Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Dr. Ford said there were a total of FOUR boys at that gathering (two in the bedroom and two downstairs). Are all the boys deaf, dumb, and stupid? This should be thoroughly investigated.

No. She said there were four boys who locked her in the room. Until there wasn’t

And if she knows how many were at the party why can’t she produce the names?
WASHINGTON, Sept 18 (Reuters) - A woman who has accused President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault decades ago has not yet agreed to testify at a U.S. Senate hearing set for next Monday, raising questions about whether the high-stakes public showdown will take place.

Christine Blasey Ford, a university professor in California whose allegations have put Kavanaugh's once-safe nomination in jeopardy, has not responded to attempts by the Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee to contact her about appearing at the hearing, committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said on Tuesday.
Doubts arise over whether Trump court nominee's accuser will testify

Interesting, perhaps she doesn't want to commit perjury under oath to the committee
They've already begun the talking points. I heard something about her being questioned by 11 old white guys being so intimidating or unfair that no one would sit in front of that, or something to that effect.

The misandrists have already begun.
Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.

If the Senate wants to pay for his testimony like a book deal, maybe he will reconsider dealing with the abuse. Otherwise, he should tell them to pound sand. I wouldn't take time off from work to go there and deal with that drama.

No he won't... because he won't say shit under oath and risk going to jail.
You post like you have all the facts have absolutely nothing....nothing at all except for
speculation which doesn't get convictions.

Also, why did Ford mention Kav's name in 2012 when she saw her shrink? inquiring minds want to know.

I am posting facts. You haven't posted a damn thing and sadly can't use logic, and have shown you don't care to even do any research before spouting off post after post about the situation. Hell you won't even read sources when they are given to you.

I agree! Meister is just blinded by his vision of having Roe v. Wade overturned. He doesn't care if Kavanaugh is Satan. Same with many Evangelicals.

So you’ve taken this accusation with zero facts and from it deduced that Kavanaugh is Satan?

Please continue with this line of thinking. We will pick up seats in both houses
Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.

Mark Judge, the man who Christine Blasey Ford has said was in the room while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her when they were in high school, has declined to speak before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Democrats had called for him to do so. But in a statement to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Judge claimed he had no memory of the incident and declined to speak publicly about the allegation.

More: Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

It's interesting that Judge has no memory of the incident. Well, Dr. Ford said there were also two more boys downstairs - so why doesn't someone investigate them and their memory of the gathering? Surely all of them aren't deaf and dumb.
Lakhota, there is nothing there and you can't prove otherwise. Wishful thinking will not pull Ford over the finish line....and you know that.
Any partisan hack knows that.

Don't you agree that Kavanaugh's confirmation should be slowed down and be thoroughly investigated?

It already has been. The vote will be next week if the alleged victim bothers to show up so it can be investigated
WASHINGTON, Sept 18 (Reuters) - A woman who has accused President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault decades ago has not yet agreed to testify at a U.S. Senate hearing set for next Monday, raising questions about whether the high-stakes public showdown will take place.

Christine Blasey Ford, a university professor in California whose allegations have put Kavanaugh's once-safe nomination in jeopardy, has not responded to attempts by the Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee to contact her about appearing at the hearing, committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said on Tuesday.
Doubts arise over whether Trump court nominee's accuser will testify

Interesting, perhaps she doesn't want to commit perjury under oath to the committee
They've already begun the talking points. I heard something about her being questioned by 11 old white guys being so intimidating or unfair that no one would sit in front of tht, or something to that effect.

The misandrists have already begun.
Yup, and just wait for the liberals on this board to carry the water for her.
Makes them look even more foolish than they have already.
I know Lakhota knows, but he is just too partisan to be truthful.
Yes his testimony is evidence. If he can't deny it happened, that doesn't help Kavanaugh one bit. He's written books about how he was a blackout drunk. You should read and watch more news sources...
By the way, just what books were written by him when we just found out about this? Please source it for me. It might be a good read.,

He wrote in books about his activities as a kid and being a drunk.

