

It's interesting that Judge has no memory of the incident. Well, Dr. Ford said there were also two more boys downstairs - so why doesn't someone investigate them and their memory of the gathering? Surely all of them aren't deaf and dumb.
Lakhota, there is nothing there and you can't prove otherwise. Wishful thinking will not pull Ford over the finish line....and you know that.
Any partisan hack knows that.

Don't you agree that Kavanaugh's confirmation should be slowed down and be thoroughly investigated?
There is not enough there. There's not going to be enough.
Ford didn't tell anyone. She didn't go to the authorities at the time. She didn't mention Kav to her shrink in 2012.
This has all the marking of a last minute hit job from the democrats using an activist as the bait.
It is nothing more than a game by the democrats.

So, no.

But her husband said she mentioned Kavanaugh to her therapist. Is he lying? Also, don't you think the other two boys who Dr. Ford said were downstairs should be interviewed/investigated?

So why doesnt the shrink recall her husband bringing up Kavanaugh?
Is he or she incompetent?
Not exactly a shining endorsement for the shrink.
Of course he doesn't want to testify... it is a lose-lose-lose situation for him. He either takes the chance to get busted for perjury, he goes there and just repeats he doesn't remember anything which hurts Kavanaugh, or he tells the truth and hurts Kavanaugh and his position inside Conservative circles.

So he just sent a letter through his lawyer instead.

So you know the truth? Please elucidate. Were you an invisible witness? More likely your biased opinion is showing.

Strawman. You either don't understand, or you're trolling.

"he goes there and just repeats he doesn't remember anything which hurts Kavanaugh, or he tells the truth and hurts Kavanaugh and his position inside Conservative circles."
What truth are you referring to? The implication is clear.

Yes it is clear. The issue now isn't whether Kavanaugh actually attempted to sexually assault her, because he denied ever being at the party as all now.
How can he say he was at the party or not when the victim can’t identify what party they were supposedly at?

How can he say he doesn't remember the party if he wasn't old what party it was?
He doesn't remember any party like the one described. He knows that Kavanaugh has never acted as alleged.

Democrats now say what does Judge know. He was probably too drunk to remember.

No one has come forward to say they saw Kavanaugh drunk at any time. Everyone that has come forward has said they never saw Kavanaugh drunk. He most likely has never been drunk. That's why he insists on testifying even if Ford never shows up.

How does he know Kavanaugh never acted like as alleged if he admitted he would get blackout drunk where he couldn't remember nights of drinking? :rolleyes:

Did you just say NO ONE SAID they saw Kavanaugh drunk at anytime? He was treasurer of the school drinking club!
Please give us a link to all those who say they saw Kav drunk.

He was in their school yearbook as a member of the 10 Keg club. Go do some research.

So what.
I was a member of the Paramedics in high school.
Called the paramedics so we could put up signs that wouldnt arose suspicion with local law enforcement or high school authorities.
That and we got so hammered we could possibly need em.

So this big mouth Feinstein can throw shit against the wall with an ambiguous accusation. But doesn't get confronted for colluding with communist China? Wow!
Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.

Mark Judge, the man who Christine Blasey Ford has said was in the room while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her when they were in high school, has declined to speak before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Democrats had called for him to do so. But in a statement to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Judge claimed he had no memory of the incident and declined to speak publicly about the allegation.

More: Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

It's interesting that Judge has no memory of the incident. Well, Dr. Ford said there were also two more boys downstairs - so why doesn't someone investigate them and their memory of the gathering? Surely all of them aren't deaf and dumb.

Funny I have yet to see any claim as to exactly when this party occurred, hell she won't even be able to swear under oath she was still in HS since she can't even say what year it was.
Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.

Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.

Mark Judge, the man who Christine Blasey Ford has said was in the room while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her when they were in high school, has declined to speak before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Democrats had called for him to do so. But in a statement to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Judge claimed he had no memory of the incident and declined to speak publicly about the allegation.

More: Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

It's interesting that Judge has no memory of the incident. Well, Dr. Ford said there were also two more boys downstairs - so why doesn't someone investigate them and their memory of the gathering? Surely all of them aren't deaf and dumb.

Funny I have yet to see any claim as to exactly when this party occurred, hell she won't even be able to swear under oath she was still in HS since she can't even say what year it was.
Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.


when was the last time you got drunk and sexually harassed a female?

You have to be careful asking questions like that. It's not really fair to accuse people on here of crimes like that. I understand what you mean, and that you aren't saying it in the way others have on here... that if a normal person gets drunk and sexually assaults or harasses a woman they remember it.
These are the facts that support the accused over the accuser: She can’t recall details of alleged incident. She has family negatively affected by Kavanaugh’s mother, a judge. She actively donates to the DNC, Democrat politicians and causes. She's been an anti-Trump activist. She claimed there were 2 boys in the room. She told NOBODY until a marriage counseling session in 2012. Counselor's notes said she claimed 4 men were in the room. She claims that was a typo by her counselor. She says was 15 at the time and at a party at someone's house with boys from an all boy school that she could have misidentified. She doesn't recall whose house or even remember the year it occurred, meaning she could be have been any age and it could have been any boy. She claims that she didn't want to go public, yet she sent a copy of the letter that went to Sen. Feinstein to the Washington Post, which also didn't pursue a story based on zero facts. Sen. Feinstein, while claiming this is a horrible crime, decided it wasn't bad enough to warrant asking Kavanaugh during multiple questioning sessions in public or behind closed doors, or even during the thousands of questions that were sent to him; or even inform her Democratic colleagues or the Committee about it. This is going to amount to nothing, and he will get confirmed.
No hearing on Monday per Dr. Ford's lawyer. Must be investigations first.
Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.

Mark Judge, the man who Christine Blasey Ford has said was in the room while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her when they were in high school, has declined to speak before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Democrats had called for him to do so. But in a statement to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Judge claimed he had no memory of the incident and declined to speak publicly about the allegation.

More: Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

It's interesting that Judge has no memory of the incident. Well, Dr. Ford said there were also two more boys downstairs - so why doesn't someone investigate them and their memory of the gathering? Surely all of them aren't deaf and dumb.

Funny I have yet to see any claim as to exactly when this party occurred, hell she won't even be able to swear under oath she was still in HS since she can't even say what year it was.
Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.


when was the last time you got drunk and sexually harassed a female?
Do you realize just how much of an idiot you sound like, rye?

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