"But Mark Judge, now a writer and filmmaker, wrote in his memoir two decades ago that he spent some of his high school years “completely annihilated” on alcohol and trying to “hook up” with girls."

Kavanaugh High School Pal Writes In Memoir Of Being Wild Drunk With Girls | HuffPost

Again, and I've said this numerous times over the last week. You guys that argue pages and pages in threads here need to take more time to actually research wtf you are arguing about instead of posting first, then reading later. You'll look less foolish.
That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can he say he was at the party or not when the victim can’t identify what party they were supposedly at?

How can he say he doesn't remember the party if he wasn't old what party it was?
Cause it’s all bull-shit.
Wrong! Because Kavanaugh refused to sue Ford & Mark Judge & others refused to talk. They are avoiding self incrimination & perjury, because Kavanaugh is guilty as hell!!! So instead they have you trolls attacking to cover for him! You mindless Drones will start over a thousand threads & post millions of times for him. LOL!!!
Well kissmy kiss my ass lol.
By the way, just what books were written by him when we just found out about this? Please source it for me. It might be a good read.,

He wrote in books about his activities as a kid and being a drunk.

"But Mark Judge, now a writer and filmmaker, wrote in his memoir two decades ago that he spent some of his high school years “completely annihilated” on alcohol and trying to “hook up” with girls."

Kavanaugh High School Pal Writes In Memoir Of Being Wild Drunk With Girls | HuffPost

Again, and I've said this numerous times over the last week. You guys that argue pages and pages in threads here need to take more time to actually research wtf you are arguing about instead of posting first, then reading later. You'll look less foolish.
That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can he say he was at the party or not when the victim can’t identify what party they were supposedly at?

How can he say he doesn't remember the party if he wasn't old what party it was?
He doesn't remember any party like the one described. He knows that Kavanaugh has never acted as alleged.

Democrats now say what does Judge know. He was probably too drunk to remember.

No one has come forward to say they saw Kavanaugh drunk at any time. Everyone that has come forward has said they never saw Kavanaugh drunk. He most likely has never been drunk. That's why he insists on testifying even if Ford never shows up.
He wrote in books about his activities as a kid and being a drunk.

"But Mark Judge, now a writer and filmmaker, wrote in his memoir two decades ago that he spent some of his high school years “completely annihilated” on alcohol and trying to “hook up” with girls."

Kavanaugh High School Pal Writes In Memoir Of Being Wild Drunk With Girls | HuffPost

Again, and I've said this numerous times over the last week. You guys that argue pages and pages in threads here need to take more time to actually research wtf you are arguing about instead of posting first, then reading later. You'll look less foolish.
That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can he say he was at the party or not when the victim can’t identify what party they were supposedly at?

How can he say he doesn't remember the party if he wasn't old what party it was?
He doesn't remember any party like the one described. He knows that Kavanaugh has never acted as alleged.

Democrats now say what does Judge know. He was probably too drunk to remember.

No one has come forward to say they saw Kavanaugh drunk at any time. Everyone that has come forward has said they never saw Kavanaugh drunk. He most likely has never been drunk. That's why he insists on testifying even if Ford never shows up.

How does he know Kavanaugh never acted like as alleged if he admitted he would get blackout drunk where he couldn't remember nights of drinking? :rolleyes:

Did you just say NO ONE SAID they saw Kavanaugh drunk at anytime? He was treasurer of the school drinking club!
Who the hell would want to go to the dang Swamp and get grilled by a bunch of Political hacks in committee.........then get taunted by the bought off media trying to get dirt on you to increase ratings.......

Kinda like...........I like to hit my head with a hammer because it feels so good when I stop.......

When this is over............the accuser will get rich on the side..................this is a joke.
Dr. Ford is currently in hiding because of all the vulgar threats. She has left her home and reportedly hired security. Sad...
CNN just played a video of Kavanaugh saying the following in 2015: "What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown prep". Interesting...

I saw it, he was telling a joke....strange you left that out you partisan asshole hack.
That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can he say he was at the party or not when the victim can’t identify what party they were supposedly at?

How can he say he doesn't remember the party if he wasn't old what party it was?
He doesn't remember any party like the one described. He knows that Kavanaugh has never acted as alleged.

Democrats now say what does Judge know. He was probably too drunk to remember.

No one has come forward to say they saw Kavanaugh drunk at any time. Everyone that has come forward has said they never saw Kavanaugh drunk. He most likely has never been drunk. That's why he insists on testifying even if Ford never shows up.

How does he know Kavanaugh never acted like as alleged if he admitted he would get blackout drunk where he couldn't remember nights of drinking? :rolleyes:

Did you just say NO ONE SAID they saw Kavanaugh drunk at anytime? He was treasurer of the school drinking club!
Please give us a link to all those who say they saw Kav drunk.
He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can he say he was at the party or not when the victim can’t identify what party they were supposedly at?

How can he say he doesn't remember the party if he wasn't old what party it was?
He doesn't remember any party like the one described. He knows that Kavanaugh has never acted as alleged.

Democrats now say what does Judge know. He was probably too drunk to remember.

No one has come forward to say they saw Kavanaugh drunk at any time. Everyone that has come forward has said they never saw Kavanaugh drunk. He most likely has never been drunk. That's why he insists on testifying even if Ford never shows up.

How does he know Kavanaugh never acted like as alleged if he admitted he would get blackout drunk where he couldn't remember nights of drinking? :rolleyes:

Did you just say NO ONE SAID they saw Kavanaugh drunk at anytime? He was treasurer of the school drinking club!
Please give us a link to all those who say they saw Kav drunk.

He was in their school yearbook as a member of the 10 Keg club. Go do some research.
He wrote in books about his activities as a kid and being a drunk.

"But Mark Judge, now a writer and filmmaker, wrote in his memoir two decades ago that he spent some of his high school years “completely annihilated” on alcohol and trying to “hook up” with girls."

Kavanaugh High School Pal Writes In Memoir Of Being Wild Drunk With Girls | HuffPost

Again, and I've said this numerous times over the last week. You guys that argue pages and pages in threads here need to take more time to actually research wtf you are arguing about instead of posting first, then reading later. You'll look less foolish.
That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can he say he was at the party or not when the victim can’t identify what party they were supposedly at?

How can he say he doesn't remember the party if he wasn't old what party it was?
He doesn't remember any party like the one described. He knows that Kavanaugh has never acted as alleged.

Democrats now say what does Judge know. He was probably too drunk to remember.

No one has come forward to say they saw Kavanaugh drunk at any time. Everyone that has come forward has said they never saw Kavanaugh drunk. He most likely has never been drunk. That's why he insists on testifying even if Ford never shows up.

His ex girlfriend was on hannity earlier and said he would drink occasionally but not to excess
That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can he say he was at the party or not when the victim can’t identify what party they were supposedly at?

How can he say he doesn't remember the party if he wasn't old what party it was?
He doesn't remember any party like the one described. He knows that Kavanaugh has never acted as alleged.

Democrats now say what does Judge know. He was probably too drunk to remember.

No one has come forward to say they saw Kavanaugh drunk at any time. Everyone that has come forward has said they never saw Kavanaugh drunk. He most likely has never been drunk. That's why he insists on testifying even if Ford never shows up.

How does he know Kavanaugh never acted like as alleged if he admitted he would get blackout drunk where he couldn't remember nights of drinking? :rolleyes:

Did you just say NO ONE SAID they saw Kavanaugh drunk at anytime? He was treasurer of the school drinking club!

He said he never saw Kavanaugh act like that. I’m sure Kavanaugh has done a lot of things he never saw. Doesn’t make him guilty of a crime

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